The diagnosis of an asthma patient can depend on the symptoms presented, a detailed medical history, the physical examination done by the doctor and the laboratory tests done to confirm the diagnosis. For the most part the diagnosis of asthma can be fairly easy once the results come through; however, the diagnosis has an involved process before the eventual results are determined.

For asthmatic patients symptoms can include problems related to breathing such as difficulty taking a breathe, wheezy respiration, labored breathing during activities that require exertion, chest tightness and any obstruction of airflow. A true indicator for asthma can be seen when the person gasps for breath with a wheezy sound, which is a characteristic picture of asthma. In addition, having a detailed medical history that includes any history of allergy, family history of asthma, persistent coughs, cold and seasonal allergies can be contributing factors for asthmatic patient.

After the diagnosis process has begun laboratory tests are usually ordered to confirm that the patient has asthma and can include blood tests for ESR and eosinophil counts that could give indication of any allergic reaction or chest infection, as these are also contributory factors. The chest x-ray confirms the expansion of the lungs as well as any infections or other abnormalities in the lungs that can contribute to asthma. The groups of tests performed to diagnose asthma are Pulmonary Function Tests, otherwise known as Spirometry. In this test the degree and access of airflow obstruction is measured along with the confirmation of its severity. These are otherwise termed FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC. The assessment of the reversibility of asthma can also be done through these tests. Carrying out tests of allergen detection through skin sensitivity tests is also a form of testing. These tests are of prolonged duration by which time the person has a fully established asthma. Still, if the allergens detection is accurate and the person needs to stay away from certain allergic substances, then asthmatic attack is preventable.

One of the most experienced symptoms of asthma is a wheezing sound as air enters the respiratory system. Many other chest diseases can present the same types of breathing problems as asthma; hence an accurate diagnosis is very essential. Spirometry is the confirmatory lung test for asthma. Once the diagnosis is made, the options open to the patient vary in range from no prescription, for very mild cases of asthma, to a full course of asthmatic preventatives to help those patients who have a severe asthmatic problem.

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Dealing with allergies of any kind can be incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating, never mind dog food allergies which can be rather difficult to pinpoint. Just what is it in that 20-ingredient pack of food that is causing these dog food allergies? How can you perform testing to see just what your dog is allergic too? Heck, how do you even know that your dog is suffering from dog food allergies?

Dog allergies all tend to have similar symptoms, all of which involves the scratching and pawing and chewing of some part of the body. The part of the body that is usually being scratched and chewed is related to his area of allergy. If a dog is having a food allergy, it may be the face that is being pawed, or your dog may be chewing at his abdominal area. As a result of the chewing, licking and scratching, dog skin problems may also arise due to a food allergy.

If you are wondering how you can start to determine and treat your pet's dog food allergies, then you have come to the right place.

1) Substitute his food: A great way to start the process of determining dog food allergies is to substitute the meat portion of your dog's food with a different meat. For instance, if the food you are feeding your dog is beef-based, switch it up with a lamb-based food and see if that cures the problem. Lamb is a safe choice as it is thought to be "non-allergic".

NOTE: You can also choose to buy some "allergy free formulas" of food, but this may not necessarily be the best dog food for your pet. Check out a number of different mixes, and always aim to purchase foods that do not include a lot of chemical preservatives, dyes, colors, or "filler" foods.

2) Introduce new foods slowly: though you may be anxious to try a new food with your dog to see if it helps his allergies, you need to introduce any new foods to your diet gradually over a week. Start off with a 4:1 ratio of old food to new, and build it up from there to a 3:2 ratio, a 2:3 ratio, 1:4 ratio and then a full serving o the new food.

3) Consult your Veterinarian: Vets do have the ability to perform some allergy tests on your dog to see what may be the issue. If the allergy is not very severe, they you may want to treat it symptomatically (with anti-histamines, cold compresses and medicated baths); however, if it is a severe allergy, then the cost to have the allergy testing done is well worth it.

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Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a unique form of complementary therapy that relies on very light touch to asses the state of the body. In an AK session, the patient usually lies on a massage couch, fully clothed, and the therapist will test various muscles to determine what is wrong with the patient. Often, it can feel like nothing is happening at all, but people report some amazing relief, often from very chronic problems. This form of alternative therapy treats everything from structural imbalances to headaches, insomnia, allergies and stress related disorders.

In AK, the idea is that internal organs are linked to outside muscles, and the state of one reflects the state of the other. It was developed in the 1960s by a man named Geogre Goodheart. Goodheart was a chiropractor and occultist and combined some elements of chinese medicine meridians with some older chiropractic manuals to form the system.

Muscle testing is the cornerstone of applied kinesiology. The usual one demonstrated is called the "delta test" and costists of the patient standing with an arm outstretched while holding a food substance that they might have an allergy to. The therapist or practitioner will press down on the arm between the elbow and wrist and asses the strength of the muscle. A muscle that is weak will show up with the arm dropping inexplicably, indicating an allergy. A strong muscle indicates no allergy.

This therapy should not be confused with Kinesiology (which is simply the study of human movement).

Applied kinesiology is taught in many colleges of natural medicine and can take 4 to 7 years of study leading to BS, MA and PHd degrees. However there are several simpler forms that are taught, mostly outcrops of one of Goodheart's students who simplified much of the theory and practice into a system called Touch For Health. This is a very popular form of AK because it is quick and easy to learn and easily taught to the general public.

Some of the major outcrops of AK are:

Touch for Health

Heath Kinesiology

Systematic Kinesiology

Three in one

Progressive Kinesiology

AK comes under a lot of criticism from the scientific community, though, as usual with alternative healthcare, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support the effectiveness of the therapy.

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Clothes Dryers are a great convenience in our modern day world. They make our lives easier and less complicated than our parents in the past who hung their clothes out to dry on the clothes line. Some people today do not even know what a clothes line is. If you do not, do a search on Google to find out what one is. This convenience is great but it does have a few flaws that very few people even know about. One of them is that they can create mold that can affect individuals with Asthma and Allergies. We will go into these flaws in this article.

If you notice that every time you dry a load of clothes the lint catcher is full of lint that needs to be emptied every other time. This is because it prevents the lint from blowing out the exhaust vent. The truth is, it does not catch all the lint and some goes outside and the rest deposits on the inside of the exhaust vent pipe. Generally, most of the deposits of lint will be where the bends or angles are in the pipe unless you have one of the old ribbed metal piping. The problem with these deposits is that no one ever cleans the pipe.

When was the last time you cleaned your dryer exhaust pipe. It slowly becomes a fire hazard and a mold factory over the years. Have you ever opened your dryer and smelled a musty odor? That musty and moldy odor is from when the wind backdrafts into the house from the outside. This is a common problem for most households. Besides the mold, a lot of house fires can originate from the house dryer exhaust. According to National Fire Protection Agency, dryer exhausts cause more than 10,000 house fires a year. Most of these incidents occur in homes and are the result of improper lint cleanup and maintenance. Fortunately, these fires are very easy to prevent.

In conclusion, it is important to maintain your dryer vent system to prevent mold and fires from happening. Having a licensed Duct Cleaning Company come and clean the dryer vent is a must and should be done on a regular basis. In fact, after reading this article, call a Duct Cleaning Company to clean your dryer exhaust out now. If not, you could be suffering from allergies due to backdrafting of your dryer vent into your home or the worst case scenario, a fire could start from your dryer vent exhaust.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

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What’s the big deal with oregano? Many of you have eaten foods containing oregano, or even sprinkled it on your pizza, without knowing its healing powers. In a comparative research, oregano topped the list of healthy herbs according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. According to, Shiow Y. Wang, Ph.D., the study's lead researcher and biochemist, herbs with the highest antioxidant activity belonged to the oregano family. In general, oregano had three to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied.

On a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano and other herbs ranked even higher in antioxidant activity than fruits and vegetables, which are known to be high in antioxidants. Oregano has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and four times more than blueberries, Wang said.

But, don’t head for your cupboards yet, the form of oregano that contains the most health benefits is the oil of oregano. Thanks to one of the powerful compounds found in the plant, carvacrol, it can fight off a range of infections and a variety of fungi. Extensive research has been conducted on oil of oregano and it has been credited as an effective treatment for ailments such as indigestion, Candida (yeast overgrowth), diarrhea, nervous tension, insect bites, toothache, earache rheumatism, and bronchitis (primarily for it's antispasmodic effects), among other disorders.

It’s such a beneficial herb that book solely on oregano was even published. Dr. Cass InGram unveiled its overlooked health benefits in The Cure is in the Cupboard: How to Use Oregano for Better Health. He notes that "wild oregano is a veritable natural mineral treasure-house, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food." The wild oregano is rich in a long list of minerals that includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese. Vitamins C and A (beta carotene) and niacin also are contained in oregano. All of this helps make oregano oil a significant factor in treating internal and external fungi including athletes foot. Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema can be improved with the treatment as well. Ingram explains the astonishing discovery that "oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside."

There are many oregano supplements in the market, but beware of their content. To be beneficial the oil must be wild, mountain-grown and free of all chemicals and pesticides. It also has to be emulsified in a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil. True oregano grows only under specific soil and climate conditions and cannot be reproduced in your own backyard, even if the seeds are planted.

North American Herb & Spice NAHS) was the first company on the American market to introduce edible Oil of Oregano. Their oil is from 100% hand-picked, wild, Mediterranean oregano along with, documented research and testimonials of proven success.

Now that you have the scoop on the wonder herb, where can you get some of the true wild oregano oil you might ask? Easy, visit these direct links for detailed information on NAHS oregano products and choose the one best suited for your needs.

Oregacyn: []

Oregamax: []

Juice of Oregano: []

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If you're in bed all day with flu-like symptoms, allergies could be the actual root cause. Often, people mistake simple allergy signs for more severe conditions like a cold or the flu.

So, to gain more understanding about the differences between allergic reactions and a typical flu, read on.

All Allergies Aren't Created Equal

Just because someone is having an allergic reaction doesn't mean they'll automatically exhibit a runny nose and itchy eyes. In fact, many allergies are symptomatic as stomach pains, aches, a rash or other flu-like indicators. Allergies are simply a range of reactions to different antigens, and those reactions can vary depending on the individual and the allergy itself.

Some allergic reactions are disguised as a low-grade fever, aches, pains and chills - all signs associated with the flu.

Understanding the Difference

The most obvious indicator that you may be suffering from allergies and not the flu is if your noticeable evidences are consistent and last throughout the allergy or pollen season. Another possible indicator occurs when your symptoms are sustained over a long period of time. Where this is the case, then environmental factors in your home or work space could be a contributing factor.

Asbestos and mold can both cause serious and ongoing allergic reactions that are very similar to the flu. If you suspect mold problems, you should have your home inspected and talk to your doctor.

Be Aware of the Seasons

In the middle of January in Michigan, for example, chances are that you're suffering from the flu and not a pollen-based allergic reaction. Allergy season is usually through the warm spring and summer months.

That said, some allergies can be caused by allergens like pet dander, airborne particles, pollution, mold, dust and other aggravating factors. Another possibility is diet or reactions to medication.

Get a Diagnosis

Your doctor may diagnose with you the flu or prescribe you with a short course of allergy drugs to test their efficacy. Another method is to test for specific allergies to see if they are actually the root cause of the flu-like experience.

Another professional you may want to speak to is a naturopath - this individual will test you for a variety of food and environment-based allergens. He or she can also help you improve your diet as a way of boosting your immune system and improving your ability to help you fight off viruses like the flu.

A Flu Vaccination

If you're suffering from flu-like signs, allergies could be the culprit. However, the flu is the most likely cause. To protect yourself, make sure you get a flu vaccination every year.

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Yeast exists in all dog's body, it will remain dormant for as long as it is not triggered. The yeast will act up if the body's system is thrown into imbalance, common triggers are allergic reactions or stress.

Keeping your dog's immune system healthy is the key to combating yeast infections.

Dog yeast infections generally appear on their skin and the inside of their ears. It is caused by a kind of yeast called malasezzia. This dog yeast infection can be confined to a particular part of the body, or it can affect the entire body. The infection makes the dog's skin excessively itchy and discharges a foul odor. If the yeast is left untreated, the dog's skin will eventually look like an elephant skin. Generally, yeasts are harmless as long as they don't sabotage the immune system.

Effective ways to treat a dog yeast infection:

  • When a major portion of the dog's body gets infected by yeast, oral medication is advised for several weeks.

  • If the condition reappears, repeat the medication at a high dose or use a substitute oral medicine.

  • Yeasts feed on the excess oil on the skin. Use a degreasing oil to remove the excess oil.

  • If the degreasing shampoo doesn't help, resort to an anti-yeast shampoo.

  • If the condition still persists, use a shampoo that has both anti-yeast and degreasing ingredients. Let the shampoo rest on your dog's skin for a minimum of 15 minutes.

  • If you are using any of the topical shampoos, give a bath to your dog at least twice a week.

  • If the yeast is not spread out and is concentrated on a small area(s), wipe the infected skin area with acetic acid. You can also make a mixture at home by combining water and vinegar (1 cup of water and 1 cup of apple cider vinegar)

  • It is very important to cure the root cause of dog yeast infection. The reason can be oily skin, weak immune system or even allergy.

  • If your dog sustains mainly on a grain diet, change his diet by incorporating more meat into it. A fresh, raw meat and bones diet is very good for dog yeast infection.

  • If you do not drink tap water, refrain from giving the same to your dog. In such a case, give purified or distilled water to him.

Try the above recommendations to keep dog yeast infection and dog skin problems away.

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IBS is a common digestive condition that affects a considerable percentage of the population. IBS represents an umbrella term for a collection of symptoms, the most frequently reported being: diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, excessive gas and cramping. People with this condition often suffer from more than one of these symptoms and/or symptoms can alternate.

The conventional medical approach to IBS focuses largely on symptomatic treatments rather than the potential causes. Obviously this approach has little chance of offering an actual resolution or a dramatic improvement of the IBS condition. Fortunately, naturopathic or nutritionally orientated therapies offer an approach that is the complete opposite, one that actually attempts to restore digestive health. Practitioners of these therapies will try to identify the primary cause or causes of a persons IBS, and then offer appropriate natural solutions.

Most naturopathic/nutritional practitioners would consider the following to be major causes of IBS: food allergies, food intolerances, parasites, yeast (candida overgrowth), dysbiosis (bad intestinal bacterial balance) and an insufficient secretion of factors by the body that assist digestive function. It must be pointed out that more than one of these is likely to be present at the same time.

Allergies have long been associated with IBS, and in more recent times this concept has gained more credence in conventional medical and research circles. Food allergens are capable it seems of initiating gastrointestinal immune disturbances, and intestinal wall damage, referred to as a leaky gut. People often find they are allergic to the foods they most commonly eat. Some of the commonest allergies amongst those living in industrialised nations are wheat and dairy.

Parasites and candida yeast may have an invasive and damaging action on the gastrointestinal wall. This potentially encourages inflammation of the gut lining, leading to all kinds of IBS symptomology. In addition, damage to the gastrointestinal wall may enhance its leakiness, leading to an increased chance of allergies.

Intolerances may relate to an inability of the digestive system to properly process certain food components, most commonly, certain fermentable sugars and sugar alcohols. Research has specifically confirmed that those with IBS have significantly positive responses when fermentable carbohydrates are removed from the diet. This type of diet is commonly referred to as the FODMAP diet, which stands for Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. The FODMAP diet covers a broad range of foods, from simple sugar sweeteners to a multitude of fruits and vegetables, because of this, attempting this diet requires considerable research and most likely the help of a suitably qualified nutritional expert.

An insufficient secretion of digestive factors such as hydrochloric acid in the stomach and digestive enzymes from the pancreas can dramatically reduce the digestion of foods. This can lead to changes in gut bacterial balance, which raises the likelihood of gut wall damage and allergies. Digestive enzyme supplement complexes and apple cider vinegar can be used to assist digestion. The acidity of apple cider vinegar should help improve the digestion of protein foods in the stomach, especially in combination with a digestive enzyme complex. Look for good quality unrefined apple cider vinegar products, as they contain naturally occurring bacteria that assist healthy bacterial balance. Follow product label instructions.

Dysbiosis relates to a situation where the gastrointestinal bacterial balance has shifted from good to bad. Too many bad bacteria as you can imagine are not conducive to healthy digestive functioning, and may lead to an increased chance of allergies and candida overgrowth. Taking excellent quality mixed strain probiotic (friendly bacteria) supplements should help restore good gut bacterial balance. Many studies have shown that various types of probiotic supplement are able to improve all of the major IBS symptoms. Look for research proven bacterial strains (types); these usually have a number written after the bacteria name on the ingredient list. The commonest probiotic food alternatives to supplements would be probiotic dairy drinks or live yoghurts. These are weak compared to quality probiotic supplements, and they are primarily composed of the common food allergen dairy. Fermented soy yoghurts are another option should you wish to avoid the dairy.

Dealing with any one of the above mentioned potentially causative IBS factors should really be done under the guidance of a naturopath, nutritional therapist or other suitably qualified practitioner. There are all kinds of tests that can be employed by these practitioners; of particular importance to IBS sufferers would be candida, parasite and allergy testing. Ask your practitioner about these.

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Allergic airway illnesses such as allergic rhinitis and asthma are characterized by local muscle damage and organ dysfunction within the upper and reduced respiratory tract arising from an abnormal hypersensitivity immune response to usually harmless and ubiquitous environmental allergens. Allergens that cause airway disease are predominantly seasonal tree, grass, and weed pollens or perennial inhalants (eg, home dust mite antigen, cockroach, mold, animal dander, and some occupational protein antigens).

Sensitized illness is a typical trigger of pediatric and adult acute and chronic neck muscles problems. Both sensitized rhinitis and asthma account for substantial morbidity, and atopic disorders have increased in prevalence more than the past few decades. In a Danish survey, the prevalence of skin test-positive sensitized rhinitis in persons 15-41 years of age elevated from 12.9% in 1990 to 22.5% in 1998.

Allergic rhinitis is discussed right here like a model for the pathophysiology of IgE-mediated sensitized neck muscles disease. Sensitized rhinitis implies the existence of kind I (IgE-mediated) instant hypersensitivity to environmental allergens that impact the upper respiratory mucosa directly.

Particles bigger than 5 繕m are filtered nearly totally by the nasal mucosa. Because most pollen grains are a minimum of this big, couple of intact particles would be expected to penetrate the reduced airway when the nose is working normally. The sensitized or atopic state is characterized by an inherited tendency to generate IgE antibodies to specific environmental allergens and the physiologic responses that ensue from inflammatory mediators released after the interaction of allergen with mast cell-bound IgE.

The clinical presentation of sensitized rhinitis includes nasal, ocular, and palatal pruritus, paroxysmal sneezing, rhinorrhea, and nasal congestion. A individual or family history of other allergic illnesses such as asthma or atopic dermatitis supports a diagnosis of allergy. Proof of sinus eosinophilia or basophilia by sinus smear or scraping may assistance the diagnosis also.

Confirmation of sensitized rhinitis demands the demonstration of specific IgE antibodies to common allergens by in vitro checks such as the radioallergosorbent test or in vivo (skin) testing in individuals with a background of signs and symptoms with relevant exposures. Inflammatory changes within the airways are recognized as critical functions of both sensitized rhinitis and chronic asthma.

Cross-linking of surface-bound IgE by antigen activates tissue mast tissue and basophils, inducing the immediate discharge of preformed mediators and also the synthesis of newly generated mediators. Mast cells and basophils also have the ability to synthesize and discharge proinflammatory cytokines, growth and regulatory elements that interact in complex networks.

The interaction of mediators with numerous target organs and cells from the neck muscles can induce a biphasic allergic response: an early phase mediated chiefly by release of histamine and other stored mediators (tryptase, chymase, heparin, chondroitin sulfate, and TNF), whereas late-phase occasions are induced following generation of arachidonic acid metabolites (leukotrienes and prostaglandins), platelet-activating aspect and de novo cytokine synthesis.

The early-phase response occurs within minutes following coverage to an antigen. After intranasal challenge or ambient exposure to applicable allergen, the sensitized affected person begins sneezing and develops an improve in nasal secretions. After approximately five minutes, the affected person develops mucosal swelling primary to reduced airflow.

These alterations are secondary towards the outcomes of vasoactive and smooth muscle constrictive mediators, including histamine, N--p-tosyl-L-arginine methylester-esterase (TAME), leukotrienes, prostaglandin D2 (PGD2), and kinins and kininogens from mast tissue and basophils. Histologically, the early response is characterized by vascular permeability, vasodilatation, muscle edema, and a mild cellular infiltrate of mainly granulocytes.

The late-phase sensitized response may adhere to the early-phase response (dual reaction) or might occur as an isolated event. Late-phase reactions begin 2-4 hours following preliminary exposure to antigen, reach maximal activity at 6-12 hours, and usually resolve inside 12-24 several hours. If the exposure is regular or ongoing, however, the inflammatory response becomes chronic.

The late-phase response is characterized by erythema, induration, heat, burning, and itching and microscopically by a substantial cellular influx of mainly eosinophils and mononuclear tissue. Changes consistent with airway remodeling and muscle hyperreactivity might also happen.

Mediators from the early-phase response-except for PGD2-reappear throughout the late-phase response within the absence of antigen rechallenge. Absence of PGD2, an exclusive product of mast cellular discharge, within the presence of continued histamine release suggests that basophils and not mast cells are an important source of mediators within the late-phase response.

There is an earlier accumulation of neutrophils and eosinophils, with later accumulation of activated T cells, synthesizing TH2 cytokines. Inflammatory cells infiltrating tissues within the late response might additional elaborate cytokines and histamine-releasing elements that might perpetuate the late-phase reaction, leading to sustained hyperresponsiveness, mucus hypersecretion, IgE production, eosinophilia, and disruption of the focus on tissue (eg, bronchi, epidermis, or sinus mucosa).

There's powerful circumstantial evidence that eosinophils are key proinflammatory tissue in sensitized neck muscles illness. Eosinophils are frequently discovered in secretions in the nasal mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis and within the sputum of asthmatics.

Items of activated eosinophils such as main fundamental protein and eosinophilic cationic protein, that are destructive to airway epithelial muscle and predispose to persistent airway reactivity, have also been localized to the airways of individuals with allergic illness.

The recruitment of eosinophils along with other inflammatory cells to the airway is largely a item of activated chemokines and adhesion molecules. You will find two subfamilies of chemokines, which differ within the tissue they largely attract and in the chromosome area of their genes. The C-C chemokines, such as RANTES, MCP-1, MCP-3, and eotaxin, are situated on chromosome segment 7q11-q21 and selectively recruit eosinophils.

Leukocytes attach to vascular endothelial cells via receptor-ligand interaction of cellular surface area adhesion molecules from the integrin, selectin, and immunoglobulin supergene family. The interaction of these adhesion molecules and their counterreceptors mediates a sequence of occasions that consists of margination of leukocytes along the walls of the microvasculature, adhesion of leukocytes towards the epithelium, transmigration of leukocytes through vessel walls, and migration along a chemotactic gradient to achieve muscle compartments.

Each chemokine manufacturing and adhesion molecule expression are upregulated by soluble inflammatory mediators. For example, endothelial cellular adhesion molecule receptors, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin, are upregulated by IL-1, TNF, and LPS. The clinical manifestations of sensitized airway illness arise in the interaction of mast cell and basophil mediators with target organs of the upper and lower airway.

The signs and symptoms of sensitized rhinitis look instantly after coverage to some applicable allergen (early-phase reaction), although numerous patients experience long-term and recurrent signs and symptoms on the basis from the late-phase inflammatory response. Issues of severe or untreated sensitized rhinitis consist of sinusitis, auditory tube dysfunction, dysosmia, sleep disturbances, asthma attack exacerbations, and chronic mouth breathing.

Patients with allergic rhinitis develop chronic or episodic paroxysmal sneezing; sinus, ocular, or palatal pruritus; and watery rhinorrhea triggered by coverage to some specific allergen. Individuals might demonstrate indicators of chronic pruritus from the upper neck muscles, including a horizontal nasal crease from regular nose rubbing ("allergic salute") and palatal "clicking" from rubbing the itching palate using the tongue. Numerous muscle mast tissue are located close to terminal sensory nerve endings.

Pruritus and sneezing are caused by histamine-mediated stimulation of those C fibers. Mucus hypersecretion outcomes largely from excitation of parasympathetic-cholinergic pathways. Early-phase signs and symptoms are greatest treated with avoidance of applicable allergens and oral or topical antihistamines, which competitively antagonize H1 receptor sites in focus on tissues.

Anti-inflammatory treatment can reduce mobile inflammation during the late stage, providing a lot more efficient symptom relief than antihistamines alone. Allergen immunotherapy (hyposensitization) has shown effectiveness in decreasing symptoms and airway inflammation by inhibiting each early- and late-phase allergic responses.

Diverse mechanisms of immunotherapy are already observed, such as reduction of seasonal raises in IL-4 and allergen-specific IgE, induction of allergen-specific IgG1 and IgG4 (blocking antibodies), modulation of T-cell cytokine synthesis by enhancing TH1 and inhibiting TH2 responses, upregulation of Treg and downregulation of eosinophilic and basophilic inflammatory responses to allergen.

One trial found that immunotherapy administered to patients with grass-pollen allergy for 3-4 many years induced prolonged clinical remission accompanied by a persistent alteration in immunologic reactivity that included sustained reductions in the past due skin response and associated T-cell infiltration and IL-4 mRNA expression.

Symptoms of sinus obstruction might turn out to be chronic like a outcome of continual late-phase allergic mechanisms. Sinus mucous membranes might look pale blue and boggy. Kids frequently show signs of obligate mouth breathing, including lengthy facies, narrow maxillae, flattened malar eminences, marked overbite, and high-arched palates (so-called adenoid facies).

These signs and symptoms are not mediated by histamine and are, therefore, poorly responsive to antihistamine therapy. Oral sympathomimetics that induce vasoconstriction by stimulation of -adrenergic receptors are frequently used in conjunction with antihistamines to treat nasal congestion.

Topical decongestants may be used to relieve acute congestion but have restricted value in individuals with long-term sensitized rhinitis because regular use outcomes in rebound vasodilation (rhinitis medicamentosa). The phenomenon of heightened sinus sensitivity to decreased levels of allergen after initial exposures towards the allergen is called priming.

Clinically, priming may be observed in individuals who produce elevated symptoms late within the pollen season compared with early within the season. Late-phase inflammation induces a state of sinus neck muscles hyperresponsiveness to each irritants and allergens in patients with long-term allergic rhinitis and asthma attack.

Airway hyperreactivity can trigger heightened sensitivity to each environmental irritants such as tobacco smoke and noxious odors as nicely as to allergens such as pollens. You will find no standardized clinical tools to accurately assess late-phase hyperresponsiveness in allergic rhinitis as you will find for asthma attack (methacholine or histamine bronchoprovocation challenge).

Genetic markers for bronchial neck muscles hyperresponsiveness, however, are already identified. It also seems that late-phase cellular infiltration and eosinophil by-products might inflict neck muscles epithelial damage, which in turn can predispose to upper and reduced airways hyperreactivity. Accumulating evidence supports a relationship between sensitized rhinitis and asthma attack.

Numerous individuals with rhinitis alone demonstrate nonspecific bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and prospective research recommend that sinus allergy may be a predisposing risk aspect for developing asthma. Treatment of individuals with allergic rhinitis may outcome in improvement of asthma signs and symptoms, airway caliber, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine and exercise.

Lastly, mechanistic research of airway physiology have demonstrated that nasal illness might influence pulmonary function via each direct and indirect mechanisms. This kind of mechanisms might consist of the existence of the nasal-bronchial reflex (with sinus stimulation leading to bronchial constriction), postnasal drip of inflammatory tissue and mediators from the nose into the lower airways, absorption of inflammatory cells and mediators into the systemic circulation and ultimately to the lung, and nasal blockage and subsequent mouth breathing, which may facilitate the entry of asthmagenic triggers towards the reduced neck muscles.

This really is the primary tool for the confirmation of suspected allergic illness. In vivo skin diagnostic tests with allergens suspected of leading to hypersensitivity constitutes an indirect bioassay for that presence of allergen-specific IgE on muscle mast tissue or basophils. Percutaneous or intradermal administration of dilute concentrations of specific antigens elicits an immediate wheal-and-flare reaction inside a sensitized individual.

This response marks a "local anaphylaxis" resulting from the controlled release of mediators from activated mast cells. Good skin check outcomes to airborne allergens, combined having a background and examination suggestive of allergy, strongly implicate the allergen as a cause of the patient's symptoms. Damaging epidermis test outcomes with an unconvincing allergy background argue strongly against an allergic origin.

Main benefits to skin testing include simplicity, rapidity of performance, and low price. In vitro tests supply quantitative assays of allergen-specific IgE within the serum. In these assays, affected person serum is reacted initially with antigen bound to a solid-phase material after which labeled with a radioactive or enzyme-linked anti-IgE antibody.

These immunoallergosorbent tests display a 70-80% correlation with epidermis testing to pollens, dust mites, and danders and are helpful in patients receiving long-term antihistamine treatment who are unable to undergo skin diagnostic tests and in patients with extensive dermatitis. Serous otitis media and sinusitis are main comorbidities in patients with sensitized rhinitis.

Each conditions happen secondarily to the obstructed nasal passages and sinus ostia in individuals with long-term allergic or nonallergic rhinitis. Issues of long-term rhinitis should be regarded in individuals with protracted rhinitis unresponsive to therapy, refractory asthma, or continual bronchitis. Serous otitis results from auditory tube obstruction by mucosal edema and hypersecretion.

Children with serous otitis media can present with conductive hearing loss, delayed speech, and recurrent otitis media connected with long-term sinus obstruction. Sinusitis might be acute, subacute, or long-term depending on the duration of signs and symptoms. Obstruction of osteomeatal drainage in individuals with long-term rhinitis predisposes to bacterial infection in the sinus cavities.

Individuals manifest signs and symptoms of persistent sinus discharge, cough, sinus discomfort, and nasal obstruction. Examination may reveal long-term otitis media, infraorbital edema, inflamed sinus mucosa, and purulent sinus discharge. Radiographic diagnosis by x-ray film or computed tomographic (CT) scan reveals sinus opacification, membrane thickening, or the presence of an air-fluid degree.

Effective treatment of infectious issues of long-term rhinitis demands antibiotics, systemic antihistamine and decongestants, and possibly intranasal or systemic corticosteroids.

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Do You, or Your Family Members, Suffer from One or More of These Symptoms?

Recent clinical studies indicate that the symptoms listed below prominently appear directly after awakening from an expected good night's sleep, in you're supposedly, comfortable and cozy bed! Dust mites have been known to be associated with allergies since the 1960's and have in recent years become a "focal point" due to their involvement with respiratory ailments. The dust mite by itself is not harmful to humans...

BUT dust mites produce a very potent allergen called "guanine" which is harmful to EVERYONE'S health, to varying degrees. Dust mites live, thrive, and breed, in the micro-habitat (visualize a little eco-system) that we create while sleeping in our beds. They also thrive wherever we spend our leisure time, such as lying on our upholstered sofas or sitting on our upholstered chairs watching television, doing homework, or entertaining. Dust mites do not bite or sting but constant contact with the allergens they produce can trigger respiratory and dermatological complaints in humans. There are other species of dust mites such as the itch mite, as well as predatory mites that share the same dusty environment.

Just some of the symptoms of dust mite allergens (DMA's) include:

  • itchy skin (little bumps and rashes),

  • stuffy nasal cavities,

  • sneezing,

  • puffy, swollen or discolored eyelids,

  • irritated, watery, and reddish eyes,

  • wheezing

  • "tight" chest,

  • head or sinus aches,

  • a raspy voice,

  • dry, unproductive cough,

  • feelings of lethargy (no "get up and go"),

  • mental fatigue,

  • depression

The above symptoms are just the mild, temporary ill-health effects (temporary, if you want to call the first few hours, of each morning of your life...temporary!) associated with household dust, the #1 dominant home indoor air pollutants. But, the long-term ill-health effects are truly much worse and can result in permanent, life-long illnesses such as:

  • asthma,

  • bronchitis,

  • perennial rhinitis (hay fever),

  • eczema,

  • dermatitis,

  • sinus infections

and other serious health issues, affecting millions of people. House dust contains a mixture of approximately 28 allergenic components. Typically, dust mite allergens account for the majority of the harmful components of dust, more than any other single particulate.

Due to their microscopic size, (the fecal pellets are about 20 microns in size and the ever disintegrating exoskeletons are even much smaller) dust mite allergens can become airborne simply by walking across a room, opening a door, "fluffing" a pillow as you attempt to fall asleep, or rolling over in bed (an act that occurs on average 50 to 60 times per night), and of course, during such activities as bed making. These are just a few of the activities that cause dust mites and their associated allergens to become and remain airborne for up to two hours at a time before settling throughout the entire house. A single dust mite, due to its heavier weight, can remain airborne for fifteen minutes. This negates the effectiveness of costly dust mite-proof mattress covers and bedding which attempts to solve the problem by simply "covering up" or placing a "band-aid" over the problem as the dust and allergens that are not inhaled, simply continue to "float about" the indoor air and accumulate on your bedding, as well as everywhere else.

While airborne, the allergens are easily inhaled and become attached to the living cells that line the "walls" of your lungs. Once attached, they suffocate and kill your healthy lung cells causing permanent damage. Dust mites practice coprophagia, meaning, in lean times they will use their own fecal pellets as a food source. Dust mite fecal pellets, which contain "guanine" and their digestive enzymes, are a major cause of allergies across the world. The powerful enzymes in the fecal pellets break down hard-to-digest food for later nourishment. It is these enzymes that cause and trigger allergies in humans by breaking down delicate living tissue including healthy lung cells.

Dust mites are living, thriving, and breeding by the millions, in your mattresses, pillows, upholstered furniture, draperies, fluffy stuffed toys, and to a lesser extent (only because, hopefully, it is frequently vacuumed) carpeting. Pillows, alone, may gain 15-25% in weight over a two year span, from the accumulation of dust mite allergens and a host of other contaminants.

Children, especially those who breathe rapidly such as newborns and those up to 5 years of age, are particularly susceptible to the health hazards from inhaling the allergens (especially the potent allergen "guanine") found in the fecal matter, secretions, shed (molted) skins, and the exoskeletons of dead dust mites. The elderly, chronically ill persons, and persons with a weak immune system (even if just temporary) are also very susceptible to ill-health effects of dust mite allergens and poor indoor air quality.

Dust mites are nocturnal, dislike strong light and will take refuge in the seams, ledges, cording and framework of furniture when exposed to light. A single dust mite can produce up to 20 to 30 fecal pellets per day (therefore, an average-sized colony of 2 million dust mites living within a mattress will produce 40 to 60 million fecal pellets per day). A single dust mite produces approximately 2000 to 3000 fecal pellets during its active lifetime of up to 3 or 4 months (that equates to a total of 4 trillion fecal pellets, in your mattress, produced by a single generation of an average-sized dust mite colony). Your unhygienic mattress, where you spend 1/3 of your life, is the nastiest, grungiest, item in your home and contains huge amounts of dead skin, dust mites, dust mite allergens, molds, mildew, pollens (transported inside from outdoors), spores, pet dander, bacteria and viruses.

Have you noticed how many corporations are touting their products for addressing the problem caused by dust mites? However, the solutions they offer are simply more "band-aids" to the problem and do not confront the problem (source) "head-on", the micro-habitats found in mattresses, pillows, and the "soft furnishings" in our homes. Should you choose to go the dust mite-proof mattress pad route, ask the salesperson what they sell to "protect" you from the dust mites in your upholstered sofa and chairs?

Mattress covers, pharmcotherapy (medications), and immunotherapy (skin prick tests, more testing and more meds) have been the usual methods of addressing the symptomatic problems and each of these methods generate huge sums of income. However, this is akin to placing a "band-aid" over a festering wound and then selling you more "band-aids". Perhaps the huge multi-billion dollar revenues generated by the aforementioned industries, is the reason why American's have not been properly informed and educated. But now, and unfortunately due to the annual increases in asthma, asthma deaths (especially among children), allergenic rhinitis, and other respiratory illnesses, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has initiated a public awareness campaign through public service announcements (PSA's) and their new website ( beginning in January 2007.

Should you or any of your family members exhibit any of the aforementioned symptoms, please seek the advice of your family physician, especially if the symptoms are evident among children.

For additional information please review the EzineArticle, "Asthma, "Hidden" Asthma and Allergies" at the following link:,-Hidden-Asthma,-And-Allergies-&id=430592

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