Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction, and can be caused by many different things. The four most common allergies that result in anaphylaxis come from allergies to food, latex or rubber, insect bites, and medications. Anaphylaxis can cause horrible rashes and swelling, or may also cause shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, and anxiety. Anaphylaxis is life-threatening. If not treated within minutes of the allergic reaction, it does have the potential to be fatal. Severe allergies are very serious and require medical treatment and maintenance. Here are some ways to prevent anaphylaxis:

Testing: The most tragic cases of anaphylaxis often happen to people who simply don't know that they have allergies. This can be easily prevented by a trip to your doctor, who can test you using allergen extracts (i.e., dog hair or grass) and vaccines. These tests are approved by the FDA, so you know that getting tested is safe. Children and adults of all ages can be tested for allergies.

Preventing: Once you know that you have a severe allergy, do all you can to avoid coming in to contact with anything that might result in anaphylaxis. For instance, if you're allergic to any medications, make sure to include that information in your medical history at any doctor's or dentist's office. If you have an allergy to insect bites, make sure to wear protective clothing and repellent while outdoors. If you have a food allergy, make sure to always check the ingredients of any packaged food you're about to eat. Though these actions may feel tedious, they could save your life.

Treating: Because every bee sting and stray peanut in a cookie cannot always be foreseen, it is absolutely necessary to carry an emergency anaphylaxis kit. This will contain the medication needed to counteract the allergy. In most cases, this medication is epinephrine, and it can be easily injected into the arm or leg. Make sure that the people that surround you also know how to inject the epinephrine, in case you lose consciousness and cannot do it yourself.

There are many different types of anaphylactic emergency kits you can choose from, but all require proper handling and dosage from your doctor. TwinJet and EpiPen are examples of auto-injectors of epinephrine that are easy to use for people of all ages. The problem with many kits, however, is that they are easily lost or misplaced. If you find yourself often misplacing your kit, you might need a TwinJet or EpiPen holder. This will help guarantee that you will always have your epinephrine treatment when you need it most.

Anaphylaxis needs to be taken seriously. If you get tested for severe allergies, know how to prevent reactions if you have them, and are always prepared with an emergency anaphylactic kit, you will be able to have the peace of mind of knowing that you and your loved ones are protected.

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Although our bank of medical knowledge is continually growing worldwide, it ironically hasn't put a damper on the many allergies that people suffer with. In fact, it would seem that not only have the number of people with allergies increased, allergies are now coupled with additional complexities as well, making specific allergens difficult to isolate and which anti-allergy drugs can't seem to touch, except in many cases making the condition worse.

Naturalists shake their heads and blame it on the busy lives we lead, the environment and world we live in with toxins of every sort invading our homes and communities. Naturopaths and Holistic practitioners all agree that what we are seeing is our bodies becoming overloaded with so many poisons from various sources that they are having a difficult time just keeping up normal bodily functions much less fighting allergies. The resulting dilemma is allergies upon allergies to give a snapshot picture of what people are experiencing.

In the wake of this, some medical authorities are reverting to age-old vitamin C for help. Vitamin C commonly thought of mainly in prevention of colds, flu and scarlet fever, is being rediscovered for help in allergies. In various controlled studies, vitamin C has been used with much success in high doses to eradicate specific allergies. With such achievement, vitamin C is now being seen as a big help to the body as it fights allergies. Vitamin C helps to reduce the level of antihistamines in the body. When you have an allergic reaction, your body's immune system reacts by producing an enormous amount of antihistamines to fight the aberrant allergen. It's the histamines that cause all of the various types of irritation and inflammation that make us uncomfortable or that could kill us. Vitamin C can slow down the reaction giving you time to get medical attention in the event of a serious reaction.

People usually associate allergies and allergy symptoms to something life threatening like acute asthma, snake bike or anaphylactic shock but often overlook the simple cold-like symptoms like a stuffy nose. The simple symptoms of coughs and colds could very well signal an allergic reaction and if an individual is continuously exposed to a particular allergen could develop into something more serious.

Allergens are of a broad scale and can be anything you've eaten, breathed in, touched with your hand or worn. When you're searching for possible culprits, you don't dare leave anything uninvestigated. Allergens are in nature, our homes, places of employment and anywhere on earth.

There are various types of tests that can be done to determine possible allergens. There are blood tests, skin patch tests and others available. You can talk to your own doctor, ask friends to recommend one or call a few doctors of naturopathy in your area about other tests.

If you already are aware of allergies you have, you should do your very best to avoid the offending allergens and do the same after discovering other allergies you have through testing. Avoidance can take care of most allergies, but when you don't know what you're fighting allergies can be bothersome and sometimes life threatening. Talk to your doctor or other medical practitioner and consider keeping vitamin C on hand as an extra protection against allergies.

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A few years ago a woman started having a wide variety of medical issues. They ranged from a skin condition all the way to classic heart attack signs and symptoms. Her family doctor ran a complete array of tests over a period of months, but never considered the possibility of a heart attack. The doctor's lack of concern with ruling out any heart problem worried the husband from the first appointment. The end result was all of her medical issues were allergies, lots of allergies to a host of different things. None of the ailments suggested allergies were the cause; either alone or collectively. Why would they?

The lady had been suffering from extremely dry skin with flaking and itching all over, but mostly on her back. She assumed it was from the brand of soap she was using in the shower. Later she began to notice unusual sensations around her mouth and in her throat, but it didn't seem to last for any length of time. Still later she started to notice she was having stomach problems on a semi-regular basis. She still had no major concerns with her health in general, nor did she have any idea they might be somehow related to a common cause.

After several months she started noticing headaches, something she almost never experienced in the past. Even more time passed and other abnormal conditions developed. Last was the chest pain and pressure, pain radiating down her left arm, shortness of breath and pounding heartbeat. Up to this point she had made little or no mention of any of these issues to her husband. When she started seriously losing sleep because of the chest pain and related discomforts she informed her husband. The very next day she made an appointment with her family doctor.

After the very first appointment her husband was really concerned because the doctor hadn't ruled out any heart disease before considering anything else. The doctor ran tests for gall bladder and several other possibilities. Each test meant another follow up with the family doctor and each time nothing showed up. Still no attempt was made by their family doctor to deal with the possible heart problems.

After new problems popped up and the scare with the chest pain continued both the husband and wife decided to change family doctors.

The very first appointment with the new doctor quickly showed the couple they had made the right move by getting a second opinion. The new physician made two appointments for his patient. One appointment was with a dermatologist for the skin problems and one appointment with an allergist.

The dermatologist explained exactly what the course of treatment was going to be and explained that nothing was going to happen until the woman had seen the allergy specialist. He explained everything he was going to do in satisfying detail. Finally the couple felt some relief, all but knowing positive results were just around the corner.

In just a couple of appointments with the allergy doctor, the couple knew exactly what all of the medical problems were a result of and knew what they had to do to avoid repeats of the discomfort.

It seems the list of different things the lady was allergic to was two and a quarter pages long. Almost all of the allergic reactions were different from the next. Some of the allergies were causing the skin dryness. Some were much more dangerous, causing her airway to constrict. The allergy doctor told her that some of the things she was allergic to would close off her airway so rapidly that emergency medical treatment would not be quick enough to save her life. The husband was most relieved by learning that the heart attack signs and symptoms were all allergies too.

It is important to know this woman was age 49 when she demonstrated allergic reactions. Prior to that time, she had no known allergies throughout her lifetime.

In the event that someone you know does have similar medical conditions, insist that the doctor consider allergies as the cause. If the conditions present themselves like a possible heart attack, first insist that all heart issues are ruled out. That should be the doctor's first focus. Hopefully, simple testing will prove that the heart is healthy. If so, insist the doctor test for allergies. Keep in mind that this lady had lots of medical difficulties and none seemed related. That is because there were lots of different allergies - each producing different symptoms with different levels of severity. It is worth the uncomfortable feeling of pushing the medical professional for the peace of mind you will finally gain.

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Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease. It often affects younger women with ages ranging from 14- 19 yrs old. Chlamydia develops from the infection from bacteria which can be caused by biological or behavioral reasons. Since a person with Chlamydia cannot easily notice if he or she is infected, there is a higher risk is by infecting your sexual partner.

Getting infected with Chlamydia takes place during unprotected sex, which involves oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Chlamydia can also spread between men who have sex with men. If you plan on getting pregnant and having a healthy baby, make sure that you and your partner are not infected by this disease. Chlamydia can cause premature birth and certain infections on your baby too.

People who are infected by this disease often experience the symptom when the infection has already gotten serious. Chlamydia can destroy the reproductive organs and makes urination and vaginal sex painful. Most persons who are affected by this disease often get embarrassed when going for a checkup, which is why most of them often resort to doing a Chlamydia home test and medication. Having this conducted at your own home does not only offer privacy and confidentiality but also convenience on your part. For women, if you want to do the test yourself, the best method of doing so is by having your urine tested. But for swab tests, a nurse or a doctor is best suited for the job since they have to take a sample around the cervical area. These tests can also be done for men who are infected by this disease.

Be careful when conducting the tests since there are times when you get a negative result even if you are infected. Accurate test results often come from those which are conducted in clinics or hospitals and done by the expert. There is also a possibility that you will get a positive result even though you are not infected by this sexually transmitted disease. That is why it is often advisable that you talk to your doctor if you think you are infected by such disease. So do not just ignore these symptoms if you think there are changes in your bodily charges and pain during urination and menstruation for women.

If you get positive results, treatment can last for up to two weeks only. Women who have a severe Chlamydia infection often get hospitalized for proper medication. After taking the proper treatment, you still have to undergo for re-testing to make sure that you are clear from bacteria which caused such infection.

Chlamydia can also be passed on to your offspring when you are infected while pregnant. Since prevention is the best cure, make sure that you always have a protected sex by using condoms. You can also avoid getting infected by not changing partners often and try to have a monogamous relationship with only one person. Although once infected, take your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor even after your discharge from the hospital when it is still prescribed.

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As many dog owners will attest, canine skin diseases can drive both a dog and their person, right up a wall. The dog's incessant licking, whining, and scratching is not only heart breaking to watch, it's maddening to listen to hour after hour, day after day.

There are five types of canine skin diseases. They include allergies, auto-immune/immune mediated, infectious skin diseases, developmental/hereditary circumstances, and internal diseases. On top of that, secondary infections, such as yeast infections, can occur if the problem is not address at once.

Types of Skin Diseases of Dogs


Dogs can be allergic to a load of things, such as: food, insect bites (flea/ticks), environmental irritants (lawn service chemicals, pollen, household cleaning chemicals, chemicals used to process rawhide chews, hoofs, bones and horns), medications, and even products, like plastic feeding bowls!

Auto-immune/Immune Disorders

Skin diseases such as Atopic Dermatitis, Canine Lupus, Canine Diabetes, kidney problems, hot spots and Acral Lick Dermatitis can be caused by auto-immune or immune syndromes. These types of skin diseases occur when the dog's immune system is either not working enough, or is working overtime, and thereby attacking itself. These skin diseases are usually the most serious, and could be fatal.

Infectious Skin Disease

Infectious skin disease can be parasitic, bacterial, viral, or fungal. Many are contagious. A few infectious skin diseases are even zoonotic. That means the disease can be passed from the pet to the owner. Sarcoptic Mange, caused by mites, is contagious and can be passed between dog and owner. Demodectic Mange also caused by mites is not considered contagious. Ringworm, which is a fungus, not a worm, is a zoonotic disease. Lyme Disease, from tick bites and Dipylidium, (tapeworm) from fleas, can be passed from dog to owner. Lice and mites are additional parasites that transmit contagious infectious skin diseases.

Hereditary/Developmental Skin Disease

Puppy Strangles, Seborretic Dermatitis, Ehlers-Danos, Canine Follical Dysplasia, Cushing's Disease and Hypotricosis are skin diseases that dogs either inherit, or get, either while a puppy, or later in life. Hypothyrodism is an example.

Internal Diseases Cutaneous Manifestations

Endocrine (hormone) abnormalities can be the origin of hypothyroidism, Cushing's Disease and tumors. Impacted anal sacs can also cause irritation to the surrounding area. In mild to moderate cases the sac can be expressed. In severe cases, they may have to be surgically removed.

Symptoms To Watch For

It's easy to pick the dog with skin problems from the rest of the pack. Typically, there is a foul odor from their hair or skin. Hair and skin could appear greasy and matted., or brittle, dull and dry. Skin may be dry, thick, discolored. They could have open sores, ring-shaped sores, redness or weepy sores, bald spots, fever, scooting, hair loss, anemia, obsessive licking or chewing, scabs, head tilting or shaking, lopsided ears, black debris in ears, excessive wax in ears, ear infections, rubbing against objects, rolling, cysts, abscesses, tumors, skin has white scales or flakes, patchy sores or hairless areas, excessive shedding, and/or area feels warm to the touch. The most common areas for skin disease problems are the dog's face, head, ears, paws, between digits of the paws, forelegs, armpits, belly, tail and anal area.

If your dog exhibits any of the above, take them to your veterinarian for testing, diagnosis and treatment.

Tests and Diagnosis

To diagnose which type of skin disease your dog may have, your veterinarian has several testing options. They include, blood tests, skin biopsy, cytology (examine cells under microscope), intradermal allergy tests, cultures (bacterial and viral) and video oloscopy.


Depending on the severity of the problem, treatments options include: daily brushing, medicated shampoo, change of diet, oral and topical antibiotics, anti-fungal ointments, and/or e-collar. Your veterinarian may recommend oil massages. Skin conditions are commonly treated with corticosteroids. Anal sacs can be expressed or surgically removed. Tumors may be surgically removed.

Breeds Prone To Skin Problems

The following are a few popular breeds that are prone to skin problems and disease: Akita, Alaskan Malamute, American Cocker Spaniel, American Water Spaniel, Australian Terrier, Beagle, Bichon Frise, Boxers, Bull Terrier, Chow-Chow, Collies, Dachshund, Dalmatian German Shepherd Dog, Lhasa Apso, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer, Old English Sheepdog, Poodle (Toy, Miniature and Standard), Samoyed, Scottish Terrier, Shar-Pei, Siberian Husky, Toy Fox Terrier, and Wire Fox Terrier.

Bottom line: Don't waste time. Your pet is in extreme discomfort. Don't let them suffer unnecessarily. Seek veterinary help. It may be nothing; it could be serious, and possibly fatal.

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Green tea (and indirectly l-theanine) has been used a general health-tonic throughout Asia for untold centuries; renowned for its plethora of medicinal properties - green tea stands intransigently against big-pharma and this defiance and prolific superiority has been its sure route to wide-spread popularity and success.


Although green tea is rich in antioxidants and potentiators of glut4 activity (Glucose transporter type 4) this article will explore the unique amino acid l-theanine and its effects in-vivo. Theanine is glutamine and glutamate analog, and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier rendering it a psychoactive chemical. Able to decrease both physical and mental stress, theanine demonstrates an affinity for the brain inhibitory transmitter GABA. Its mechanisms of action do not stop there. Akin to the racetam family - theanine has also demonstrated moderate affinity with AMPA receptors and has been shown to increase the monoamine neurotransmitter dopamine. In clinical studies theanine has demonstrated efficacy in promoting alpha-wave brain patterns - associated with meditation, increased concentration and creativity. People debilitated with anxiety disorders take note: l-theanine has been clinically demonstrated to possess significant anxiolytic properties.


Anxiolytic mechanism may benefit those with anxiety disorders
Dopamine uprating may improve drive and focus
AMPA modulation could lead to aniracetam-type properties
Alpha wave propagation could improve focus and creativyt
Boosts the activity of gamma delta T cells hence increasing immuno-response.
Potent anti-psychotic for use in schizophrenia


The consumption of green tea in Asian countries may only lead to an average daily exposure of 20mg of l-theanine or less and thus long-term safety in humans has not been established. Rats fed high dose l-theanine for 13 weeks demonstrated no biological abnormalities perhaps indicating that l-theanine is a safe and well tolerated amino acid.


As always precautionary allergy testing is recommended using a minute dose; one safety is established the current recommended dosage is between 50-200mg and electronic scales will be required to accurately ascertain this quantity. As always I recommend a full blood test and consultation with a health practitioner before beginning any nootropic regime.


I received an order of l-theanine last week and after an allergy test dosed with 200mg. The effects were subtle but not psychosomatic. I experienced a feeling of mils tranquility and focusing of thought (in the morning) that is normally unobtainable until the later hours of the day; also presented a mild state of euphoria - I found myself more engaged in music and my thoughts turned toward literature and my work projects.

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Exhaustion and weariness is one of the popular and the most frequent rants among all the adult patients. If you have the symptoms such as the following: tiredness, frequent influenza, fearfulness, allergies, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory and difficulties in concentrating on one topic, insomnia maybe, or the fact that you are always worn-out, you could very well be suffering from a the infamous case of adrenal fatigue.

The General Symptoms

The Adrenal fatigue has a wide variety of non-specific yet often unbearable symptoms. The beginning of this disease is often sluggish and sinister. Patients are told and often forced to believe that they are stressed and need to learn to just relax more. Indeed, it is a known knowledge that stress kills to a great extent.

But, the ultimate question is how does it kill? And, what are the solutions offered to address it? Allergy and sensitivities to dietary or ecological substances can act as a body weight that contributes eventually to the Adrenal Fatigue.

It is very important to do away with or reduce the end product of these so that we can restore a healthy adrenal function. The lab tests listed on this page may help you determine the following tests can tell you if you have adrenal fatigue or not.

Gastro Test

Gastrointestinal test is excellent for people suffering from upset stomach, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, along with irritable bowel syndrome. This test is especially made for detrimental pathogens such as yeast, parasites, worms and bacteria. It also tests for small intestinal and colon inflammation, pancreatic enzyme production, and food intolerances to soy, dairy, egg and gluten, which are all upsetting to your stomach.

Hair Analysis Testing.

This can tell you which are the minerals and vitamins your body really needs at the moment. Not only that but also this test may also tell you if you have toxic metals such as aluminum, lead, copper, or mercury. This is a helpful test for people with anxiety problems, ADHD, seizures, panic attacks, hyperactivity, sleep problems, even people working in the area of toxic metals, or those who simply want to know what minerals and vitamins does their body needs.

Environmental Testing

The test is called the test for environmental allergy test. It is a sensitive blood test that somewhat precisely detects direct hypersensitivity/allergy reactions to environmental allergens that take place in just minutes up to a few hours after your exposure. However, this does not involve any skin testing. There are no unfavorable reactions since the test is done to your blood.

Food Testing

This test is called Food allergy test. It is a series of sensitive blood tests which correctly perceives instant and delayed hypersensitivity/allergy reaction to food. The delayed reactions can happen within 12 hours to weeks subsequent to exposure. It's often the deferred type of reaction which is tough to take down for the reason that symptoms might not appear until a couple of hours or days after you've eaten the substance that you are allergic to. This kind of food allergy test is the only one that could give you this kind of information.

The ELISA/ACT LRA can gauge sensitivities to molds, medicines, additives, preservatives, spices, condiments and herbs as well as many other edible foods. A diverse combination of tests is available, enabling you to decide as few as forty food items or maybe as many as two hundred plus.

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In layman terms, wheat allergy refers to adverse reactions involving your immune system to one or more protein elements in wheat.

Wheat contains many elements in its total makeup. You are familiar with them already because they give bread dough and bread itself many of its characteristics. Elasticity and stickiness to the dough for instance and the sponginess to a cake and the nice crisp crust to a loaf of french bread. They have names like albumin, gluten, and gliadin. Without them dough would have the consistency of modeling clay and a muffin would look like a hockey puck when it was done baking. The good news is that wheat allergy is considered to be a very uncommon as allergies go. For people who work with, or are in constant contact with wheat flour, statistics have shown that they can be at higher risk for occupational asthma caused by the inhaling of wheat flour.

Wheat flour has been shown to be a substantial contributor to the cause of occupational asthma for people working in the baking industry. However; for the general public there appears to be very little risk in eating wheat based food products. Many processed and snack foods contain wheat derivatives like gluten and albumin. The majority of people allergic to wheat are allergic to the albumin and globulin in the wheat. The most common allergic reactions are stomach cramps and vomiting after eating the food containing a wheat product. They commonly occur in a few minutes but can take up to a few hours to manifest themselves. Other common reactions are skin rash and eczema.

The allergic reactions to breathing wheat flour or flour contain wheat derivatives can be life threatening. It can cause heart complications and extreme breathing problems if they manifest themselves while the person is exercising. In rare instances these complications have been life threatening. Because wheat and other grain products are so common in our diet, wheat allergy can be difficult to diagnose. If the person who is suspected of suffering from wheat allergy eats them occasionally it can make the diagnosis a little easier. If they get sick following the occasions the person eats the food contain wheat then that's a very strong indicator.

For the person who is eating wheat regularly as a part of their daily diet and is constantly sick, it can be more difficult to sort out the cause. Elimination-challenge testing is the most reliable method of allergy diagnosis. The first step in treating wheat allergy is to eliminate it from the diet or from the environment if the allergy is caused by breathing the dust or flour. This can be a difficult regimen to adhere to because wheat and wheat products are so common in our diets. For children it can be particularly difficult because it is in so many snack products. Albumin and gluten can even be found in candies. Children often lack the ability to read the and understand the contents labels of food and snack products. There are alternative food products available in health food stores such as soy based food and snack products.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an affliction of the bowels that impairs normal function in a variety of different ways. The diagnostic criteria for the condition is vague at best and the term itself is something of an umbrella sickness, a category in itself containing numerous "types" of IBS that might differ significantly in their primary symptoms while retaining a similar base shared by all sufferers: intense abdominal pain. Other common symptoms include abdominal bloating, constipation, and or diarrhea.

In addition to the aforementioned symptoms, the diagnosis of IBS can also be aided by its associations with other afflictions. For instance, the individual who has irritable bowel syndrome may also tend to suffer from heartburn. Other illnesses that tend to present alongside IBS include chronic headache, fibromyalgia, and even depression. In women, there is also a strong correlation between irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis.3

The cause of IBS is most often associated with stress. Although this association is correct, one should be wary if this reason is used as the primary factor for diagnosis. Irritable bowel is a complex condition that requires diligent investigation by the treating physician. IBS attacks tend to result soon or immediately after consuming food suggesting either an associated food intolerance or allergy.1 Studies have shown a strong positive correlation between those individuals with irritable bowel syndrome and viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. Additionally, there are some studies that associate a chemical imbalance in the brain as a contributing factor.2

Most commonly, doctors tend to treat irritable bowel syndrome with a variety of drugs. In most cases, treatment consists of antispasmodic medication, pills that reduce the tremors associated with bowel malfunctions such as diarrhea and constipation. Additionally, anti-depressants and anti-acid medicines are commonly used. The ultimate problem with the use of these medications however, is that they only address the symptoms of IBS and do not address any of the underlying causal factors. Long-term, the patient has to rely on the medications, many of which have unwanted side effects and contribute the loss of vitamins and minerals.

Of all of the contributing factors involved in the onset of IBS, dietary choices play the most consistent role in the development of symptoms. Therefore, food should be considered first. IBS sufferers should consult with their doctor about specialized tests to rule out allergies or food intolerances. Traditional skin prick tests are not adequate in this case and more advanced tests should be performed to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Because fiber is often times recommended for IBS patients, it should be known that the liberal use of whole grains and soy as fiber choices is a bad one, as these two foods are often root causes of IBS. Fiber intake should be emphasized through the liberal consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.4

In addition to what one is eating, one must also pay careful attention to what one is drinking. Milk, soda, alcohol, coffee, artificial sweeteners, and excessive juice can all irritate the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to a worsening of symptoms.5 Remember that food fits the classic definition of a drug. "Any substance that makes one act, think, or feel differently." Genetically speaking, different people react differently to different foods. Identifying this uniqueness can go a long way to ensure and maintain health.

In the end, irritable bowel syndrome is relatively easy to treat. Provided the proper exam and lab work up are performed, the cause can typically be identified and appropriately addressed.

References available on request.

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The RAST allergy test is a blood test that can be used to detect the levels of antibodies to an allergen circulating in the blood. A small blood sample needs to be taken and sent to an appropriate testing laboratory so all the testing is done by the automatic machinery in the test lab. This is great from a patient's point of view because all we need to do is show up once to get a blood sample taken and then wait for the results.

The RAST allergy test is one of a number of possible allergy tests done by examining a sample of blood.

Allergies are thought of as unpleasant reactions to a trigger such as pollen or a food. Orthodox allergists define allergies as reactions which involve particular antibodies to the pollen or the pizza. There are several different types of antibody and orthodox allergists only label a reaction as an allergy if there are IgE antibodies to the allergen present in the blood. There may be other antibodies but they are ignored. Other allergists who may be called Environmentalists also look at IgE present in the blood but may still call a reaction an allergy even if IgE was absent.

In other words one Doctor may say you have an allergy but another Doctor looking at the same laboratory report and data would say that you do not have that allergy!

What the patent can do is to inform themselves and ask lots of questions.

The word, RAST is an acronym and it stands for radio allergy sorbant test. We know it's an allergy test so let's look at the reasons behind this odd sounding name.

Besides the blood sample the testing laboratory needs samples of the allergens it has to test patients for. That includes food samples and environmental irritants and pollutants too.

An extract of the allergen is put into a testing column in the lab. This is a tube with glass beads in it and the allergen sticks to the beads. A sample of the patient's blood minus the red cells is then allowed to flow into the testing column. The blood serum comes into contact with the allergen coated glass beads.

If the blood contains IgE antibodies they will stick to the allergen. That is the whole purpose of the test. The glass beads are then rinsed clean and the next stage of the test begins.

A radioactive marker or even a coloured marker liquid is then poured into the testing column where it coats the glass beads. If IgE is stuck to the beads the marker molecules will stick to them otherwise the liquid will flow through and away.

Now we have the antibodies tagged with either a colour which can be easily measured or with a radioactive molecule which can be easily measured. Using which ever method we prefer we can find out how much IgE is present and print the results in a laboratory report which goes to the allergist.

This was a pioneering method in its day. It produces what all scientists want - numbers and seems to give an objective numerical answer to whether or not and even how allergic a patient is to a particular allergen. Needless to say the method is not perfect and technological advance has refined the procedure.

Nevertheless it still provides a valid and useful alternative to the classic skin allergy test.

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