Getting allergies is bad, having asthma is worse and having allergy induced asthma is a total nightmare, since this type of asthma is mostly triggered by anything and everything that you can possibly think of. Contrary to popular belief allergic asthma is not only caused by spores, animal dander, pollen and the other things that you find floating in the air. It can also be caused by cold weather, hot weather, the artificial flavorings that you find in most foods nowadays, and up to the cleaning agents that you might be using when "supposedly" eliminating your other allergens.

So as said earlier, it's a nightmare to have this kind of asthma. The worse part is that more and more people are being diagnosed with this type of asthma because of adverse changes in the climate and worsening case of pollution. Allergy induced asthma can prevent you from participating in activities that you might enjoy, also limiting your capacity for school, work and mostly everything else.

But not everything is at a loss, due to the advancements being made in the field of conventional and alternative medicine; there are many methods and treatments that can come to your aid when trying to achieve relief from your condition. Here are a few examples:

Environmental Control: More in terms of your control rather than your doctors as it does not depend on any medication whatsoever. This will only involve a single procedure called Allergy Testing, where doctors will try to see your reaction of common allergens by putting small patches of it on your skin. This will allow you to see what your particular allergens. Armed with this knowledge it is then up to you on what your action plans are about these allergens. Environmental control involves making certain changes in the way that you live, changes in your home and even in what you eat. Limiting your exposure to allergens will allow your immune system that much needed recovery time, thereby strengthening your immunity to any unavoidable exposure in the future.

Alternative medications: there are many alternative medications that will help you deal with your condition while strengthening your body and immune system making you less prone to attacks caused by allergic reactions. Licorice, ginger, ginkgo biloba for example have been used by many people in the past to help with asthma and have observed vast improvements in their general health and control of the condition. Preparations are simple, effective, can work well along with conventional medication and not to mention cheap.

Immunotherapy: or aptly called allergy shots. Is the process of making your body less sensitive to your triggers by exposing you to very small amounts over a period of time? Results may tend to vary and although there have been some reports that this methods works, some divisions of conventional medicine still regard immunotherapy as inconclusive when it comes to the treatment of allergy induced asthma in general.

There are other methods that you can choose from when you want to get relief from your condition, try to ask your doctor about the other techniques and what might work well for you.

    創作者 Vinagszjv 的頭像

    Allergy Testing

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