
Curing acne is effective and economical in the long term when done naturally and holistically. Curing acne naturally from the inside out with diet and practical lifestyle changes is far more effective than simply trying to cure acne overnight with topical treatments. Curing adult acne internally is also possible with this approach - it's not just for teenagers.

Curing acne naturally involves taking into consideration the multiple organ systems in the body that contribute to it. First understand how acne arises so you can treat the underlying cause. Curing acne holistically involves using a multi-pronged approach to correct the internal imbalance.

Curing acne holistically requires supporting the large intestine (colon), kidneys, lungs and skin which are all organs of elimination that get rid of waste material and toxins. If one or more of the internal organs is not functioning optimally due to an internal imbalance, the other organs try to compensate so curing acne from the inside out is the key. Therefore skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis are often the body's way of trying to balance itself when the internal organs have an imbalance. This is why curing acne internally is the key.

Curing acne requires addressing the following issues:

1) Digestive tract

Constipation which blocks toxin elimination as well as recycling of "bad estrogens" implicated in hormone-related acne.The use of antibiotics will destroy the "good bacteria" such as lactobacillus in the gut. These microbes are needed to ensure gut health as well as to indirectly prime the immune system (which helps prevent autoimmunity among other things). Candida overgrowth in the gut can compromise the immune system which is often due to antibiotics killing off the good bacteria. Curing acne internally requires improving the health of the digestive tract.

2) Nutrition

Poor nutritional health due to a highly processed food diet (the detoxification organs need different types of vitamins and minerals to function optimally). Food allergies such as those to milk, saturated fats, sugar, caffeine, aspartame, red meats, soy, wheat etc that can cause "leaky gut" which can also cause autoimmunity and lethargy. A high glycemic index diet (refined carbohydrates like white bread, pastries, cakes) affects the immune system adversely by increasing inflammation which is the underlying cause of acne. Curing acne naturally requires an acne cure with diet.

3) Hormones

The increase in sex hormones at puberty causes excess production of sebum which causes pores to be clogged. High glycemic index foods cause a spike in the hormone insulin which increases a substance known as IGF-1 which in turn increases sex hormones that increase the secretion of sebum (oil) in the skin leading to breakouts. The stress hormone cortisol leads to a cascade of events that end up in an overall reduced sensitivity of the body to multiple hormones including insulin as well as to an increase in inflammation. Curing acne holistically requires taking into account the underlying hormones as well.

Solutions for curing acne naturally

1) Ensure proper elimination through atleast one bowel movement per day- ensure that you get enough water (8-10 glasses of water) and fibre in the diet ideally through vegetables but if not, use a fibre supplement (psyllium or citrus pectin). Check with your doctor whether you need more exercise and whether you may have hypothyroidism that can cause constipation.

2) Check your home and work environment for toxins - household cleaners, chemical fumes from plastics, treated wood or carpets in the home, additives in cosmetics, leaching from cooking utensils.

3) Replenish the good bacteria in the digestive tract by taking probiotics that are manufactured to ensure the number of live bacteria as well as viability after passage through the acidic environment in the stomach.

4) Remove any food allergies by checking with your doctor regarding food allergy testing. Then remove those offending foods and find alternatives so you don't fall back into the old habits of offending foods. Your local healthy grocery store is a good place to look for healthy alternatives such as gluten-free bread or non-dairy milks such as rice milk or almond milk.

5) Heal the digestive tract to eliminate "leaky gut" through supplements like glutamine and slippery elm tea.

6) Support the liver which is the main organ of detoxification. Burdock, milk thistle and dandelion root tea from the garden (provided the area is relatively free of toxic materials and no pesticides are used on lawns in the vicinity).

7) If a hormonal imbalance is suspected (low energy, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sudden weight gain, body hair growth in women, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, irregularities in the menses cycle) consult your doctor for laboratory testing.

Some topical natural acne treatments are tea tree oil, turmeric and white willow bark. Curing acne naturally involves addressing the excess of inflammatory cytokines from the immune system and a TH1/TH2 imbalance (different cell types of the immune system) that lead to inflammation.

Curing acne involves promoting toxin elimination, healing the lining of the digestive tract, supporting the liver and normalising hormonal imbalances in order to ultimately reduce inflammation - the underlying cause of acne.

This is provided as information only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your health regime.

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