
Allergy testing has been progressing for over 100 years. Doctors and scientists have a difficult job looking to find the root causes of those symptoms such as running nose and streaming eyes, among several others. One third of Britons (around 19 million people) develop allergy symptoms, and are looking for effective answers through allergy testing.

Treatments and vaccines for hay fever, asthma and food allergies have failed to live up to expectation despite the huge amount of money we spend on them, and sufferers are left wondering where all the money pumped into research over decades has gone.

A high percentage of doctors and researchers are baffled at certain causes of allergies in many patients. Some people do react to certain events that trigger a group of reactions in their system, while the exact same events might not have any effect on others whatsoever. The difficulty in pinpointing the exact reason why someone is allergic to a particular food, insect or even house is a very complicated situation.

Many doctors advise that 'blood allergy testing' has to be employed to find out which allergy you suffer from, which takes longer than skin prick tests - but is extremely accurate. With the sheer amount of complex allergies in society today, it is a difficult and slow process finding out their source. Those who suffer allergies may have to wait a few decades for allergists to come up with answers.

There are several methods of allergy testing that are effective, quick, and cheap, but don't expect any miracle cure - as you will only be given advice on altering your lifestyle. These tests look for 'Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies' in the human system for allergens like pollen, common dust mites, indoor pollutants and pet dander. Variations of these tests like skin prick food intolerance testing are used to examine the complex subject of food allergies. Food allergy testing kits are said to be very accurate in their results, but it's surely better to seek advice from a doctor before you purchase one these kits.

Finding allergy testing centres in your area is straight forward. You can ask your own doctor or practice nurse if you are registered with a GP. A health visitor or school nurse can give you good advice about testing and effective Allergy Relief, or even your local family health service authority where you live. Failing that, just pop down to your local hospital reception or speak to a pharmacist.

Allergy testing kits are available to buy in chemists and on the web that will give you your results in a short period of time. Basic skin prick testing is painless and it's usually the first test advised by specialists when allergy symptoms are present. Taking antihistamines and various other medications like inhalers are prohibited for up to 1 week before the skin testing start day.

A very small droplet of allergen is placed on the skin inner forearm. Up to 30 allergens can be tested on the one arm, which is marked in various areas so the tester knows which allergen those results will come from. Using a specially designed very sharp lancet, the skin is lightly pierced at an angle of 90 degrees directly on top of the allergen drop. Simple, painless and quick diagnosis.

The main advantage of this type of testing is that results normally takes up to 25 minutes. A visible raised wheal and red flare activity on the skin means that the tester can effectively eliminate a realistic cause for allergic symptoms, or diagnose you as positive for an allergy.

Allergy Patch Testing

Another relatively easy way to test for allergies is 'patch testing', which is carried out to determine whether allergies are present through dermatitis (Eczema). Tiny droplets of allergen are spread in a 'Vaseline mixture' which is applied to small metallic discs. These discs are usually taped on the patients back area, and left there for a few days. The patient comes back to the specialist after 2 days for removal and inspection in case of swelling and redness.

After another 2 days, the back is thoroughly scanned for signs of skin reaction to the small amounts of allergens that were applied there earlier. 'Atopy Patch Tests' (APT) on the skin can also be implemented to find out if reactions to foods are present. They are usually used to identify other allergens such as metals, rubber/latex and certain beauty cosmetics. Please note there are several more allergy testing methods available today.

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    Allergy Testing

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