Its summertime and the kids are looking forward to going to the Summer School Programs or the local YMCA and YWCA. The one thing they want to do is go swimming. I remember as a kid going to Venetian Pool in Coral Gables, Fl. It was great, we would spend the entire day there. My brother and I did this all summer long. The kids now go to the local community pools and have a good time also. It is important that all children learn how to swim. You never know when it will come in handy later on. I taught my children how to swim at ages 2 and 3, this is young, but we live near water and in Florida. Another thing, most parents do not think about the possibility of a chlorine allergy from a swimming pool.

Chlorine is used to disinfect swimming pools to prevent algae and bacteria from building up in the water. If the water is left untreated, the water becomes detrimental to the health of the users of the pool. I remember once when my daughters went into a pool that was not sterilized properly, they ended up with ear infections from the water. At the time we did not know any better about the dangers of unsterilized water. That was a costly lesson when we had to take them to the Doctor, plus the medication. So, be aware of unsterilized pools.

If you have a chlorine allergy, you have to stay away from chloride-containing swimming pools. We have a client whose little boy is allergic to chloride-containing water and is not allowed to go to public swimming pools or to a friends house for a swimming party. It is sad, but true. They take the boy to the beach and he is fine. He has no problem in salt water. The family will invite the other kids in the neighborhood to go with them, this is how they cope with his allergy so he can have a partway normal childhood. This is only one solution for people who have this allergy, go to the beach if it is nearby.

There are other forms of disinfectant systems such as "PristineBlue" System, which is an environmentally friendly algicide and bactericide. Another is also environmentally friendly disinfectant called "Baquacil". A third alternative is pools disinfected using "Ozone". Do an Internet search on Google and check all three out. We do not recommend any particular type. You will have to make that decision. I have seen the "Baquacil" System in use with one client, they were happy with the product. Another client uses "Ozone" and they were happy with their disinfectant system also. So, do some investigation on your own and make a choice for your child with Chlorine Allergy.

A friend of mine's little girl developed a rash from swimming in chloride-containing pool water. They did not know what caused it at first until after multiple times in the swimming pool, a rash would appear. Her symptoms were skin and eye irritation, itchiness, nasal congestion and a rash which looks similar to heat rash. They now use one of the alternative disinfectant systems for their swimming pool. She was told by the Doctor to use a sunscreen to help cope with the allergy. Her mother did not like that idea, so they changed to a "Baquacil" System disinfectant.

In conclusion, if your child has a Chlorine Allergy, you will have to get innovative in finding ways for them to go swimming. It is important that all children learn how to swim. The ocean is a great place if you live nearby. If you live inland, you will have to get some of the alternative systems such as "Baquacil", "PristineBlue" or use "Ozone". As always, if you are having an allergic reaction or a medical problem, consult with your Doctor first before doing anything.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website for more information.

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    Allergy Testing

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