
This article will discuss about general food allergies testing, which is also known as Serological tests for immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4). This is based on the question from a friend of mine, candida sufferer. She wanted to know whether I am familiar or knowledgeable about IgG4 testing for food allergies.

She's having trouble finding anything for the layperson on this test on the Internet. Her ND (Naturopath Doctor) did the test on her and it shows that she's allergic to several foods, such as eggs, dairy products, tomatoes, oranges, Candida Albicans, wheat, and gluten.

After reading that list, she is wondering what she is going to eat, because she loves pasta and she loves nothing better than to throw some tomatoes on noodles. She's been on the list for a bit but has not started any dietary changes because she wanted to wait to see the blood test. She said that she's not very symptomatic compared to most people so it is difficult for her to accept that she has a yeast allergy, although now she is quite convinced she does.

In my opinion, if you are like her and really like pastas, there are pastas made from soy, corn, quinoa and other wheat-free products. I tried a rice pasta the other day, and it tasted quite good. So you may want to try it.

About the general food allergies test, I read somewhere that testing for IgG4 against foods is not recommended as a diagnostic tool because food-specific IgG4 does not indicate food allergy, but rather a physiological response of the immune system after being exposed to food.

    創作者 Vinagszjv 的頭像

    Allergy Testing

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