
Need a home yeast infection test? Well, do you have discharge? Itching? Skin rashes? Unexplained symptoms? Then you probably have a yeast infection.

And believe it or not, but food allergies can play a huge role in your yeast infection. So when looking for a home yeast infection test you should consider an allergy testing kit also.

Curing your food allergies can be a huge step in an overall cure program for your yeast.

Using The Allergy Test

One can also identify hidden food allergies using skin tests or blood tests (e.g., the ELISA/ACT or IgG RAST blood test). The drawback to skin testing is that it's designed to detect immediate reactions to foods. Since over 90 percent of food allergies are of the delayed-onset type, skin tests cannot identify the vast majority of food allergies.

Blood tests measure antibodies in the blood directed at specific foods. Results can be misleading, however, if you're taking cortisone, acetylsalicylic acid, antihistamines, or other drugs.

To do this test, all that's needed is a single drop of blood. Food allergy home testing kits allow you to test for up to 100 foods through a drop of blood taken from the fingertip. You can obtain this in the privacy of your home without consulting a doctor. So when you are suffering from a yeast infection determined by a home yeast infection test you can decide to take an allergy test to find out if it would be beneficial to take further steps in limiting your allergies.

York Laboratories in England accepts such blood samples from all over the world. The lab then processes the blood to determine the level of antibodies against specific foods. Positive test results are close to 100 percent accurate, but there may be false negatives (i.e., the test may miss up to 20 percent of allergies).

You'll receive a report back from the lab within a few weeks. It will provide a list of the reactive foods and a book advising on rotation diets and alternatives to common food allergies. Testing costs vary from $200 to $500, depending on the number of foods being tested.

If you have the burning, itching, discharge, tiredness, rashes, and unexplained symptoms then you probably have a yeast infection. There isn't a home yeast infection test you can take but if you have those symptoms there are cure programs available.

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    Allergy Testing

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