In her mid-forties and enjoying a good career in real estate, Deirdre came to my office suffering from fatigue. She had been feeling sluggish, anxious, and prone to mood swings in addition to having diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn. She had also been wheezing and was taking a medication for nasal stuffiness. She had pursued many health avenues and programs, including allopathic medicine for relief of her symptoms, but nothing helped.

When a friend of hers suggested that she might be allergic to gluten and should consider seeing a holistic chiropractor, Deirdre was extremely resistant. Her faith in the medical profession was severely impaired and the thought of being examined by yet another doctor, even a holistic practitioner, made her want to run. But she continued to suffer and became so miserable that she decided to try an alternative route. Out of desperation, she came to my office. Taking all of her symptoms into account and noticing a rash on her skin, I assessed that the problem truly was related to celiac disease, an allergy to gluten.

Like most Westerners, Deirdre's diet included muffins, bread, pasta, cereals, pizza and other wheat-containing foods. If she continued to eat foods that she was allergic to, she would continue to have symptoms, but with the simple natural holistic treatment steps I offered, her wheat-gluten-grain allergy was eliminated by the sixth session. This wasn't an easy task because Deirdre was reluctant and doubtful. Dealing with her allergies had become part of her life and she had a hard time letting go and making changes.

I had her hold her arm up and affirm, "I am okay with letting go of my allergies." Deirdre could not hold her arm up while speaking this statement, so I concluded that Deirdre had an underlying emotional connection associated with food. Through a holistic technique, she was able to access the memory of John Kennedy's assassination. It seems she was so distraught over his death when she was eleven years old, that it affected everything she ate that day (mostly grains). Her memory in combination with her present day eating was the source of her hostile food reactions. Rationally, she said, it made no sense, but she took my advice.

A list of products that contain wheat or gluten:

Many of us don't know why we feel fatigued, cranky, stuffy, or irritated. It is often because of the foods we eat-especially wheat grains.

The more obvious products that contain gluten are baked goods, bagels, biscuits, bread, cereal, cake, cookies, dinner rolls, doughnuts, crackers, dumplings, muffins, pancakes, pasta (macaroni, spaghetti, lasagna, etc.) pies, pizza, stuffing, and waffles. Less obvious are coffee substitutes, deep-fried or battered foods, ice cream cones, gravy or sauces that have been thickened, hamburgers, hot dogs, luncheon meats, malt, salad dressing, soy sauce, and soups.
Always read the ingredients on a product label to be sure they don't contain flour, bran, wheat germ, wheat starch, gluten or any other substance you are allergic or sensitive to. 

Deirdre's relief was such a strong healing experience for her, that she began to feel a tremendous urge to become part of a holistic healing profession. She pushed aside her thoughts about not being able to attend college and continue to afford her comfortable and established lifestyle, and decided to sacrifice three years of intense study to follow this new path. Less than a month after her final treatment, Deirdre's boss sold his business and offered her a buy-out whereby in exchange for three years' salary, she would relinquish her stock holdings in the company. Thus, she obtained the income and three years of time off she needed to go back to school. Today, Deirdre is a busy acupuncturist. She credits her new life to her holistic chiropractor. She didn't just get rid of a wheat allergy-she regained trust in the process of life.

I can't promise you three years of income, but anyone who has a sensitivity to wheat or gluten will benefit from the following:

Three Tips to Discover a Reaction to Wheat

a) Avoid all wheat products for ten days. See if your demeanor improves.
b) Fifty percent of food reactions happen in a delayed manner. Therefore, you need to have an ALCAT (food and chemical sensitivity/intolerance test) to rule out a delayed-onset reaction to wheat/gluten.     
c) Have a holistic practitioner who specializes in kinesiology (muscle testing) to see if your muscles go weak when coming in contact with wheat products.

For further information about food allergies, I suggest Dr. Doris J. Rapp's book Is This Your Child? Seeing a holistic practitioner may help you overcome underlying emotional connections that are causing food reactions.


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DNA is present in nearly every cell of not only the human body but in all living things. The DNA is stored in the nucleus, which is regarded as the brain center of the cell, and if each DNA were unraveled from its spaghetti like structure it would stand nearly as high as a man. DNA is often referred to as the molecule of heredity, as this DNA is responsible for the genetic propagation of most inherited traits.

This is why DNA testing is used so successfully in forensic identification, or identifying or exonerating persons of crimes. DNA testing has also made it possible to positively identify victims of natural disasters, which may have been impossible through any other ways. Many unsolved crimes are being reinvestigated if DNA samples are available. Often enough, a new culprit is found, and when the case goes before the courts, he or she is found guilty.

At the same time, more and more people sitting in jails are freed, because DNA evidence indicates their innocence.

Because the DNA sequences are unique to a type of species, DNA has been used to prove the genealogy of individuals and groups of people. But it doesn't stop there, due to the fact that any type of organism can be identified by examining the DNA, this technology is being used to identify endangered and protected species of wildlife, and to detect bacteria and other organisms that may pollute our air, water, soil or food. DNA testing is also used for organ transplant programs in matching donors to recipients.

The DNA issue has become one of those issues that have raised much controversy over the past few years as the technology advances, which it is doing at a rapid pace. Some people find that keeping DNA on file is an infringement of civil liberties, as it is not as simple as a mere fingerprint. DNA has that person's whole blueprint stored, such as ethnic group, hair color, family lineage etc.

DNA has proved invaluable in proving paternity cases, either before the courts or as the latest trend shows for individuals who buy a DNA do it yourself kit where they take a swab inside the cheek and send the sample away for testing. It also opened it to manipulations, with some dishonest people trying to manipulate, or cheat with far reaching legal ramifications.

No matter how vigilant the authorities are, this is quite easily done by substitution a sample. Law authorities are trying to implement more reliable systems constantly. This is very welcomed news especially for difficult cases of parenthood and serious crimes.

Tracing ancestral origins through DNA testing has unlocked the door to many who had come to the end of the road in assembling their family tree. DNA is being used to determine Native American or Jewish ancestry, and DNA is able to confirm paternal and maternal lineage for both males and females. The genealogy driven DNA testing has proven to be just one of the countless many areas that are now available since the secrets of DNA have begun to be unlocked.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Its summertime and the kids are looking forward to going to the Summer School Programs or the local YMCA and YWCA. The one thing they want to do is go swimming. I remember as a kid going to Venetian Pool in Coral Gables, Fl. It was great, we would spend the entire day there. My brother and I did this all summer long. The kids now go to the local community pools and have a good time also. It is important that all children learn how to swim. You never know when it will come in handy later on. I taught my children how to swim at ages 2 and 3, this is young, but we live near water and in Florida. Another thing, most parents do not think about the possibility of a chlorine allergy from a swimming pool.

Chlorine is used to disinfect swimming pools to prevent algae and bacteria from building up in the water. If the water is left untreated, the water becomes detrimental to the health of the users of the pool. I remember once when my daughters went into a pool that was not sterilized properly, they ended up with ear infections from the water. At the time we did not know any better about the dangers of unsterilized water. That was a costly lesson when we had to take them to the Doctor, plus the medication. So, be aware of unsterilized pools.

If you have a chlorine allergy, you have to stay away from chloride-containing swimming pools. We have a client whose little boy is allergic to chloride-containing water and is not allowed to go to public swimming pools or to a friends house for a swimming party. It is sad, but true. They take the boy to the beach and he is fine. He has no problem in salt water. The family will invite the other kids in the neighborhood to go with them, this is how they cope with his allergy so he can have a partway normal childhood. This is only one solution for people who have this allergy, go to the beach if it is nearby.

There are other forms of disinfectant systems such as "PristineBlue" System, which is an environmentally friendly algicide and bactericide. Another is also environmentally friendly disinfectant called "Baquacil". A third alternative is pools disinfected using "Ozone". Do an Internet search on Google and check all three out. We do not recommend any particular type. You will have to make that decision. I have seen the "Baquacil" System in use with one client, they were happy with the product. Another client uses "Ozone" and they were happy with their disinfectant system also. So, do some investigation on your own and make a choice for your child with Chlorine Allergy.

A friend of mine's little girl developed a rash from swimming in chloride-containing pool water. They did not know what caused it at first until after multiple times in the swimming pool, a rash would appear. Her symptoms were skin and eye irritation, itchiness, nasal congestion and a rash which looks similar to heat rash. They now use one of the alternative disinfectant systems for their swimming pool. She was told by the Doctor to use a sunscreen to help cope with the allergy. Her mother did not like that idea, so they changed to a "Baquacil" System disinfectant.

In conclusion, if your child has a Chlorine Allergy, you will have to get innovative in finding ways for them to go swimming. It is important that all children learn how to swim. The ocean is a great place if you live nearby. If you live inland, you will have to get some of the alternative systems such as "Baquacil", "PristineBlue" or use "Ozone". As always, if you are having an allergic reaction or a medical problem, consult with your Doctor first before doing anything.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website for more information.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen could be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one's body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same.

People suffering from food allergies are many. Although most of these individuals do not have very severe reactions, some might find instant severe reaction to some foods. Most common foods that cause allergies in some people are the nuts, peanuts in general. Milk, soy, corn, and even rice etc., are a few other that might cause allergic reaction with no apparent reason. Some people are allergic to processed foods and other processed products. Although in a small percentage, even chocolate causes reaction in a few people. Food allergies mostly affect the immune system, respiratory and digestive systems, depending on the type of food that has been consumed. Seafood such as fish, prawns, shellfish, jellyfish etc., is another common kind that causes allergies in individuals. The best method to encounter the food allergies is to avoid intake of the kind of food that causes reaction in the individual.

Citrus fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, oranges, and others cause allergic reactions in most people. Itchiness, redness or blotchy face, irritation are common symptoms. Peanut allergy can also be very severe as it might even result in death by just a common contact with a peanut. An allergy test would prove to be very helpful in case of peanuts and even other nuts for that matter as they are most deadly of all allergies.

Flowers are one of the most beautiful parts of nature. However, even these can prove to be dangerous for people who are allergic to pollen formed in certain flowers. Pollen and even certain kinds of weeds and grass often affect respiratory system and cause severe damage. Individuals suffering from sinusitis must get the same under check to avoid further damage to the sinus. Periodic allergic checks can bring forward the exact kind of allergy the individual has and proper treatment can help a lot in the long run. Getting rid of plants with flowers around that individual might also help to a great extent. Of course this is only if the flowers have been detected as the actual cause of the allergy.

Certain drugs might cause adverse reaction to the patient resulting in complications. Irritation, swelling of face and body, breaking out into hives etc., are some of the well noticed symptoms but some drugs might cause internal allergies that take some time to detect and cure. Sulfur is used in most of the drugs that causes adverse reactions in people. The physician must get to know initially if the patient is allergic to any of the drugs before administering the same. Getting an allergy test done at regular intervals is a good choice if suspecting any allergies in the body.

Another common allergic reaction is caused due to metal. Most individuals are allergic to nickel. Even gold and silver cause reactions in some individuals although in a very small percentage. Metals lead to skin allergies. Individuals reacting to metals are liable to break into hives or the skin starts itching along with swelling in that area. Turning red or purple in the area coming in contact with the metal is another common reaction. Avoidance of such metals that cause reactions would be the best choice for individuals suffering from such skin allergies.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you are allergic to a particular food your body initially reacts with alarm and the symptoms are very clear.

You may notice headaches and migraines, abdominal bloating or cramps, frequent diarrhoea or constipation, eczema or other skin problems, painful swelling of joints, unexplained mood swings, depression or anxiety, swollen hands, ankles, feet, eyes, face, unexplained weight gain or loss, catarrh, sinus congestion, runny nose or constant fatigue.

The amazing thing about the human body is that it works remarkably well in coping with a food allergy at the initial time of reaction and after a short period the symptoms may not be as extreme or indeed the initial symptoms may not appear at all.

The problem is that whilst the offending foods are still eaten the body is having to cope with the food allergy on an ongoing basis and as part of this process the adrenal glands produce adrenalin and cortisone to keep the body working.

Over time the adrenal glands gradually become exhausted from the continuing effort of having to cope and this will leave you feeling exhausted and suffering from fatigue.

The other surprising fact about food allergies is that the sufferer typically feels BETTER when they eat the offending food, and if the allergen food is eaten regularly you may even feel a sense of "elation".

Unfortunately, this explains why the foods that are causing you the most harm are normally the ones that you crave to eat.

Not surprisingly, a result of this food allergy mechanism is a lack of energy and fatigue, as your body is constantly trying to deal with the food that is causing all the distress.

Once the body has run out of resources to fight and adapt any more you will enter a stage of exhaustion due to the immune system becoming damaged and the adrenal glands being diminished.

Many people visit their doctors or health care practitioner at this stage complaining of constant fatigue, bloating and depression without understanding that the cause may be a food allergy.

The important fact to remember is that a food allergy is often overlooked or missed in a diagnosis when fatigue or exhaustion is an issue. If you have tried all you can to improve your energy, even if you have no symptoms of a food allergy, it is worth testing for one on the chance the food allergy symptoms may be hidden.

If you do have a food allergy and you do not detect it you could face poor health and continued fatigue as a result.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Contact allergic dermatitis, also called Allergies Type 1, usually develops with repeated exposure to some substance in the environment. All of a sudden you may develop a hypersensitivity to all of your gold jewelry. Symptoms may include a rash, itching, swelling, blistering, and eczema.

It is very unlikely that you are allergic to gold. You are more likely to have developed an allergy to nickel. More specifically the allergy is not caused by the nickel itself but by the combination of your perspiration and nickel salts. If your jewelry shows any type of corrosion or pitting then coating the piece of jewelry with clear finger nail polish where it comes into contact with the skin may help. If finger nail polish is used then you will need to recoat very often because finger nail polish wares off easily. It would be better to coat the item with some type of long lasting plastic compound. See you jeweler for recommendations.

Allergic to gold cases have been reported by dermatologists since the introduction of cheap fancy jewelry. Nine carat gold and white gold both contain nickel, 12 carat or higher should be ok. Once you have developed an allergy to nickel it will often remain for the rest of your life. 34 to 65 percent of the population that is allergic to nickel is also allergic to platinum.

Nickel is frequently added to gold because it is inexpensive and hard. Gold in itself is soft and will lose its shape under pressure so nickel is added to toughen it up. Better quality products use palladium, which has excellent properties but is also more expensive to use.

Other common every day items that contain nickel and cause you to develop contact dermatitis are metal zippers, hair-pins, buttons, lipstick holders, razors, keys pocket knives, kitchen utensils, scissors, silver coins, paper clips

Your dermatologist or pharmacist can supply you with a nickel-testing kit. The test contains a bottle of dimethylglyoxime and a bottle of ammonium hydroxide. Put a drop from each bottle the jewelry or item in question, the chemicals will not harm your jewelry, and then rub it with a cotton swab. If the swab turns pink then the item being tested contains nickel and may cause problems if worn.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Gallbladder disease is one of the leading causes of problems with digestion that result in hospital admissions. Did you know that around 10% of the population (on average) in most Western countries has gallstones? Most of these are "silent" but about 4% of patients with stones develop symptoms each year. For about half of them, the symptoms reoccur within 12 months. More men than women suffer from acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), whereas more women than men experience gallstones (men have more kidney stones), and married women with children have more gallstones than unmarried women. The term "gallbladder disease" is in one sense a misnomer, for it is the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder that form the system that enables your body to digest fats and all are likely to participate in gallbladder problems.

I have always said that doctors generally see health problems as conditions with symptoms requiring drugs, whereas surgeons see health problems as conditions requiring the knife, and when a patient is admitted with abdominal discomfort surgeons are often keen to remove the gall bladder as it is believed that it 'serves very little purpose' and that the patient can "live comfortably without it". This is a ridiculous and very untrue notion however, and I want you to think twice about having your gallbladder removed, because over half of people I have seen who had their gallbladder removed still had the same digestive problem they started with in the first place unresolved, yet now without their gallbladder. Once it is out that is it, it does serve a purpose like every organ you were born with and having your gallbladder removed will affect your health to some degree. For some patients, the removal of their gallbladder had a major consequence on their health down the track. For others, it was a minor consequence.

A surgeon I once spoke to many years ago mentioned that the gallbladder operation was one frequently performed in larger hospitals by the younger surgeon to "bring them up to speed" in the operating room. He said that it was a relatively easy operation lasting from thirty to forty minutes enabling them to gain surgical experience before they move onto "bigger and better things" as far as abdominal surgery is concerned. I can't help wondering if all the gallbladder operations performed are really that necessary, because they are so quick to take it out these days. The apprentice mechanic will first be introduced to the engine by learning to replace the spark plugs before he is allowed to work deeper into the engine. If the plugs were removed, carefully cleaned and then replaced they generally last a long time. But then again, today more than half the stuff we buy is made in China and it is "chucked" as soon as it is even slightly defective!

What is the gallbladder's function?

Your gall bladder's main function is to collect and concentrate bile produced by the liver that the body uses to digest fats. Think of bile a bit like you would dishwashing liquid. Have you ever tried to wash dishes with fat or grease on them in water without dishwashing liquid? Not really effective is it? Not at least until you squirt a little dishwashing liquid into the warm water then they are clean in no time. Your gallbladder makes plenty of its own type of "degreasing liquid" called bile. Bile becomes up to twelve times more concentrated in the gallbladder (and hence much more effective) than it was in your liver. Think about this, with your gallbladder gone, your liver now has to produce, store and secrete bile. It can do this but not as effectively as it can without that little purse called the gallbladder hanging by its side.

The liver makes between 600 - 900 mls of bile each day, and what is not sent during meals to the duodenum (beginning of your small bowel) directly via the liver's main duct to emulsify fat, it is diverted through a smaller duct (branching off the main liver duct) to the gallbladder for storage until required. When fat in a meal reaches the duodenum (where most of the food you eat is digested and absorbed), hormones enter the circulation and along with nerve signals, stimulate the gallbladder to contract. This contraction, assisted by the small intestine's contractions, induces the gallbladder's small round muscle and the stored bile is propelled into the duodenum where it mixes with food from your stomach and pancreatic juices from the pancreas by way of the pancreatic duct. If you eat a fairly fatty meal (fish and chips for example) your gallbladder can empty completely within one hour. It is this combination of bile and fats that can make one feel "queasy" at times after a fatty meal.

Bile itself is made up of water, salts, fatty acids, lecithin, cholesterol, bilirubin, and mucus and has two main functions. The first function is to help in the absorption and digestion of fats, and the second to eliminate certain waste products from the body, especially excess cholesterol and the haemoglobin from worn out red blood cells, which have an average lifespan of 3 months.

In particular, the bile

(1) increases the solubility of fat-soluble vitamins, fats and cholesterol to assist in their absorption,
(2) stimulates secretion of water by the colon to help move its contents along,
(3) is a medium for excretion of bilirubin (the chief bile pigment) as a waste product of destroyed red blood cells, other waste products, medical drugs and their degradation products, and other toxins.

Bile salts are in fact re-absorbed into the small intestine, and re-secreted into the bile after extraction by the liver. All bile salts in the body re-circulate some 10 to 12 times a day by means of this so- called enterohepatic circulation. In each circulation small amounts of bile salts enter the colon where bacteria break them down for excretion with the feces.

Who is the greatest at risk of gallstones?

o Female gender: women outnumber men at least 2:1.
o Family history
o Forty or more years of age
o 3 children or more
o Diet: low calorie, low cholesterol, low fat. (especially a diet like this after a diet high in fat)
o Diet: previously high in refined carbs, alcohol, chocolate, chips, etc.
o Smoking
o High cholesterol history
o Constipation history
o Rapid weight loss
o Obesity
o Food allergy history
o Dehydration due to not enough water
o Liver problems like cirrhosis or past hepatitis infection
o Sensitive to penicillin antibiotics

Signs and symptoms of gallbladder problems

I have seen many women in the clinic who have for years on and off never felt quite well in terms of their digestion. Many have experienced a low grade ill feeling, a digestive discomfort which was put down to indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea or even a "grumbling appendix". They go on for years and years with digestive symptoms and never realise that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That's because they are so inter-related with other digestive symptoms and too easy for their doctor to say: "You are fine; there is nothing to worry about". Constipation is one of the most commonly missed complaints, and so is farting. Don't be embarrassed here, we all fart, some men (and plenty of smallish children) enjoy boasting about it but women do it too and are generally totally embarrassed. Flatus is most common in bed when you first lie down, during the night or when you get up. This is because your bowel changes its position and gas more easily escapes through the anus with the large intestine in a horizontal rather than in a vertical position. Don't laugh, but do you sometimes feel fat, frumpy and farty and at times "sicky" after eating a fatty meal like fish and chips or chocolate? Does your partner joke about how much you "let off"? Then you may very well have a gallbladder issue.

The Four F's

Have you heard about the four f's? We learn when we study medicine that women who are "fat, fertile, forty and flatulent" are often the gallbladder girls. They are much more prone to having gallstones or a sluggish liver and gallbladder. The following list provided here may be related to gallbladder but please bear in mind that it could also be something else. The first four symptoms mentioned are the most indicative of gallbladder issues. It is not necessary to have all or many symptoms to have gallbladder problems but the more you have from this list, the more confirmation you have that your gallbladder is involved. Please note that it is still advisable to consult your GP for an accurate diagnosis.

Signs and symptoms of impending gallbladder problems (If you answered yes to the first four (with an asterisk) go to your health-care professional for a more accurate diagnosis.)

  • Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side, could be central too*

  • Pain between shoulder blades, central but could be under the shoulder blades*

  • Stools light or chalky colored*

  • Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods*

  • History of gallstones or gallbladder removal in your family

  • Weight gain after recent digestive troubles or after gallbladder removal

  • Frequent use of antacids

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Bloating

  • Farting

  • Burping or belching up gas easily after meals

  • Feeling of fullness or food not digesting

  • Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to firm)

  • Constipation (or simply skipping a day here or there)

  • Headache over eyes, especially right

  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating, could be a slight reflux and very subtle

  • Frequent use of laxatives

Being big is actually in itself a big risk factor in gallbladder problems, and women with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or greater are more than double at risk than women who have a BMI of 25 or less. Although a decrease in weight reduces the risk of gallstone formation, there is a 15 to 25 percent increase in gallstone formation during or immediately following weight loss! I have seen this with several patients over the years; they have lost weight and are proud of if only to experience digestive problems and then a bad bout of pain within twelve to eighteen months after the weight loss. A major heart study in America discovered that women with Type 2 Diabetes were almost twice as likely (41.8 percent versus 23.1 percent) that non diabetics to have gallstones, and the risk was highest amongst the 30 to 59yr old group.

I always ask a person these standard questions when they come in with a (suspected) gallbladder dysfunction - "Did you loose weight recently, say in the past two years?" "Have you been on a fat free diet lately?" "What kind of foods/drinks do you like to habitually have?" By asking the right questions, you would be surprised how many will actually tell you what is wrong with them, and their answers can point right to the heart of the problem. In my observation, the main factors leading to gallbladder attacks and dysfunction are obesity (and rapid weight loss (for example1 pound a week); "fat-free" diets are especially bad.

Poor dietary habits - especially too many fatty and fried foods, alcohol, too much dairy food like cheeses and full cream milk, refined sugars and starches, high protein foods (in excess), food allergies, parasites, long-term use of birth control pills, and a sedentary (couch potato) lifestyle. The Atkins diet craze caused a lot of gallbladder problems, for example. Once these factors are operating, bile produced in the liver and flowing through the biliary ducts into the gallbladder becomes too thick, the bile ducts may then become obstructed, gravel and stones may form (90% of all gallstones are cholesterol), and the whole biliary system may become clogged. Other causative factors include insufficient water consumption, a weak immune system (increases likelihood of infection in the gallbladder), as well as diabetes and various liver diseases.

Prevention of gallbladder problems lies in controlling obesity, diet and adequate intake of consuming water, and the use of appropriate physical exercise. Louise Hay, an interesting lady who wrote the famous book "Heal Your Life" way back in 1976 with regard to how emotions can trigger physical problems, mentions that anger, aggressiveness, and bitterness can result in gallbladder problems. Keeping the immune system strong and the liver and small intestine healthy is very important too. Let's look now at some non-medical alternatives once gallbladder problems are evident, and also how to prevent this problem in the first instance.

Food allergies

Often finding and eliminating food allergies can stop frequent attacks of gallbladder pain and prevent unnecessary surgical removal. In one study, avoidance of allergens relieved symptoms in 100% of 69 patients with symptomatic gallstones or post-cholecystectomy (after the operation) syndrome (uncontrolled trial commented on by Dr. Alan Gaby, USA). I'm not convinced just testing for antibodies in terms of food allergies is the way to go, try also: muscle testing, you may know somebody who does do electro-dermal testing. Either way, try going on an elimination or allergy diet, it may be the answer to your problems.

For recurring gallbladder pain - suspect food allergies in just about 100% of patients. On average I find that they are reactive to 4 or 5 foods, and according to Dr. Jonathon Wright, one of America's most experienced natural medicine doctors, egg is generally always one of the prime food allergens involved. There are over 800,000 cholecystectomies (gallbladder operations) performed in USA per annum, they cost $5,000 US to perform. If you do the math here, effective preventative natural medicine treatment could spare 4 billion US dollars with gallbladder conditions alone. I can imagine how many of the operations are performed needlessly in NZ each year, and it is truely amazing how many people I have seen who have their gallbladder out only to find that it did not fix up the problem they originally went to the doctor for in the first place.

Other medical methods of handling gallstones in the gallbladder include attempts to fragment them with sonic shock waves (lithotripsy). Of course there are other times when surgery may become necessary, such as in perforation of the gallbladder (often from gangrene) or where for example non-benign tumours and cancers are present. All this is what I call "crisis medicine," so common in the orthodox medical procedures used in the hospital system. Does it not make sense to prevent a gallbladder condition in the first place rather than waiting for disaster to strike and then to take action?

How is your back?

See your Chiropractor; you may have mid-thoracic vertebral subluxations. If you have back issues, your fourth thoracic vertebrae may a bit "dodgey", you could be looking at a subluxations which means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and the blood vessels which branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae, and if this is what is happening around the middle of your back it could be affecting your gallbladder.

Gallbladder removed? - take bile salts

I always recommend that a patient who has had their gallbladder removed take bile salts (digestive enzymes) because fats & oils are not properly digested and absorbed by these folk. I always give bile salts when I give them fish-oil, or Vitamin A. Digestive enzymes are essential for those who have had their gallbladder removed, they will feel a lot better for taking them regularly. Their digestion will improve, their bowels will work better and they will feel less full and bloated. For patients who do not improve their diet following surgical removal of the gallbladder the removal leaves the person with an increased risk of colon cancer. Although fast relief of some symptoms can follow this surgery, the relief is often short-lived and the basic causes are still present. If you have lost your gallbladder, the regular use of bile salts at the start of meals can help substantially, including better processing of the fat-soluble essential nutrients such as essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K. Probably the best way to tell if you are using enough bile salts is to monitor the colour of the stool. If the colour is lighter than the normal brown colour, or is even a light beige or yellow, this implies insufficient bile flow; with it's under absorption of essential nutrients, and a need for more bile salts. Such a need for more bile salts will be greater after a meal with greater amounts of fats and oils. Talk to your Naturopath more here, he or she can recommend a product which should work well. I generally find that the digestive enzymes prescribed by your Naturopath to be stronger and much more effective than the retail (health-food shop) products. That is why they are classified as "practitioner-only" products. My website (see resource box) explains more about "practitioner-only" products.

Useful herbal supplements with liver & gallbladder complaints: Swedish bitters, milk thistle, chamomile, peppermint, greater celandine, gymnema, gravel root, dandelion leaf & root, chicory, rhubarb, burdock, cramp bark, ginger root, fennel, and turmeric.

Homeopathic medicine: one of the most specific homeopathic medicines is Chelidonium 30C, and I recommend this remedy for patients who complain of right-sided pains radiating through the back, pains radiating to the right shoulder blade region. It is mainly thought of as a liver remedy, but I find it fantastic for gallbladder disorders as well.


Eliminate refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates, because it is these foods which in particular increases the cholesterol saturation of bile. Gallbladder problems don't generally happen in under developed countries, they are a phenomenon of the Western developed world. We call these sorts of health problems the "diseases of modern civilisation". You will find that our Western diet is the highly refined one, most people eat foods from the supermarket and our diets are the ones high in the refined sugars, starches and flours. Foods and drinks to strictly avoid One of the worst beverages to drink with gallbladder issues is coffee whether decaffeinated or not, it aggravates symptoms by causing the gallbladder to contract along with sugar. So, sugar and coffee is not a good idea! I also tell patients to avoid chocolate, deep fried foods and saturated animal fats in general. Most tell me that they cannot tolerate these foods anyway, so listen to your body and avoid what makes you feel unwell or sick.

Gallbladder foods which have a particular favourable effect include beetroot, Brussels sprouts, fennel, sauerkraut, parsley, artichokes, pears, granny smith apples and the bitter foods such as rocket, endive, chicory, and capers.

Consume a little olive oil daily One way to prevent build-up of gallstones is to eat some oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, daily; this encourages the gallbladder to contract and to daily "sand dump" its contents into the small intestine, preventing sludge from accumulating and forming gallstones.


Warm castor oil packs. All you need is 200ml castor oil (try the chemist or supermarket), and old saucepan, an old cloth, and an old towel. Just warm the old cloth in the pot of oil until it is quite warm, squeeze it out and apply it over the region of the gallbladder - central a little to the right just near where your ribcage finishes. Cover with the old towel, place a hot water bottle on top for added warmth and lie down for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rub the area for 2 minutes with an ice cube in a cloth-repeat 3 times once daily for a week can sometimes dislodge gallstones, and is especially a powerful treatment if used in conjunction with the flush and dietary approach. Careful with castor oil, it can stain.

Liver and gallbladder flush

there are many different gallbladder and liver flushes that will work if you have had recurrent gallbladder problems and your diet has been typically Kiwi. You really need to work in with your health-care professional like your naturopath here. I have guided many patients through this procedure the past twenty years and have never experienced a problem, and to be honest have very rarely found somebody with a "gallstone too big to pass" as some may fear.

For a gallbladder "attack" try these recipes Here are a couple of tips to try with acute pain, if the pain doesn't subside, seek medical opinion.

o Drink 1 tbsp of apple cider in a glass of apple juice (warmed). This should relieve the pain quickly.
o In a small glass add 翹 tsp turmeric, 翹 tsp cumin, and 翻 tsp Manuka honey - top with boiling water, stir to dissolve and mix together, drink when warm. Take: 3 times a day.
o Citrus tea: have 3 glasses daily of tea made by boiling for 20 minutes in water the rind of a grapefruit.

Recommendations stopping future gallbladder attacks

1. Each morning, drink a "gallbladder attack flush"; 300mls Apple juice (or dilute with water), 3 cloves of raw finely chopped garlic, 1-2 inches of raw finely chopped ginger root, mix well in blender. This drink helps soften sludge and helps prepare your gallbladder to dump rubbish.

2. Liver & gallbladder flush. One simple flush is to drink 3 Tbs of extra-virgin olive oil with the juice of a lemon before retiring and on awakening for at least 3 days, or until no more stones pass. I have other flushes but tend to use them in a consultation with the patient only. This is one procedure in my opinion you are best not to do yourself at home without any guidance, but get the advice from a qualified Naturopath, preferably one with experience in this area.

3. Eat a well balanced diet of 50% raw or partially steamed foods and fresh juices, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds. This low saturated fat, high fiber diet is a must for healing gallbladder disorders. Flaxseed and olive oil are great additions to your diet for repair and prevention of gallstones. Bitter foods (see below) are a great addition, and will help prevent a build up in future. The two top foods to consume? - Lemon juice and olive oil.

4. Increased your intake of Vitamin C can help with gallbladder ailments. Replenish your vitamin C stores by eating plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Good sources include capsicums (red/green/yellow), berries, lemons, and broccoli/green leafy veg. I recommend a high grade Vitamin C powder daily for the prevention and maintenance of many conditions in the body.

5. Herbal detoxification products may be helpful in stopping and reversing a gallbladder attack. I suggest using formulas that use organic, whole herbs. There are some excellent products available, just ask your herbalist or naturopath.

3 tips for after the gallstones have passed

o Dr. Dick Versendaal, a Chiropractor from America recommends his "carotid-umbilicus technique". For the best results, it is to used every 15 minutes for 1-3 hours as follows (it's easier if someone else does it on you than you try to do it yourself ): using the index finger, apply a steady pressure into the belly button for 5 minutes, such as to depress the belly button 1-1 翻 inches (but avoiding pain). Do this once a day for up to 12 weeks after the stones are passed, it will help your gallbladder a lot.

o Firm rubbing for at least 30 seconds1-2 times a day of the neuro-lymphatic reflexes (these points may feel quite tender if you have gallbladder issues) between ribs 3 and 4, and ribs 4 and 5, just to each side of the breastbone, and between ribs 5 and 6 just under the nipple of the right breast can be quite helpful.

o Also softly holding (not pressing or rubbing) for at least one minute the neurovascular reflexes at the anterior fontanel (front of head the baby's soft spot near crown of head- locate at tip of middle finger when the wrist crease of either hand is placed on the eye brows and the middle finger extended onto the midline of the skull) and at the hairline on the forehead directly above the outer corner of each eye. Look for the "tender spots", you will find them.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Allergies are one of the most common complaints among dog owners. Truly, not too many puppies have allergies their first year but many are already becoming sensitized to things in their environment. If your puppy already shows signs of allergies, and some do, don't hesitate to get it treated. You may head off a lifetime of trouble if you get a handle on it early. Allergies get worse every year if left untreated.

Allergies usually materialize in the form of small skin eruptions, rashes, hair loss, itching, moist or oozing dermatitis, and ear infections. Dogs will over wash themselves, chew, scratch, and rub to alleviate the sensations which in turn makes them worse.


Allergies are such that your dog may be exposed to a pathogen one year and show no outward signs of ailment...this time. Next time he comes in contact, it will create a reaction, maybe small at first, but each time he is getting more sensitized and each time the reaction will be a little, or a lot worse. We often hear owners saying, "he never had this problem before". Yeah, we know, that's how it works.

Dogs can develop allergies to any number of things such as grass, trees, shrubs, dust mites, molds, and most commonly...fleas. If your dog has an allergy to something, it will take very little to set of a histamine reaction in his body. Dogs are most commonly allergic to things their skin touches rather than something they inhale. They may be allergic to pollen but it is usually a contact problem, not an inhalant one like with people.


Fleas are the most common cause of allergies by far. You may not even think your dog has fleas but it could only take one bite to set him off. One of the most important things you can do is protect him against fleas. Protect him aggressively and often. There are excellent products on the market now such as Advantage, Frontline, Revolution, and Sentinel. A couple of these require simple blood tests before they can be used because they also protect against heartworms. You must always make sure your dog is not infected before starting on heartworm medication.


It is also vital that you treat not only your pet but also his environment as best you can. Fleas can live anywhere. They reside quite nicely in your yard, grass, sand, dirt, carpet, bedding and anywhere else you can think of. And the are resilient. Persistence is a must. One study showed fleas that were found in Arctic Turns nests which were thawed out and found to be still viable after having been frozen for a long time.

The fleas life cycle must be broken to gain any sort of advantage at depleting their population. Treat the house, the yard, and your pets. Make sure you use products that are safe for all your pets. Cats and other small animals can be very sensitive to toxins. Please NEVER use over the counter products unless they are recommended by your veterinarian. Many of the products sold in stores are very dangerous and can be deadly, especially to cats.


There are many ways to treat your dog if he develops allergies. If it is not too bad you may only have minor flare ups in the summer which can be treated with oatmeal baths and antihistamines. The dogs who really suffer often require year round treatment, or at least aggressive treatment through their sensitive times of the year. A regimen may include injections of steroids, antihistamine and steroid tablets, a special diet, flea products, and frequent soothing baths.


Less that 10% of dogs who have allergies are allergic to what they eat. We often make that leap on our own because there are so many allergies with the human population. Not so with your dog. While it is quite possible. It is not usually the best place to start looking for solutions. Many dog food companies have created diets for those dogs who are sensitive to their diets however. Hills and Nature's Recipe are among the leaders. They make a variety of foods with ingredients that your dog won't have come in contact with. They may include venison, duck, whitefish, lamb, rice and potato.

The trick to ruling out a food allergy is to eliminate everything else they may put in their mouths and it will take up to 60 days to clear everything from their system. You must only change their diet but also eliminate treats unless they are just hand outs of the same biscuits he gets at meals. You must have him eat from stainless bowls. You must remove any chew toys, like rawhides, and cows hooves. This sounds easy but it must be maintained without hesitation or fail or else it will all be for not. Any contact will set you back to the beginning.


Dogs and usually allergic to more than one antigen. Most will react to varying degrees to a number of different things the come in contact with. While dogs are often allergic to pollens, it is not usually due to inhalation, but due to contact with the skin. If your dog has a severe sensitivity to grass for instance, you may need to wash off his feet every time he comes in from outside. Even just rinsing them will help prevent further involvement. He may need baths several times a week but only with specific types of treatments and direction from the veterinarian. The wrong things could aggravate instead of help the problem.

Dog allergies usually come in the form of dermatitis, some form of skin inflammation, itching, redness, hair loss, scratching, oozing, and ear infections. The animals are truly miserable and inconsolable. If you can get by with a few treatments in a season you should consider yourself lucky as allergies go. If you have a dog who is sensitive to something all year or hyper sensitive at certain times of the year you may need to explore allergy testing and injections.


Allergy testing is the best way to determine what exactly you are battling and how best to handle it. The tests are done either in the form of skin testing where part of the dog is shaved and tiny amounts of possible allergens are injected under or applied to the skin to see what he might react to. The areas are checked regularly for signs of reaction. Another is a blood test where the dogs blood is drawn and sent to a special laboratory who just does this type of blood work. The results can take a week or two but the answers come without further insult to the dogs skin.

An blood test will tell you not only what they are allergic to, but HOW allergic they are. It will show a titer, or a number out of normal range to help you and the vet understand how severe it is. The test will cover 20 or more different possible pathogens which are prominent in your part of the country and test the blood to all of them. You can also test for food allergies this way.

One other benefit of blood testing is that you have not only the vet and his experience but you also have the laboratory to help guide him with their vast and focused expertise. The labs will guide you through the many types of treatments that may be done at home and by the vet.


Once the blood work has determined what the dog is allergic to, the lab can make an antigen therapy which the dog will undergo to begin de-sensitizing him. The antigen vial will contain an injectable and sterile form of what the dog is allergic to. Tiny amounts are injected under the skin and regular intervals and strengths to allow the dogs body to start to build a tolerance to it. This can take months and may have to be done every so often to maintain the effect but it is the most promising form of treatment.

If your dog has severe allergies you and your vet will become well acquainted so make sure you and your dog are comfortable with them and their office. Allergies can be expensive, infuriating, frustrating, and time consuming but they can almost always be alleviated.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Restylane injections are safe and it has been widely used since the year 1996. Restylane use in the USA has declared that it's safe. The safety profile of the injections is highly favorable and it is fully biocompatible as well.

With Restylane the usual need for allergy testing before it's used is not required. Side effects are common with all medical procedures and Restylane has them too. However, the side effects with its use are very minimal. The patient may experience temporary swelling, bruising and redness at the site where it was injected. All of these side effects will typically resolve and disappear in less than a week.

It's use in the USA listed several precautions that need to be followed to ensure the safety of the product when it is used. So far, the safety of this product when used during pregnancy has not been determined yet or even established. That goes the same with breastfeeding females and patients who are under 18 years of age.

With this precaution statement regarding the use of the product during pregnancy, it is not recommended and may not be allowed. This is because there is no proof yet that will establish the safety of the product on pregnant women.

Pregnant women should avoid use to make sure that there will be no complications during her pregnancy and after she gives birth. Because there are no extensive explanation why it's use is off limits to pregnant women, it is best to just keep away from it.

Treatments may be the safest cosmetic and medical procedure available in the market today, but this does not mean that anybody can just use the product. It may not also be received by other patients with certain medical condition not only those who are pregnant.

If you are really into Restylane treatments and being pregnant would not stop you from acquiring it, it is best to ask your doctor. No medical professional will perform the procedure on pregnant women if the doctor knows that it can pose great risk on your health.

It is important that you are aware about all the details concerning your planned cosmetic treatment. To know things in advance will give you more time to think about the next appropriate step that you should take. Cosmetic procedures should be taken seriously. It can cause a lot of changes in your life.

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Patches of inflamed skin, chewing and licking the feet may be indicators your dog suffers from atopy. If you have ruled out flea allergy dermatitis as the cause of your dog's constant scratching, his allergies may be from inhaling dust, mold or pollens. Your veterinarian may recommend coat tar shampoos or topical ointments as initial treatment of the inflamed, irritated skin.

Relieving the itch with skin soothing shampoos may allow the skin to heal if the problem is a temporary allergic reaction further aggravated by chewing and licking of the area.

If the allergic reaction in your dog continues, your vet might suggest allergy testing in order to isolate the specific source of the animal's discomfort.

Blood Testing

The most accurate results are from the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) blood test which looks for antibodies in the blood that are a result of an allergic reaction.

A second blood test commonly used is a RAST (radioallergosorbent) test.

To check for antibodies, the vet will draw a blood sample which is tested by a lab which screens for a wide variety of allergens. The range includes dust, molds, and pollens most commonly found in the area. The tests can also look for food and contact allergies that might be caused by fabrics or other common irritants although blood tests are less accurate for this type of reaction.

The problem with blood testing using ERISA and RAST is that the tests were developed to isolate human allergens. They test for different antibodies in dogs and there are often false positives.

Blood testing for canine allergic reactions can be a useful screening method to narrow the range of possible causes for the irritated skin. The tests are non-invasive and are commonly used for young dogs, dogs that cannot tolerate corticosteroids and for show dogs with hair that cannot be shaved for other tests.

Testing for Allergies with Intradermal Skin Testing

The most accurate and thorough test for allergic reactions in dogs is the intradermal skin testing. This is the same method often used for people with unknown allergies and involves shaving a small area of fur. Minute amounts of antigen are injected in a pattern on the skin. The precise pattern is important so that any raised areas showing a reaction to the allergen can be identified.

Skin testing works more accurately when it's done during the season when the animal has shown allergic reactions in the past. Reading the results of skin tests accurately can result in identification of the cause of the allergy to be as high as 75%.

Allergy Tests Share Similarities

Identifying the cause of your dog's itchy, irritated skin allows your veterinarian to prescribe a course of treatment to avoid future reactions. He may choose to treat the animal's response (antibodies) to the irritant or may devise a treatment plan to desensitize the dog. A series of injections administered over weeks or months can allow the animal to develop immunity to the item he is allergic to. After immunity is established, an occasional booster shot is all that's needed to keep your dog's skin healthy and itch-free.

Prior to testing for allergies in dogs, your veterinarian will conduct a complete physical to rule out other causes of skin problems. Fungi, yeast or bacterial infections, fleas and mites can be the reason your dog's skin is red and itching. Those possibilities must be ruled out before moving forward with tests for specific allergies.

Your vet my also ask you to restrict your dog's diet for several weeks prior to conducting any allergy tests. Eliminating parasites, infections and the possibility of a food allergy will narrow the range of potential problems. If mites or infection are the problem, these are easily treated with prescription pet meds.

Identifying and treating the cause of allergies in dogs requires patience and commitment of the pet owner. Not all veterinarians are skilled in the art of skin testing for allergies so taking your dog to a vet that specializes in dermatology may be necessary to solve the problems.

The owner can monitor for food allergies with the advice of his vet and can find discount medications for allergies in dogs online when they are prescribed. The skin testing for allergens should only be pursued if the owner is willing to follow a long course of treatment to desensitize the animal and if the treatment is available from a veterinarian in his area.

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