The lung represents the bronchi, the immune system (protection from infections), allergies and the skin. Psychologically it stands for communication problems.


The Lung meridian is the "Master of the Respiration", therefore its acupuncture points are used for illness of the lung, the respiratory system and the heart. Its eleven points begin in the third intercostal space. The meridian runs on the inside of the arm over the thumb to its terminal point on the exterior of the thumb (In the EAV model this point represents the lymphatic system, which is not in accordance with the meridians as laid down in TCM!).


The lung meridian also represents the oxygen content of the body, is associated with the skin and shows reactions if allergies and heavy metal toxicity are present. The Lung meridian controls the exterior of body and all the Yin-Meridians. It reacts most sensitive to harmful external influences (such as wind). Discords of the lung normally relate to a lack of Yin.

The Lung meridian has a close relationship with the meridians of the heart and circulatory system. It runs through the diaphragm and connects with the Large Intestines in the abdomen. The meridians of Lung and Large Intestine traditionally form a Yin-Yang pair.

A disturbance in the thorax (the lungs) can cause a disturbance in the abdomen (in Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Bladder, Pancreas) and in the pelvis area (Intestines, Kidneys, Prostate) and vice versa.

Possible disease symptoms:

1 ?? Allergy (visible in the EMG Biograph readings as stagnations/blockages)
2 ?? Oxygen deficiency
3 ?? Heavy metal toxicity (amalgam!!)
4 ?? Disturbances in the abdomen (stomach, liver...)
5 ?? Disturbances in the pelvis area (intestines, kidney)
6 ?? Skin
7 ?? Allergic skin problems

The Lung meridian governs the respiration and skin. People with too much worry and concern often show energy deficiencies in the Lung meridian.

Most allergic skin problems are related with liver and lung function. The physician should also consider infectious foci such as teeth. When dental amalgam overload (mercury toxicity) is present, the Lung meridian responds with energy deficiency. Energy deficiency in Lu / Li / TW, eventually in combination with weak Ki readings, often is a sign of dental fillings with mercury toxicity. Frequently Lu or LI show a blockage when provocation tests are carried out. (see flow chart Dr. Doepp).

Hypofunction of the Lu relates to pain in the wrists, elbows and shoulders, as well as in the back and in the thorax. Lu 9 is the master point for illnesses of the vascular system, i.e. arteriosclerosis.

Standard substances for testing with the Biograph

Ermsech Kps allergies, immune weakness via Meridian System & Therapy.

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In order to decide which is the best Eosinophilic Esophagitis diet for a patient, they must first go through various allergy evaluations with an allergist. Once this has been completed, they may then discuss with their doctor which treatment and diet is best for them. Since every person is different, what may work for one person may not work for another person. Furthermore, a patient may undergo other medications in addition to choosing an Eosinophilic Esophagitis diet. It all depends on the best possible plans for the individual.

For those with Eosinophilic Esophagitis, there are three main diets that include:

1. Six Food Empiric Elimination Diet (Common Food Allergen Diet)

2. Specific Food Elimination Diet (Avoidance Diet)

3. Elemental Diet (Hypoallergenic Amino-Acid Based Formula)

Before choosing a diet, it is highly important that the patient first consult with their doctors; it is also wise to undergo an endoscopy after being on the chosen diet. This follow up procedure is extremely important because the symptoms the patient typically has may lessen dramatically, but the endoscopy will be able to determine whether or not the esophageal inflammation has indeed decreased.

Six-Food Empiric Elimination Diet

There are six foods that are the most common in allergy related diseases. These foods include eggs, milk, soy, wheat, peanuts and seafood. In a trial, 88% of children who had Eosinophilic Esophagitis and did this diet were healed. The success rate of this diet is undoubtedly a high one, however this is often a diet that many find challenging to follow. In some cases, patients also need an amino-acid based formula supplementation.

It is in the patient's best interest to consistently consult with a dietician when following this diet. It is also helpful if the patient becomes accustomed to reading ingredient labels regularly.

Specific Food Elimination Diet

This particular diet varies depending on the patient, because it is determined based on their results from food allergy testing. This testing includes the combination of RAST, atopy patch and/or skin prick testing. Once this has been completed, the allergist will decide which foods should be removed from the patient's diet.

Even small quantities of foods the patient is allergic to can cause a serious problem; therefore it is of the utmost importance that they completely avoid the foods they have tested positive to. Milk, eggs, soy, wheat, corn, peanuts, treenuts, chicken and beef are the most common foods that patients are allergic to. Milk, however, is the number one food to cause allergic reactions, and it is advised for patients to stay away from it even if they tested negative for it. It would not be surprising if the allergist told the patient not ingest any milk whether or not they were proven to be allergic to it.

Elemental Formula Diet

The elemental diet is by the far the strictest diet utilized for Eosinophilic Esophagitis patients. When an elemental diet is being used, there is absolutely no need for any other type of nutrition. This hypoallergenic formula is created from amino-acids, and is milk and soy free. Common formulas include Nutramigen AA, Neocate or Elecare.

Elemental diets usually result in success and it is actually unusual for one to not work. In some cases, children may need a G tube or nasogastrostomy (NG) tubes in addition to this Eosinophilic Esophagitis diet because the formula itself is not always enough nutrition for them.

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If you've ever tried inhaling some pollen from plants, or eating something and finding out afterwards that you're covered in red blotchy spots or some other nasty effect after you eat, then you've experienced firsthand the effects of Allergies.

In common usage, an allergy is an adverse reaction toward what is called an allergen, or specifically, the material that causes the allergic reaction.

What Happens When You Come In Contact With An Allergen?

When you ingest something that causes an allergic reaction in your body, the immune system is said to be hyperactive to this material, and with that, the immune system activates to quash what it sees as a threat. But it's actually not, and is quite harmless and garners no excess bodily reaction in other people.

Once the body's immune system releases antibodies as a response to the allergen, it causes the release of histamine into the bloodstream, which is what causes you to get teary-eyed and have a runny nose or whatnot.

Common Allergens In People

Probably the most common source of allergic reactions in most people is in their food. Whether its shellfish, or mushrooms, or even something mundane like a vegetable, allergic reactions from food are quite common.

And if you've been stung by an insect and notice excessive swelling from the locality of the bite, then you've got an allergic reaction from that bite.

There are even cases of extreme allergic reactions to bee stings, resulting in anaphylactic reactions. Chemicals and medicine also fall into the category of being a common source of allergic reactions.

If you've got to have antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor, make sure that your body doesn't have an allergy to materials in your medicine.

Treatment and avoidance of allergies

Should you suspect that you're having an allergic reaction to something, consult your doctor so that he or she can refer you to an allergist, which is a type of specialization for doctors in the field of allergies.

He or she can do the testing on your suspected materials and verify your suspicions and prescribe medicines or give your advice on what to do about your reaction. But sometimes, antihistamines are not enough, though that's the most common medicine to combat allergic reactions.

Sometimes you have to avoid contact with the allergen at all costs, as enough exposure could possibly lead to disastrous results in your body.

Make sure you know exactly what materials you are allergic to so that you can avoid even trace quantities of it in other things.

Avoidance is also a good method of preventive treatment, since you won't have allergic reactions when you aren't exposed to allergens.

One method of treating allergens is to give a person immunotherapy, exposing the person with the allergy to minute quantities of his or her allergen.

The immune system learns to cope with these materials, developing immunity and preventing future allergic reactions. This is particularly effective for airborne particles, less so for food allergies, which might cause reactions even though you've undergone treatment.

Almost all people have allergies of one sort to another, and it varies widely when it comes to what they're allergic to. Once you find out your allergen, you can avoid it and prevent unpleasant reactions from your body, or even get treatment so that you can develop immunity and remove the allergic reaction from your body.

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Most people, at some point in their lives, experience some type of short-lived back pain. This is usually a relatively temporary occurrence that doesn't interfere with daily life in a major way. But, for an unlucky percentage of the population, back pain is a chronic problem that's debilitating physically and emotionally. To make matters worse, treating and managing chronic back pain tends to be a frustrating process because not all causes are totally understood. The first step to treating and managing chronic back pain is finding a doctor who specializes in back disorders, an orthopedic surgeon or a neurologist. This doctor will be able to diagnose what type of pain you have and, hopefully, determine what is causing it.

Neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica may be muscular or nerve-related. It may occur in the upper or lower portion of the back. (Lower back pain is the most common type, and some studies indicate that its prevalence is on the rise, possibly due to a higher percentage of the population being overweight or obese.) It may be the result of an injury or it may be age-related. Common causes of chronic back pain include herniated discs, arthritis and sciatica.

Conventional treatments for chronic neck pain, back pain, and sciatica include oral medications, injections, weight loss and surgery. If you have tried these options without success, or if the cause of your pain has been diagnosed as 'non-specific,' it may be time to consider alternatives such as physical therapy, reducing stress, getting more and better sleep, changing your diet, getting acupuncture or acupressure treatments, going to a masseuse regularly, using an inversion board, or getting chiropractic adjustments.

Physical Therapy: If your back pain is caused by muscular stiffness or inflammation, physical therapy may be helpful. The purpose of physical therapy is to loosen and work muscles to improve your mobility. You may be able to independently perform flexion (bending forward), extension (bending backward) and other stretching exercises. Or, you may need to go to a specialist to help you perform the needed movements (possibility in conjunction with apply heat/cold treatments and/or electrical stimulation).

Stress Reduction: High levels of stress intensify the body's sensitivity to pain. Therefore, reducing stress is one way to reduce neck pain, back pain, and sciatica. Consider visiting a mental health care specialist to develop a plan of action for reducing stress in your life. Managing stress through the use of regular meditation or deep-breathing exercises can be helpful as well. You may prefer to practice such exercises on your own, or as part of a guided group.

Improving Sleep: Not getting enough sleep, or having poor-quality sleep, can be both a cause and a symptom of chronic back pain. If you feel tired in addition to having back pain, or frequently wake up at night in extreme discomfort, consider spending some time addressing this aspect of your overall health. Of course, sleeping on a comfortable mattress that properly aligns your spine is important. But ruling out disorders like sleep apnea is a smart idea. No matter what, if you're as rested as you can be, you'll be likely to experience less pain and be better able to deal with the pain you do have.

Dietary Changes: It's probably pretty obvious that eating a healthful, varied diet and maintaining a consistent, healthy weight is vital to overall well-being. But other, more specific changes to your diet might help reduce back pain and sciatica. For example, you may have food allergies or sensitivities that you're not aware of, deficiencies in specific nutrients or vitamins (like Vitamin D), or undiagnosed digestive problems (like celiac disease). Elimination diets, allergy testing and other diagnostics can help you determine if a diet-related problem is causing or exacerbating your back pain.

Acupuncture and Acupressure: While not totally accepted in the U.S. nor confirmed to be effective, this practice is gaining popularity. It involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body to unblock 'Qi' or 'life-force' channels. Studies have confirmed that acupuncture may be effective in reducing neck pain and back pain if combined with other treatments. Some practitioners use the same principle to perform acupressure, in which pressure (rather than needles) is applied to specific points on the body.

Massage: As with physical therapy, if your neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica is caused by muscle tightness, massage may help. Massage may be general in nature, or more specialized as with 'rolfing,' a practice that involves loosening the fascia (tissue covering muscles) in the back through the use of strong pressure.

Inversion Therapy: If you have back pain and sciatica caused by a compressed disc or sciatica, inversion therapy (a form of 'traction' treatment) may provide short-term relief. It involves hanging upside down by the ankles or tipping upside down in a special table, which allows gravity to stretch the spine, decompressing nerve roots and discs in the process. This isn't a long-term solution to chronic pain, but might be helpful in combination with other therapies.

Chiropractic Treatment: This type of treatment involves physical manipulation of the spine and/or surrounding tissues to alleviate neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica. It is performed by chiropractors and osteopathic physicians, and may be helpful but shouldn't be used if you have certain conditions such as compressed spinal cord or inflammatory arthritis. Check with your primary doctor first.

In most cases, the options discussed here represent ways to manage chronic back pain rather than cure it. One or more of these options may temporarily eliminate or alleviate your pain, but it's quite likely that you'll need ongoing treatment to maintain a pain-free or pain-reduced life. Exercise, weight loss, and any one or several of the above strategies, when applied in concert will alleviate and possibly eliminate neck pain, back pain, and sciatica once and for all!

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In this day and age, sexual health is not something to be taken for granted. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) are, unfortunately, a reality all sexually active adults need to be aware of and take precautions against. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the incidence rate of new STI's in the United States to be around 20 million cases annually. About 50% of those cases are occurring in individuals ages 15-24, with the other half occurring in those 25 years and older. While these figures are staggering, using condoms can drastically reduce one's risk of transmitting such an infection. So what happens when doing the smart thing and using protection causes penis pain and discomfort? Unfortunately, penis allergies are a reality, so some men may need to find alternative methods of protection as part of their penis health care arsenal.

Condom Allergies: Are they for real?

While it may sound like a lame excuse to not use protection, some men - and women too - are legitimately allergic to latex. Lubricants, spermicides and diaphragms can also trigger allergic reactions in some unlucky individuals. A negative reaction to these products may be instantaneous in highly sensitive individuals, or they may appear a few hours later, leaving the unfortunate victim wondering what may have happened to their manhood.

What Are the Symptoms?

An allergic reaction on the genitals is about as unpleasant as it sounds. Some of the possible symptoms include:

  • Breaking out in a rash in the genital area

  • Hives/red blotches

  • Itchy skin

  • Burning sensation on any skin touched by the condom

  • Skin is overly sensitive and may be painful to the touch

  • Unexplained respiratory symptoms such as: coughing, wheezing, sneezing

  • Sudden runny nose or nasal discharge

  • Feelings of light-headedness

  • Disorientation

  • Anaphylactic shock - this only occurs in cases of extreme latex sensitivity

In addition, repeated exposure may trigger the occurrence of blisters, as the body's immune system tries to fight off the latex, and even men who have not previously had issues may develop a penis allergy over time.

A condom allergy may also lead to a urinary tract infection in some men. Symptoms of a UTI include:

  • Burning during urination

  • Itching

  • Foul smelling urine

  • Blood in urine

What to do if a latex allergy is suspected

Men who suspect they have a latex allergy should consult an allergist for testing to ensure the skin is reacting to the latex and not a different source. Since having unprotected sex drastically increases the risk of contracting an STI or resulting in an unplanned pregnancy, going au natural is not the best option. Men should seek out non-latex condoms in order to protect themselves - and their partners - from unwanted sexual side effects.

Two types of non-latex condoms exist as options for those allergic to latex. Synthetic condoms, made with polyurethane, are deemed to be as safe as latex condoms by the CDC. Lambskin condoms, also known as natural membrane condoms, are made from lamb cecum and do not contain latex. Natural membrane condoms are useful in preventing pregnancy, but it is important to note that the CDC and FDA has deemed them to be less effective in preventing the transmission of STI's including HIV/AIDS.

Caring for a Latex Allergy

If the allergic reaction is severe, is causing difficulty breathing, or is extremely painful, medical attention should be sought immediately. Anaphylactic shock can result in death if not treated immediately. Milder allergic reactions, though uncomfortable and unpleasant, should clear up on their own without any medical intervention. Washing the affected area with gentle soap and water is effective in removing the allergen and preventing prolonged exposure, which will worsen the reaction. Applying a penis health creme containing vitamins and minerals (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also help soothe red, irritated skin while revitalizing the penis. Select one that contains vitamin E to help hydrate and repair itchy skin and quickly provide some much needed relief to the area.

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Children are fascinated by birds. Whenever you go to the beach or a park, you can always see a child feeding or chasing after birds, especially pigeons. It is important that parents with children with Asthma and Allergies understand the dangers of playing with pigeons. Most children with Asthma and Allergies have a compromised immune system that needs monitoring by a Physician, especially children with Asthma.

Histoplasmosis is contracted when you inhale the dust that carries the fungal spores. Its effect on the body can vary widely in severity from one person to another depending upon their immune system. People can be carriers and have no symptoms at all. Others can experience flu-like symptoms and mild respiratory infections. It becomes a problem in people who already have a weakened immune system such as individuals with Asthma and Allergies.

Histoplasma capsulatum is commonly found in the in the dust and soil of the Mississippi-Ohio River Valley region. There are a lot of individuals in this area that are are carriers. It affects both men and women equally. It can also be found in other parts of the country where large amounts of pigeons gather. It gets into the soil mostly from bird and bat droppings.

We had an unusual case in Boca Raton, Fl in an office building. The people in the building were complaining about flu-like symptoms. Investigation of the roof found a pigeon nest in the fresh air intake. Testing of the pigeon droppings and feathers were positive for the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Reported the problem to the building owner and they cleaned it up. There were no more flu-like symptoms in the building after the cleanup.

The fungus may affect the eye by causing small areas of inflammation. It also scars the retina. A Physician friend of mine told me that these spots are sometime called "histo spots" and can be found in both eyes. It can also affect your vision depending upon the location of the "histo spots". The scarring of the peripheral area of the retina could possibly have little or no impact on the vision. If you are scared in the central area, it could possibily cause a blind spot. This can be diagnosed by a Ophthalmologist who is familiar with Histoplasmosis.

The sign of ocular histoplasmosis in your child could be distorted vision, blind spots and scars on the retina. It is detected with a dilated examination of the retina using ophthalmoscopy. Regular eye exams is recommended for anyone with "histo spots". The best solution we can offer is to keep your children away from pigeons and their droppings at the beach and park areas. Prevention is the best solution for Histoplasma.

In conclusion, keep you children away from pigeons whose dropping can contain the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. A child with Asthma and Allergies must be especially careful to avoid pigeons at the beach and in parks where they gather. It is tough enough living with Asthma and Allergies without being exposed to this fungus which can affect people with compromised immune systems. If you feel you or your child have been exposed to Histoplasma, contact your Doctor immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for more information concerning Asthma, Allergies, Mold, Indoor Air Quality and the Chemically Injured.

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Most everyone has had a headache at some time, but there are people who cannot function on a daily basis due to headache pain. Many people go to physicians for headaches, in fact, headaches are the ninth most common cause of physician visits. Some headaches are caused by serious medical conditions and may need medical treatment.

Migraines, which come on an average of 1-2 times per month, may last anywhere from 3 hours to 3 days each. The pain, may vary from throbbing to moderate, often comes on gradually. Sometimes it starts on one side of the head and then switches sides. People report seeing lights, rainbows and blurred vision. There may also be loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting.

More women than men complain of headaches. Usually migraine patients have a family background of headaches 80% of the time. 43% of migraine sufferers complain of eye symptoms. According to many studies, most sufferers have other symptoms: hay fever, eczema, travel sickness and a history of digestive tract problems.

The Allergy Connection

Migraines are often a reaction to an allergen, which in turn, irritates the blood vessels. In migraines, an artery, most commonly the superficial temporal artery, becomes constricted at first, then the same segment of the artery becomes widely dilated, and overstretched. The pressure of the blood carried in the artery increases the pain, whereas compression of the artery with the hands on the side of the head over the dilated segment will cause relief of pain. The control of blood vessel tone is through the autonomic nervous system. Thus many natural treatments are directed at the nervous system and blood vessels.

Triggering Agents

The most common triggering agents for migraines are alterations in serotonin metabolism (a deficiency), food allergies (in order of the most common- wheat, citrus fruit, eggs, tea, coffee, chocolate, milk, salt, corn, cane sugar, yeast, alcohol, cheeses, onions), low magnesium levels, hormonal imbalances, histamine-induced platelet aggregation (blood platelets sticking together). Migraine headaches can also be triggered by eyestrain, poor posture, stress, sleep excess or deficiency, weather changes, blood sugar imbalances and drug use. (Dr. Dana Myatt)

Other studies cite triggers like hypoglycemia, tension, depression, tobacco, birth control pills, vasodilator drugs, water retention, menstruation, wind exposure, and sun exposure. There may also be factors that aggravate migraines such as poor air, constipation, getting cold, noise, carbon monoxide poisoning, very low / high blood pressure, altitude changes (air travel), bright or flashing lights (a recent study showed 30% were in the sun when the migraine started), loud or low frequency noises, electromagnetic fields (cell or portable phone), emotional stress or trauma, strong odors (including news print), pet allergies, and others. (Dr. Ron Roth and Lancet)

Can Foods Cause Migraines?

When allergy producing foods were avoided there was a dramatic fall in the number of headaches per month, 85% of patients becoming headache-free (Lancet) Migraine users may want to stay away from food with dairy and wheat.

Eating too many varieties of foods at one meal is a common cause of headache. The many chemicals from the various foods, even though naturally produced, still make war inside the system. For people with headaches it is wise to take two dishes at a meal of very simple foods. (Dr. Agatha Thrash).

Natural Relief

* When the headaches first starts, applying an ice pack can provide quick relief. The ice pack can be placed on the top of the head or on the forehead.

* Tension headaches result from stress and reduced blood flow to the brain, causing the neck muscles to tighten. To soothe the neck muscles apply heat. Applying a heating pad or taking a hot bath can provide relief.

* A massage can relieve stress and relax the muscles in the neck and other parts of the body. With the fingertips, massage the scalp and temples, using a circular motion.

* A hot foot bath with a cold compress or ice pack over the painful area can also be helpful.

* Studies show that Feverfew and Ginkgo reduce migraines and vascular headaches. The leaves of the Feverfew contain parthenolide, which inhibits the production of substances that dilate blood vessels and cause inflammation. Ginkgo also relieves ringing in the ear, and dizziness often associated with headaches. Feverfew and Ginkgo are available at health food stores.

* Ginger relaxes blood vessels in the head and reduces swelling in the brain. It activates natural opiates in the brain that relieve pain. Ginger can be taken in the form of tea or in tablets available at health food stores.

Where to Find Help

For information on headaches contact: The National Headache Foundation (888) NHF-5552. Always consult a physician before proceeding with any remedies. Headaches can be a sign of a very serious medical condition that can lead to death.

Since diet can play a part in migraines, reducing allergy producing foods is recommended. If you can't afford the $100 food allergy test from your alternative medicine provider, you can instead try going 1 month each without wheat, dairy, and yeast. Those are the most common offenders. If any of them is involved, you should notice a difference!

Although it can be a challenge to change your diet, if the end result is migraine headache relief, it will be well worth your effort. There are an increasing number of non-allergenic food mixes and seasonings on the market today that have no dairy, are easy to make and healthful and fun to eat. You may want to consider some of those options while testing your diet to see if you can determine what foods, if any, are the ones that give you a headache.

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Many people with Graves' Disease have a gluten sensitivity problem. This not only can exacerbate their condition, but for those looking to restore their health back to normal through a natural treatment protocol it can make it difficult to accomplish this.

Gluten sensitivity is becoming more and more common. When I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease and followed a natural treatment protocol, for the first 30 days of the protocol I avoided gluten-based foods. I recommend for my patients to do the same thing, and some people will need to avoid these foods for a longer period of time. And of course some people do need to avoid gluten-based foods on a permanent basis.

How To Determine If Someone With Graves' Disease Is Allergic To Gluten

In order to determine whether someone with Graves' Disease has a gluten sensitivity or intolerance, the proper testing needs to be performed. There are different types of tests which can do this, and chances are you will need to consult with a holistic doctor in order to receive the appropriate testing. What's important to understand is that while many people who are sensitive to gluten react to it and have noticeable symptoms, not everyone will have overt symptoms.

So does this mean that I test every person for a gluten sensitivity? Actually, I usually don't recommend for every new patient to obtain such testing. There are a few reasons for this. One reason is because such testing is expensive, and there are usually other tests I find to be more important than this which I recommend. A second reason for this is because regardless of the test results, I still have people avoid gluten for at least 30 days upon following a natural treatment protocol. I find that some people who are gluten sensitive or even intolerant can begin eating gluten again after restoring their digestive health. So for many people it actually makes sense to do this type of testing after they follow a natural treatment protocol. Of course different doctors will have different approaches, and so I don't disagree with those doctors who recommend such testing for everyone immediately, as this is just the approach I take.

Should You Avoid Gluten For The Rest Of Your Life?

Some "experts" will recommend for anyone with a gluten sensitivity or intolerance to avoid gluten for the rest of their life. In fact, many will recommend that EVERYONE avoid gluten on a permanent basis, regardless of whether they are sensitive or not. Once again, some people will need to avoid gluten for as long as they live. But to tell every single person to avoid gluten for the rest of their life is in my opinion a little bit extreme.

When it comes to Graves' Disease and other autoimmune conditions, some suggest that gluten is the primary factor causing the autoimmune response. Of course gluten will trigger an immune system response for someone who is allergic to it. This is the case with anything else someone is allergic to as well. Without question gluten can exacerbate Graves' Disease, but this doesn't mean that in most people with Graves' Disease it's the direct cause. While the focus these days seems to be on gluten because it is in many different foods and many people react negatively to it, one also can't neglect other allergens as well.

This is why I not only have people with hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease avoid gluten-based foods while following a natural treatment protocol, but other common allergens as well. As I mentioned earlier, the only surefire way of ruling out such allergens is through the proper testing. For example, I've had patients who obtained an ELISA test and found out that they had some allergies to healthy, whole foods. Some people are allergic to certain nuts and seeds, which can potentially cause problems while following a natural treatment protocol. Some people are also allergic to poultry, and even certain fruits and vegetables. The point is, gluten is not the only thing people are allergic to, and therefore it's not the only factor that can cause a condition such as Graves' Disease to flare up.

How To Cure A Gluten Sensitivity Or Intolerance Problem

Some people wonder whether it is possible to cure their gluten sensitivity or intolerance problem. Some people can overcome this problem, but not everybody. For those who successfully overcome this problem they usually need to avoid all gluten-based foods for at least three months, and frequently longer than this. In addition to avoiding all gluten-based foods for a prolonged period of time, it is also important to eat well, and to avoid other common allergens. It also might be necessary to take certain nutritional supplements and herbs to help restore your digestive health. After this period some people can consume gluten-based foods again without a problem, although not everybody.

Sometimes a gluten-sensitivity or intolerance problem can't be cured, but can managed by taking certain enzymes, such as those containing papain. Once again, not everyone will be able to eat gluten-based foods when doing this, but some people claim that taking these digestive enzymes before they eat gluten-based foods will allow them to tolerate these foods.

In summary, people with Graves' Disease who have a gluten-sensitivity or intolerance problem can sometimes overcome this problem by avoiding these foods for three to six months, along with incorporating other dietary changes. For those who can't cure this problem, they will definitely need to minimize, and in some cases completely eliminate gluten from their diet for the rest of their life. Sometimes taking certain digestive enzymes can help people better to tolerate gluten, so this is definitely worth a try.

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Urticaria, also called hives, are bumps or wheals on the skin that are swollen and reddish. They pop out as an outcome of the body's reaction to certain allergens, or sometimes for unknown reasons.

Normally, hives are itchy and stingy. You can also experience a burning sensation. Hives appear on your mouth, lips, face, throat, ears or tongue. They come in different sizes (small as a mosquito bite to as big as a plate). A group of hives that appear in one area is called a cluster. If mild, they can last from a few hours to one day before they completely vanish.

Hives usually occur on the surface of the skin but once the swelling happens underneath, it is called angioedema. Swelling can happen around the lips, eyes, feet, hands and genitals. If angioedema happens in the throat, tongue or lungs, this can be life-threatening as it can block the airways which can result to difficulty in breathing.


The reason why hives and angioedema develops is because histamine is released in the body. The release of this chemical is a reaction of the body towards allergens. This chemical is a leakage from the skin's tiny blood vessels. The release of histamine is caused by the body's allergic reactions towards foods, medications, food preservatives or additives, extreme temperature, sunlight exposure, insect bites or stings. The worse part of this skin condition is sometimes, the cause can't be identified.


One way to pin down or identify the root cause of your skin condition, your primary health provider will ask you a number of questions possible. There is no specific skin test solely focused on hives. The testing will entirely depend on tests done by your dermatologist or primary health care provider. They can also be able to determine what triggered your skin condition by asking your medical history.

Skin tests are done to determine the specific cause of your hives. To determine if an underlying condition is what triggered your hives outbreak, a routine blood test may also be performed.


It is a fact that hives and angioedema is annoying. The good news is there are treatments.

  • One of the best treatments is to determine the trigger or the cause of the hives outbreak and avoid having contact with it in the future.

  • Doctors prescribe antihistamine for relief from your symptoms. This is effective if taken regularly as this could prevent the re-occurrence of hives.

  • Antihistamines may be taken in combination with other medications to treat hives. If antihistamines are not effective, your primary health care provider may give you oral corticosteroids.

  • Injections may also be given (epinephrine injection) if you have severe hive or angioedema outbreak.


While waiting for the swelling to disappear, you can relieve the swelling by doing the following:

  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes as this can irritate the affected areas.

  • Apply cool compresses or wet cloth on the affected skin.

  • Sleep and work in a cool room. Make sure it's not too cold or not too hot.


If you experience the following symptoms during your hives or angioedema outbreak, immediately call your doctor.

  • Lightheadedness or dizziness

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Wheezing

  • Swelling of the lips, face, or tongue

  • Tightness in the chest

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Sometimes you get rashes out of nowhere and you will wonder what particular thing that causes such skin allergy. Each of us has high skin sensitivity on particular things such as animal's hair from cats and dogs from your neighborhood.

All you can do is avoiding close contact with these pets or you can wear gloves and long sleeves clothing if you could not resist holding or patting them. In other words, you will be able to prevent your unpleasant rashes appearing on your skin if you are able to recognize the main causal of this particular skin disorder (also known as allergen).

Before that, you need to know about your IgE antibody in which participate in allergic reactions. This IgE antibody triggers the release of histamine from the surrounding tissues or white blood cells (specifically mast cells and basophills). Histamine is a chemical that induces rashes and hives if it unleashes at the skin area.

Basically, skin allergies occur when individuals are detected with high levels of IgE antibodies in their blood.

Detecting allergens can be done through a radioallergosorbent testing or RAST in which using blood serum. Blood serum has to be screened with several allergens and then followed by an extended panel of additional allergens. Therefore, the RAST test measure the increase levels of IgE antibodies in which is an alternative to skin testing particularly atopic dermatitis (eczema).

Basically, the cost of this particular skin test is based on number allergens used. For your information, the more allergens used during the test, it will provide higher chances of identifying the right possible allergens that trigger allergic reactions on the skin.

These measurements are used in persons with asthma, hay fever, and atopic dermatitis (eczema) and are an accurate and convenient alternative to skin testing. Although more expensive, they do not cause hypersensitivity reactions.

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