Getting the news that you or a family member has a food allergy or maybe a whole raft of food allergies might well producing a sinking feeling if you do the cooking!

Preparing meals to be without some essential ingredients may seem to be impossible.

What do you do if they are allergic to some of the big 8 food allergens; wheat, milk, eggs, soy, fish, shellfish, nuts and peanuts?

Well, the first piece of advice is, "Don't panic!" and the second is simply to prepare other recipes. How you do the latter is a matter of family politics. Will the rest of the family like to try the new recipes or insist on their usual fare. This needs careful handling and tact.

Finding foods without some of the top 8 allergens may be difficult at first. Often an ingredient may be not listed on the label but included in another that is listed. Sometimes a trace of nuts is present in many foods prepared in the same packaging plant simply by being present in trace quantities on food conveyor belts or chutes or even in the air. Not all allergic people are that sensitive to trace amounts but some are and only an Allergy specialist can tell you how sensitive the patient is.

The general strategy to follow is that of substitution. And sometimes some lateral thinking can come up with a workable answer.

Wheat will exclude most bread and pasta but bread and pasta can be made without wheat. Gluten free does not mean "wheat free" because gluten is only one part of the wheat, although it is probably the part most allergy patient are allergic to.

Being allergic to milk does not automatically mean that all dairy foods are banned. Cow's milk is different from goat's milk and organic milk may possibly be tolerated when standard non organic milk is not tolerated. Milk may be swapped with many options including drinks made from soy, rice, nuts and many others. Some of these may be made of other foods to which you or your family member may be allergic to. But there are many options and I'm sure you will find one that works.

In addition being milk allergic does not mean being allergic to yogurt or to cheese. These are totally different in structure and may be tolerated even when milk is not. Only proper allergy testing will make this clear.

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The definition of allergy is a hypersensitivity to an otherwise harmless substance. That's why it's often hard for people not affected by this sensitivity to understand how somebody can react so violently to a substance that they use on a daily basis. This can include anything from hair spray and cleaning products like bleach to those pretty flowers. Sometimes people think the allergic person is overreacting, exaggerating but it's real suffering. That's why more and more offices ask their employees and in doctor's offices, patients, not to use perfumes or sprays.

The most common nasal allergens are animal dander, dust, smoke, scents like perfumes or sprays, cold air, dry air, humidity, smog, mold, pollen, dust mites, insects like cockroaches and many, many more.

For those who don't know what it feels like to have nasal allergies, the following about sums it up: it's like having a nasty cold year round. It's most common symptoms are sneezing, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and nose, clear discharge from the nose, headaches and feeling tired all day and it can seriously affect the quality of life.

Though not fatal (though blurry sight and fits of sneezing have probably caused one car accident or another), untreated nasal allergies can develop into sinusitis, a painful infection of the sinuses. This painful infection can last 4 weeks or make its return on a routine basis over years and if you thought allergies were bad, it's nothing compared to this. In some cases, allergies also develop into asthma, which can also be very dangerous.

There's a nasal allergy for every time of the year. In the winter, you have allergies to indoor allergens like your pet's dander, dust and mold. With spring comes the pollinating of trees, which sets of another round of sneezing and teary eyes. The long awaited arrival of summer also brings with it weed and grass allergies and finally, in autumn you have ragweed season.

Luckily for the person suffering from nasal allergies, it's quite easy nowadays to get medication for them. Nasal sprays and allergy medication can be bought over the counter. It used to be that most allergy medication made the person drowsy, but brands like Claritin now make non-drowsy-pills. The downside with most nasal sprays is that the person using them over a longer period of time will most likely experience a reverse reaction. That means that the nasal sprays will actually aggravate the situation.

If the over the counter medication isn't helping, it's time to see the family doctor or an allergy specialist. The testing consists of injections of a multiple amount of allergens under your skin to see to which ones you react. After that has been established, the specialist will prescribe allergy medication that the patient will use long term, like Flonase and Nasacort. The problem with these is, that if a women suffering from nasal allergies becomes pregnant, she can't or at least shouldn't use them anymore.

There are some "natural" things you can do around your home to minimize the allergies. Clean the house often, including the walls. Frequently vacuum the mattress, keep the furnace and ducts clean and remove carpeting. Instead of using nasal sprays too often, rinse your nasal passages with warm salt water by aspiring it through the nose. This is not pleasant, but quite effective.

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The brutal summer is over, a relatively mild fall is upon us; allergy season must be long gone as winter descends. Okay, that should be it, right? That is the hope for the millions of Americans that suffer from allergies to pollens, plants, dander, and the gamut of other allergens that could negatively affect their quality of life. However, the winter is by no means the time to relax in regards to allergy relief; in fact, quite the opposite.

While your environment may change, sensitivity to harmful allergens does not. There are a whole slew of potentially harmful allergens in the winter that allergy relief must address. The following breaks down the top five allergens to protect against this winter season.

Summer Allergens

Just because the ground is covered in snow doesn't mean that that summer allergens are gone. Dead insects, dust, dirt, fungi, and other allergens can compile in unused air ducts and ventilation systems. When you turn the heater on for the winter, it could potentially kick up the allergens and circulate them around your home through the duct system. Enlist an HVAC service that offers duct repair and cleaning for optimal allergy relief.


The dampness of the season, especially in poorly repaired basements, makes the unequipped home a breeding ground for mold. Mold is a powerful allergen. Clean mold out of corners with your strongest disinfectants; be as thorough as possible. Also, pay particular attention if you own a real Christmas tree. While many people believe they are allergic to the evergreens, they are in fact having a reaction to the molds that may remain on the tree from the outside, or grow at the watered base.


People aren't really allergic to a pet per-say; it's the pet's residue (to put it bluntly) that is the allergen. You're going to be spending a lot of time in confined spaces with your pets during the winter. Make sure that they stay clean and healthy so that the dander they produce doesn't make the winter any worse. Dead skin, dead fur, urine, all of that needs to be cleaned and managed while you spend the long winter indoors.


The holiday season is a big time for parties and socializing. You're going to be seeing friends and family that you do not see often, and you're probably going to be meeting many new people too. Take it easy on the cologne, perfume, and lotions. Some people have allergic reactions to these cosmetics, and isn't subtlety the way to go anyways? Use the minimal amount to make sure you don't set off anyone's reaction at a holiday function.


Food allergies can be very hard to plan for. If you're unsure if you have a food allergy, consult an allergy doctor immediately for allergy testing. Allergy testing will let you know what substances, if any, you should avoid at holiday parties. When planning a party, make food options available for people that are allergic to some of the major concerns; e.g. egg whites, gluten, peanuts, and seafood.

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During the last 15 years of testing homes, I have come to the conclusion that Fresh Air leads to a healthier lifestyle and longevity. Of all the homes that we have tested for mold and allergens, 90% have have polluted air due to mold, fiberglass, dust mites, cat dander and allergens. This is sad but true when dealing with Indoor Air Quality and people with Asthma and Allergies. We have concluded that the cause is is our poor quality building and cleaning practices. Even recently, the latest problem with "Chinese Drywall" is a prime example of mistakes being made that have long term health effects on people.

We live in artificial air and wonder why our children have Asthma and Allergies. During the majority of our Indoor Air Quality Inspections of homes, we have found the Air Conditioning Systems are contaminated with mold, algae and allergens. This is strange because people always try to keep their homes clean but totally ignore their Air Conditioning Systems. If you want to live healthy, you must maintain your Air Conditioning System. It is the lungs of your home and has to be kept clean.

The thing I do not understand is that some people are consumed with pollution outside their homes but never really give two seconds of thought or concern with their own Indoor Air Quality Environment. I constantly hear the mantra of Go Green for the Planet but never ever see a commercial about Indoor Air Quality and its importance. I believe our priorities are off and need to be changed to think about our Family's health first. What good is getting rid of outdoor pollution when we are polluting ourselves in our own homes, schools and public buildings. I am not saying stop being concerned with the Planet but we need to get real concerning our own personal lives also.

Our children are being exposed constantly to toxins from Indoor Air Quality pollution but what is being done. We are being told to plant more trees or drive a more economical car. The incidence of Asthma and Allergies in children is skyrocketing and we are told to worry about some species of caterpillar in a far off land. What is wrong with this picture? Plenty, your family's health comes first, then you worry about everything else. Clean your own backyard up first before getting involved with some community program to plant trees or save the caterpillars. Remember, your family comes first.

In conclusion, people have lived on Planet Earth for millions of years and have gotten used to clean and fresh air filled with the sweet smell of flowers and the ocean. Taking a walk every day will help us get fresh and clean air into our lungs. This fresh air will help us detox our bodies of the pollutants we pick up during every day living. Clean up you own home first before getting involved with some type of community program to plant trees. Family comes first, then you plant a tree to help the Planet.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by phone or on our website.

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Has Chronic Stress Led to Adrenal Exhaustion? When you think about the adrenal glands, you should think about stress. Stress can take many forms: taking an examination, recovering from a broken bone, running away from an invading army, or maintaining proper levels of energy substrates in the face of even mild starvation. For human males, there is even considerable stress associated with shopping. The adrenal produces three major classes of hormones, each of which aid in dealing with the multitude of small and large stresses faced by animals and people almost daily. There is no doubt that at least two of these groups - glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids - are necessary for life. Stress takes its tole on the adrenals leading to Stage I to Stage IV adrenal exhaustion. The following products and programs have proven successful in rebuilding the adrenal glands and restoring energy levels. We strongly recommend the Adrenal Stress Index Test to see the current state of your adrenal glands. A second option is to combine Adrenal testing with Neurotransmitter testing. We find re-balancing and restoring the neuro-endocrine system and dramatically improve quality of life. Really. Importance of Adrenal Function The Adrenals are two small endocrine glands, whose location is directly above each of the kidneys. The proper functioning of these glands is essential to our overall health and sense of well-being. They are of primary concern in matters of energy production, stamina, blood sugar regulation, emotional balance, ability to cope with stress, thyroid activity (indirect effect on metabolic rate), sensitivity to allergens (allergy producing substances) and the regulation of inflammatory processes. Fatigue Many people complain of fatigue as a primary symptom, often complicated by other health concerns. When the attention is focused to the endocrine system in fatigued individuals, eight times out of ten the signs and symptoms are a result of insufficient adrenal reserves. In simple terms, weak or tired adrenal glands. In most cases this condition develops gradually, due to a host of factors.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue Excessive long term stress, insufficient rest, insufficient consumption of protein, insufficient consumption of vitamin C, overuse of caffeine, sugar and other stimulants, long term or frequent use of Canabis, history of Cocaine or Amphetamine abuse, chronic illness or congenital adrenal insufficiency. Of the above, the most common causes of adrenal insufficiency by far are excessive stress, over consumption of stimulants and late bedtime.

Other Considerations Chronic unresolved stress has a predictable result in our body. In our clinic we see this every day and have found these conditions to be easily treated when proper testing and targeted treatments are used.

Testing for Adrenal Function Over the years the natural healing community has come to regard salivary testing as an excellent and reliable way to asses adrenal activity. Four separate samples are taken throughout the day to see the diurnal rhythm. The The Adrenal Stress Index(TM) (ASI(TM) is one such test that we often have used. Four saliva samples are used in the ASI(TM) for the following ten tests:

  1. 4 x Cortisol- Helps evaluate stress response

  2. 2 x Insulin- Helps investigate blood sugar control

  3. DHEA- Helps determine stress adaptation

  4. Secretory IgA- Helps evaluate toll on immunity

  5. 17-OH Progesterone- Helps determine adrenal reserve

  6. Gluten Antibodies- Helps identify grain intolerance

Advantages of the ASI(TM)

  • The test is non-invasive & can be performed wherever you are.

  • Saliva is collected under real life conditions. There are no stressful blood draws and no gallon sized urine containers to carry around for 24 hours.

  • With blood and urine testing, a number of borderline adrenal conditions are missed due to lack of sensitivity. This is not the case with the ASI(TM) because samples are taken within one circadian cycle and the more definitive free fraction is measured.

  • The ASI(TM) is an in-depth test, such that options for treatment are expanded by 400-500% over serum and urine test results.

(Note: The ASI(TM) was invented and introduced by Diagnos-Techs, Inc. in 1989. All other panels offered on the market are copies.)

Abnormal adrenal rhythm can influence:

  • Energy Production

  • Bone Health

  • Immune System Health

  • Sleep Quality

  • Skin Regeneration

  • Thyroid Function

  • Muscle and Joint Function

  • Do you need the ASI(TM) Test?

To determine if the ASI(TM) is the appropriate test for assessing your health condition, ask your physician for a stress questionnaire. The score can help your doctor determine a course of action.

Adrenal tests are mostly ordered for individuals that suffer from:

  • Chronic stress and related health problems

  • Lack of vitality and energy

  • Muscle and joint pain

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Migraine headaches

  • Osteoporosis

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Poor memory

  • Alcohol intolerance

  • Stress maladaptation

  • Low sex drive

  • Low body temperature

Products and Programs that May Help. Chronic unresolved stress has a predictable result in our body. In our clinic we see this every day and have found these conditions to be easily treated when proper testing and targeted treatments are used. There are many recognized natural therapies that support the bodies ability to cope with stress. These generally fall into several categories

  1. Direct hormonal support with products containing cortisol - Very useful for short term therapy.

  2. Adrenal glandulars - useful but not as effective at rapidly raising energy levels.

  3. Herbal adaptogenics - very useful for long term use.

  4. Herbal supplements to prolong the existing cortisol levels

  5. Anti-stress products - helping the body to cope with the various types of stress that we experience.

  6. Sleep aides - a good nights sleep is necessary to restore adrenal function.

The Many Causes of Fatigue Fatigue can have many causes. Overcoming fatigue, on a consistent basis requires that the underlying causes be understood and addressed.

Below you will find the most common causes of fatigue. Generally when these areas are addressed energy levels come up and the feelings of vitality and well being increase. In our clinic we ask a number of questions on every visit to asses the overall subjective experience of health and well being. These questions are on a scale of 1-10 with 7 being what we consider good health. Many of our patients come to us because their subjective experience of energy and vitality is below 7, often below 4. If your energy levels are below 7/10 or if you want to raise your energy levels even higher then you may want to consider the following areas. The list is not exhaustive but does cover the vast majority of cases.

  • Adrenal Fatigue & Adrenal Exhaustion

  • Blood Sugar Imbalances

  • Food Allergies and Gluten Sensitivity

  • Heavy Metals

  • Hormone Depletion

  • Hypo-Thyroid

  • Mitochondrial Dysregulation

  • Neurotransmitter Exhaustion

  • Parasites

  • Vitamin/Mineral/Fatty Acid/Amino Acid Deficiencies

  • Yeast and Fungus Infections

Fortunately these can all be diagnosed and treated.The first step is to determine the underlying cause of the fatigue and then to address the specific systems involved. The following products and tests can be of great help to you in overcoming fatigue so that you can feel good again.  

What We Recommend:

  1. Adrenal Testing - to determine and monitor adrenal function

  2. Comprehensive adrenal support programs.

  3. Stress reduction.     

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The natural performance of a wool fiber and it's durable qualities have protected man for over 25,000 years. Wool is actually a hypoallergenic fiber. Those who say they are allergic are most often referring to the prickle and tickle effect of an old wool sweater. Sitting or laying on wool carpets and rugs rarely, if ever, can cause the same effect. No one has ever been treated or diagnosed for anaflactic shock when coming into contact with wool.

Allergies are widespread in the developed world and that problem is increasing for two main reasons:

  • A great number of synthetic substances and petroleum based products are being used in the home.
  • The improved diagnosis of allergic conditions are now available to those suffering from allergies.
  • There is no reason why asthmatic or allergy sensitive people should not enjoy the comfort and good looks of carpets and/or rugs. Wool is non-allergenic and does not promote the growth of dust mites or bacteria. Wool carpet fibers are too long and too coarse to be inhaled and therefore do not affect asthma sufferers. In fact hard surface floors allow airborne particles to be disturbed and whirl into the air causing more irritation for hay fever and asthma sufferers.

    Recent data from Swedens Central Statistics Bureau, Army, and Flooring Association shows that over the past 20 years while the installation of carpet went down with the increase of hard surface installations, the number of allergic people increased dramatically over the same period.

    Wool fibers actually purify indoor air by absorbing air pollutants and gases. Wool fibers absorb common contaminants in indoor air like formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide, while not releasing VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds). This is one of the reasons why the LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) environmental program accepted wool carpets as the only soft surface floor covering in the initial testing of accepted floor covering products. The approved products are rubber, bamboo, linoleum, cork, and, of course, wool. All of these products are also rapidly renewable, biodegradable, and carbon neutral.

    Not only does wool keep the air free of many harmful pollutants, it will not release them, even when heated. It has been estimated that wool carpets can continually purify indoor air for up to 30 years. What a natural and beautiful way to help the earth and improve the comfort in your own home.

    If you hear someone say "I'm allergic to wool", just keep in mind that another man made myth is now explained and hopefully put to rest.

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    Spring and summer are peak times to develop a seasonal grass allergy. A grass or tree allergy is a common and prevalent allergy that affects people throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy is often directly linked to hay fever, because their symptoms and causes are somehow similar to each other. Seasonal allergies are fairly common in children age 5 and up: According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, about 10 to 15 percent of school-age children have seasonal allergies.

    Symptoms of Season Grass Allergy

    The common symptoms of grass allergy are sneezing, a runny nose, watering and itchy eyes. If these symptoms sound familiar, and they occur at the same time each year and last longer than a cold would, then you could be experiencing seasonal allergies. Monitor your health. If you tend to have few allergy symptoms on days that are rainy, cloudy, or windless, that may tell you something. Grass pollens don't move around much on those days. To be sure, schedule allergy testing by a physician. If the symptoms are severe or you experience or long-lasting allergy symptoms, medical testing is vital.

    The decision about which individual allergens to test for is dictated firstly by the patients history, and taking into consideration his geographical location (particularly with respect to aero-allergens). Symptomatic medications for treating the eye and nose symptoms of allergy are generally available to grass allergy sufferers. Not everyone who has seasonal allergies needs allergy shots, but if your life is being impaired by seasonal allergies, you should discuss this with an allergist.

    With a few preventative measures, and knowledge of how to handle allergic symptoms, you can make your life significantly easier. Histamine inflames the nose and airways, and the chemicals cause the well-known symptoms of hay fever: runny nose, watery eyes, and frequent sneezing to flush the allergen from the body.

    Sources of Grass Allergens

    Typical allergic symptoms caused by airborne allergens include sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion (allergic rhinitis or hay fever). Grass pollen allergens cross-react with food allergy proteins in tomato,lettuce, onion, celery, corn and sometimes carrots. There is a Chrysanthemum allergy that originates from flower pollen. The cousins of birch pollen allergens (apples, grapes, peaches, celery, apricots), produce severe itching in the throat and ears. The cypress pollen allergy can require identifying allergens and cross reactivity between divergent species, such as olive, ash, privet, and Russian olive tree pollen allergens.

    Another form of seasonal grass allergy, is the combination of airborne particles of pollen mixed with mold. This tends to occur around rural areas and farms where the soil is plowed and molds become airborne with the dust of the land.


    Antihistamines are usually prescribed to curtail grass allergy development among patients. The most effective treatment for tree or grass allergy is preventing the occurrence in the first place by avoiding exposure to outdoors or wearing a mask to prevent inhaling grass pollens.

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    It may never come to your thoughts but the more time that you spend indoors means the higher the probability that you might be breathing air that is harmful. Black mold toxicity will measure the extent of the influence of the airborne fungal spores that is found in your home. Mould fibers are potential killer bacteria that will harm your body. The most common symptoms of the infection to the body include allergy, eye irritations, diarrhea, and even death. Those that have recorded medical histories of respiratory problems are prone to being victims to the disease.

    The best way to avoid health complications is to test your indoor residential air quality. Testing equipment and tools are needed to have the correct procedure. You do not need to hire a professional tester immediately nor does it need to be expensive and time consuming. Self-testing methods are the best way to go about the operation. You can begin the procedure by collecting at least one large volume of air sample from both the outdoor and indoor area. These sections are referred to as the concerned spaces that need attention and testing.

    Use an air pump with a specialized attached cassette filter to gather the needed samples. Gather air samples outside to determine the normal measurement of the spores outside. The second sample taken inside is needed for the comparison and analysis of the exposure of the black mold toxicity in the concerned area. The sampling pump and media should be properly installed. If you have the device, verify the process that is included in the manual. This will help ease the process of test substance gathering.

    Find your areas of consideration and concern. If you feel that the room is inhabited by large volumes of black mold toxicity then you must test it. If you want to be sure, conduct the sampling in all rooms. Self-test kits like those produced by Mold and Bacteria Consulting Laboratories will help analyze the mould samples. The most basic result that will determine the risks of fungal infestations are higher mold presence inside in comparison to the outside area. Once the exposure is detected, it is essential that consider getting a professional cleaner to get rid of it.

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    Rhinitis during pregnancy can be due to allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, or non-allergic rhinitis. If the woman has had allergic rhinitis prior to pregnancy, this could worsen, stay the same, or even improve. This change in symptoms may be dependent upon many factors, including the presence of seasonal allergens and increase in pregnancy hormones.

    Non-allergic rhinitis in pregnancy may also be due to an increase in pregnancy hormones, leading to nasal congestion, runny nose and post nasal drip. This is called "rhinitis of pregnancy". The symptoms may mimic allergies, but since they are non-allergic in nature, do not respond to anti-histamines.

    The pregnant woman with rhinitis may be concerned about the safety of medications during pregnancy, and therefore avoid taking medications.

    If avoidance of allergic triggers is not possible or successful, medications may be needed to control symptoms.

    Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis During Pregnancy

    Allergy testing includes skin testing or blood tests, called a RAST. In general, allergy skin testing is not done during pregnancy, given the small chance of anaphylaxis which may occur. Anaphylaxis during pregnancy, if severe, could result in a decrease in blood and oxygen to the uterus, possibly harming the fetus. Therefore, allergy testing is usually deferred during pregnancy, although a RAST would be a safe alternative if the results are needed during pregnancy.

    Safety of Allergy Medications During Pregnancy

    According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), no drugs are considered completely safe in pregnancy. This is because no pregnant woman would want to sign up for a medication safety study while she is pregnant. Therefore, the FDA has assigned risk categories to medications based on use in pregnancy.

    Pregnancy category "A" medications are medications in which there are good studies in pregnant women showing the safety of the medication to the baby in the first trimester. There are very few medications in this category, and no asthma medications.

    Category "B" medications show good safety studies in pregnant animals but there are no human studies available.

    Pregnancy category "C" medications may result in adverse effects on the fetus when studied in pregnant animals, but the benefits of these drugs may out weight the potential risks in humans.

    Category "D" medications show clear risk to the fetus, but there may be instances in which the benefits outweigh the risks in humans. And finally, category "X" medications show clear evidence of birth defects in animals and/or human studies and should not be used in pregnancy.

    Before any medication is taken during pregnancy, the doctor and patient must have a risk/benefit discussion. This means that the benefits of the medication should be weighed against the risks - and the medication should only be taken if the benefits outweigh the risks.

    Treatment of Rhinitis During Pregnancy

    Nasal saline. Rhinitis of pregnancy tends not to respond to anti-histamines or nasal sprays. This condition seems to respond temporarily to nasal saline (salt water), which is safe to use during pregnancy (it is not actually a drug). Nasal saline is available over the counter, is inexpensive, and can be used as often as needed. Generally 3 to 6 sprays are placed in each nostril, leaving the saline in the nose for up to 30 seconds, and then blowing the nose.

    Anti-histamines. Older anti-histamines, such as chlorpheniramine and tripelennamine, are the preferred agents to treat allergic rhinitis during pregnancy, and are both category B medications. Newer anti-histamines such as over-the-counter loratadine (Claritin®/Alavert® and generic forms) and prescription cetirizine (Zyrtec®) are also pregnancy category B medications.

    Decongestants. Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed®, many generic forms) is the preferred oral decongestant to treat allergic and non-allergic rhinitis during pregnancy, although should be avoided during the entire first trimester, as it has been associated with infant gastroschisis. This medication is pregnancy category C.

    Medicated nasal sprays. Cromolyn nasal spray (NasalCrom®, generics) is helpful in treating allergic rhinitis if it is used before exposure to an allergen and prior to the onset of symptoms. This medication is pregnancy category B and is available over the counter. If this medication is not helpful, one nasal steroid, budesonide (Rhinocort Aqua®), recently received a pregnancy category B rating (all others are category C), and therefore would be the nasal steroid of choice during pregnancy.

    Immunotherapy. Allergy shots can be continued during pregnancy, but it is not recommended to start this treatment while pregnant. Typically the dose of the allergy shots is not increased, and many allergists will cut the dose of the allergy shot by 50 percent during pregnancy. Some allergists feel that allergy shots should be stopped during pregnancy, given the risk of anaphylaxis and possible danger to the fetus as a result. Other than anaphylaxis, there is no data showing that the allergy shots themselves are actually harmful to the fetus.

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    An Overview of NAET - Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques

    The History of NAET

    Many allergy sufferers will stumble across NAET when looking for a treatment. NAET is known as Nambudripad's allergy elimination techniques. It is actually a natural form of treatment that helps you to identify your allergies and eliminate them altogether. Dr. Devi Nambudripad, who is a California resident, was the one who developed this series of techniques. She wanted to find a way to apply alternative and natural medicine options to help a commonly known issue. Many people have found success with this particular form of treatment, myself included.

    The NAET Approach to Allergies

    When you are considering NAET, allergens can come in a variety of different forms. Sure, you will find that by definition pollen, dust, food, and pet dander can be considered allergens. However, there are many other things that can be considered allergens when you are looking at it with the NAET approach. Some people may find that certain vitamins and hormones may be allergens as well. In fact, there may even be some emotions or thoughts that are said to be allergens to some people.

    While this may not make sense to everyone at first, it is important to realize what constitutes an allergen when it comes to the NAET approach. You will find that anything that may inhibit the free flow of chi, or positive energy, within the body can be considered an allergen. The various different allergens can have a different effect on different people.

    Allergy Testing with NAET

    When you take the NAET approach to getting rid of allergies, you will find that the allergy testing is much different than western or traditional medical practices for testing for allergies. It works by testing the muscle responses of the patient. The muscle responses are carefully monitored when the patient is exposed to different types of allergens. The changes in the muscle responses will help to determine the different allergens that are posing a problem for them. Professionals that have been working with NAET for a while will be able to identify these responses and help you to diagnose your allergies through a simple, non invasive testing process.

    Treating Allergies with NAET

    Once you have uncovered the allergens that are affecting you, you will then move onto treating those allergens. While most allergy medications and treatments will only cover up the symptoms that the allergies bring along, NAET takes a completely different approach. This method uses a variety of different treatments, such as acupressure, that will allow your body to become desensitized to the particular allergen. Once this happens, your body should stop exhibiting allergy signs when you are exposed to the allergen.

    Acupressure and kinesiology are generally practices in oriental medicine. It has been around for a long time, but in recent years Dr. Nambudripad has used them as a method for treating allergies. Choosing natural and alternative treatments for allergies can definitely be better for the body. By taking a look at the different advantages, you will see for yourself that the natural approach is the best choice.

    The Benefits of Eliminating Your Allergies Naturally with NAET

    If you are considering NAET for allergy elimination, then you will want to know how it can benefit you. First of all, you will have to realize that it is essentially an energy based treatment option. Through the use of yoga, qi gong, meditation and acupressure, you will find that your energy flow is great and that you have an overall feeling of wellness. This will not only help you to eliminate your allergies, but you will also be able to improve other areas of your health as well.

    By not relying on prescription medications to cover up your allergies, you are able to completely rid your body of the allergies altogether. This means that you will be able to live your life free of allergens and allergy symptoms. This is something that western medicine cannot offer since their treatment options are simply used to cover up the symptoms. They do not actually get to the root of the problem and eliminate it.

    Could NAET Work for You?

    For those that have been plagued with allergies, and do not want to spend their entire lives avoiding the things that they are allergic to, NAET may be a viable option. It is something that you should consider. Many people have tried it and have had great success with this method of treatment for allergies. It is non invasive and does not require the use of any sort of allergy medication or supplement. This is very desirable for many people. Since certain allergy medications may have adverse effects on your body, you may want to think about trying NAET methods before you opt for any sort of invasive treatments or medications. It may be just the treatment for you.

    Getting Started with NAET

    If you are an allergy sufferer, or feel that you may have problems with certain allergens, then you will want to know how to get started on the road to successful allergy elimination through the use of NAET. The first thing that you will want to do is learn more about what it is and how it works. You will then want to find a physician that offers the treatment. Since it is a natural and holistic form of treatment, you will find that many physicians that practice western medicine do not offer this treatment option. The best way to find a physician is to look through the databases online that list the particular doctors that offer the treatment.

    Once you find a physician that offers NAET treatment, you will want to meet with them and discuss your symptoms. You will want to plan to have some testing done to identify your particular allergens. Once this is done, you will start receiving your natural treatments to help restore the positive energy, or chi, within your body. This is the first step in making sure that you are able to eliminate allergies from your body completely.

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