There are many causes for severe digestive problems, although there are a select few that stand out. In this article I will detail the causes and cures for gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and nausea. Find out exactly what is causing the problems with your digestion and how you can experience the ability to digest your foods with no problems.
The Main Causes of Severe Digestive Problems
Food Allergies: There are a vast amount of food allergies that go undiagnosed properly, it's no good relying on pin prick allergy tests to determine these sensitivities as they will often go unnoticed. Wheat, dairy and soy are some of the most common ones, but those with severe digestive problems can be sensitive to far more foods and even may need to avoid fibrous foods for a time to reduce inflammation of the bowels. To treat this problem, it is critical that you avoid these foods, no ifs ands or buts. Better yet get testing such as electro dermal screening to determine exactly what you're sensitive to.
Parasites: These invasive creatures are spread much more often than you would think, gyms, bathrooms and drinking water are commonly known to harbor not only germs but parasites as well. These may not be the gigantic tape worms you've seen disgusting pictures of but microscopic pathogens that can cause severe bloating, diarrhea and nausea with vomiting in some cases. It's a commonly misunderstood point that parasites are limited to 3rd world conditions, they are everywhere, and although people living in 3rd world countries may expose themselves more often to them it does not mean that those living in 1st world countries are safe from them. Parasites cleansing is a must for everyone, we de-worm our animals bi-annually, why not ourselves?
Candida: This is a yeast that exists in an estimated 90% of the population and is arguably the most common cause of all chronic severe digestive problems. It disturbs the natural bacteria in your body that assists with digestion in your colon, once this occurs everything begins to get thrown off. The only solution is to eliminate the candida overgrowth to re-balance the digestive functions of your body, once performed you can rest assured that you will fully eliminate all gas, bloating, constipation and any other digestive problems you might have. The key is also to eliminate the cause of the candida overgrowth so that you will not experience a reoccuring infection down the road.