Quote of the month:

"If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?" ~Unknown

Did you know that there is more than 1 way to test for allergies? Well, we thought we'd attempt to describe them all to you below. But first there's a few basic definitions we'd like to give you:

Allergy: An IgE immune response to an allergen

Intolerance: A response to an allergen where it's uncertain whether the immune system is involved or not

Sensitivity: A catch all phrase for both allergies and intolerances

Antibodies: Proteins recruited by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects like bacteria and viruses and unfortunately also foods and environmental allergens.

Now that we got those out of the way, here are the 7 types of tests. You will either learn a lot or become completely confused...

1. Skin Test:
We're all familiar with this one. The skin is pricked (ouch) and the substances (or versions thereof) are introduced on the area. Swelling and redness indicates an issue. Works best for inhalant allergies. Can miss 50% of food allergies because the IgE antibody they're looking for may not be located on the skin where the test is being done.

2. ELISA Test:
A blood test (more needles). Good for looking at delayed food allergies and looks at both the IgG and IgE antibodies.

3. RAST Test:
Yet another blood test that measures the IgE antibodies. Considered good for airborne allergens butis expensive.

4. Cytotoxic Test:
With this test, blood is extracted (again more needles) and the white blood cellls (immune cells) are exposed to various foods or chemicals. If the blood cell changes, it's deemed to be an intolerance/allergy.

5. Elimination:
This one is pretty straight forward. Key foods are avoided and then reintroduced one at a time. If any symptoms appear after reintroducing a food it indicates an allergy/intolerance. The only problem with this method is your own willpower and making sure you're not exposed to the items accidentally in the form of hidden ingredients, but it does make you read labels!

6. Muscle Test/Applied Kinesiology/Biofeedback:
With this method, a muscle of the body is exposed to an allergen in one of several ways: diluted (eg the liquid used for skin scratch tests), actual substance or via an electromagnetic frequency of the substance. If a change in muscle strength occurs, the person has a sensitivity. With this method, it's believed that the electrical signal of the substance interferes with the electrical signals of one's muscles (as per Dr. cox). No needles or scratch testing here... yeh!

7. Vega/Electro Dermal Screening:
This is the modern day form of muscle testing. An acupuncture point(s) is tested against a substance using a computer (or similar device) and numerical responses are recorded. Again, no needles..yeh again!

The benefits of the last 3 methods are:

No needles/non-invasive
Will be able to pick up on allergies, sensitivities and intolerances
Safe for kids

Hope this gave you a better understanding of testing methods and techniques. By the way, we use only the last three methods with an added advantage - we can help you to heal from those sensitivities (food, environmental or other); whereas, the others only help to identify!

Did You Know?

- IgG can account for almost 75% of reactions
- IgE makes up only 1% of the antibodies of an individual
- Ever wanted to know what the McRib is really made of... http://www.foodfacts.info/mcrib/ (photos and ingredients on the bottom)
- Most all MSM is ineffective once it's made into a pill form. Learn more about real sulfur crystals here http://www.organicsulfur-msm.ca/about_OS_MSM.html
- You can't absorb vitamin D without vitamin K
- Need Vitamin C - get the real form called ascorbate or even rosehips - we have them!

    創作者 Vinagszjv 的頭像

    Allergy Testing

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