A sneezing cat may have a cold or other respiratory illness. He may have something stuck in his nose. These are just two of the possible causes for sneezing in cats.

A cold in a cat may be viral, bacterial, or fungal in nature. Each will require a different treatment, best done by your vet. Since sneezing can be caused by many different things, and because you may not know exactly how sick your cat is, you should seek the advice of your vet.

Cats may also sneeze in response to strong chemicals or cigarette smoke. Different cats show different sensitivities to chemicals. Many flat-faced cats are more sensitive to chemicals and may sneeze in response to exposure. Suspect your perfume, cleaners, or insecticide sprays if you cat suddenly starts sneezing.

Allergies may cause your cat to sneeze. Cats are susceptible to the same allergies as humans, such as trees, grasses, pollens, and other airborne allergens. Allergy testing may be required if your cat is bothered by excessive sneezing.

Other uncommon causes of sneezing in cats may be nose polyps, cancer, and ear infections. If you suspect any of these, or if you just cannot determine the cause of your cat's sneezing, take him to the vet for diagnosis.

If your cat sneezes blood, it may or may not be serious, but should be checked immediately. It may be as serious as nose cancer, or as simple as a mild cold.

An uncommon cause for a cat sneezing is dental problems. Tooth abscesses or infections in the upper teeth can travel to the nasal cavity and cause sneezing. Only a vet can determine the exact cause and possible treatment.

Sneezing becomes a problem when it causes the cat to become cranky. Additionally, a sneezing cat makes it almost impossible for the cat, or the owner, to get adequate sleep. This can lead to irritability for both.

A veterinarian is the only one who can decisively determine what is causing the cat to sneeze. Methods of determining the cause may include physical exam, an MRI, blood tests, nasal swabs, polyp biopsy, skull x-ray, and endoscope of the nasal passage, biopsy of the nasal lining.

Treatment for the bleeding depends, of course on the cause. Treatment may include surgical intervention, medicine to treat viral or bacterial infections, and treatment for allergies or asthma, as indicated.

Though a sneezing cat is no joke, there have been some superstitions surrounding cats over the years. Some of these include: cat sneezing once -rain is predicted; cat sneezing three times--the family will catch a cold; and good luck will come to all who hear a cat sneezing.

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    Allergy Testing

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