The Lancet will soon publish the results of the 'Impact of Nutrition on Children with ADHD (INCA)' study. This is yet another, very well done, study on elimination diets and ADHD. The results of this study reported two findings.

The first finding was that a strict elimination diet improved symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, oppositional behavior and inattention. The second finding was that the benefits in these behaviors did not correspond to an increase in blood IgG levels ( a blood measure of an allergic reaction) in the kids that had behavioral changes. The second finding is interesting because it shows us that testing for IgG will not always tell us that a child has a food allergy.

Of the 41 (82%) of 50 children in tested in the restricted diet group, 32 (78%) had improved behavior as measured by both questionnaires and pediatrician evaluation. Thirty of the kids that had improved improved symptoms on the very restricted diet were then 'challenged' with foods such as chicken egg, peanut, soy, milk, fish, and wheat. Nineteen of the thirty, 63%, had a relapse of symptoms.

If we go back to the original number of 41 kids we see that almost half of them seemed to have symptoms that improved when they did not eat certain foods and worsened when they ate them. This study involved different individual diets for each participant but all children started on a diet of nothing but rice, meat, vegetables, pears, and water, the diet lasted 5 weeks and was sometimes complemented with potatoes, fruits, and wheat.

The elimination diet is one of the few treatment that has been shown in a clinical trial to markedly improve Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Given that this ADHD co-morbidity is especially disruptive to families and schools, the findings of this study may be the answer that many parents and teachers have been longing for.

As is often the case in the study of Inattentive ADHD, the measurements that the researchers looked at to gauge improvement in attention were not as exacting as the measurements taken for the symptoms of impulsive behavior, oppositional behavior or hyperactivity. It is therefore not clear from this study how much benefit was derived from the restrictive diet with regards to improving attention.

The recommendations that the authors give at the end of this study differ enormously from current medical recommendations. The study recommendations are a radical departure from the manner in which pediatrician and psychiatrist have viewed a child's diet, and it's role in symptom control, in the past. What they recommend is that ALL kids with ADHD should FIRST be treated with a dietary intervention and only if this does not help should behavioral therapy and drug therapy be initiated.

This is what they say, in their own word. "Our study shows considerable effects of a restricted elimination diet in children with ADHD, with equal effects on ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder. Therefore, we think that dietary intervention should be considered in all children with ADHD... Children who react favorably to this diet should be diagnosed with food induced ADHD and should enter a challenge procedure, to define which foods each child reacts to... In children who do not show behavioural improvements after following the diet, standard treatments such as drugs, behavioural treatments, or both should be considered."

These findings tell us that diet can help the symptoms of ADHD but the authors, while proposing the same treatment, differ from the most popular elimination diet theories. The most popular theories regarding the success of eliminationd diets claim that it is artificial dyes and preservatives that are the causes of ADHD behavior in children. If I am understanding the study findings, the authors disagree. These researchers believe that certain foods cause kids to have sensitivities of reactions to them and that these food may be foods that are, not necessarily, full of artificial ingredients. The INCA reseachers contend that it is the proteins and other components of these 'allergy causing' foods that cause a particular child to be sensitive to it and this is what causes the hyperactivity, oppositional behavior or other attention deficit behavior.

Elimination diets can help the symptoms of ADHD and may be the first line of treatement for many children and adults that have symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, impulsive behavior and oppositional behavior. Parents and patients should always check with their physicians before initiating any diet program.

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Some people who are allergic to fish are able to consume shellfish; while conversely, some people who cannot eat shellfish can have fish. Fish allergy manifests itself when individuals have a negative medical reaction to certain proteins in fish. Many people are allergic to the types of fish that are generally consumed by others; such as cod, Pollock, salmon, tuna and snapper. Allergy testing can be used to check if a person is allergic to fish.

A fish allergy more often than not starts in maturity and it may be something that lasts a lifetime. Due to the fact that the proteins that cause allergic reactions in people tend to be found in such a wide cross-section of fishes, people who are allergic are often times told to stay away from fish altogether. However, if an individual wants to continue eating the fishes they do not have an allergic reaction to, then allergy testing could be used to make the differentiation for them.

An individual may not be allergic to a specific fish, but may be allergic to the fishes they themselves eat. Albeit this is an uncommon allergy, it may be the most maddening, as you may have an allergic reaction to a fish meal one day and the next time you have it, it does not affect you. Vigilant testing may be the only way to identify which fish you are allergic to.

Commonly, fish allergies manifest themselves in a physical way where the mouth itches; there is skin irritation and uneasiness of the intestine. Some people have a more severe reaction; wherein there is an enlargement of their airways which can cause them to go into anaphylactic shock. It is important for you to find out from the people who also consumed the fish meal, if they are experiencing the same reaction. If not, then you should go to the doctor to get the allergy test and treatment if necessary. However, whether or not others are having the same reaction, once your reaction is severe, you should go to the doctor immediately.

As previously alluded to, you can have an allergic reaction to fish by way of cross-contamination. As such, caution should be taken when you decide to order fish in a restaurant. Restaurants that use a grill can inadvertently cause cross-contamination when the air becomes a conductor. Persons suffering from fish allergies should also either avoid Asian restaurants or at the very least, ask what is in their sauces, as many of their sauces do have fish in them. Mediterranean dishes are also widely known for the inclusion of fish in their ingredients. With this in mind, persons who have a history of fish allergy should make sure the waiters know that they should not be consuming fish in any form.

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If you are taking your child for allergy testing, it's common that you might want to know what to expect, especially if this is your first time. When you can prepare your child before the appointment, it will also help her to be more relaxed for the appointment and in the time before it. Children are often apprehensive when they don't know what to expect from an appointment.

Here are some steps to help you and your child become more comfortable with this process:

繚 Find out all of the details about the process first so that you can talk it over with your child. This will allow you to be prepared to answer any questions that might come up.

繚 Talk with the allergist about any medications your child should discontinue before the testing and how early you should discontinue.

The allergist that your child is seeing should provide you with preparation instructions as well as guidelines on what you can expect. It's important that you read over all of this and ask any questions before the appointment date if you have them. You can then help prepare your child for what she can expect in the appointment.

Allergy testing is not typically done on children under the age of four, with the exception of blood testing that is sometimes done to rule out some things. However, blood testing for allergies is not thorough and skin prick testing is usually done later.

Allergy skin testing today is very non invasive. Small plastic panels or pre-prepared allergens are pressed onto the skin of the back. The child will need to lie on her tummy with her back exposed for the testing. You will then wait 15 minutes before the tests are read for the results. This skin prick testing can determine common allergens such as trees, grass, weeds, animals, cockroaches, dust and more.

Your child may experience some itchiness or burning sensation at the site of the skin testing but otherwise, there are no symptoms except in rare cases where your child has a serious reaction to one of the allergens.

Once the testing is complete, your child's allergist will be able to give you results so that you know what she is allergic to. In addition to trying to avoid these triggers, such as bee stings or peanut butter, your child may also be set up for allergy shots that help maintain the symptoms of seasonal allergies and allergies to things in the air such as pollen or ragweed.

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What You Should Know About NAET Therapy

NAET therapy is a natural form of allergy elimination that is also known as Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Therapy. It is a highly innovative and natural approach to allergy therapy. The good thing is that the treatment options are non invasive. They do not require any painful procedures, and they also help to get rid of your allergies for good. There are many different aspects that are considered when it comes to NAET. It has a lot to do with your energy flow within your body. The methods that are commonly used involve acupressure, chiropractic work, kinesiology and changes in your nutrition. When these are combined together, it creates a well balanced treatment plan for allergies.

NAET Therapy vs. Conventional Treatment

For those that are trying to decide between NAET therapy and conventional treatment, it is important to consider both thoroughly. With conventional treatments, there are a lot of invasive procedures that come along with diagnosing and treating allergies. These are really only quick fix options. They do not provide you with a long term treatment, or elimination of allergies. These medications and treatment options can also have adverse side effects on your body. They can cause you to have a lower quality of life.

With NAET, you will find that the treatment options actually go to the root of the problem. They will take the allergens head on and will cause the body to be immune to these allergens. After diagnosing the allergies, you are able to completely rid yourself of the allergies that once bothered you. It is not only a permanent treatment option, but it is also non invasive. This means that the procedures are not painful. This should help put your mind at ease when it comes to getting your allergy testing done.

About the Treatment

The NAET therapy is pretty specific. Once you are able to diagnose the allergens by using muscle response testing, you can then target these specific allergens. The muscle response testing is used to help identify muscle reactions to certain stimulants. This is the way that you find out what you are allergic to. Then, the NAET therapist will work with you through a treatment session that consists of acupressure along the back bone. When focusing on the acupuncture along the spine, from top to bottom, the patient will be holding the particular allergens.

A big part of the treatment is avoiding the allergen after the treatment. You will need to avoid the treatment for at least twenty five hours after the treatment is over. This will completely eliminate the allergy and you will no longer be allergic to the specific allergen. Sometimes, the treatment will need to be repeated for it to be effective. You will have to undergo this specific treatment for each of your allergies.

How it Works

You may wonder how something as simple as NAET could actually work. Well, when you think about it, allergies are a result of the way that your body reacts to certain things that it deems as harmful. If you can get your energy flow corrected within your body, then you can actually make necessary changes within your body to ensure that it does not see the substance as harmful.

As you use the NAET therapy option to help you get rid of the allergies, you will find that problems and symptoms that you used to have that were associated with allergies will start to diminish. You will feel better and have more energy. It will improve your overall level of health and well being.

Will NAET Treatment Work for You?

When you find a physician that practices this type of alternative medicine, you will see that it can and will work for you. When it is done correctly, it can be a life altering experience. It is used to treat a variety of different allergy issues- including environmental allergies, food allergies, chemical allergies, pet allergies, and more. It can also be used in people that suffer from asthma. The good news is that most anyone can undergo this treatment. It can be done on adults and children. You can even have it done while you are pregnant. Since it is not an invasive treatment, there are not really any restrictions on who can have it done. If you are interested in trying NAET as a method of allergy elimination, then you should definitely take the time to learn more about how the NAET therapy can benefit you.

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Taking a Food Intolerance Test is becoming ever more popular as people associate symptoms such as indigestion, stomach cramps, headaches, insomnia and constipation with food intolerances.

There are many different types of food intolerance tests available (eg the RAST test, York test, Vega Testing) and over the years I have tried most in my nutrition clinic.

These tests all work to some extent, but the trouble I find is that the results from each food intolerance test varies by person, on a day-to-day basis, as our individual body chemistry changes. I also find that these food intolerance tests can be expensive and a hassle, as they may involve a visit to a specialist clinic or involve having to take a blood sample at home and then posting it and waiting a few days for the results.

Luckily I have now found a much simpler food test which gives instant results. It is quick and easy to do and costs nothing. I can do it on my patients and then teach them how to do it on themselves or on their friends and family in just a couple of minutes.

I know this sounds too good to be true but I assure you what I say is true. The food intolerance test I refer to is based on kinesiology and energy medicine. It involves doing a simple resistance muscle test on your arm and shoulder to see if a certain food is good for your body or if that food is likely to weaken the body.

This form of testing has actually been around for many years and used to identify food intolerances in many different healing modalities such as kinesiology, osteopathy, naturopathy and even by some Doctors nowadays.

If you'd like to learn how to do this simple food intolerance test you can see instructions by following this link - Food Intolerance Test 1. Here you will see full instructions on how to do this test.

In addition to using the muscles in your arm and shoulder to test for intolerances, you can use other parts of your body such as your fingers and legs. I have now learnt 5 different energy medicine techniques which I use myself at different times to test which foods suit my body best at that time.

Two of the tests need someone to do the test with you, but the other three I can just do myself. One of them is so simple I can do it when out in restaurants or shops to help identify which food to pick at that time. I learnt these tests from a great DVD called Food Testing Made Simple which as well as teaching me the ways to do food testing, showed me energy exercises, which I now use on a regular basis to help keep my body strong and able to tolerate most foods.

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Let me start off by saying that I am not a mold specialist, nor do I test for mold. In fact, home inspectors are not even allowed by the NC Home Inspection Licensure Board to call a substance mold unless they are experts in the field. We can and do use the words mold-like substances even if it's obviously mold. However I did study microbiology in high school and college and my first major was medical lab technician. I am familiar with mold and other micro-organisms and have worked with them extensively. Now as a licensed home inspector I work closely with real estate professionals in the transaction of homes. There is a lot of misconception about mold as it relates to homes and this article is an attempt to clear up the confusion.

My hope is to give you a better understanding of the research on mold; the health effects, what it does to homes and what should be done if it is found. I hope to clear up questions you might have about how moisture, mildew and mold can complicate home sales. I hope to give you enough information from the experts so you can understand how unfair the lawsuits are that have been in the news. To me, the real threat in homes is the long term effects of moisture and mold which is structural issues due to rot.

From my research as well as my personal opinion, mold testing is not necessary. When mold, or mold like substances are found in a home by a home inspector, it shouldn't be a deal breaker even if the inspector/tester thinks it should be. Let me share with you the conclusions of the experts on the subject so you will have a better understanding of what you are facing when you encounter mold or mold like substances or shall we just call it all - fungus.

Here are the basics about mold:

Molds are decomposers of dead organic material such as leaves, wood and plants. Without mold, we would find ourselves wading deep in dead plant matter. And we wouldn't have cheese and some medicines without mold. But mold needs water to grow; without water mold cannot grow. In order to reproduce, molds produce spores, which spread through air, water and by insects. These spores act like seeds and can form new mold growth if the conditions are right. Think of spores as dandelion seeds on a microscopic level. A little air movement and they're everywhere hoping to land where they can grow. It's important to realize that mold spores are present everywhere, in outside air as well as indoor air. They just don't grow unless the conditions are right.

Since mold needs moisture to grow, here are a few things to look for around your house.

• The sprinkler system too close to the house

• Downspouts and the ground sloping toward the house

• A watered garden too close to the house

Then there are less obvious sources of moisture in a house you may not see right away that would be picked up during an inspection.

Things like:

• Moisture movement through exterior walls from things such as:

• Poor caulking and paint

• Poor flashings

• Poor shingles

• Poor thresholds

• Interior rooms excluded from air circulation like closets

• Poor attic ventilation trapping moisture in the attic

• Humid summer air condensing on cooler crawl space surfaces when there is no vapor barrier present

• Moisture wicking up through the slab if the builder didn't provide a vapor barrier

• High humidity from showering, cooking, etc.

• Plumbing leaks

• Any break in the synthetic stucco envelope

Think about this. It only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold to develop. How often do today's homeowners check their crawl space and attic to make sure there are no leaks? Some areas where mold develops, like a broken pipe in a wall or ceiling, are more obvious and are picked up early enough to make repairs before there's much damage. Others like faulty bathroom caulk which allows moisture into the structure over a long period of time, can be so hidden that no one notices until the framing is so rotted the tub falls into the crawl space. Well, maybe not. The likelihood of catching mold before it causes structural damage is less likely than finding rot. We need to be more concerned about rot and structural issues than mold. Mold can be cleaned up but rot must be replaced and can cause significantly more damage. Short term moisture - mold, long term moisture - rot.

Construction methods and building standards have changed to accommodate the increased interest in conserving energy. Houses built prior to the 1930's generally had no effective insulation in either ceilings or walls. In essence they were naturally ventilated and moisture dried out quickly. Roofs were usually steeply pitched and constructed with shingles that had gaps between them which ventilated attics and cooled the roof deck. These homes were, of course, heat wasters. Heat escaped into the attics and natural ventilation kept the attic air moving. Homes today don't dry out as quickly because we insulate better and build tighter. Besides that homes today are built with more moisture-sensitive materials. Paper, like that which is found on drywall is nature's most perfect mold food. Mold likes processed wood more than it likes lumber. Just a little moisture in processed wood like OSB and particle board can affect its stability.

Mold can even be built into new homes. In this age when time is money, contractors may not wait until the house structure dries out after a rain before sealing in the walls, trapping the moisture in the walls. This may not happen often but it can happen; so even new homes should be inspected. If you walk into a brand new house and it smells musty, there's probably a problem.

Now let's see what the experts say about mold.

Most people have no reaction when exposed to molds. The biggest health problem from exposure to mold is allergy and asthma in susceptible people. However exposure to environmental factors other than mold in damp indoor spaces, notably house dust mites, viruses, tobacco smoke, and cockroaches, along with pesticides, volatile organic compounds and fumes from furnishings or construction materials can cause the same health effects. There are no tests to determine whether the symptoms are caused by the mold or something else.

There are more than 100,000 types of mold. Some molds, like Stachybotrys, produce toxic substances called mycotoxins. These molds generally have a higher water requirement than common household molds and tend to thrive only under conditions of chronic and severe water damage. Presently we don't know all that much about the health effects of most mycotoxins on humans. Most of what we know about mycotoxins comes from exposure of farm animals to moldy grain or hay. We don't have any tests that can determine whether mycotoxins are the cause of someone's illness. We can't easily or reliably measure the level of mycotoxins in air samples to determine exposure levels. Currently there are only guidelines and no regulations regarding indoor mold. There may never be any regulations on exposure to mold, because even the lowest levels bother people with severe hypersensitivity. Believe it or not, allergic responses can come from exposure to dead as well as to living mold spores. Therefore, killing mold with bleach and or other disinfectants may not prevent allergic responses.

What about black mold? Stachybotrys is a mycotoxin producing mold and usually associated with black mold. It's one of several that are very unhealthy but gets all the attention. Stachybotrys does not easily grow indoors and requires large amounts of moisture to grow. The known health effects from exposure to Stachybotrys are similar to other common molds, but have been inconclusively associated with more severe health effects in some people. Testing for it is expensive; the results are difficult to interpret and often inconclusive.

From a 2004 report by the Institute of Medicine:

There are no existing effective, reliable measurement processes for mold and that such assessment techniques should be developed. The entire process of fungal-spore aerosolization, transport, deposition, re-suspension, and tracking, all of which determine inhalation exposure, is poorly understood, and methods for assessing human exposure to fungal agents are poorly developed. In clinical medical practice, there is no known dose-response relationship between a specific ambient fungal concentration and any human health effects. There is no significant clinical evidence that humans have adverse effects of immunotoxic, neurologic, respiratory or dermal responses after exposure to mold other than allergic reaction and that, in the clinical medical field, there is no known dose response relationship between a specific ambient fungal concentration and any toxic human health effect. Therefore, there is no valid data available to support sampling since an assessment of risk-relevant exposure cannot be produced.

The following are statements from the Scientific Community:

• The Texas Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs released a report in September 2002 stating that there is no significant evidence connecting "black mold" to human disease.

• The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery has reported that there is no convincing evidence of a causal association between the black mold Stachybotrys and human disease.

• The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine states that, except for persons with severely impaired immune systems, indoor mold is not a source of fungal infections. Current scientific evidence does not support the proposition that human health has been adversely affected by inhaled mycotoxins in homes, schools or office environments.

• The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reported July 2003 that in "A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold," a team of scientists found that mold can cause reactions for those who are prone to allergies. Infections caused by mold are rare, except for those who are "immune compromised." The study concludes that "there is no sound scientific evidence that mold causes 'toxicity' in doses found in home environments."

• Dr. Gailen Marshall, Jr., Director, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at the Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, states that some people do develop allergies and experience symptoms of asthma or hay fever when exposed to some mold spores. "There also are a few mold-related diseases that can be serious, but those are rare. So what about the 'experts' who claim to diagnose all sorts of mold-related illnesses such as memory loss or learning disabilities? There is no proof to support those claims."

• The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, in its report issued in May 2004, failed to find evidence of a causal link with (mold) and a wide variety of other health conditions.

• The National Center for Environmental Health states that at present there is no test that proves an association between Stachybotrys Chartarum and particular health symptoms.

• The Environmental Protection Agency states that the standards or threshold limit values for airborne concentrations of mold or mold spores have not been set. Currently, there are no EPA regulations or standards for airborne mold contaminants.

• The American Industrial Hygiene Association states that some molds produce toxic substances called mycotoxins. Airborne mycotoxins have not been shown to cause health problems for occupants in residential or commercial buildings.

• Drs. Chapman, Terr, Jacobs, Charlesworth and Bardana report the conclusion of their recent study in the September 2003 issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: "When mold related symptoms occur, they are likely the result of transient irritation, allergy, or infection. Building-related illness due to mycotoxicosis has never been proved in the medical literature. Prompt remediation of water-damaged material and infrastructure repair should be the primary response to fungal contamination in buildings."

There are several ways to test for mold. In bulk sampling, samples (like sections of drywall, pieces of carpet or air filters) are collected for analysis to determine if molds are actively growing. In surface sampling, a swab or adhesive tape lifts the samples for analysis. Air sampling uses a suction type pump to sample the air. According to the HUD Healthy Homes Issue "air sampling is more technically challenging and has greater opportunity for error than source sampling. Comparative assessments of the performance of the different samplers have been inconclusive, although certain samplers have been observed to perform better for specific purposes."

According to the New York City Department of Health, "air sampling for fungi should not be part of a routine assessment. This is because decisions about appropriate remediation strategies can usually be made on the basis of a visual inspection. In addition, air-sampling methods for some fungi are prone to false negative results and therefore cannot be used to definitively rule out contamination. Microscopic identification of the spores/colonies requires considerable expertise. These services are not routinely available from commercial laboratories."

From another expert, Dr. Yost of the Building Science Corporation, "an increasing number of companies are offering 'air testing for mold.' On the surface this seems like a reasonable thing to do. The problem, however, is that the results of most air sampling for mold are meaningless for two reasons. Air sampling for mold was not developed to determine if an environment was safe or has a dangerous level of mold in the air. Air sampling was developed to help identify the location of a hidden reservoir of mold. If the source of mold is already identified, air sampling does not provide additional meaningful information. Furthermore, safe or toxic levels of airborne mold have not been established. An individual air sample for mold provides a 'snapshot' of what was in the air during the few minutes of sampling. The results may not be indicative of the amount of mold that is in the air during most of the day. The Center for Disease Control, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists do not recommend routine air testing for mold." "The Minnesota Department of Health does not recommend testing for mold. Instead, you should simply assume there is a problem whenever you see mold or smell mold odors. Testing should never take the place of visual inspection and it should never use up resources that are needed to correct moisture problems and remove all visible growth. Mold testing is rarely useful for trying to answer questions about health concerns."

Again according to Dr. Yost, "Don't test for mold. If you see it or smell it you have it. You don't need to know what species it is to deal with it. You should deal with all mold exactly the same way. Fix the water problem that caused it. Replace the water damaged materials. Clean up the mold, dust and mold spores. If for some inexplicable reason you decide to test for mold insist that the report contains only the following things: Who did the test and when? Where were the samples taken and how? How were the samples analyzed? What are the results of the analysis? The report should contain absolutely no interpretation. Too much mold in a home is obvious. If you see mold and you smell mold - you have mold - and if you see it and you smell it you probably have too much of it. If a home has mold and the water problem that led to mold is obvious it is pointless to test for mold. Mold testing is expensive. Any money spent on mold testing will not be available for cleaning up the mold and fixing the water problem that led to the mold. Also, the samples can take days or weeks to be analyzed - time that is lost that could better be spent cleaning up the mold and fixing the water problem. No recognized authoritative public agency recommends mold testing to guide the clean-up or to direct correction of the water problem."

So when is testing advised by the experts? Dr. Yost again: "Biological measurements sometimes provide useful information in finding hidden mold when thorough inspection has not found moisture or mold. The likelihood that airborne samples will provide evidence that inspection does not is very small. Reserve sampling for mystery cases, where things smell moldy or people complain of symptoms that are consistent with mold exposure, but no mold is found upon inspection. If an insurance company or a third party requires 'testing to verify the presence of mold,' simply send a piece of moldy material to a qualified lab for verification of the presence of mold."

Alright, your house has mold or mold-like substances. Now what? Find the cause of the moisture and fix it fast. Begin remediation. Remove damaged material (especially porous materials) that can't be cleaned or is more expensive to clean than replace. Clean the salvaged material (non-porous). Dry out the area before closing in a wall or ceiling. New building materials were mentioned earlier. Again, Dr Yost says, "Materials like lumber, plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), particle board, paper covered gypsum board may or may not be salvageable. The base case test is - has the material lost structural integrity? Mold growing on solid lumber is most likely a surface contamination issue, not a structural issue. It can be cleaned, dried and salvaged. If solid lumber has lost structural integrity, then it has been colonized by wood decay fungi and probably certain bacteria and that portion must be replaced." Who should do the clean-up? "The Institute of Medicine committee studied numerous historical studies and publications on the prevention and remediation of mold. The most recent of these include remediation procedures that are based on the assumption that mold is toxic and should be remediated in a manner similar to remediation of a building with asbestos. The physician panel proposes that until medical science has evidence of mold toxicity, remediation should be based on non-clinical factors and the focus should be on moisture control and structural repair." According to the New York City Department of Health, "there are no special requirements for the disposal of moldy materials."

In summary, above all, when there's a moisture problem, it needs to be fixed - fast. Whether it's a leak or high humidity, time is of the essence. The source needs to be located and repaired. The affected area needs to be either cleaned or replaced and dried thoroughly.

As far as testing goes, research is very specific. It doesn't matter what species of mold is present. The only time testing is useful is to find hidden mold or determine if an area has been adequately cleaned or remediated.

The houses we hear about in the big lawsuits had to be extremely wet for a very long time. Why didn't anyone notice the obvious mold? Were they empty for a long period of time? Didn't they have an inspection before they moved in?

Who is to blame when mold is found in a house - who do you sue? Nature? Father Time when a fifty year old pipe bursts? The sun because the shingles succumbed?

If the experts say that there is no connection to mold and health issues other than allergies, where did the data come from in these lawsuits to say that there is?

I hope this answers at least some of the questions and misconceptions you have about the mysterious mold issue in homes.

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I was wondering if Boswelya plus is any good for inflammation of the colon? I have a digestive situation with colitis and a bad taste in my mouth that comes and goes that no tests have solved...all normal...except for colitis found in colonoscopy, a return from more than ten years without it brought on by a bad combination of western drugs that affected my nervous system and smooth muscles. (I rarely take medicine and am rarely sick, until one bad doc basically poisoned me)...I cannot tolerate Asacol, which worked just fine ten years ago, or any of the other meds they have tried. I'm currently on B complex, SeaCure, MSM, glutamine, probiotics and I've recently added Phosphatidyl Choline for colon. Now they're suggested BosWelya Plus, which I've been on for a week, but when I just read up on it, it seemed to be for inflammation of the joints more than the stomach/colon lining. Does it also work on the digestive system? If not, is there an anti-inflammatory natural version of !

Asacol that at might work? Any other suggestions?


First, taking so many single various supplements is a tough task. It is best to try and find a couple things which will take care of it, such as an excellent formulation specifically designed for a condition. This makes your day easier and your pocketbook more relaxed.

BosWelya Plus is a great joint product. It is useful for joints if taken away from food. Useful for the digestive system when taken with food. However, as it contains joint nutrients, it is mainly for joint use.

However, my opinion, the more superior products for your condition are BioInflammatory Plus powder taken with Intestinal Repair Complex. Add EPA/DHA and you may be set with only taking 3 supplements.

Something that they have been taking in Europe for 100's of years is Herbal Melange herbal drink of moor mud and may be of benefit.

Do take this information to your doctor and see what they think. I have worked with the physician who designed these Biogenesis products and patients have had tremendous success.

One extremely important thing - need to figure out what is causing your colitis. Colitis simply means inflammation of the colon. Is this colitis due to interstitial colitis - from stress or food allergy? Crohns due to similar issues? Celiac from a gluten sensitivity - so simply remove wheat. Is it a food allergy? Is it a genetic disposition to a wheat allergy - celiac disease? Is it crohns disease? Numerous people have crohns or celiac that is undiagnosed. You must first determine the cause of your problem.

An easy test - remove wheat from your diet for 3 days. All of it. no soy sauce, no prepared foods, no eating out. Eat rice and salmon, steamed veggies for dinner. Eat salad and chicken for lunch. Breakfast have a smoothie with protein powder, berries and yogurt. You may get bored with the menu but I bet if you felt much better by the 3rd day, it would be worth it. The other main allergies are due to dairy products. You may try and eliminate those at another time. Do one at a time - make it easier. No wheat. None. Give it a shot. Tell your doc about this. You may also do a gliadin antibody test - tells if you have celiac.

I found an awesome website for dieatary issues: Living Without []

Spending money on supplements is not wise unless you know what you are trying to overcome. Cannot simply run blindfolded - one must know if there are trees or holes in the way first. If you took the best eye supplements it wouldn't help. Removing the blindfold would help or having someone guide you through the field.

To locate a qualified naturopathic doctor in your area - you may go to MedND [].

Faster healing is accomplished when the cause of the problem is removed. Now go and try to determine what that is. Any trained naturopathic doctor should be able to nail it. A MD should as well but for some reason, doesn't seem that they do it. Steroids seem to be their first line of action after they run a few tests. Blood tests do not always show the problem. This is why food elimination diets are essential in digestive issues. Food allergy testing by blood is not always useful. You may let your doctor know about the Great Smokies Lab [] test on Food Allergy. Most insurance policies cover food allergy testing.

You'll get better! ;)

Digestive issues are excellent to treat as they are so rewarding. Do be aware though that it takes time to heal inflammation of the colon.

Again - this is only information. I am not giving treatment advice. Your doctor is the one for that - if you are not getting the results you want, try a different doctor. Health is a tough field as no doctor can know everything.

In health,


Disclaimer: This information is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.

(c) 2005 Benjamin Lynch of HealthE Goods

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Dog allergies are very similar to human allergies and also produce the same symptoms as human allergies. There are 5 types of dog allergies: food allergy, flea allergy, bacteria allergy, contact allergy and atopy. Here are some basic facts about each of these allergies.

Food Allergies

The most common symptom of food allergies is scratching, due to skin irritation. Dog foods contain a host of ingredients which can cause an allergic reaction to your dog. Some of these ingredients are:

Meats: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs

Diary products (Milk)

Grains (Wheat, Whey)

Most dog owners often scold their dog for scratching too much. Any obsessive behavior your dog demonstrates, such as constant scratching, chewing, licking, requires immediate attention. Never assume that this is just a new habit your dog picked up. Dog allergies can make your dog very uncomfortable.

Aside from scratching, some of the other symptoms dogs can experience are:



eye and nose discharge

Itching around the anus

hair loss

loss of appetite

pawing at their ears or head shaking



breathing problems

Isolating the allergen which causes the allergy is not easy because the dog is usually allergic to one specific ingredient in the food. Therefore, it is a matter of isolating that ingredient. You can try doing this with an elimination diet, which most people don't have the time or energy for. The elimination diet requires preparing specially-cooked meals consisting of a more exotic meat, like rabbit or venison, mixed with rice or potato, which wouldn't normally be found in dog food.

An easier and more modern approach to test for the presence of a food allergy is to try a dog food which contains hydrolyzed proteins, such as Purinas HA or Hills z/d. Hydrolyzed proteins are broken down into molecules so small, they can't affect the immune system, which is what causes the allergy. If the allergy goes away while your dog is on this diet (which would take about 8 weeks), then he most likely is suffering from a food allergy. At this point, you would start to re-introduce the possible allergens one by one (individual meats, wheat, corn, milk, etc.) for a period of two weeks each. If the symptoms return, it is most likely due to the ingredient being introduced at that time. You should look out for that ingredient on dog food labels in future purchases.

Atopy (inhalant allergy)

Atopy is the most common of all dog allergies, which is caused by environmental factors, such as dust mites, molds, house dust, human dander, feathers or pollen.

Signs of atopy include excessive chewing, licking and scratching at the face, paws, abdomen, armpits and genital area. Evidence of this behavior can be found in examining your dog's paws, armpits and genital area. Reddish-brown stains develop in these areas due to excessive licking. This may not be evident in dogs with dark coats.

Atopy is not easy to diagnose due to other dog allergies having the same symptoms. Once these other dog allergies (food, flea and contact) have been ruled out, your vet can proceed with testing for the root cause of the atopy. The most accurate method of testing for atopy is Intradermal Skin Testing.

There are many different treatment options for atopy. The best treatment would be avoiding the allergen altogether. If this is not feasible, other treatments include cool water baths with medicated shampoo, antihistamines, allergy shots, corticosteriods or a diet rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Flea Allergies

Dog allergies to fleas are not caused by the flea itself, but rather the flea's saliva. A common symptom of flea allergies is scratching at the tail area which causes hair loss, scabs and sores. Your vet can easily diagnose a flea allergy by checking for the presence of fleas in the coat. Fleas can be seen by the naked eye. Intradermal Skin Testing can also be used to test for this type of allergy. The most effective products for eliminating fleas are:

Advantage - Flea control for your Dog & CatFrontLine - Flea & Tick

Medication for your Dog & Cat

Capstar- Flea infestation on Dog and Cat

K9 Advantix Flea and Tick Medication (based on dog's weight)

Bacterial Allergies

A dog's skin normally harbors Staph bacteria. Usually, this bacteria does not have any affect on your dog but some dogs develop a sensitivity to it causing an allergic reaction. Your dog may develop crusts on the skin and patches of hair loss due to scratching, similar to ring worm. If these patches become infected, your dog will need to be treated with antibiotics.

Contact Allergies

Contact allergies are the least common of all dog allergies. This type of allergy produces swelling, redness, itching and hair loss. Common contact allergens include flea collars, plastic food bowls, pet sweaters, plants, grass or wool bedding. The best way to diagnose this allergy is if the symptoms continue after ruling out all other allergies. If this is the case, then you must pinpoint the allergen and remove it from your dog's environment.

This information is NOT intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian, dog trainer or pet care professional.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Individuals who work in health-care industries such as hospitals, medical offices, and dental offices are generally aware that they are at increased risk for developing latex allergies due to work exposure. However, even non-health care workers, especially children, may also be vulnerable.

There are three types of latex reactions. Irritant dermatitis, the most common reaction, is skin irritation caused by the rubbing of latex against the skin, usually rubber gloves. Contact dermatitis is a delayed skin reaction which occurs 24-48 hours after exposure to latex. Common causes of this include latex gloves or shoe insoles. An immediate hypersensitivity response happens quickly as a result of either contact with or inhalation on latex particles. It can include itching, nasal congestion, eye irritation, wheezing, coughing, laryngospasm, low blood pressure, and respiratory failure.

It is estimated that 1-5% of the general population has latex allergies while 2-17% of health care workers and 10% of rubber industry workers have similar reactions. Individuals at increased risk of developing latex allergies include those with asthma, atopic eczema and preexisting food allergy problems. Those who have had frequent urologic procedures, especially at a young age, are more susceptible, probably from exposure to latex catheters.

Other sources of latex exposure may include gloves, tourniquets, IV tubing ports, condoms, diaphragms, balloon-blowing, dental dams, erasers, mouse pads, shoe soles, elastic in clothing, adhesive tapes and bandages, orthodontic elastics, pacifiers and baby bottle nipples, goggles, and many other items. Severe reactions may occur during childbirth or during surgery which can quickly become life-threatening.

Many individuals with latex allergies may have a cross-reactivity reaction with many common foods including avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, chestnuts, kiwi fruit, and passion fruit. Apples, apricots, nectarines, celery, cherries, figs, grapes, melon, milk, papayas, peaches, and pineapples may also have cross-reactive allergic affects on those who are sensitive to latex.

If an individual suspects that they or their child may be allergic to latex, it is advisable to get advice from an allergist. Diagnostic testing may include patch testing or RAST blood testing. Skin testing may be done only with close medical supervision as potentially life-threatening reactions may occur.

Those with known latex allergies should wear a medic-alert bracelet and notify their doctor and dentist. If they need dental or surgical procedures, they need to make sure that all of the individuals involved in their care be aware of their allergies and use substitute products or cover any latex-containing items that might touch the skin. It is also advisable for those with the immediate hypersensitivity response type of reaction to carry an emergency epinephrine injection pen at all times. In most cases, even those with severe latex allergies can lead perfectly normally lives as long as appropriate precautions are taken.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Asthma is a respiratory disease that narrows the airways. The condition is usually caused by a person's exposure to allergens, cold air, emotional stress or exercise. A person who suffers from the disease experiences wheezing, shortness of breath, tightening of the chest, and coughing. The disorder causes the airways to hyperactively produce mucus in reaction to various stimuli. The symptoms can be mild or life-threatening. Taking medications or changing one's lifestyle can help control the problem.


When the problem of asthma arises, it is referred to as an asthma attack. Whenever a patient suffers from an attack, he displays a number of symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing. A cough, which may be accompanied by clear sputum, may also be present during the attack. Attacks usually come without warning. They may be accompanied by a pain in the chest and breathing becomes very difficult.

Whenever a person experiences an asthma attack, there is an alarming increase in heart rate. Audible lung sounds are heard through the stethoscope, too, caused by rapid breathing and an over-inflation of the chest. During an asthma attack, there is a tightening of the muscles in the respiratory area and the ribs, which causes the body to struggle for more air. The patient may even lose consciousness during this time


The first step in diagnosing an asthmatic patient is to check on his medical history. Having a family history of asthma puts a person at high risk for asthma attacks as well. Testing someone with a peak flow meter, which measures the restriction of the airways, can determine if he is suffering from asthma. If a clear diagnosis cannot be determined through this test, a formal lung function test may be conducted.

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