Allergies are the most common issue with dogs these days, and some cats as well. Ironically, it is the most commonly misdiagnosed health issue with pets.


Though there may be situations where pets may truly be allergic to things they come in contact with, eat or inhale, it is important to understand that this type of problem is actually not very common. This is totally in contrast to a viewpoint within the veterinary community that seems oriented toward the notion that there a large numbers of dogs (or cats) that are prone to be allergic to nearly anything you can imagine. However, there are numerous cases suggesting that these assumptions are often misdirected, and that there is virtually always an entirely different issue at the root of these assumed 'allergy problems'.


If your pet should be experiencing problems that are actually the result of an allergic reaction, not just a vet's assessment, those kinds of reactions and symptoms should dissipate and go away once the allergens are removed from the equation. In our experience, these kinds of allergic reactions in pets are rare rather than common.


Understanding what goes into common pet foods might provide a better clue as to why your pet might be having reactions to start with. Many contain harsh preservatives, chemicals, and additives, which are detrimental to basic health, and disrupt the natural balance of beneficial flora in the gut. Other disrupting factors include the use of antibiotics, steroids, reactions to vaccinations, chlorinated water, and hormonal issues such as a low thyroid.

A sound GI tract environment forms the basis for the health of the rest of the body. In sufficient numbers, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus help to maintain that environment by fighting off foreign invaders, aiding with digestion, promoting a healthy pH, boosting the production of B vitamins, and protecting the mucosal walls of the gut.

However, once the beneficial bacterial flora becomes disrupted and diminished, it is not long before harmful organisms, such as Candida Albicans (systemic yeast), begin to grow and expand. This expansion is helped along by the consumption of sugars and starches, which are primary components of many pet foods. Candida produces toxins that make their way into the bloodstream, are filtered out at the extremities, and can cause symptoms such as itching, biting, chewing, scratching, face rubbing, hair loss, blackening, odor, oozing skin, etc.

It is easy to see how symptoms like these can be mistaken for allergies. The notion is further advanced when allergy testing seems to confirm the diagnosis, often citing a long list of offending substances. At this point, it would seem the case for allergies is a 'slam-dunk'... or is it? What if there was an underlying condition, not taken into consideration that could account both for the symptoms mentioned above AND for false positives found in allergy testing? There is such a condition. For further insight on this, please read up on Leaky-Gut Syndrome.

There are several holistic pet product companies that people find solutions for such problems every day. They are able to offer solutions as they know the true root-cause is about an internal Yeast Candida overgrowth that has taken over the gut of your pet (something that cannot be solved from the outside). And unfortunately, the veterinary community seems oblivious to this very widespread CANDIDA problem. There may be many reasons for this; one of which may be that the problem cannot be rectified by use of medicine. It is a digestive imbalance problem, and must be rectified nutritionally. Damage to the delicate and fragile Flora of the gut is the causative factor in the very common yeast Infection.


Yeast - Candida infection is chronic and systemic - meaning it won't go away without major work, and it can affect any organ or system of the body. The list of most common symptoms is at the bottom of this page. Seeing many of these symptoms with your pet is totally indicative of Candida overgrowth. As the Candida fungus takes over intestinal tissues, and continues to grow, toxins and yeast cells from the infection are excreted into tissues and will eventually work their way to the skin surface at various areas of the body. As these toxins and cells reach the surface, they are recognized as invaders by the immune system; therefore, an Immune System Response (ISR) is the natural result. Since an Allergic Reaction is also an ISR, it is completely natural and common for the Vet to assess that there is an 'allergy' situation at hand, especially since he likely knows little about the Candida culprit occupying the gut and filtering out at the skin.


Incorrect Foods - which you find in your typical larger stores - will feed the Yeast issue constantly, and thereby produce flare-ups of symptoms. It is food items high in Glycemic index (converting to sugar very quickly) that will feed the growth of the yeast, which feeds off of sugar in the system. Starchy food items are the main problem - including potatoes, white rice, corn in any form, wheat grain in any form. Any of these items can produce what APPEARS to be an allergic reaction - due to how quickly the yeast responds.

Understanding these food items as enemy #1, when you examine most every big-name/highly-advertized pet food, you will find them laden with items that fall into this category. The rule of thumb - if you can find it in a big store, it won't be good for a dog/cat suffering this problem.


You may see your dog or cat suffering with a few, or many of the following: itchy skin or ears, licking or chewing at feet, chronic ear infections, skin rashes, skin bumps, pustules, or pimples; odor or smell problems, biting at tail, belly or underarm rashes, inflammation of skin, hair loss, pulling out hair, endless scratching, anal gland problems or itching, dragging rear-end on ground or floor, UTI infections, lethargy, decreased activity, etc.

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    Allergy Testing

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