• Sebo are a German company called Stein & Co GMBH who manufacture high quality upright and canister vacuum cleaners. They were formed by two young enthusiastic engineers in 1977 who went on to produce the millions of the varied vacuums that we see on sale everyday. The first commercial Sebo upright vacuum cleaner became available to the public in 1978.

  • These high-tech sophisticated Sebo vacuum cleaners are most definitely today's choice for allergy and asthma sufferers worldwide and this article will explain the reasons why. They were not the first to realise that the easiest way to trap small particles of dust was in a fabric constructed bag, which is the very basics of how modern H.E.P.A./ S-Class filters operate. H.E.P.A is an abbreviation of high efficiency particulate air and S-Class is the European equivalent of the widely used HEPA, although there is not a fixed governing body who control any set standards towards HEPA filters.

  • These types of filters which are installed in Sebo vacuums, are now used in hospitals and open surgery theatres where 100% sterilisation is required and where the absolute minimum of any kind of dust particle should be tolerated. Not so long ago it was scientists and members of the nuclear military who were testing these basic forms of HEPA filter materials to trap tiny invisible particles of dangerous radiation. Modern S-Class filters can retain over 99.97 % of harmful dust, pollen, smoke, mould and other general pollutants that emanate from large industries. This is great news for people with breathing related troubles.

  • For example if you live in an area populated with a high volume of passing traffic, and you just happen to be an asthma/allergy sufferer, then you really should be looking for solutions, like 'allergy vacuum cleaners' and read up on how air purifiers can go some way to alleviate these ever present problems indoors and outside. Now we can see where the relationship between Sebo vacuums and allergy/asthma sufferers become closely involved with each other.

  • The British Allergy Foundation have been in collaboration with Sebo for a number of years now and provide Sebo with the coveted seal of approval to stand beside all of their domestic upright and canister vacuum cleaners, because their vacuums go through some of the strictest testing possible.

  • One part of the test involves pumping coloured smoke into the vacuum cleaner body to determine how well it is sealed and will only pass the machines that emit tiny amounts, or none at all. If your vacuum cleaner has a significant amount of 'leak back' into your home atmosphere, then you could end up facing allergy problems after a certain amount of time.

  • This B.A.F. seal of approval is limited to vacuum cleaners and other household appliances which in effect cause a reduction in, confine or completely dispatch common pollutants from our everyday environment, thus aiding the plight of allergy and asthma sufferers. Unfortunately this invisible danger is on the rise due to large industries emitting copious amounts of carbon monoxide and a whole host of other nasty pollutants which are kept from the general public to view.

  • This type of pollution has crept into our homes at an increasing level each year, so it's no wonder that the E.P.A. ie the Environmental Protection Agency are warning of the dangers of poor air quality at home. Some environmentalists have expressed concern implying that there is no difference to standing in a busy high traffic street with the smoke, fumes and dangerous carbon monoxide, than it is inside some households with poorly ventilated rooms where dust mites and unseen fumes escalate out of proportion.

  • Sebo are a very well trusted quality manufacturer that make exceedingly good quality allergy vacuum cleaners, and have contributed more in the last 10 years to relieve allergy sufferers symptoms than a lot of the others combined, although Dyson have quite a few models with the seal of approval, but my personal choice is wholeheartedly with Sebo....

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Sometimes a man can feel extra sensitive to his partner. In rare cases, this is actually true and it can be said that he is allergic to his partner. After intercourse men can break out into rashes, hives and itching which can be localized either on the penis skin or on various other parts of the body. For some men this is a minor irritation and in others it's a major health issue. Penis-specific vitamins and minerals, skin cr癡mes, and allergy testing can go a long way to restoring sexual harmony. In some cases a man may have to avoid contact with his partner for extended periods of time or during certain times of the month. If symptoms persists then visit your healthcare practitioner without delay.


The symptoms experienced may vary, but should usually begin during or directly after personal contact with a partner. Symptoms may include:

  • itching

  • inflammation

  • swelling

  • pain

  • hives

If the inflammation or itching is chronic, it may not be an allergic reaction at all but a condition known as balanitis; a form of contact dermatitis that affects the penis. If there is discharge coming from the penis then infection from bacteria, viruses or yeast is also a possibility. If symptoms become worse or progress to the point where breathing becomes difficult and/or the inflammation spreads then seek medical attention immediately.


In 2005 the Daily Mail published a news report concerning a man who was diagnosed as being allergic to his girlfriend. After ruling out various skin products doctors determined that his body was producing antibodies to particular hormones in his girlfriend's skin and bodily fluids, during particular times of the month when her hormones were changing. However this type of allergy is extremely rare and in the majority of cases the reaction may be caused by something else entirely. Lubricants, spermicidal gel, latex, skin care products, soaps, deodorants, perfumes, shampoos and laundry detergents are all possible allergens.

The problem may also be a food allergy. Doctors from St Helier Hospital in England published a case study in 2007 of a woman who was allergic to Brazil nuts and would experience skin reactions after having intercourse with her partner. Interestingly, it was not only the seminal fluid she reacted to but also the sweat and hair of her partner. Although this was a case of a woman with an allergy to her male partner, it is of course possible for a man to experience an allergy to food proteins in a female partner's bodily fluids and tissues.


Treating a man who is allergic to his girlfriend is not easy. If the problem is hormonally related and interacts negatively with his girlfriend's cycle the symptoms of allergies can be almost completely avoided by reducing physical contact during the days of the month when hormones are fluctuating. Using polyurethane condoms, and switching to low-allergenic skin care products intended for sensitive skin, may also help considerably.

However if the reaction stems from foodstuffs the girlfriend is eating it won't make any difference which products are eliminated or what days of the month you spend together. Allergy tests such as hair analysis, skin pricks and EAV electro-acupuncture testing can be very effective in diagnosing food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.

Health Cr癡me

Health cr癡mes are natural products that can help to treat inflammation, itching, hives and allergic reactions on the penis skin. Containing natural vitamins, antioxidants and oils that benefit tissue integrity and immune health, health cr癡mes can be applied to speed the recovery of skin cells and may calm hypersensitive tissues. Specialist formulas (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C as a natural anti-histamine and immune support, vitamin E as an anti-inflammatory, alpha lipoic acid for penis nerve health and shea butter for anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

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That's a good question. Many people suffer from allergies as a result of poor indoor air quality in their rooms and offices. The air in our rooms and offices is often loaded with all kinds of allergy-aggravating particles like dust, dust mites, mold spores, pollen, etc. So, the logical thing to do is clean up the air. But there is some confusion as to whether ionizers or HEPA filters are better for allergy reduction, keeping pet dander down, etc.

Well, the answer is 'yes': it's best to have both if you can, but if you can only choose one, choose the air purifier with a true HEPA filter. Here's why: a true, certified HEPA filter has dense fabric-like woven fibers that have very small spaces in between where only air can pass through-true HEPA filters trap the very smallest particles, everything larger than 0.3 microns, which includes dust, dust mite parts, pet dander / pet hair, human hair, pollen, mold spores, bacteria, and some viruses. Certified HEPA filters are designed to trap these particles that cause allergy problems, or allergy symptoms. Certified means AHAM certified (American Home Appliance Manufacturers Association), which means that the filter has been tested by this independent testing group and certified to remove 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger.

Adding an ionizer is good because it can make the HEPA filter even more effective. As the ionizer releases ions in the air, the ions cause small particles (especially pet dander) to stick together, making them heavier and easier for the HEPA filter to trap. One thing to remember, however, is to choose an air purifier / ionizer that does not produce ozone. Ozone has been proven harmful to humans/animals over and over, and it's actually a respiratory irritant, which will only increase your allergy symptoms.

The best ionizers produce only an OH- or hydroxyl ion, which has the same effect on particles / airborne bacteria / organisms as ozone, but is not harmful to humans/pets, and has actually been found to even help depression! Negative ions also destroy bacteria/viruses in the air so they useful in a family's effort to keep colds and flu under control, as well.

The other very important thing to remember about HEPA filters is that you must replace them regularly, especially if you have indoor pets. Why? When a filter becomes clogged, 2 main things begin to happen: 1) backflow / leakage of unpurified, allergy-aggravating air because some of the air drawn in cannot pass through, 2) the air purifier is stirring up air-and allergens-and with a clogged filter, it is blowing around polluted air, which can actually make allergy symptoms worse, and 3) increased energy costs / higher utility bills--as the air purifier is having to work harder to get the air through the clogged HEPA filter, more energy is used. Replacement of your HEPA filters ensures that you will continue to breathe clean healthy air, reduces the chances of an allergy attack, and you'll probably see a reduction in allergy medication costs.

So overall, we recommend that you choose an air cleaner or air purifer with a true HEPA filter and a healthy negative OH- ion 'ionizer'. but definitely one with a HEPA filter if that is all that is available to you. Brands like Blueair and Winix offer air cleaners with the HEPA/ionizer combination. Together, HEPA filters and a good ionizer will do a great job cleaning up the air in your rooms/offices and can definitely play an imporant role in allergy reduction. And make sure to replace your filters regularly!

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Also known as Acute Moist Dermatitis or Moist Eczema, Hot Spots can seemingly appear spontaneously anywhere on a dog's body and the area involved can rapidly spread. This raw, unsightly skin disorder has a variety of causes but the most consistent factor is a bacterial infection. There are a number of kinds of bacteria that can be cultured from a 'hot spot' and fortunately most respond to oral and topical antibiotics. Anything that irritates or breaks the skin can create the right environment for bacterial contamination if the skin surface is wet. The body's response is either to itch or become inflamed. The itching then causes the dog to lick or chew the area, which further damages the skin, and creates a cycle of itching, scratching and chewing. If left to develop the infection goes into the deep layers of the skin.

Hot spots tend to occur most often in the summer months, and dogs with matted, dirty coats are at greater risk of developing them. Some owners keep their long haired dogs shaved in the summer, which helps prevent the thick coat from covering any dampness on the surface of the skin. Regular grooming enables swift intervention if a hot spot is developing - often they will simply get worse and worse until treated so veterinary help is advisable. A hot spot that is left untreated may turn into a 'lick granuloma', which can be difficult to get rid of.

Typical locations for "hot spots" are the side of the face and the flank areas. Golden retrievers and young dogs seem to be predisposed, while they are seldom, if ever, found in cats.

What to look out for

oScratching or biting at one area incessantly

oA patch of hair loss with reddened moist skin, often with a film of pus

oScabs and crusts

oSurrounding hair wet from saliva

Diagnosis is usually obvious from the clinical signs, but your veterinarian may be inclined to search for any contributing factors by doing allergy testing, or take a bacteriology swab so that antibiotic selection is targeted specifically at the bacterium responsible. If the hot spot is on the dogs back leg it is worth checking the anal glands are not the source of the discomfort by emptying them.


o Clip the hair around the hot spot. The hot spot may be more extensive than it originally appears. Clipping will expose the area to the air and accelerate healing (scabbing over)

o Topical medication: the area can be cleaned with an antiseptic solution suchas chlorhexidine, and a topical antibiotic cream applied. There is little point of this if the dog will simply lick the cream off (i.e. use buster collar, or only use topical cream if hot spot on face)

o Break the scratch cycle. To allow the hot spot to heal, the dog must stop scratching at it. A one off steroid injection is usually very effective, but sometimes a short course of oral steroids is necessary. Your dog may be more hungry and thirsty while receiving corticosteroids - this is a common side effect. As a consequence, the dog may need to urinate more frequently than normal.

o Oral antibiotics. The best way to deal with a deep skin infection is to deliver antibiotics to the site of the hot spot via the blood stream. If a hot spot is quite advanced, at least a 10-14 day course of a broad spectrum antibiotic is required to prevent immediate recurrence.

o Elimination of predisposing factors - aggressive flea control, investigation to rule out food and pollen allergies etc.

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Food allergies are due to IgE antibodies made for specific foods that an individual has for some reason developed because their body has misinterpreted the food(s) as a foreign invading protein. The presence of IgE antibody to the specific food a person is allergic to results in an immediate immune reaction of the body to the food when it is eaten. The IgE antibody binds its specific food protein and initiates reactions in the body that include the release of chemicals such as histamine that may result in symptoms of itching, swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing, rash or hives, and if severe, shock resulting in death if not reversed. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur but are less common.

Testing for the presence of allergy to a food or foods can be done by blood test or skin testing or both. One of the most common blood tests is the RAST test that looks for the presence of the specific IgE antibodies to common food allergens and other foods based on a history suggesting that a particular food is suspect. Skin testing is done by injecting or applying extracts of the common and any suspect food(s) to pricked or scratched skin and looking for diagnostic "hive" like reactions at the site of the suspect food. The most common food allergens are peanut, cow's milk, wheat, corn, soy, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, chocolate, pork, tomato, and citrus.

The terms food intolerance and sensitivity are commonly used interchangeably. They refer to a group of food reactions that occur that are not IgE antibody caused. In more general terms they refer to any adverse or unpleasant reaction that occurs after a food is eaten.

Food reactions that are not allergic in cause may have a variety of causes. A particular food may not be tolerated because it is not digested adequately due to an enzyme deficiency. Lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar or lactose, is present on the surface of the intestine lining cells. Lactase deficiency can be inherited or acquired. It commonly occurs whenever the intestine lining is damaged. Because the lactase enzymes are on the outer most surface of the intestine they are more vulnerable to injury. For example, after intestinal flu or in untreated Celiac disease, lactose intolerance is common. Other sugar enzymes can be deficient or the intestine can be simply overwhelmed by too large a sugar load at one time. A classic example is "the Big Gulp" syndrome when someone drinks a giant cola beverage then experiences the "gut ache" from the tremendous amount of fructose. Large amounts cannot be handled by the intestine and that results in bloating, urgency and terrible diarrhea.

Deficiency of digestive enzymes released into the intestine can result in poor digestion of foods. For example, when the pancreas gland is damaged (pancreatitis) chronically, usually from chronic alcohol abuse, or is congenitally underdeveloped or malfunctioning (e.g. cystic fibrosis). The pancreatic enzyme deficiency that occurs results in malabsorption, especially for fats, that cause symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss. Abnormal bacteria types and levels in the gut, also known as dysbiosis, and abnormal excess levels of "bad" bacteria or presence of bacteria in upper small intestine where little or no bacteria normally occur (bacterial overgrowth) can interfere with digestion, absorption or cause fermentation of food resulting in symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Some foods and food additives have a direct toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Additives such as MSG and sulfites can cause symptoms, including flushing and diarrhea or the "Chinese restaurant" or "salad bar" syndromes.

All foods contain proteins known as lectins. Some of these proteins are highly resistant to digestion and are toxic to the human intestine especially if they are not pre-treated by soaking, cooking well, or removing toxic portions. For example, inadequately soaked and cooked kidney beans will cause a food poisoning like illness. There are several foods that have lectins that are poorly tolerated by many humans and are lethal to insects and pests. One researcher, Loren Cordain PhD., author of the Paleo Diet, has published extensive research on how the human intestine is not "evolved" to tolerate many of the foods we now eat but did not eat in the ancient "hunter-gatherer" times resulting in many of the illness seen in modern societies and the rising epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Several of the "modern" foods that were not part of the ancient diet but constitute much our diet now have well recognized toxic or poorly tolerated proteins known as lectins. Examples include wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), casein (cow's milk protein), peanut agglutinin (PNA), soyabean agglutinin (SBA) and tomato lectin (TL) that have been shown in animal studies to be toxic to the human gut. There are a few published studies and little active research on the role of dietary lectins in health and disease.

When the reaction is an immune toxicity reaction to a food protein intestinal damage commonly results, frequently referred to as "leaky gut" because of the symptoms of malabsorption or the entry of toxic food proteins and/or bacterial products into the blood stream resulting in a variety of adverse health effects. This reaction may result in autoimmunity, the body attacking itself within the gut or distant organs or tissues. The reaction may be aided by abnormal bacteria types and/or levels in the gut (dysbiosis). The symptoms commonly develop over time and flare in just hours to up to three days after eating the offending food and continue as the food is eaten.

Because the protein in the food is usually the cause and such proteins may be hidden in other foods, especially processed foods, and the toxicity is more of a delayed and cumulative immune reaction, it is very difficult for the person suffering from this to identify the specific food as the cause. For example gluten (the protein in wheat) and casein (the protein in cow's milk) are in many foods and toxic to many individuals. Over time people sensitive to such food proteins typically become more ill and may develop enough intestinal injury that blood tests for other types of antibodies, IgG and/or IgA, to the food or specific food proteins, may be detectable in the blood, stool or saliva.

Delayed immune response to proteins in the food (wheat, cow's milk) resulting in bowel injury, gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms and increased autoimmune conditions is most well recognized in Celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease resulting from ingestion of gluten in wheat or products made from wheat flour (or gluten like proteins in barley and rye). It used to be considered a disease of children and rare, especially in the United States. However, blood test screening studies have documented that it is present in approximately 1 in 133 to 1 in100 people worldwide though most of those affected are undiagnosed and untreated. It is diagnosed by positive screening blood tests and confirmed by a characteristic abnormal small intestine on biopsy followed by relief of symptoms and return of the intestine to normal after a gluten-free diet. Untreated it is associated with higher rates of cancer especially lymphoma, osteoporosis, anemia, and other complications of malabsorption resulting in shortened life expectancy. It is treated with a life-long gluten free-diet. Lesser degrees of gluten intolerance or sensitivity may not be severe enough to cause abnormal or diagnostic blood tests and intestinal biopsies but result in symptoms that improve or resolve with a gluten-free diet and may be detected by elevated stool or saliva antibody tests.

Though injury to the intestine tissue may be seen visually as abnormal appearing tissue during endoscopic procedures such findings are non-specific for the cause. The tissue frequently appears normal and therefore many times is not sampled by biopsy, though under the microscope injury may be seen, though not specific for cause or food. If the physician is either not suspecting food intolerance or doesn't routinely biopsy normal appearing intestinal tissue looking for signs of food intolerance, the injury may not be discovered.

The immune based food intolerances are commonly associated with many symptoms that can be both gastrointestinal and outside the gut and may include bloating, gas, diarrhea (and sometimes constipation), abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pains, skin rashes, weight loss or gain, anemia or nutritional deficiencies, irritability, depression, mental fogginess, and nerve pain (neuropathy). These symptoms may be misdiagnosed or mislabeled as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, reflux, ulcer, and fibromyalgia, etc. without another thought by patient or physician that food intolerance may be the cause and specific food elimination may be the cure. The common food allergens also are the most common causes of food intolerance reactions.

Generally, most physician are aware of common food allergy symptoms and how and when to test. However, several studies have confirmed most people's experience that the majority of primary care physicians are unaware of the common symptoms of Celiac disease, that blood tests exist for screening antibodies and the high risk genes, and that it is common and may be diagnosed in adults. This is why the diagnosis is delayed on average over 11 years in most adults, after many of them have irreversible complications such as osteoporosis, cancer, or another autoimmune disease. The awareness and acceptance of non-Celiac gluten sensitivity and other food protein intolerances in the medical community is even worse.

Therefore, food intolerance or sensitivity is commonly missed and untreated. Many patients are forced to self-diagnose by discovery of the link of their symptoms to specific foods serendipitously, often as a result of an elimination diet, recommendation of an alternative practitioner or friend/relative, or search for help on the internet or multiple physicians for help. Hopefully, by reading this article you now better understand food allergies and intolerances, why they are often missed and that they are a common cause of many symptoms, not just intestinal, that usually improve if not resolve once the offending food or foods are eliminated from your diet.

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This article will explain about allergy testing at kinesiologist based on one of my friends. She went to a kinesiologist/massage therapist/acupuncturist/energy healer person on one day and here is her experience.

The doctor used a computer to do the allergy testing and it was really fascinating. In one hand you hold a copper tube that has a wire extending to a machine that is hooked up to the computer. She wets your hand that is holding the tube. She then takes a metal wand that is also hooked up to the computer, selects a possible allergen from a list on the computer screen, dips the wand in water and then presses it on your free hand as the computer shows a graph to measure your resistance to the current, thus determining your
sensitivity to the allergen. She has hundreds of allergens in the computer for which she could test.

Based on her research on treatments using electromedicine (which revealed that everything on earth has a frequency), the test seems scientifically based. She wants to do more research.

She liked that the process was not just based on her ability to feel resistance in her body.

Then she had her lie down on a table and hold vials that contained some of the allergens she reacted to during the testing. She then "cleared" her of the allergens using energy work and also by stimulating points on her body. This is the part she is most skeptical about. But she is also open minded.

It was fascinating. She really loved the experience and the woman who did that. She obviously uses her intuition a lot and was quite comforting.

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Dust mites and the protein produced by their feces are the most common allergen contaminants found in the indoor environment and is the number one cause of asthma in the home. In fact, persons which exhibit serious symptoms to house dust are confirmed by testing to have a strong allergy to the protein found in dust mite feces.

What are dust mites?
Dust mites are microscopic bugs which live in most homes and are 1/100th of an inch in length and have translucent bodies, so they are not visible to the unaided eye. To identify one of these microscopic mites, one would need a 10X magnification device. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology identifies them as an insect which belongs to the family of eight-legged creatures called arachnids that also includes spiders, chiggers and ticks. They will thrive in temperatures above 70 degrees F, especially with humidity levels above 65 percent and usually die off when the humidity falls below 40 percent. They are more prevalent in areas which have moderate to extreme humid climates. A female mite will lay many eggs which are coated with a sticky substance that clings to most materials. An immature egg will reach adulthood in just four weeks time.

Dust Mites Have Huge Appetites
They may feed on dead human skin cells which are in the air and on furniture surfaces. Since humans may shed as much as 1/5 ounce of dead skin each week, dust mites never run out of a food source. They will also consume animal dander and may be plentiful in the bedding of family pets. Since we spend about one-third of our lives in the bedroom, higher levels of mites are usually found on the surfaces of a mattress and bedding materials. A typical mattress may have millions of mites living inside and on the top surfaces. They can also be found in large numbers in carpeting and furniture where humans spend the most time.

Dust Mite Symptoms
A person who shows an allergy towards dust mites will produce an antibody in response to the proteins from their feces. An allergic individual will produce white blood cells that release histamine thus triggering allergic symptoms. Histamine may produce allergic symptoms at various places in a persons body. Allergies caused by these microscopic creatures can range from mild allergic rhinitis to severe asthma attacks. Extreme exposure cases have reported a red rash around the neck, arms or legs.

Controlling Dust Mites
Regular cleaning of the places they can be found can make a real difference in the number of dust mites in your home. The only effective method of controlling them is to focus on microscopic dust control. A high efficient particulate air (HEPA) vacuum is the primary weapon for effective cleaning of all areas which they can be found. Here are some other great ways to control dust mites in your house:

  1. In the bedroom, encase your pillow and mattress with allergy proof covers.

  2. Wash all bed linens in hot water (130 degrees F) weekly.

  3. Use fitted sheets to help keep dust off the mattress covers.

  4. Replace feather and down pillows with synthetic filled alternatives.

  5. Keep stuffed toys off beds and discard stuffed toys for children with asthma conditions.

  6. Make sure that your hair is dry before going to bed since the moisture may attract dust mites.

  7. Keep blankets enclosed in allergy free bags or covers when not in use.

  8. Thoroughly vacuum all upholstered furniture and carpeting weekly with a HEPA cleaning device.

  9. Limit the use of a humidifier unless needed for other health reasons.

  10. Maintain a dry environment in your bedroom especially if it is directly connected to a bathroom.

  11. Wash all curtains and window coverings on a monthly basis.

  12. Purchase a quality Relative Humidity (RH) meter and attempt to keep RH levels below 50 percent. Central air conditioning is effective at lowering RH in the warmer months.

  13. Use a pleated high efficient filter in your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system to control dust. Avoid all filters which are sold as "washable".

  14. Utilize a HEPA air purifier in bedrooms and heavily used rooms.

  15. A common recommendation is to treat dust mite areas with a powder chemical compound. I strongly warn against using any powder chemical of any type for any reason since the chemical itself can be inhaled causing other acute or chronic respiratory problems.

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Could allergies or some foods be the main cause of your sinus problems, especially sinus pressure? Finding out could mean less suffering plus saving time and expense. Here we will go to the cause and effect relationship that could exist among them; and explain a simple way to find out. Finally we will make some suggestions that may help keep your sinus pressure at bay.

What really is sinus pressure?

Whenever anything in the environment--pollens, pollutants, chemicals, dust, smog--irritate the membranes lining the nasal and sinus cavities, the body tries to remove the irritant by producing an extra amount of mucus to moisten and protect these membranes. Additional secretion is also caused by virus infection or "colds." In either case the mucus is so abundant that it cannot flow fast enough from the sinus into the nasal cavity and thus it accumulates. The irritation of those membranes causes them to swell, blocking the small opening through which mucus and air flow. The result is sinus pressure.

The allergy connection

Allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to a substance--an allergen. It can be inhaled, ingested or come in contact with the skin. The allergic reaction can be severe and accompanied by a large amount of sinus mucus and swelling of the sinus membranes, which blocks the sinus opening and causes pressure and pain. Two common environmental allergens are house dust and pollen. Whenever sinus pressure is caused by allergies the allergen involved must be ascertained. This is done with precision by allergy testing by a physician. If an environmental allergen is identified injections can be given, in increasing doses, to desensitize the body from the allergen. Sinus pressure would then disappear gradually. In less severe cases the use of an antihistamine is often sufficient.

The food connection

Empirical--derived from experience--data strongly suggests the connection between certain foods and some sinus problems. As a former sinus sufferer I can attest to that. Whenever the use of these foods was discontinued for a period of time the sinus condition disappeared, until they were used again. You could try this approach and judge the results for yourself.

Sinus pressure prevention

The best way of dealing with an ailment is to prevent it. Reducing the use of or dropping certain mucus producing foods would make sense. When allergies may be the cause of the problem, histamine containing or producing foods should be avoided. Having this information makes possible an adjustment in the diet.

Often the solution to sinus pressure has been found by just adjusting the diet and using additionally some simple remedy, whether medicinal or natural. Doing some experimentation, safely, with a good amount of plain common sense added to it, was the way some of us found the cure to sinus pressure. So, give it a try and you could surprise yourself with the results.

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1: Listening to the wrong person for advice

Gluten is a hot topic in the world of food and health and everyone wants in. As wonderful as that height in awareness is, they are not doing their homework properly. Medical doctors and common bloggers alike, they read an article or two on the internet and then begin to re-tweet, re-post, re-spread the bad information they read.

Social media makes this "misinformation wildfire syndrome" all too easy. Within seconds of someone tweeting something it can be spread to millions of people in tens of modalities. The most dangerous part of this is that when someone seeking information keeps seeing the same information over and over (including by medical doctors posting) then they naturally assume the information is accurate. Most of the time it is not.

2: Thinking that Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivity are the same

People who have Celiac Disease are intolerant to gluten but you don't necessarily have to have Celiac Disease to be gluten sensitive. The medical community now even has a separate term for it: NCGS (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity). Both lead to severe health issues and higher rates of mortality.

3: Comparing Celiac Disease/Gluten Sensitivity to common allergies

Celiac Disease is not like dairy or shellfish intolerance. Gluten reaction doesn't mean your lips will swell for a few hours after ingesting gluten or getting a stomach cramp for an hour; it causes a serious degeneration of your life while on earth and that time will be shorter than it naturally would be if gluten wasn't involved.

4: Thinking that it is a disease that appears overnight

Celiac Disease remains in silent stage for years (that's where you want to keep it forever!) You don't "get" Celiac Disease or NCGS the way you get poisoned with salmonella. Gluten is there, lingering, festering, fermenting, and killing you slowly. AND can be stopped!

5: Accepting that "gluten free" on labels actually means gluten free

"Certified gluten free" doesn't necessarily mean the food is gluten free. The same way "fat free" doesn't actually mean fat free most of the time. Clever lawyers, massive legal loopholes, and mega food manufacturers tied in with government is what makes this possible. And it is the reason Celiacs often say "but I am eating gluten free, why don't I feel well, why am I not getting better?"

6: Comparing symptoms to other Celiacs or online lists and ruling it out

Your reaction will be as unique as your fingerprint. For some it hits their glandular system and they have thyroid issues and are dealing with obesity - cramps & bloating nowhere in sight. It's different for everyone. Don't make that common mistake of going online and ruling out Celiac Disease or Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity just because the symptoms you are suffering are different from what you find online. You don't want to wait until your food issue graduates to cancer or MS or a myriad of other diseases that are far worse.

7: Trusting test results that didn't involve DNA

If you have tested negative via blood test, know that it's not accurate the way genetic testing is. The average Celiac goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for 11 years. You want genetic testing for Celiac Disease and specific anti-body testing (with a doctor who understands gluten well) for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So my friend's husband, John, has experienced the shakes. Both John and his wife (Lucy) are pretty sure that he has some form of candidiasis and he says his body has been shaking so much lately that he can't concentrate at work. His chair vibrates. It's almost like his body is humming.

So she remembers reading somewhere that this can be one of the many symptoms of the yeast infection. She would be interested to hear my input for the shakes. She thought that maybe this is a die-off reaction.

He's been taking the 'Yeast Busters' regime for almost 6 months now, with not much of a diet change. They are already vegetarians, and he's lactose and gluten intolerant.

The description above is quite common for candida sufferers, as matter as fact I have met two cases with similar condition described above.

What I can say to her is I didn't exactly have the shakes when I got candida, but I got a buzz/hum/vibration over my entire body. I have many food intolerance's and found that when I went on an elimination diet the buzz/hum went away.

I still get this sometimes as I am still trying to find out all of my food intolerance's, but I keep becoming sensitive to different foods. I am now trying to find out why I suddenly became sensitive to so many foods. But, one of my friend, David, he has this symptom.

He used to get the shakes, and after some months of being on treatment and diet for candida, he had an allergy test done. The shakes he was getting were a reaction to allergens he was introducing to his body by way of foods. As he has eliminated those foods, the shakes are gone.

There are different ways of testing for allergies, some people will recommend to go the acupuncture way, others won't. The one I had done is called Elisa/Act, and it was done with blood samples.

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