Being a nurse I have had the common habit of having 'every' drug in the cupboard for health problems or emergencies! However, in the last few years I've become aware of alternate ways of dealing with symptoms and problems and I'm now more likely to 'think outside the square' and search for a 'natural' alternative such as chiropractic, Cranio-sacral therapy, herbal, Bach flowers, food intolerances, vitamins and minerals rather than an over the counter drug.
I love the nature of my work and the individual challenge that each baby presents to me. While common issues and problems appear consistently in general age/ developmental stages, I still look at each baby in as an individual and make sure that I am dealing with a routine or strategy issue and not a health problem. Sometimes parents want me to solve the sleeping issue when there is a genuine medical reason for the problem but more often the child presents with a history of 'survival' strategies that mum and dad put in place and we need to work on a new plan that "gives mum and dad their life back". Let's look at some common issues and how we can deal with them.
Pain, Reflux, Colic, Bedwetting.
I am often referring the generally unsettled, reflux, colicky babies, babies who protest at floor play, babies unable to hold their head up independently and older children who are bed-wetter's to a paediatric chiropractor for spinal checks. Remember that the spine channels the nerves around the body to the organs, so it makes sense that if the spine is out of alignment (from the birth process, a fall or physical trauma) that there may be a nerve being pinched that is causing pain or unwelcome sensations in the body (hence the reflux, colic, headache, sore neck, unstable bladder etc).
This group also respond well to homeopathic remedies such as Brauer's 'colic relief' and 'stomach calm'.
Unexplained night time alertness and food reactions.
Then there is the increasing number of children who are in a fantastic, organized daily routine, eating and playing well, consistent parenting and communication but they are waking up in the middle of the night, looking and acting like they have had 12 hours sleep! Or the children with eczema, skin rashes and other reactions after eating.
I refer all of these children to an immunologist for allergy testing. While this may seem extreme or unusual, with the changes to our food sources and the colouring, preservatives and additives in our foods a lot of our children are not coping. Unfortunately the usual treatment for eczema is a prescription cream and bucket loads of expensive lotions for during and after the bath. But doesn't it make sense to look for the source of the eczema or the possible diet related night waking rather than waiting for the child to 'grow out of it' or mum and dad to go insane and send the child off to boarding school! Many children are reportedly reacting to the preservatives in the bread they are eating or the salicylates, amines and yeast etc even in the fruits, vegetables and salads they are eating or not receiving the right amounts of vitamins or minerals in their diet. Yes they are healthy foods!
Mums, if you are feeling that your body isn't feeling 'normal' or you suspect that you may be going through early menopause due to your symptoms, have your hormone levels checked and do some research.
Anxious, stressed or emotional babies.
For the babies who are anxious and appear stressed or have unusual separation anxiety (remembering that children reflect the parent's emotions) I refer mothers and babies to a Cranio-sacral therapist or a homeopath. Cranio-sacral therapy is a gentle light-touch therapy to align the malleable bones of the cranium (skull) with the rest of the spine down to the sacrum and pelvis. This therapy encourages the body's natural healing mechanisms to improve the function of the central nervous system and deepen the sense of relaxation.
A homeopath offers Bach flower remedies to counteract your symptoms and help your health return to a state of balance. Looking at the cause of your ill health rather than just treating the symptoms.
Handy Natural 'alternatives' that I recommend
To stop a dry cough in babies and adults
For babies over three months Rub INFANT Vicks Vapour Rub generously on the soles of your babies feet and cover with socks. For children over two years and adults rub the normal Vicks Vapour Rub generously on the soles of your feet and cover with socks. Reapply when you feel it has worn off. Don't know how it works but it does. (Remember that some coughs are due to a runny nose running down the back of the throat and this is difficult to stop until the nose stops running).
Anxious, Unable to sleep, In pain, Injured??
Rescue Remedy is a 'Bach Flower' homeopathic preparation widely used as a spray or a dropper bottle and applied under the tongue or rubbed on the wrist. Use on any age. It works by instantly relaxing the nerves and calming the mind. No Maximum doses, use as needed. I keep a spray bottle in my medicine cabinet and in my handbag.
Want to keep mozquitoes away?
Listerine mouthwash! Purchase a spray bottle from the gardening section of your supermarket and pour in the Listerine straight, not diluted. Mozzies hate it apparently and it's safe to spray everywhere.
(C) 2008 Natalie Ebrill All Rights Reserved Worldwide.