A hives allergy condition will normally happen when your body is allergic to something you've been exposed to. It could be caused by a medicine you're taking, or perhaps something you've eaten. You'll recognize the hives by their appearance - usually large, swollen red patches on the skin. They tend to come on various sizes and itch like crazy.

Such an outbreak could also be the result of an infection you have as your immune system overreacts and tries to fight it off. If this is the case, you may need the help of your doctor. However, hives caused by an allergic reaction can normally be treated with OTC medicines or natural remedies. Of course, avoiding the allergen will clear up your condition as well.

Any type of medicine containing antihistamine can work to relieve hives allergy symptoms. You should be aware however, that many of these types of pills will cause you to become sleepy. Avoid them if you're driving or in any situation where you must be completely alert. Sometimes a cream remedy will be the best option.

Until you've found adequate relief, do your best to avoid scratching your hives. They will itch and it will be difficult, but scratching only makes the condition worse and you could damage your skin in the process. Many of the creams designed to treat hives will work well for the itching symptoms in particular.

Hives tend to come and go - some outbreaks last longer than others. However, if your hives allergy appears to be chronic, you may want to have your doctor do an evaluation and determine if there may be something else going on. You may even want to undergo allergy testing to see if you can avoid the problem in the future.

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If you are allergic to eggs then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies.
The immune system overreacts to the proteins fond in the eggs. The immune system products antibodies that are designed to fight off the harmful egg proteins. The reason the body overacts to certain foods is not clear and more studies are needed.

The proteins fond in the egg whites usually cause allergic to eggs reaction but in rare cases some individuals have been know to be allergic to the yolks of eggs. People with allergies to eggs have a good chance of being allergic to chicken products. As your body becomes sensitized to the eggs allergens, you may react to the ingestion of chicken products as well.

Most food allergy reactions usually happen within a few minutes to a few hours after eating the eggs. Most mild to moderate reactions last less than a day and can involve a rash on the skin, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing.

Prior to seeing any allergy specialist for testing to on egg allergies you will need to stop taking any anti-allergy medication or over the counter antihistamines 2 to 3 days before the test are to be performed. Talk to the allergy specialist if you are unsure about any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.

The allergic to eggs testing involves putting a liquid extract of the egg protein on your body, usually the back or forearm, and then scratching the skin slightly. If you develop hives, or red bumps, or the skin turns reddish in color and itches then these symptoms could indicate a positive result for allergies to eggs.

Another test that can be performed is called The Food Challenge. You are told to avoid all egg-containing foods for several weeks. Avoidance can be very difficult because egg protein is often hidden in other foods. Read the labels of every food that you bring into your home. Because the manufacturing processes change continuously re-read the labels each time you purchase a product. On January 1, 2006 a new law was passed stating that all labels should be designed in such a way that a 7-year-old child could read and understand the ingredients.

The doctor will then have you eat only eggs under close supervision. If symptoms appear after eating the egg products they you are allergic to eggs and will need to avoid anything that has on the label, contains egg ingredients, made using egg ingredients, or made in a facility that also processes eggs.

A growing awareness about food allergies is becoming well known in the United States. Food manufactures and restaurants are becoming more understanding and willing to accommodate people living with food allergies. Living with any food allergy is no longer a major undertaking; it is now just a minor adjustment to your life-style.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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Eyes puffy, red and sore. Feel like your sinuses a closing up without the benefit of a headcold to go with it? Look like you've gone ten rounds in the ring with the World Heavyweight Boxing Champion?

If you've been experiencing the above symptoms on and off over the last few months, or years, and you've written off colds as being the culprit, then it could be an allergic reaction to your soaps and cosmetics.

Allergies can come in all shapes and sizes, and with symptoms around the face you shouldn't rule out airborne or plant-based allergens either. Here's a few quick suggestions to help you figure out what might be going on.

Are you itchy anywhere else? Common spots to be effected are your armpits, arms and legs, but you could be itchy anywhere. A rash isn't necessarily present, but if you're presenting with one, get yourself to a doctor or naturopath as soon as you can to have it checked. Is your scalp itchy for no apparent reason ie, you've ruled out skin condition, dry scalp and lice.

These are all prime indications of intolerance to the chemicals and/or fragrances used in cosmetics or soap.

It's easy to check. Switch to chemical-free, fragrance-free products and see what happens. If the symptoms decrease, and barring any other symptoms, then it's likely you've found the source of the problem. Lucky you, it wasn't too bad. If the symptoms persist you may need to be a bit stricter with your product. Look for soaps that are naturally made from olive oil or castille oils and have absolutely no chemicals or fragrances.

Read the labels carefully! These products will probably come in bars or rounds of soap-like substance. They are much softer than soap and need to be kept dry in between uses. The products come in a range suitable for body and hair, and though more expensive than common commercial cosmetics, you do not need extra add-ons like conditioner. The companies that manufacture such natural products usually produce a skin-care range as well and provide helpful tips on their products and the benefits of avoiding chemicals.

If your skin is not sensitive or fragile, then a loofah brush can be a great help as well. It removes dead skin cells, improves circulation, assists with muscle strength & pain through massaging, aids with conditions like tinea, and feels wonderful! When using a loofah brush, be gentle around the decolletage and neck area, and avoid the face completely. If you'd like to try a similar technique on your face, purchase a facial brush.

So, you're doing all you can and the allergic symptoms are still persisting? 1. If at any time your symptoms go beyond the inconvenient and annoying, go to your health professional. 2. Look at other possible allergens your body comes into contact with, such as detergents, air fresheners, cleaning chemicals, plants, air pollution. Make the switch to safer, gentler products wherever you can. 3. If you are fed up with the symptoms or if they are increasing in severity, please, it's time to go to your health professional. You may need to undergo more detailed allergy testing or the symptoms may be indicators of something else.

Do not play around with your health and your life, if in doubt, seek professional help. Easing of even niggling symptoms may save you from worse later on.

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Probably one of the most annoying things in this world is food intolerance. Unlike food allergies, which can be identified with testing, food intolerance is a hit and miss proposition that can drive the sufferer crazy. We're going to give you the facts and the truth about food intolerance and tell you how it can be handled.

The first myth that needs to be dispelled is that people who are intolerant to certain foods are allergic to those foods. Food allergies are not the same as having an intolerance to certain foods. The symptoms may be very similar, which is why food intolerance is so difficult to pin point, but the causes are quite different.

With a food allergy, your body is actually allergic to the food in question and the reaction is that of your immune system itself fighting back, very similar to if you were allergic to pollen. The sneezing is your body fighting back against the pollen in the air. With a food intolerance, the immune system does not come into play. Your body does not believe that it is being invaded by a foreign body. However, your organs, usually your stomach and intestine which is where food is digested and eliminated, will react to certain ingredients in the food in question simply because it is intolerant to that particular food.

Food intolerance usually occurs because your body stops producing certain chemicals or enzymes that aid in the digestion of that particular food. This happens to quite a number of us as we get older. This is why so many people are lactose intolerant, as the enzyme created to properly digest lactose actually decreases in production as of the age of 2. It isn't until we are much older, however, that we start to develop symptoms, which are sometimes quite severe.

The only way to tell if you are allergic or intolerant to certain foods is to take a food allergy test. This can be given by a regular allergist. If the test comes up negative on the foods tested, and they test quite a number of different foods, then what you are suffering from is an intolerance and not an allergy.

If it is determined that you are intolerant, how do you find what foods you are intolerant of? This, unfortunately, is the hard part. The only way to do this, since there are no clinical tests, is to systematically eliminate foods from your diet and see what the effects are. Personally, I found that I was intolerant to anything with high fructose corn syrup. This was easy for me to spot. I started drinking a fruit punch that I had never drank before. I got terrible indigestion from it. I stopped drinking it and the indigestion stopped. I then looked at the ingredients, where I discovered the only thing I didn't normally have in any of my other foods. Since that time, simply eliminating foods with high fructose corn syrup, I have not had any indigestion.

Is it easy to find what foods you are intolerant of? No, it's not. It's especially hard if you eat a lot of different foods. However, most reactions occur after about 30 minutes to an hour after eating. So if you eat breakfast and you're fine but then an hour after lunch you're not feeling so well, it is most likely something you ate at lunch that is the culprit. Simply eat the same lunch the next day, except eliminate one of the items. Eventually you will find what is bothering you. The most common forms of intolerance are lactose and wheat. This should give you something to work with.

Food intolerance is not an easy thing to identify or live with, but with a systematic approach to eliminating foods, you will eventually find what it is that's causing you such distress.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

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Chiropractic care as a complementary and alternative strategy for care for individuals with autism. Unfortunately there is limited high quality research into alternative methods for autistic individuals in general. That being said, there is significant anecdotal support for non-conventional care with parents reporting improvements in behavioral issues such as tantrums, outbursts, repetitive actions and sleep, for example.

The message of chiropractic is that the body has a remarkable ability to self-heal and repair. The power that made the body is the power that heals the body. The body innately knows what to do to heal a scratched finger, to mend a broken bone, to fight off infection... It's truly amazing when you think of it! Chiropractic itself doesn't directly heal you, but it mediates the process by allowing the nervous system to communicate more freely. Chiropractic adjustments to misaligned or hypomobile vertebrae puts the body into better balance physically and neurologically such that the body can do what it's supposed to do at its best. Also, chiropractors recognize that what you put in your body really does matter. Whatever you eat, do and think makes a difference in your overall health.

For the record, chiropractors do not diagnose or claim to cure autism. Instead, they seek to maximize one's inherent healing abilities by addressing physical, chemical and emotional stressors that influence overall well-being. Chiropractors play an important part of the team approach to care along with conventional therapies.

As in any individual, physical factors play a role in well-being. Chiropractors will evaluate posture, ranges or motion, tightness/tenderness in muscles and/or joints, spinal alignment and overall function. Traumas can result in pain, irritability and outbursts in those with autism, which affects quality of life. Chiropractic care is hands on, gentle and effective at addressing physical concerns. There is also some preliminary research demonstrating benefits in behavioral problems as well as attenuation of sensorimotor issues among autistic individuals following chiropractic care.

Chemical factors are anything that is eaten or breathed in. Diet plays a huge role in health and is particularly important in individuals with autism due to the gut's role. Dietary suggestions for those with autism include probiotic support and a generally clean, healthy diet. This means reduce or eliminate refined sugars, fast foods, preservatives and artificial colors/sweeteners/flavors. Home-cooked meals are best and should include whole foods, vegetables and healthy fats. Food allergy/sensitivity testing may also be beneficial. Avoiding foods that one is sensitive to may improve overall digestion and reduce inflammation. If allergy testing isn't feasible, one can try avoiding foods that are commonly problematic - for example: wheat, dairy, corn and soy. Whatever you do, don't make immediate, drastic changes as this can be both upsetting and challenging. Phase things in and out so that the change is more gradual and then try to maintain the diet for at least a month to determine if there is improvement.

Emotional factors play a role both in the autistic individual as well as the household. Children with autism are more prone to anxiety disorders, feelings of anger and difficulty in adapting to change. These may manifest as behavioral issues as well as musculoskeletal signs and symptoms. For the family, challenges in raising a child with autism commonly results in emotional stress as well as strain on family finances. Stress can present as aches, pains and headaches as a result of tense muscles and joints. Families of autistic children may also benefit from chiropractic care as a means of relieving pain as well as stress.

Physical, chemical and emotional stressors are all inter-related. By looking at the big picture of one's health, overall health and well-being can be maximized. Even if a child goes from 20 tantrums per day to five, it's worth it. Or if a child can finally sleep through the night when under chiropractic care, it's worth it. A trial of chiropractic care may make all the difference.

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I recently have been undergoing somewhat of a health challenge. I have psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune disorder. And I'm 11 weeks pregnant. A few days before I found out that I was pregnant, I got a severe case of the 24-hour flu. My husband said, "Maybe you're pregnant." I responded by shaking my head as I hugged the porcelain.

After the flu started to subside, I noticed two major differences. One, I was still queasy but only at night. And, two, my arthritis pain was 95% gone. As the queasiness continued, the arthritis pain slowly returned. I took a pregnancy test and found out that I was pregnant. The more mystifying aspect was why did my arthritis leave and why did it return?

After much experiment and food allergy testing, I've concluded that it was very much food related. But not a food allergy, per se as I had first concluded. I was too acidic. I needed to get my pH balance alkaline, up to 7.35 - which happens when you're violently ill with the flu.

How do I do this? Make sure that 70% of the foods I consume are alkaline and only 30% either acidic or pH neutral. Did it work? I can't tell you yet. I'm starting to feel much better but I won't know for a week or so. Eating an alkaline diet is said to keep you from becoming sick. No more colds, no more flu and no more arthritis and cancer. I have been battling this health challenge for about 2 翻 years now and it has progressively gotten worse. I had it about seven years before that and I was able to make it go way in 2 weeks with a few ancient herbs. The herbs didn't work this time. I'm almost certain an alkaline diet will. I'll keep you posted.

So what foods are acidic and which ones are alkaline? Here is a partial list of extremely acidic foods:

Sweetened fruit juice
Black Tea
Canned tuna
Artificial sweeteners
Pickled vegetables

And here is a partial list of very alkaline foods:

Most green vegetables
Summer black radish
Soy nuts
Soy lecithin

Most of us feel that life is not about how long we live but about the quality of our lives. Ideally we have both longevity and vibrant health. This may be the way to get there.

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If you've ever noticed that your nose closes up and your eyes get itchy in certain parts of your house, that's sure sign that you've got unwanted black mold hanging out somewhere. Many people suffer sinus trouble when they go into their basements. The trouble isn't your sinus; it's the mold.

I Can't Breathe!

When there is mold in your house, you don't often see it. This is especially true in the basement. So, the only way you can tell is by following your nose.

Mold spores cause a variety of symptoms, usually resembling a mild cold or sinus attack. You may have a stuffy nose, sinus headache, itchy eyes, irritated skin, trouble breathing or a whole variety of other symptoms. Some people who suffer from chronic sinus trouble are actually getting attacked routinely by hidden mold in their house.

Actually, your sinus is your best testing device. If you go into your basement and feel a sudden sinus attack coming on, go to another part of the house and see if it goes away. Some people who experience sinus trouble in their homes find that, when they go on vacation, the trouble goes away. Then, when they get home, it's back.

Why Does Mold Like My Basement So Much?

The basement is a particularly good place for mold to wreak havoc on your sinuses. This is because it's dark and wet, two of mold's ideal living conditions. There are also lots of convenient hiding places where mold can still get the water it needs to live.

Mold may grow on things stored in the basement, in walls, in the flooring joists, on the concrete floor. On of the worst places is on the wall right under a ground-level window. If you have a basement bathroom, you can be sure that mold can find lots of great places to shack up.

Your basement offers many great opportunities for mold to get in and upset your sinuses. This is especially true of older houses, where there might be an entire mold civilization thriving.

What Can I Do About It?

First, you have to find the mold. As I said before, one good way to do it is to follow your nose. Pay attention to your sinus as you walk around the house. You'll notice that in certain places, every time you go there, your sinus seems to close up and become congested. This is a sure sign that you've got mold, and you don't need any fancy testing devices to tell.

If you really want to be sure, mold testing may be a good idea. A licensed mold inspector can test a sample of the mold to see what species it is. Knowing the species can shed some light on your particular health condition. Certain types of mold are known to cause certain symptoms. They can also test airborne mold.

Wouldn't you love to be able to breathe again? It's quite likely that getting rid of the mold will get rid of your chronic sinus problems.

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An ECG or an electrocardiogram is a test that monitors the electrical activity of the heart. These electrical impulses are then represented in a printout format on special graph paper for doctors to interpret for any underlying cardiac problems.

A normal healthy person's heart will have an ECG that has regular waves and shapes. Irregular heart rhythms or damage to the heart muscle show up in ECG reports. An ECG report can confirm if you have had a heart attack in the past or are currently having one.

The ECG test itself is a painless and safe procedure. No prior preparation is necessary. You may eat or drink before the test. However, since the test is done when the patient is at rest, the latter should avoid exercising or partake in any kind of activity that elevates the heart rate.

Furthermore, you should advise the doctor about any medications you may be taking. If you are allergic to the adhesive tapes used in the ECG test procedure, inform the doctor.

The ECG can be performed in a clinic or in a hospital.
1 You will be required to lie on a bed or a table

2. The patient will be required to strip to the waist.

3. The areas of the skin where the electrodes are attached will be cleaned

4. A special gel is applied to the skin where the electrodes will be placed Disposable electrodes are often used, so special gels may not required.

5. Electrodes will be attached to each wrist and ankle and six are placed in designated areas of the chest.

6. These electrodes are attached to the ECG which will record your heart's electrical impulses and represent them on paper

7.You will be required to lie still during the test. Moving and talking can distort test results.

8. You may experience a slight discomfort when the electrodes are removed

9. In very rare exceptional cases the skin may develop an allergy to the electrodes which could cause a slight redness of the skin.

The test may last about five to ten minutes. The doctor will examine the results in the printout. If the test results are normal, then no further tests may be needed. However, if the results are abnormal or are not conclusive, the doctor will recommend more tests such as the ECG stress test or the Treadmill test. Further investigations may include chest x-rays, Echo cardiogram or even more blood tests. The patient can continue his normal activities after the test.

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Do you get frustrated with your doctor because her/his diagnosis does not reveal candida? This article will help you how to find out candida based on my friend's experience. She was confused, how come she can't find a doctor who will diagnose her with candidiasis? She has been through three years of hellish testing for things like Chron's and colitis, but never once has anyone tested her for excess yeast. She has been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but it really doesn't fit her bill, so to speak.

Symptoms are really too many to mention, but mainly are: chronic diarrhea, extreme gassiness and bloating, dizziness, bad breath, acne, weight gain, intolerance to any gluten or wheat products, and the most recent is hair loss.

She is really sick of being poked and prodded by Doctors who should recognize this if it is, indeed, what she has. On the Crooks test (where a score of 180 is a most likely that someone have it), she scored a 340! So she is really confused and need help.

A friend of mine has really good experience that can answer above issue. Here's how she found out about her candida problem (a surprise for her since she does eat rather healthfully - yet this began when she was pregnant!). She got Dr. Michael Murray's book Stomach Ailments and Digestive Disturbances. In it, he mentions the Comprehensive Stool Analysis which is offered by some labs here in the U.S.

She went to a doctor who used natural medicine and asked to have that test done, thinking it would turn something up about the troubles she was having in her colon. Lo and behold, the test revealed candida.

One suggestion she has is to do a colon cleanse. If you go to the internet, you'll find a product called Herbal Fiberblend there which yields excellent results. She (and also I) is convinced that this is the critical step (along with changing diet) to eliminating candida. Also, raw garlic, good yogurt, and iodine (from seaweed- kelp granules are good for this) and flax seeds ground up and taken in water: these are all good, inexpensive remedies.

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It is widely understood that acne is mainly caused by hormonal fluctuations and oily skin, and most acne treatments are designed with this in mind. However, there is a significant amount of recent research pointing to the fact that food allergies may be at least partly responsible for breakouts. Read on to find out more about food allergies and acne, and learn how to determine whether something you are eating is responsible for your pimples.

What is a food allergy?

An allergy is an intolerance to certain elements in the environment. If you are allergic to a particular item, your body treats it as if it were an invader, causing an inappropriate immune system response. You may experience rashes, redness, respiratory reactions, and inflammation as your body attacks the offending food.

How do food allergies cause acne?

When you eat something that you are allergic to, your body produces antibodies, which are chemicals that are meant to attack invading substances such as viruses and bacteria. These chemicals provoke a toxic response in your system, which can lead to hives and acne lesions on your skin.

How can I determine which foods are causing my acne?

Some of the most common food items known to cause allergic reactions include dairy products, nuts, shellfish, and gluten. You may be able to determine whether any of these are causing an allergic reaction by eliminating them from your diet one at a time. If your acne begins to clear up after a few days, chances are that you are allergic to that food and you should discontinue eating it.

Another way to find out if you are allergic to any foods is with an ELISA food allergy panel - contact your doctor to schedule testing.

How can I find out more about acne causes and treating blemishes?

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