This article will explain about allergy testing at kinesiologist based on one of my friends. She went to a kinesiologist/massage therapist/acupuncturist/energy healer person on one day and here is her experience.

The doctor used a computer to do the allergy testing and it was really fascinating. In one hand you hold a copper tube that has a wire extending to a machine that is hooked up to the computer. She wets your hand that is holding the tube. She then takes a metal wand that is also hooked up to the computer, selects a possible allergen from a list on the computer screen, dips the wand in water and then presses it on your free hand as the computer shows a graph to measure your resistance to the current, thus determining your
sensitivity to the allergen. She has hundreds of allergens in the computer for which she could test.

Based on her research on treatments using electromedicine (which revealed that everything on earth has a frequency), the test seems scientifically based. She wants to do more research.

She liked that the process was not just based on her ability to feel resistance in her body.

Then she had her lie down on a table and hold vials that contained some of the allergens she reacted to during the testing. She then "cleared" her of the allergens using energy work and also by stimulating points on her body. This is the part she is most skeptical about. But she is also open minded.

It was fascinating. She really loved the experience and the woman who did that. She obviously uses her intuition a lot and was quite comforting.

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    Allergy Testing

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