Taking an allergy test today is infinitely easier today than it was fifty years ago. Today all you have to do is to prick your finger with a pin, draw a bit of blood, place it in a specialized container, send it to the lab and wait a week of so for the results.

In years past if you wanted to have an allergy test, you would have to see a doctor, have him prick your skin with various allergens, and then see him again to get the results of the tests a few weeks later.

Things are a lot different today. Today you can literally have yourself tested by picking up one of the allergy home test kits. The prices for such a kit vary greatly, but at this time you can find them on the Internet in the range of $60-$110.

Typical of one of these at home food intolerance kits is one that will screen your reactions to over one hundred foods, including one of the more prevalent foods that causes allergies - gluten. You pick up the kit, test yourself in the privacy of your own home, and get your results back right away.

In fact, some of the newer kits don't even require that blood be drawn. A simple bloodless pin prick is all that is needed for the laboratory to test you against all one hundred plus allergens. When completed, the lab will send you a detailed report telling you which foods you tested positive for and which ones you had no reaction to. A positive test result towards a certain food means that you have an allergy towards that food.

Some of the laboratories, in addition to the detailed test results, will send you a sheet of dietary recommendations customized to your test results. But, even if you don't receive any food recommendations, you can take the test results to any registered dietician and have her set you up with a food elimination diet.

Such a diet will focus on eliminating the foods that you tested positive for from your diet. The hope is that once these foods are eliminated, the underlying allergy problems that you have been experiencing will be eliminated as well.

Once you have your test results back, check with your insurance company to see if they will reimburse you for the kit and the test, because some will. But whether they do or don't reimburse you, if you have been bothered all your life by bloating, skin breakouts, unexplained weight gain, or other food allergies, taking this test could be the best thing that you could do to regain your health.

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A Minnesota study using frozen blood samples taken from Air Force recruits 50 years ago found that gluten disorder, a debilitating digestive condition, is four times more common today than it was in the 1950s. (Gluten is a protein composite found in grass-related grains such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and kamut.)

According to the Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist who led the study, he believed that the rising prevalence of gluten disorder is a result of the rapid changes in our eating habits and food processing over the last half century. Not only are we consuming much more bread, cereal, pasta, and pizza than previous generations, modern wheat is also very different from the wheat our ancestors ate. Due to hybridization or crossbreeding, the proportion of gluten protein in wheat has increased enormously.

Yet, our genetics have changed very little since the days our hunter-gatherer ancestors roamed the planet. Our bodies have not developed the capacity to handle these "foreign" proteins. A modern diet that is heavily grain-based is dramatically different from what our stone-age ancestors used to eat - fresh-picked greens, berries, nuts, seeds, eggs and whatever they could catch or kill. For some of us, eating a diet that deviates from our evolutionary blueprint can lead to dire consequences.

Wheat Allergy, Celiac Disease, And Gluten Intolerance

The three common disorders that arise from gluten are wheat allergy, celiac disease, and gluten intolerance.

Wheat allergy is one of the top eight food allergies in America. The immune system releases histamine (IgE antibody) in response to the wheat that you consume, much like a peanut allergy. One molecule of allergic food can result in anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening type of allergic reaction that develops within seconds or minutes.

Symptoms of wheat allergy may include tightening of the airway, rash, wheezing, lip swelling, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. People suffering from wheat allergy usually can identify it without testing. This is because the reaction occurs every time and shortly after they eat the allergic food.

Celiac disease, or celiac sprue occurs in people whose bodies cannot digest gluten. The undigested protein triggers the body's immune system to attack the tiny, finger-like protrusions called villi, which lines the small intestine. Normally, the villi allow nutrients from food to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. But when the villi are damaged or flattened, a person is less able to absorb nutrients such as iron and calcium, which in turn may eventually lead to anemia, osteoporosis, infertility, and a whole host of other health issues.

Additionally, celiac disease is associated with leaky gut syndrome, also known as permeable intestines. Undigested gluten moves through the damaged intestinal wall into the bloodstream, creating systemic inflammation throughout the body.

Symptoms of celiac disease vary from person to person. They may occur in the digestive system and/or other parts of the body. Common digestive symptoms include abdominal bloating and pain, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stool, and weight loss. Non-digestive symptoms include fatigue, bone or joint pain, arthritis, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, tingling numbness in the hands and feet, seizures, canker sores in mouth, and an itchy skin rash called dermatitis herpetiformis.

Currently, an estimated one out of 133 people suffer from this autoimmune disease. The number may be as high as one out of 33 in at-risk populations. You are more likely to have the disease if you have any of the following:

  • a close relative with celiac disease

  • European descent

  • unexplained iron deficiency anemia

  • premature osteoporosis and osteopenia

  • unexplained reproductive disorders

  • irritable bowel syndrome

  • lupus

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • autoimmune thyroid diseases (Hashimoto's, Grave's)

  • microscopic colitis

  • liver disease

  • Down Syndrome

The onset of celiac disease can occur at any time in a person's life. Diagnosis of celiac disease includes antibody blood tests (IgA and IgG antibodies) for gluten and wheat, small intestinal biopsy (performed endoscopically), and genetic testing of the HLA DQ2/DQ8 genes.

Gluten intolerance, also called non-celiac gluten sensitivity, is very similar to celiac disease except that it is not immune-related. There is no clinical diagnostic test for gluten intolerance; however, if you go on a gluten-free diet and your symptoms disappear, you are likely to have gluten intolerance.

Going Gluten-Free

The only treatment for celiac disease and gluten intolerance is to abstain from any foods that contain gluten.

Grains to avoid:

  • barley

  • couscous

  • farro

  • kamut

  • malt

  • oats (unless labeled gluten-free)

  • rye

  • semolina

  • spelt

  • teff

  • triticale

  • wheat

Hidden sources of gluten:

  • candies

  • canned tuna fish

  • cereals

  • caramel coloring

  • cold cuts

  • coloring

  • corn starch (may contain anti-caking ingredient)

  • emulsifiers

  • flavorings

  • hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP)

  • hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)

  • ketchup (vinegar may contain gluten)

  • malt and barley malt

  • maple syrup (unless labeled 100% pure)

  • medications

  • modified food starch

  • preservatives

  • rice syrup (unless labeled gluten-free)

  • sauce mixes

  • soy sauce

  • soups, ready-made

  • spices (may contain anti-caking ingredient)

  • starches

  • texturized vegetable protein (TVP)

  • vegetable gum

  • vinegar

Gluten-free grains, seeds, and flours:

  • amaranth

  • almond flour

  • buckwheat

  • coconut flour

  • corn (only eat non-genetically modified corn)

  • flax

  • millet

  • quinoa

  • rice

  • sorghum

  • soy (not recommended as a health food)

Additional Tips

  • Be patient. When you start out on a gluten-free diet, you may begin to feel better almost immediately. But for some people, it may take up to a month or two before the inflammation subsides. After all, it needs almost 9-12 months for the lining of your small intestine to heal.

  • Probiotics. One way to expedite the healing process is to incorporate the use of probiotics, which are the beneficial bacteria that reside in your gut. Many people with leaky gut have a bacterial imbalance - too much of the "unfriendly" bacteria and too little of the "friendly" bacteria. Probiotics have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory potential and help alleviate the severity of celiac disease. Natural probiotics include fermented vegetables such as kimchee and sauerkraut, unsweetened kefir (fermented milk) and yogurt, and natto (fermented soybeans, a traditional Japanese food). Another option is to take a high quality probiotic supplement with your meal.

  • L-glutamine. This amino acid is found in abundance in the entire gastrointestinal tract. It plays a key role in the metabolism, structure and functioning of the gut and its extensive immune system. Supplementation of L-glutamine will help promote intestinal healing.

  • Digestive enzymes help to break down food into their smallest molecules and enhance absorption of nutrients, which is a major problem for people with celiac disease.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids help to promote intestinal healing, support the immune system, and reduce inflammation. Good sources of omega-3 are found in cold water fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, and herrings. Another alternative is to take a high quality omega-3 supplement derived from mercury-free fish.

  • Last but not least, when you go gluten-free, make sure you are not swapping whole grains for refined, processed foods. One study of people with celiac disease who followed a gluten-free diet found that over 80% gained weight after two years. Just because a food is gluten-free doesn't automatically make it healthy or promote weight loss. Instead, substitute your gluten grains with lots of vegetables and avoid gluten-free foods that are refined, processed, or loaded with sugar.

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Many people today are going on gluten free diets. You can find extensive gluten free sections in Kroger, HEB, and Whole Foods. Gluten has been in the national spot light receiving recognition on Discovery Health, CNN's Larry King, Oprah, David Letterman, The View, Good Housekeeping Magazine and more. There is even a "dummies book" available for those with gluten sensitivity.1

So What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in the following grains: wheat, barley, rye, and oats. It is also found in processed foods derived from wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Breads, cereals, and pastas are rich in gluten. Other foods and/or food additives can be derived from gluten containing grains. Examples include soy sauce, gravies, soups, whiskey, and modified food starch. Traditional medical thought is that the protein gluten interacts with some people's immune systems causing an autoimmune reaction which damages the intestine. However, newer research is identifying that the protein gluten is only part of the problem. Some scientists argue that many grains (including corn) can create similar reactions.

So what is gluten sensitivity?

It depends on who you ask. Many people use the term gluten sensitivity interchangeably with celiac disease (an autoimmune intestinal disorder). Some call gluten sensitivity a food allergy or intolerance. Both are correct to some degree. Gluten sensitivity causes celiac disease, but not all people with gluten sensitivity develop celiac disease. This is where the problem in traditional diagnosis can occur. The only way to confirm whether or not a person has celiac disease is to perform an intestinal biopsy. If the results reveal villous atrophy (flattening of the intestinal folds) then celiac disease is diagnosed. If the results are negative, then both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity may be dismissed. Newer research is finding that gluten sensitivity can exist independently without causing celiac disease. There are more than 180 different disease conditions, syndromes, and symptoms that have been linked to gluten sensitivity in the medical literature.2,3 Some common conditions include thyroid disorders, seizure disorders, vertigo, osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and PCOS. There have been two proposed names in the medical literature for this classification of gluten sensitivity. 1. Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerance4 and 2. Gluten Syndrome.5

Diagnosing Gluten Sensitivity & Celiac Disease

The proper tools must be used to accurately diagnose gluten sensitivity. Relying solely on a biopsy can delay a diagnosis for several years. I have personally seen cases of celiac disease where up to 8 biopsies were performed before a diagnosis was made. Blood antibody tests provide a better degree of accuracy but still have a great degree of false negatives. Genetic testing offers the greatest degree of accuracy and when combined with a patient's history and examination a diagnosis can be made early and accurately. However, the greatest tool is patient improvement. If a person starts to feel better on a gluten free diet it doesn't matter what blood tests or biopsies reveal. The proverbial proof is in the pudding.

Once Again, Common Sense Applies -

Several years ago, many Americans played an unknowing role in the social experiment known as the Atkin's diet. This diet, largely devoid of grain provided many with better health through weight loss and reduction of many generalized symptoms of poor health. However, there were also those whose health did poorly on the Atkin's diet. People are different and unique. Renowned Nobel Prize winning scientist, Roger Williams, wrote a book called Biochemical Individuality examining these individual differences. Bottom line: one diet is not right for everyone. Because going on a gluten free takes a great deal of education and commitment, it is recommended that proper testing be performed to identify whether the diet is right for you. Remember going gluten free is not a trendy diet; it is a permanent lifestyle that should be taken very seriously as even small amounts of gluten exposure can cause problems. This month I will leave you with a final thought on gluten and grains. When farmers want their cows and pigs to gain weight before going to market, they feed them more grain. In the past 100 years, grain consumption has dramatically increased, paralleling a rise in the incidence of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Despite the above facts many doctors and dieticians continue to blindly prescribe "heart healthy" diets high in grain.

Want to learn more? www.TownCenterWellness.com


1. Korn, Danna. Living Gluten-Free... Wiley Publishing 2006.
2. Libonati, Cleo J. Recognizing Celiac Disease. GFW Publishing Jan 2007.
3. towncenterwellness.com:80/webwellness_newsletter.html
4. gluten.net/about.htm
5. Ford, Rodney. The Gluten Syndrome. RRS Global Ltd publishing. Sept 2007.

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Celiac Symptoms and different glutens

Just because you have been diagnosed with celiac disease, does this mean ALL glutens are banned from your diet? Gluten is the name given to the protein in oats, barley, rye and wheat that affects people exhibiting celiac symptoms. The name Gluten actually represents several types of proteins -

• Avenin in oats

• Secalin in rye

• Hordein in barley

• Gliadin in wheat

Most people exhibiting celiac symptoms are allergic to wheat gluten. Few are allergic to all four proteins. The current tests for gluten can measure gliadin, hordein and secalin but not avenin in oats as it is a slightly different protein.

Unfortunately 20% of celiac sufferers react to pure uncontaminated oats, i.e. they exhibit the usual celiac symptoms after eating any food containing oats. The good news is that the other 80% of us don't. What this means is, we can have our morning porridge without having to resort to eating expensive rice porridge. Apart from the expense of rice porridge, oats based porridge has another very important benefit to our diet if we find we are not allergic to the avenin.

Fibre is required in our diet

Fibre originates from plant based foods. It helps our digestive system to process food, and helps control the release of sugar into the bloodstream, which in turn can help control appetite. There are two types of fibre -

• Insoluble fibre helps move food through your digestive system.

• Soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol re-absorption and helps control the release of sugar into the bloodstream.

Oats are high in fibre

Oats contain high amounts of fibre, both soluble and insoluble. Rolled oats have 9.2% fibre. A food with 6% fibre is regarded as a high fibre source therefore rolled oats is a high fibre food. One 45g serving of porridge will provide you with 17% (female) or 14% (male) of the fibre requirements needed by an average adult each day.

When gluten free oats are sold, what should be stated is that they are free from wheat, barley and rye proteins and that there is no measurable contamination. Avenin is an essential part of oats (as is gliadin in wheat), therefore oats will never be gluten free even if they are described or sold as such. Since we know that damage can occur in the absence of celiac symptoms, our advice is that oats should not be consumed without a biopsy prior to and during consumption.

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If you are allergic to cosmetics then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. Even with all of the testing that cosmetics must go through prior to being made available to the general public, there are still a great many women who suffer from cosmetic allergies due to certain ingredients contained in these products. Unfortunately, most women do not realize that they are having any allergic reaction until it is too late. Rather than chalking it all up to the price one must pay for beauty, we have put together a list of ways that you can learn to recognize the signs of cosmetic allergies before it's too late.

The first way to recognize whether you may be suffering from cosmetic allergies, is to pay close attention to any dermatological changes your skin may undergo. This is especially true if you experience sudden itchy, flaky, or severe dry skin. Many women experience no other signs of their cosmetic allergies other than dry patches of skin. But, left untreated, these dry patches can eventually become much more severe. More severe cosmetic allergies can present themselves in the form of hives and peeling skin. This rash can spread over the entire face and neck if not treated immediately, and can lead to such severe consequences as skin cancer if left to go unchecked.

Typically, cosmetic allergies can be treated with an ointment containing steroids, such as hydrocortisone cream. More serious allergic reactions may require skin peels, shots, or other equally invasive treatments, but can usually be cleared up within a few weeks. It is important that you discontinue using any product that has caused your cosmetic allergies, but be sure to save the package so that your doctor can look at the ingredients. This is especially important, as cosmetic allergies can be caused by a great many different ingredients. Your doctor will need to know exactly what he or she is up against, so as to narrow down the best method of treatment.

In order to prevent cosmetic allergies from occurring in the first place, it is important that you only purchase products that are specifically labeled as being hypoallergenic. These products have been specially formulated without any of the ingredients that normally associated with allergic reactions. If you have particularly sensitive skin, though, even these may cause an allergic reaction. If that is the case, you may be better off staying away from cosmetic products altogether.

Cosmetic allergies can be quite irritating for women who want to look their best, but they are treatable, and can be avoided if you take care. Always discontinue the uses of cosmetics at the first sign of an allergy reaction. Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with allergies due to cosmetics such as vitamin E, folic acid, olbas oil and tea tree oil.

Vitamin E accelerates healing from rashes and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Folic Acid is a member of the B-complex family. Folic Acid participates in coenzyme reaction that is needed for cell growth and new cell formation.

Olbas is used to increase the circulation in skin by opening up the skin pores. Olbas oil has been used for its healing properties in cultures around the world for centuries.

Tea Tree Oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties and helps sooth and treat problem skin. It is used to help tighten pores and firm skin for a more youthful, healthy appearance.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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There are some people who may love to eat or do something but find themselves experiencing negative reactions with it. Most of the time, they will think that they're just under the weather but the truth is they are allergic to something and are not even aware of it. The good news is there are lots of cat allergy testing centers that will help them get know if they have this problem with cats. Here are some of the things you must know about these testing centers and the main procedure.

When to get tested?

One of the things you'll ask about cat allergy testing is when to get tested for this type of allergy? The thing you must watch out for is your reaction to cat dander or presence of a cat right in your home. Their presence would also mean that they leave dander which generally causes allergic reactions. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and even headaches at times. It's best to get tested if you think you have a cat allergy to know the next best procedure to do.

Why should you be tested for it?

Primarily, this is a way for you to know if you really have allergic reactions to cats. There are instances when people may experience these symptoms and relate it to other causes. This test is a way to rule out the main cause of your allergy symptoms.

What happens after testing?

An allergist can give you the right medications after finding out whether you really have this problem. They will prescribe the best medication that can treat cat allergy symptoms and even give you tips on what to do in avoiding its attacks even if you have pets at home. Remember that medications may have differences in terms of dosages and effectiveness so you need the help of an allergist to find this out.

How much do they cost?

Typically, these testing procedures would cost more than what you expect since they will focus on ruling out your allergens to get proper treatments. They have the best facilities that will help in giving accurate test results. But of course, you can find various service providers to find the price suitable for your budget.

So upon feeling these mild symptoms, you can get cat allergy testing in order to find out if you have this problem and deal with it accordingly using the right treatment and prevention methods.

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When the immune system in our body finds or realizes anything as foreign to the body, it immediately releases antibodies like histamines to fight against the foreign substance. This causes inflammation which is called allergy in our body.

There are many natural remedies for allergies available. Although natural remedies are easily available without prescription, it is better to consult a doctor before to take up any medicine as a remedy for allergies.

When a person is taking natural remedies or any other medicines for allergies, it is better to concentrate on the environment in which they live. Avoid moist environments. Moist environments aid the growth of molds that are one of the causes of allergies. Cleanliness of the beds and the carpet plays an important role in treating allergies. Food restrictions also help in treating the allergies well. Certain types of foods should be avoided and certain foods can be taken. A proper nutritional supplement to aid the treatment is also recommended.

Foods like wheat and chocolates cause allergy symptoms like headaches which can also be migraine in nature. Hay fever, hives, childhood allergies, asthma, and eczema are also caused by such foods. Garlic and Onion can be taken daily to treat allergies. It is found that these herbs contain Quercitin which is effective in curing allergies. This is found to reduce the production of histamine that causes allergies in us. Green tea extract which is rich in phytonutrients is used to ward off cellular attacks. It is an excellent anti bacterial and is used to cut down the cholesterol level and to regulate the blood sugar.

Bromelain is used to assist in digestion of vegetable protein. Papain contains an enzyme that breaks down protein is effective in curing allergies. The acidic stage of the allergic reactions can be controlled effectively with Magnesium (Citrate). This is also used in treating asthma which has strong bonding with allergies. Calcium (Citrate) which balances the acid and the alkaline levels in our body is good in curing allergies. Calcium also reduces the production of histamine in our body.

Air filters and dehumidifiers can be used to prevent mold that is present in the humid environments. It is known that onions, garlic, and citrus fruits contain natural antihistamines. Having these would help you prevent and cure allergies. Natural nasal rinses are also available for treating allergies. Allergy can be controlled with the help for a proper diet. You have to note down the food items that are taken by you. Avoiding certain foods and taking some foods would help you in controlling the allergies.

Certain food supplements would also help in treating allergies positively. Natural antihistamines are taken to control allergy. You should know that the histamine released by our immune system is responsible for the allergic reaction. It is also better to know what leads to allergies. It is found that in babies the eating habits during the first year play an important role in a baby's sensitivity to allergy. Lack of breast feeding and feeding babies with solid food too early may lead to such conditions.

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For men with an itchy, red, uncomfortable penis rash, relief can't come quickly enough. The bumps are unsightly, and the niggling itch doesn't seem to abate no matter how much a guy might scratch. Unfortunately, rashes in intimate areas can spring from many sources, and each different rash type may require a slightly different approach to penis care.

A doctor is best qualified to determine the source of the discomfort and provide appropriate relief, but in the interim, learning more about what tends to cause skin eruptions might help. Armed with this knowledge, a man will be in a good position to help his doctor combat the rash and restore the skin to good health.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Of all penis rash causes, STDs are probably the most frightening to contemplate, and men with outbreaks of red bumps often scour their memory banks, trying to remember if they've had sex with an infected partner in the recent past. Condoms can provide protection from some STDs, but some areas of the skin are still exposed even with protection, allowing infectious agents to slip through.

A quick swab at the doctor's office could help to diagnose an STD, and appropriate treatments could keep future breakouts under control. Some types of STDs can be successfully treated with antibiotics or other medical therapies, while other infections remain in the body for decades, and they could be passed on to future partners. That's why a proper diagnosis is so important. By learning the source of the rash, a guy could keep future mates from contracting a contagious disease.


STDs often top the list of concerns for guys with rashes, but there are several other sources for penis problems, and not all of them carry such severe consequences. For example, men who handle their equipment with a firm, tight and dry grip during intimate moments could abrade their delicate skin cells and erupt in a rash in the hours that follow. Even sex could lead to a rash, if the receptive partner isn't providing adequate lubrication. Rashes like this can sometimes look like those caused by STDs, so it's always important to see a doctor, but friction abrasions do tend to heal with time and TLC.


Landry detergents, perfumed soaps and slick body lotions can contain hundreds of ingredients, and even a small amount of a skin allergen could invade the delicate tissue of the penis and cause a ring of rashes to form. Intense itching might follow, and the welts might spread to other parts of the body. Identifying the allergen is vital, as outbreaks like this tend to grow more severe in time, so men will need to avoid the items that cause the welts to rise. Allergy testing can solve the mystery, but in the interim, sticking to products that have none of the following ingredients might be helpful:

  • Dyes

  • Anti-bacterial agents

  • Perfumes

  • Deodorants

  • Lye

Inadequate Care

An unclean penis that is contaminated with bacteria and dead skin cells could quickly become an infected penis that swells, itches and feels terrible. Antibiotic creams can be vital here, allowing the inflammation to fade and the skin to resume its normal work. In the case of an infection, a doctor's care is generally necessary.

Cleaning with a mild soap and rinsing thoroughly is an excellent method to keep the skin of the penis from rebelling and erupting. A penis health cr癡me (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) might also help to soothe penis skin and help it to resist infection, as it contains both vitamins and emollients that can soften skin and nourish the cells, providing a strong barrier against harmful contaminants. Wearing supportive undergarments that breathe could also be vital, as these items of clothing may discourage bacterial colonies from growing in the dark, humid area around the penis.

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Once we transition from winter to spring, I often see children in my practice who suffer from regression. I can share why I think this is happening. As we pass through winter and move into spring, we see a bloom in foliage and flowers and we see an increase in pollen levels in the air. This is true for people all over the country and the world for that matter. Where I live, in Southern California, we often see a quick start of spring and many things are all blooming within a 2 - 3 week time period and we see a steep rise in pollen counts. I see many children with Autism who suffer from seasonal allergies and big sensitivities to pollen. So when allergies flare, we can see these children have problems with itchy eyes, runny nose, cough, etc. And I have seen children also regress because an overgrowth of yeast in their bodies. So why is this happening?

When spring begins, I typically see some children face an increase in yeast which results in specific behaviors that we often see with yeast overgrowth, inappropriate laughter, goofiness, silliness, giddiness, increased self-stimulatory behaviors and very high sensory needs. Children can begin exhibiting many types of odd behavior in spring resulting from this rise in yeast which is secondary to the issue with seasonal allergies. I believe that our immune system works to keep the yeast at bay, once our body is exposed to additional allergens like pollen, our immune system shifts to focus on that rather than the yeast. The yeast begins to thrive since the immune system is more focused on addressing the allergies. I have seen this pattern many times so I believe this to be happening, although determining whether this is the exact mechanism is difficult to analyze.

If you see regression in your child, and specifically as the seasons shift from winter to spring, there could be an underlying allergy and yeast connection. And you may see these changes during anytime the pollen counts get high in your region. If you do witness a regression that occurs with seasonal changes, you can explore blood testing, like with an IgE test to confirm or you can try over the counter medications to help. Non-drowsy Claritin or other variations can be helpful. But you also should realize that this may indicate an underlying problem with yeast. Other testing can be very useful such as an Organic Acid Test which looks at yeast markers. I use this test frequently to give me an indication of what type of a yeast problem we have and how prevalent it is. So if you are noticing regression in the springtime and seeing behavioral changes, you may be seeing indications of an underlying yeast problem as a result of the seasonal allergens.

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Allergy testing may be recommended by your physician for several reasons:

-Your medication is no longer alleviating your symptoms.

-You have experienced a severe reaction that requires knowing its exact cause.

-Your allergy symptoms are worsening over time.

-Simply want to know what allergens to avoid.

Allergy testing is a fairly basic procedure that is completed within the doctor's office, with almost immediate results. Most patients opt for one of three basic skin tests since they are faster, easier, more accurate and less expensive than a blood test to determine what allergens affect you the most.

The Skin Prick is the most common of all the allergy tests used. It involves dipping a set of 5-10 needles into a solution of individual allergens, then pressed into the skin (usually on the back) to see if any reactions occur. The entire test takes less than 20 minutes and is considered highly accurate. Once the solution has been allowed to seep under the skin, a physician will check the area for redness, bumps, hives, or any other type of allergic reaction. Since most patients will undergo as many as 100 of these pricks during the testing, some itchiness may occur at the affected sites, but can be alleviated after the test is done with a basic antihistamine or other prescription drug offered by the physician.

The skin prick test can be used to detect airborne allergens; food allergies and to determine what medications a patient may be allergic too before prescribing certain drugs. An intradermal test may be required if the skin prick test comes out negative to suspected allergens, yet symptoms continue. This test requires actually injecting a small amount of allergen serum into the skin to see if a reaction occurs. This is usually only done to verify a few allergies.

The skin patch is primarily used to determine a skin allergy called contact dermatitis. This test involved soaking a prepared patch in allergen solution, then placing it on the skin for 24-72 hours.

In the event a patient can not undergo any of the skin tests to determine allergies due to medications that may alter the findings or a severe case of eczema which would make it difficult to see any reaction form the testing, a radioallergosorbent (RAST) blood test may be ordered. Although is can detect allergies by measuring immunoglobin E and lgE levels produced in people with allergies and asthma, the RAST test is not as sensitive as the skin testing available and is reserved for patients who can not undergo skin testing or who has tested positive to too many foods that a more detailed test is required.

Being tested for allergies is fairly simple and very accurate, allowing both patients and their physicians to see exactly what allergens are causing distress in order to best treat the patients symptoms and sometimes even alleviating the need for ongoing medications.

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