Food intolerance and sensitivity reactions that are not due to an allergy:

Certain foods, additives and chemicals are capable of triggering immune reactions that are not due to allergies. Chemicals mediators released by the immune system are capable of producing a variety of body reactions and symptoms. Avoiding foods that produce such reactions is suppose to resolve or at least significantly improve symptoms resulting from eating those foods. Mediator release (MRT) testing measures the release of chemical mediators from white blood cells and platelets in response to specific foods, additives or chemicals. Such chemical reactions presumably indicate sensitivity to these foods or additives.

Principles of commercially available mediator release testing (MRT):

Commercially available mediator release testing (MRT, Signet Diagnostic Corporation, is based on measuring in the blood the reaction of various immune mediator chemicals released into in response to a food or chemical to which you have become sensitive or intolerant. The result is that when exposed to such foods or chemicals your blood cells release various chemicals that cause an alteration of the ratio of solids (cells) to liquid (serum) in your blood that can be measured. The white blood cells and platelets shrink and the volume of the liquid increases. The degree of change can be measured and reported as mild or moderate to severe corresponding with the degree of sensitivity to that particular food, additive or chemical.

Test results of 150 foods and chemicals combined with elimination diet and counseling:

A panel of 150 food and chemicals (123 foods and 27 chemicals) is available. The foods or chemicals producing abnormal reactions are summarized in color tables provided along with a comprehensive report containing a result's based specific elimination diet plan supplemented with several hours of personalized counseling from a dietician.

Insurance coverage for MRT food sensitivity and intolerance testing:

Several insurance carriers pay for at least a portion of the cost of this testing however because it is considered "out of network" for most plans patients are usually responsible for payment of the service. Some carriers consider the testing "experimental" or not validated and therefore do not cover the testing.

Conditions benefited by MRT testing include migraines, IBS, fatigue and fibromyalgia:

Signet markets the testing for several conditions based on limited published research combined with their extensive clinical experience and patient testimonials. They claim success with reducing or eliminating a myriad of symptoms or conditions. These include migraines, headaches, autistic behavior, anxiety, depression, ADD, sinus and ear, nose and throat problems, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting syndromes, Celiac, chronic stomachaches, bladder problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, eczema, hives, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Skeptical doctor and frustrated patients look for answers:

Initially, I was skeptical about MRT. However, I began advocating it several months ago because many of my patients had ongoing symptoms or findings that suggested an ongoing food intolerance or sensitivity but the testing available to us could not tell us what food or foods may be a problem. After reviewing the available research data I concluded MRT testing had adequate scientific basis to recommend it as an option to those who were interested and would consider making dietary changes based on the results.

Expert food allergy doctor and patients find MRT testing helpful and worthwhile:

So far, my experience is that most of those who have undergone the testing and implemented dietary changes as a result have noted significant improvement in a variety of digestive and non-digestive symptoms. I have also noted some very interesting patterns in people with other allergies. There appears to be a strong correlation with food-pollen cross reactions, more commonly known as the oral allergy syndrome (OAS). I am following this systematically and hope to report my observations formally in the future.

Previously available testing and diet interventions fail to provide relief in some patients:

All of my patients who have decided to undergo MRT testing have already been tested for Celiac disease and most have had food allergy testing as well as both upper and lower endoscopy exams with biopsies. All also had already tried dietary interventions. Some have had tests that confirmed one or more food allergies, Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity or have presence of mast cell enterocolitis; eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroenteritis or colitis; or lymphocytic enteritis. Though most had some improvement with dietary interventions based on their previous tests, many had ongoing symptoms with or without inconclusive or negative food allergy testing.

Get MRT testing and try an elimination diet:

I believe MRT testing is a helpful addition to the evaluation and treatment of food intolerance. The testing does require a doctor's order. If your doctor is not familiar with the testing they can learn more at If your doctor will not order the testing Signet can help you locate a doctor in your area or you can obtain the testing as part of an on-line consultation. An elimination diet based on specific foods to which you are intolerant but not necessarily allergic to may be the key to relief from a variety of symptoms and conditions. If you are suspecting a food intolerance, get tested today.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Being a medical test subject is an interesting way to earn extra money while helping researchers develop new potentially lifesaving medications. If you've ever wanted an interesting hobby that actually pays you to spend a few days lying around in bed watching TV and playing video games, then you may want to become a medical test subject.

Testing takes place in hospitals all around the country and test subjects can make thousands of dollars for staying overnight for a weekend, or for making a few regularly scheduled doctors visits. Here's how to do it:

Identify your test group type: There are medical tests available for just about everyone, from weight-loss medicines, to blood thinners. Many studies are available for healthy participants as well. If you currently suffer from any ailments you will want to start your search looking for new treatments for those.

Search for related studies: Do a simple Google or Bing search to find test facilities in your area. Use terms like "medical test subjects" or "drug research subjects." Be sure to check out your local yellow pages and online classifieds like craigslist or backpage.

Narrow your search: Once you have found a few companies look through their index for studies you may qualify for.

If you have a specific illness or disability you may want to look for studies that deal with it first. If you are healthy look for "healthy" studies which will place you in a control group to test the side-effects of various new medicines.

Apply for a study: Once you have found a few studies that interest you, follow the companies application protocols to sign up for the study. In most cases the facility running the test will call you back within a few days and give you a phone interview. If you pass that you'll be asked to come in for a screening to determine your eligibility.

Before your interview: If you are applying for a "healthy" study, make sure that you really are healthy. Many studies will disqualify you if you smoke, do drugs, or use alcohol. In most cases they give you a couple of weeks to get any disqualifying substances out of your system.

Ace your Phone Interview: The first step to a good phone interview is honesty. During the interview, the researcher will ask you a variety of questions about your medical history and will talk to you about their privacy policy. If you have chosen a study that you should qualify for you will most likely breeze through this part and get scheduled for a screening.

Pass your screening: At this point the researches want to make sure that you are fully qualified for their test, so they will run a variety of screens on you. Tests may include urine samples, blood draws, EKG s etc. During your screening they will also explain the details of the specific study you are applying to and will have you sign papers stating that you understand the rules of the study and the risks.

Wait: Once you have gone to your screening, they will tell you if the study is open or if you are on a waiting list. If you are in the study, you will be sent home to wait and see if you pass your screens. If you did pass, then you will be told where to go for the study, and any other rules about your specific test protocol.

Congratulations! You have now become a medical test subject. Make friends with your fellow "lab rats" and enjoy your mini-vacation!

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A glance at the chemist's shelves reveals a host of medicines to fix your digestion - ant-acids, laxatives, purgatives, something for wind, probiotics, haemorrhoid cream, digestive enzymes and a dozen varieties of each. People live with a host of digestive disorders - discomfort/swelling, pain, can't eat this, can't eat that, can't do a bowel motion/can't stop doing them, excess acid, frequent burping, frequent wind, and so on.

The medicines have sufficient effect, in that life is tolerable for as long as the medicines are taken. So you take your medicine and the symptoms are resolved, so, what's the problem?

The problem is that the digestive system is the engine which drives the body and if the engine is broken in some way then the body will not 'go' properly, and if the body doesn't 'go' properly, there may be immediate symptoms such as headache, tiredness, pains, weight gain/loss, skin disorder but in the longer term illness will develop.

Your symptoms are signals that there is something wrong with the 'engine'. If your car starts emitting smoke out of the exhaust, you go straight to the garage and get the engine fixed; you don't put a filter on the exhaust to catch the smoke. So it is with your digestive system - the medicines are simply putting a 'filter on the exhaust' - the symptom is sort-of gone but the problem is still there, you just can't see it any more.

Step 1 - Identify your allergies and eliminate them from your diet.

If you have no idea what you are allergic to, then consider having an allergy test. There are various ways this can be done, - dowsing, blood tests, stool tests, kinesiology, skin patch tests, electromagnetic testing (I use a Vega machine), blood tests.

Reason 1 - If you have one or more food allergies, your body will respond by attempting to avoid/get rid of the offending foodstuff - it may cause an episode of diarrhoea (urgent, explosive diarrhoea is frequently a symptom of allergy) and this is because the body wants to rid itself of the foodstuff as quickly as possible. Your body may also respond by producing mucous, to protect the tissues of the body from contact with the offending foodstuff. In either situation the nutrients from that foodstuff will be unavailable as will the nutrients in the other foodstuffs mixed in with the allergen so that meal will be wasted, and nutrition will suffer.

Step 2 - Cut out junk food - it isn't nourishing, it's a mistake to consume it.

Reason 2 - It is hard enough to get the nourishment your body needs without filling yourself up with toxic, non-nourishing, stuff.

Step 3 - Every day drink 1 litre (34 fluid ounces) of filtered/bottled water, and 1 litre of herb tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Reason 3 - Water, herb teas or fresh juices provide the body with the liquids it needs to manage all the digestive processes properly, whereas tea and coffee need the water they are made with simply to deal with processing the tea, coffee, milk, and sugar and cannot be counted in the needed quantity of liquid.

Insufficient liquid intake can cause constipation, high blood pressure, water retention, dry skin, headaches, cystitis, depression and many, many other ailments, both minor and more serious.

Step 4 - Eat breakfast, preferably protein based and without sugar.

Reason 4 - Imagine that you are setting off to drive to the other end of the country one morning - the car would not work very well if you drove all the way there and then filled up with petrol! So, eat breakfast to fill up your petrol tank to give you fuel for the day's work ahead of you.

A protein breakfast provides more energy that lasts longer and increases mental alertness, whereas a carbohydrate breakfast, especially if it's high in sugar in, gives a brief burst of energy and which runs out.

Step 5 - Consume 10 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

Reason 5 - Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables these days contain as little as 25% of the vitamins and minerals that they used to contain. I recommend 10 servings to increase your chances of obtaining adequate vitamins and minerals from the food that you eat.

Every cell in your body is replaced many times in your lifetime and each new cell produced is made from the nutrients that you consume. If you are deficient in some nutrients your body will still make new cells but the new cells will not function as well as they would if the full range of nutrients were available. Over time, increasingly less good quality cells will result in diseased cells. To optimise your health tomorrow, ensure that your nutrient intake today is absolutely the best you can manage today.

Step 6 - Eliminate all diet drinks and foods that contain artificial sweeteners.

Reason 6 - Artificial sweeteners have nothing to recommend them at all. Artificial sweeteners are linked with a wide variety of health disorders. Artificial sweeteners are not food and must be avoided.

Step 7 - Resolve stomach acid problems.

Reason 7 - Insufficient acid in the tummy is not good news - it means that food, particularly proteins will not be digested properly and so the nutrients in the food will be unavailable leading to insufficient intake of nutrients.

Excess acid in the tummy is usually treated with an antacid, which if the dose is not absolutely correct can lead to undigested food again. This problem probably needs professional help to resolve.

Step 8 - Resolve wind problems.

Reason 8 - There's one obvious reason - embarrassing smells. However looking deeper into the causes of wind, there are some health reasons to solve it other than the social reasons.

Excessive wind may simply reflect eating too fast and gulping food down without proper chewing. Chewing food mixes saliva with the food and starts the digesting process. Or excessive wind can indicate incorrect stomach acids. Incorrect, and pathogenic micro-organisms in the digestive tract can also cause flatulence.

Step 9 - Regulate weight. For most people of inappropriate weight, following the suggestions in this article may be very helpful. Those for whom they don't work should see a professional.

Reason 9 - If you are underweight then you are malnourished and that bodes poorly for proper cell metabolism and growth. If you are overweight, then your whole body is stressed because it is being asked to do more work than it was intended to do - hence the multitude of obesity-related diseases - diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, infertility, asthma and many others.

Step 10 - Ensure that you have one-three easy and satisfactory bowel motions per day. It is likely that addressing the other steps detailed here will resolve this step.

Reason 10 - Studies of primitive peoples living the lifestyles they have lived for centuries, suggest that the correct frequency of bowel movements is 'as many bowel motions as meals per day' - less than once daily is constipated and more than 4 times a day is diarrhoea.

Resolving chronic constipation is as important as resolving chronic diarrhoea - constipation results in toxic, waste material staying in the body for longer than it should and this risks auto-intoxication i.e. literally self-poisoning - not eliminating the body's waste sufficiently frequently will cause toxic material to be re-absorbed into the bloodstream.

Chronic diarrhoea means that the foods eaten will pass through the system too quickly not giving sufficient time for nutrients to be absorbed properly - contributing to lack of nutrition and so impaired 'engine' function which will impact negatively on the rest of the system.

Please note

Seven days after you adopt these steps you will feel better, however for the first three days you may feel a bit unwell.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Living in a toxic body is horrible. You can feel listless, lethargic, cloudy headed, foggy brained, irritable, short-tempered, achy. Your skin can break out, you can develop a cough, or a problem with gas after eating. Male or female, your hormones can go out of whack. You can gain weight, develop bags under your eyes. And that's just the start of it!

If you were a rich person or a famous person, you could book a few weeks at a posh spa and go through their program, complete with regular massages, meals prepared for you, an exercise coach, a sauna and more.

But most of us are not in that position. We have jobs, kids, grandkids, aging parents, mortgages, car payments etc. What to do?

The easiest and most effective thing you can do to detoxify your body under those circumstances - and with maximum effect and minimum effort is this:

eliminate your food intolerances.

Yes indeed. In my experience, food intolerances are the single biggest contributor to toxic buildup in the body. Eating the wrong foods -for you - for your particular body - means your body can't digest them, and when it can't digest something, that something is incompletely digested, therefore incompletely eliminated.

Picture that lovely ripe banana all ready to eat. Now picture that banana three weeks later, after sitting out in a warm room. That's what happens to any food you can't completely digest - in other words, you can't tolerate it. Basically, to be blunt, it builds up in your system, turning to rotting garbage. Yuk!

So, here's how to proceed. First of all, attitude. There's nothing WRONG with your body. You are not inadequate or built wrong. You are simply a person with a given genetic makeup that predisposes your body to like/ accept/ thrive on certain foods and dislike/attempt to reject/ deteriorate when consuming others.

Second, learn the difference between food intolerances and food allergies:they are DIFFERENT. You may be intolerant to a food, for example, but not allergic to it, or allergic to it but not intolerant. Or you might be both allergic to it and intolerant of it. Food intolerances are about the inability to digest a food (perhaps because your body doesn't make the necessary enzymes), where allergies involve your immune system creating an antibody response to that food. Therefore the typical scratch tests used for allergy testing (in which the questionable substances are placed into scratches on your skin to see if red marks appear) may or may not reveal intolerances.

So, here are three ways to find out what your food intolerances are:

The easiest way is to follow the recommendations for your blood type (available in Peter D'Adamo's book Eat Right for Your Type.) For example, the biggest food intolerances if you are an:

O blood type, the big avoids for you are wheat and corn.

A blood type, the big avoids are red meat, wheat, and nightshades such as eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and tobacco.

B, your main avoids are chicken, corn, and lentils.

AB, yours are wheat and corn.

A second way, is to eliminate that food for a month and then return it to your diet, paying attention to what reactions your body has when you do.

A third way is to do a pulse test. Start by taking your resting pulse for one minute, when you're calm, say in early morning before any coffee or tea. Each time you eat or drink, take your resting pulse again for one minute. If it varies by more than ten points up or down, what you ate or drank may be the culprit. Try removing that food from your diet for at least 2 weeks. If you notice a marked change in your symptoms, you can take it as confirmation that you have intolerance to that particular food.

Eliminate those offending foods and over the long haul, your body will clean itself up like you wouldn't believe. I could feel the cleansing process for over a year when I did this, and I've had 3 men clients who dropped 40-50 pounds just by eliminating wheat!

And once your body cleans out and then you were to ingest a bit of that food again, you will get a VERY CLEAR SIGNAL that it was the wrong move. It's not that you've become more sensitive to the food, it's that your body is healthy enough to give you a very strong reaction.

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If you have neck wrinkles, one of the proposed solutions is neck fillers. This method involves injecting the affected area with solutions known as fillers. These fillers solutions will depend on what method of treatment you have chosen.

Fillers are designed to supplement the missing skin components such as hyaluronic acid and collagen. The solution contains either of these two and injected in those areas of the body that sorely lacks these two skin components. This method has been used for many decades already. In fact, the first method was through the use of body fats. Body fast are extracted from the areas that still have abundant supply of important skin components. This is then transferred to the affected areas using injection.

Most of the reviews about these methods commend its efficacy. When you are supplying it directly to the affected skin tissues, you can really correct the problem right there. However, this should only be administered by professional dermatologist. It could go wrong when not done by a licensed dermatologist.

There are a few downsides though which is quite natural for surgical and invasive methods. After the surgery, some people experience bruising and numbness on the areas that were injected. Those injection solutions that do not use bio-available ingredients can also trigger allergic reactions.

Another point to ponder on is the price. Collagen injections are generally more expensive. If it is bio-available, it can get even more expensive as it will not require you to undergo allergy testing. Also, the effects wear off after 4 months. If you want to look perpetually young, you have to undergo this process every after 4 months. Maintenance is a hassle.

This is why alternative methods are sought. There is the existence of creams and neck moisturizers. Not many people rely on its efficacy though thinking that the creams cannot be absorbed readily by our dermis. This is why you need to be careful in choosing the ingredients that goes into your product.

If you choose synthetic collagen, the molecules are too large to be absorbed by the dermis. Choose CynergyTK instead. It has the natural ability to be absorbed by the skin because it contains keratin proteins that are naturally occurring in the body but is lacking as we get older. Keratin will help facilitate in the re-growth of both collagen and elastin. Phytessence Wakame is also a good ingredient as it can prevent the deterioration of hyaluronic acid in the body. This way, you can preserve the natural integrity of skin tissues.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common gastrointestinal diagnosis yet it is not really a disease nor does it have confirmatory diagnostic tests. Rather, it is diagnosed based on a constellation of symptoms and the absence of other diagnoses. Common symptoms attributed to IBS are abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, bloating and excess gas. Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is a common but frequently missed gastrointestinal diagnosis. Ingestion of gluten containing foods in affected individuals commonly causes symptoms attributed to IBS that are relieved with gluten-free diet in at least 10-20% of people misdiagnosed with IBS. Other food intolerances are also a likely a cause of IBS symptoms that may improve with avoidance of certain foods.

IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Other causes of symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea should be excluded by doctor's review of medical history, a physical exam and some screening laboratory tests and arguably a colonoscopy. The other conditions that traditionally doctors are most concerned about excluding include inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) and cancer. Less worrisome but treatable conditions that need to be excluded include lactose intolerance, intestinal infections especially parasites like giardia, and food intolerance. Celiac disease though now known to be very common, affecting approximately one percent of the U.S. population, has been largely ignored as a possible cause of IBS symptoms. Most primary care physicians are aware that diarrhea is a common symptom of Celiac disease but not that it may present in adults and be associated with constipation. Most doctors are unaware that the prevalence of Celiac disease in IBS patients may be as high as 20%.

Typical lab tests ordered by doctors screening for more serious intestinal diseases that may mimick IBS include a complete blood count (CBC) looking for signs of blood loss or anemia (low hemoglobin or hematocrit), signs of inflammation or infection (high white blood cell count and/or platelet count) and stool tests for blood (fecal occult blood test or FOBT) or white blood cells (WBCs or fecal leukocytes). The stool tests are looking for signs of bleeding, infection or inflammation of the intestine. IBS does not cause bleeding or intestinal inflammation whereas inflammatory bowel disease, infection or cancer may. Normal tests are reassurring though do not exclude more serious disease. Most gastroenterologists believe a colonoscopy should be performed.

However, most doctors, even many gastroenterologists, fail to test for Celiac disease though it is common and screening blood tests exist. The reasons for this are many and are more fully explained elsewhere. However, the common incidence, presence of screening tests, and available treatment should make screening for Celiac disease part of the standard evaluation of all patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of IBS before that diagnosis is established.

More recently, food intolerance other than gluten or wheat have been suggested as a treatable cause of IBS. Blood tests for a type of antibody known as IgG have been advocated by several researchers as being helpful for advising people about eliminating or avoiding certain foods as a treatment of IBS. Recent evidence suggests that a significant reduction of IBS symptoms can be achieved in people who avoid foods based on elevated IgG antibodies to foods. Atkinson et. al 2004 reported 10-26% improvement in symptoms in patients compared with controls. Deterioration was noted in those who relaxed their dietary restriction of foods they had avoided because of elevated antibody levels. These findings require further validation and are facing significant resistance to acceptance by many in the medical community, especially in the U.S. However, elimination diets have long been reported effective by many people. The possibility of food intolerance as a reversible cause of symptoms attributed to a syndrome with little other effective treatments (except mostly ineffective treatments in the past and very new medications with limited efficacy and unproven long term safety) should prompt further studies and an openness to dietary trials.

If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome I recommend you confirm that Celiac disease has been excluded. Food intolerance should also be considered though testing may not be covered by your insurance and/or accepted by your doctor as valid. Elimination of common foods and their proteins causing intolerance, wheat, barley and rye (gluten); cow's milk protein (casein); soy; and peanuts is worth a try. Be sure to keep a food-symptom diary and re-introduce one food or food protein back into your diet at a time. One diet that effectively eliminates all the major food proteins causing intolerances but may be difficult to follow is the paleo diet (

1. Hoey. "Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Could it be Celiac Disease?" Can Med J. 2002; 166:479-80

2. Sander et al, "Association of Adult Coeliac Disease with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Case-Control Study in Patients Fulfilling Rome II Criteria Referred to Secondary Care." Lancet. 2001; 358:1504-8

2. Atkinson W; Sheldon TA; Shaath N; Wharwell PJ. "Food elimination bsed on IgG antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome; a randomised controlled trial." Gut 2004; 53:1459-1464.

3. Isolauri E; Rautava S; Kalliamaki M. "Food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome: new facts and old fallacies." Gut 2004; 53:1391-3.

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If you have ever suffered from an eczema outbreak, you know just how uncomfortable and even painful it can be. That burning itch, the dry skin and the patches that riddle your skin can not only be sore and bumpy, but even embarrassing and leave one feeling self conscious about their appearance. Don't worry - you do not need to live with eczema forever. Your search for a cream for eczema that will cure this malady begins now.

How do I know if I have eczema?

If you are wondering if you need to begin looking into a cream for eczema, you must first familiarize yourself with what eczema actually is and deduce whether or not that is what you are suffering from.

Some symptoms that are cured by creams for eczema include:

- Dry skin
- Red skin
- A burning or itching sensation
- Possible blistering
- Scaly skin
- Thickened skin

What causes my eczema?

You can use several different creams for eczema as there are many different forms of this skin ailment. Eczema (which is also commonly referred to as skin dermatitis) can affect almost anyone - from the young to the old, and the healthy to the sick. Though what may actually be causing your eczema and having you now searching for a cream for eczema may be unknown, it is generally understood that eczema is caused by an abnormality of the immune system and due to one having a defective skin barrier. Eczema may even be genetic!

Those who choose one of many creams for eczema will find themselves applying it most often to these parts of the body as they tend to be affected by dermatitis more than other areas:

- Creased skin (i.e. knees, elbows, in between fingers)
- Face
- Neck
- Scalp ("dandruff")

NOTE: Before looking into choosing any cream for eczema treatment, try also removing certain things from your daily life or diet that may be causing the eczema. Rather than using eczema lotions, try going one week without each of these items to see if this helps your skin:

- Soaps
- Cosmetics
- Detergents
- Jewelry (especially any fake jewelry or silver)
- Sweat
- Clothing (i.e. wool)
- Fragrances

When looking for quality creams for eczema, what should I be looking for?

If you visit your physician and ask for creams for eczema, what you will typically receive are corticosteroid creams for eczema. These eczema lotions can range any where from being low to high in potency and are generally given as a first response to eczema to lessen the inflammation of the skin (which, by lessening the inflammation, can lessen the itch, discomfort and appearance of the eczema).

The problem with these corticosteroid creams for eczema is that they should not be used in the long-term. As suggested above, before looking at using creams for eczema, begin making some lifestyle changes and visit your doctor for allergy testing. You can also try using natural creams for eczema to help soothe and cure the symptoms. The best natural creams for eczema will include herbal extracts such as:

- Chamomile
- Witch Hazel
- Licorice
- Calendula
- Added probiotics (to help fight any skin infections)

Aside from using eczema lotions, be sure to always keep the affected skin well moisturized and try to keep yourself from scratching or rubbing the skin in any way. If you are ever in any doubt about your eczema or would like to further discuss how to use creams for eczema for treatment, be sure to talk to your doctor and/or natural health professional for more tips and information.

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Are you familiar with all of the unpleasant signs of allergies? If you are one of the millions of people who are affected by allergies, this list of symptoms should appear only too familiar:

  • Sneezing

  • Congestion

  • Runny nose

  • Sore throat

  • Itchy, burning and watery eyes

Often the most irritating symptom on this list is the last one - the red, weepy, burning eyes that are often a result of exposure to an allergen.

It can be embarrassing when you start to "cry" in front of a new acquaintance because of your allergies - but the truth is that this may not be the worst that eye allergies has in store. The tears that cause make-up or pride to run can cause other concerns. The blurred vision associated with watering or mucous produced by irritated eyes can turn you into a safety hazard on the road. For some of the most severe cases, there is a chance that eye allergies can threaten your eyesight permanently.

The itchy, burning sensation that causes your eyes to water should not be confused with the tears that come from allergy-related sinus pressure. When your head feels "stuffed up" sometimes the pressure affects the almond-sized glands above your eyes that produce tears. This pressure causes your eyes to start flowing. Eye allergies are very different that the tears caused by sinus pressure. People with eye allergies will also experience redness and irritation, which is often described as a burning, itching or tired sensation.

So how can you be sure that you have eye allergies? If you do have this condition, what can you do to curb the burn and tearfulness? The information in article should give you a fighting chance when it comes to overcoming eye allergies.

Know Your Enemy

Eye allergy (more formally called ocular allergy) affects the thin tissue (known as the conjunctiva) that covers the white part of the eye as well as the insides of the eye lids. This tissue acts as a barrier to protect your eyes from invading particles, microbes and other debris. Another player in ocular allergies is the tear gland. Tears aren't simply made up of water - they actually contain important immune defense substances, like immunoglobulin (antibodies), lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells) and enzymes. When airborne allergens collide with your eyes, an allergic reaction is kicked off in the conjunctiva which causes itching and burning, red color and swelling.

Once the eye is irritated by contact with pollen or pet dander or some other allergy trigger, your tear glands do their best to flush the offensive allergen from the eyes. This attempt to flush irritants out of the eye is what causes your eyes to flood with tears. The irony of eye allergies is that your body is trying to protect you-- but it accidentally is making you feel miserable in the process!

How are eye allergies different than other allergies?

Eye allergies are actually the same as any other type of allergies. The tissues that make up the allergy-sensitive areas of your eyes are very similar to the tissues in your nose and throat. Eye allergies often co-exist with other allergic conditions like hay fever (nasal allergies) and even eczema (skin allergies). The biggest difference between eye allergies and any other type of allergy is the way that the allergen comes in contact with you.

There are a couple of ways for allergens to find their way into your eyes:

  • Airborne allergens can enter the eyes by simply walking into an area where the source of the allergen is located

  • Another common way for allergens to enter your eyes is by simply rubbing or touching the area around your eyes with your hands. Sometimes rubbing your eyes after they start burning just helps to spread more allergens to the area.

Nasal allergies are almost always triggered by inhaling airborne allergens like pollen or animal dander. People with allergic eyes often have a strong family or personal history of allergies-- and most likely are going to experience eye allergy symptoms before the age of 30.

Two common types of eye allergies:

  • Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis (SAC)

  • Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (PAC)

The main difference between these two common forms of ocular allergy is their timing.

You have Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis (PAC) if you:

  1. Usually have symptoms for a short period of time.

  2. Are bothered by the spring tree pollen, or in the summer by grass pollen, or in the fall by weed pollen.

  3. Generally have period during the year where your symptoms completely disappear - usually this occurs in the winter.

You have Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (PAC) if you:

  1. Have symptoms that last throughout the year.

  2. Are bothered by indoor allergens like dust mites, cockroaches and pet dander

  3. Find that seasonal outdoor allergies worsen your eye allergies if you are sensitive to them as well.

Here Are Some Common Allergen Triggers for Eyes:

  • Pollen

  • Grass

  • Weeds

  • Dust

  • Pet hair or dander

  • Some medicines or cosmetics

There are also some elements that irritate eyes but are not actually considered to be allergens:

  • Cigarette smoke

  • Perfume

  • Diesel Exhaust

Symptoms of Eye Allergies:

  • Redness

  • Tearing

  • Burning sensation

  • Blurred vision

  • Mattering and/or mucous production

  • Swelling of the eye

When Should You Seek Medical Care?

Some people find that it is easy to pinpoint the exact cause of their allergies and avoid the triggers completely (i.e. if allergic to pets, refraining from petting them or keeping no pets yourself). But, if you are unable to indentify the source of your reactions - or simply cannot avoid contact, you should see an ophthalmologist (a doctor who specializes in conditions and care of the eyes).

If you have SAC, you may want to make an appointment with your ophthalmologist before the season when your eye allergies flare up. This way, you can start some sort of treatment or prevention program before you begin feeling symptoms.

If you have PAC, you may want to routinely have appointments with your ophthalmologist to make sure that your eye allergies are being monitored. Occasional flare-ups will make it necessary to keep your eye doctor up to date with your condition. You may also want to consult an allergist (a doctor who specializes in allergic diseases, like nasal allergies and allergic asthma).

Important Questions for You to Ask Your Doctor:

  1. Is there a specific cause of my eye allergies? Can it be identified?

  2. How can I reduce my symptoms or control occasional flare-ups?

These are two important questions that will help to determine whether you can better avoid contact with your trigger allergen or find some sort of treatment to alleviate the irritation.

Conditions Often Confused with Eye Allergies

Here are a few conditions that can commonly be confused with ocular allergies:

  • Dry Eye: Reduced tear production (or "dry eyes") is a condition that is frequently confused with allergies. The main symptoms of reduced tear production are burning, grittiness or the sensation of "something in the eye". Most people with dry eyes are over the age of 65. This condition will definitely be worsened by the use of oral antihistamines (regardless of age of patient), sedatives and b-blocker medications.

  • Tear Duct Obstruction: This is caused when an obstruction - or blockage - forms in the tear duct passage that travels from the eyes to the nasal cavity. Most people with tear duct obstruction are elderly. The primary symptom is watery eyes with none of the itching or burning that is associated with allergy eyes.

  • Conjunctivitis Due to Infection: Infections in the eye are caused by bacteria or viruses. In bacterial infections, the eyes are often bright red and after periods of being closed, the eye lids stick together (especially in the morning). Discolored mucous is often seen (so-called "dirty eyes"). Viral infections cause only slight redness and a glassy appearance in the eyes. Some eye viruses are spread very easily, by either direct contact (from eye to hand to hand to eye) or in contaminated swimming pools.
    For all of these conditions, it is recommended that you see your primary care doctor immediately.

Testing and Treatment

The best was to determine whether you have eye allergies or not is by visiting your ophthalmologist. A doctor can check for the signs usually associated with the condition. In most cases, this involves using a specialized microscope called a stilt lamp. When examining your eyes with the stilt lamp, the ophthalmologist is looking for dilated blood vessels, conjunctival swelling and eyelid swelling. These are all the usual signs of an allergic reaction in the eye and surround tissue.

On rare occasions, the ophthalmologist with carefully scrape the surface of the conjunctiva. The goal is to check tiny cells removed for traces of eosinophils. Eosinophils are cells commonly tied to severe cases of allergies.

For those with mild to moderate eye allergies, there is a list of over the counter as well as prescription drugs available. Most medicines come in the form of eye drops, which are usually an effective treatment that have little or no systemic side effects. Most drops are used only twice a day. Some of the most common brands prescribed are:

  • Nedocromil (Alocril)

  • Ketotifen (Zaditor)

  • Olopatadine (Patanol)

  • Azelastine (Optivar)

  • Pemirolast (Alamast)

  • Epinastine (Elestat)

For more severe cases, your ophthalmologist may recommend using a topical ophthalmic corticosteroid. Older forms of corticosteroids can cause side effects when used over a long period of time. The newer forms of corticosteroids have much less risk associated with them. Some of the most common brands of topical ophthalmic corticosteroids are:

  • Loteprednol 0.02% (Alrex)

  • Loteprednol 0.05% (Lotemax)

  • Prednisolone (AK-Pred)

  • Rimexolone (Vexol)

  • Medrysone (HMS)

  • Fluorometholone (FML, FML Forte, FML Liquifilm)

Home Care

Whether you make an appointment with your eye doctor or decide that you can suffer through the brief seasonal flare-ups, here are some tips to help you help yourself.

Avoidance of Allergen Triggers:

  1. Reduce the number of places where allergens can lurk in your home by limiting the number of knick-knacks, pillows, dust ruffles, curtains and canopies in your home. All of these are the favorite collecting places of dust and other allergens like dust mites and pollen.

  2. Follow the prescribed method of reducing nasal allergens in your home - the same things that trigger nasal allergies and allergic asthma will affect your eyes as well. So, if you are allergic to dust mites, consider getting a dust mite-proof mattress cover and bedding. Eliminate water leaks or excess condensation if you are allergic to mold spores. There are a number of resources to help you remove allergens from your environment, like and

  3. Avoid pet dander - this means staying away from animals, but also being cautious about dander that may spread onto your clothing or hands while visiting a friend with pets, sitting in a chair where a pet usually sleeps, etc.

  4. Use a high quality filters in your furnace and air conditioning units like those made by Dynamic Air Quality Systems. You might even want to consider using a bedroom sized allergy air filter for your room. Just remember to change the filters regularly - you can even mark it on your calendar to remind yourself.

Ease Allergic Reactions at Home:

  1. Do not rub your eyes. This is the most natural reaction to the itchiness you might feel in your eyes, but by rubbing your eyes, you are stirring up the irritation even more. Also, the hand-to-eye contact may actually introduce more allergens to your eyes. Remember: do not to rub your eyes during an allergic reaction, because this will actually cause more irritation.

  2. Splash your face with water if you are starting to feel like your eyes are getting itchy. The water will actually help rinse allergens off of your face and away from your eyes.

  3. If you sense that you have come into contact with allergens or start to feel your eyes burn, use artificial tears/lubricating drops to flush allergens out of your eyes.

  4. Apply cold compressed to your eyes to reduce the swelling and irritation caused by the allergic reaction.

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Does sinusitis dizziness really exist?

Are the dizziness and sinus problems both just symptoms of the actual underlying cause?

Detecting the underlying cause of dizziness can perplex physician and patient alike. Often medications treat symptoms, but not the underlying cause of the sinus problems. A little detective work may reveal the cause so you can deal with it.

That culprit might just be hidden allergens that float around in the air.

Sinusitis brought on by spring or fall allergy symptoms like increased nasal mucous and itchy eyes are easily recognized. But airborne allergens that hang around all year cause such chronic sinusitis symptoms that it's hard to pin point them as the culprit without doing a lot of detective work.

The year round allergens include dust (which are actually mites that live in our skin), animal dander (especially if you have indoor animals) and some molds (like ones living in the dirt of your house plants).

When assaulted by the air-born allergens, your sinuses go to work trying to filter them out which leads to allergic reactions in your sinus tissues accompanied by pain and pressure.

The same scenario may take place in your inner ear as well where the swelling results in the type of dizziness called vertigo where you feel like either you or the room is spinning. That can results in the sinusitis dizziness allergy connection.

If the allergic reaction occurs in your middle ear, you may feel more of the light headed or faintness type of symptoms associated with the term dizziness.

Whatever your symptoms, mainly what you want is relief.

You can institute some helpful measures on your own.

1. Purify your indoor air

Install an especially efficient air filter in your central air conditioning unit.
At the minimum place a room purifier in your bedroom and run it while you sleep.

2. Move your pets outdoors and clean up your house really well.

As a pet lover myself I realize banning them from the house can be heart wrenching. So at least keep your bedroom as a pet free area so you're not inhaling animal dander all night.

3. If dust allergies are the culprit:

Keep the house cleaned regularly.
Use vacuum cleaners with really good filters.
Put dust proof covers on your pillows and mattress.

An allergist can then advise you on the environmental cleanup required. This doctor may order blood tests for allergies that may be very helpful. Once you know what you're allergic to, then you can work more diligently to decrease that allergen in your environment.

However, total avoidance of an airborne allergen is quite difficult. Therefore, allergy skin testing and allergy shots to desensitize you to the offending substance can give you more long lasting and satisfying relief.

Alternative health practitioners also utilize other allergy desensitizing measures that are very effective. Consider looking for one in your area. Chiropractors, naturopaths and some physicians use these effective alternative techniques.

Once those hidden allergens are revealed you're on the way to losing that sinusitis dizziness allergy connection.

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If you suffer from an allergy, it usually manifests itself in spring and fall. You begin to have difficult breathing, your nose runs as you cough and sneeze and your eyes water and itch. Most people opt for the doctor's prescribed medications or run to the drugstore and try the hit and miss method of over the counter remedies.

Allergens (things that cause an allergy) are too numerous to list but the most common are dust and pollen. Some are also allergic to cats, bees, wasps and certain foods such as dairy products, nuts and fruits. In rare cases people can be allergic to household chemicals and medications such as penicillin. The reaction can range from simply annoying to life threatening. If you know what you're allergic to you can take steps to avoid it but if you don't know you're stuck with the trial and error method.

Doctors can perform allergy tests to determine exactly what you're allergic to and prescribe ways to prevent any further discomfort. About one in three people will seek a doctor for allergy testing during their lifetime. They usually wait until the pain and discomfort has become unbearable which is totally unnecessary because allergy testing has become increasingly more sophisticated, accurate and affordable.

There are three prime tests for allergens that are causing your body harm. They're the skin prick, patch and blood tests. All three can be performed in the physician's office experiencing little discomfort or expense. With the results you can obtain proper medication and/or avoid the cause.

The skin prick test is simple and quick. It can be performed on all age groups including babies. Up to 40 allergens can be tested simultaneously with the pricks done on the back or arm. Each prick is mildly painful depending on your pain tolerance. You can wait for the results, usually available in about 20 minutes. Patients should avoid taking antihistamines and other medications about six weeks prior to testing or inconclusive results may occur.

The patch test is done with various allergens prepared and spread on a small metal disc. These discs are placed on the skin, usually the back, and left on for 48 hours. Patients are cautioned to keep the patches dry until they're removed and test results are determined.

The blood test is most helpful when unusual or rare allergens are suspected. It also can be performed in the doctor's office with a small amount of blood drawn from a vein in the arm. The discomfort is minimal but it may take up to two weeks to gain results.

All tests should be interpreted by the doctor after a full review of the patient's history of allergic reactions. A person's immune system and how it reacts to certain substances can change as that person ages. There is little need to take the tests unless you're willing to act on the results. In other words, be prepared to take the needed medications or avoidance measures to prevent recurrence on whatever positive results are indicated.

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