Many chiropractic physicians are incorporating a treatment called applied kinesiology into their therapeutic regimens. Applied kinesiology (AK) is essentially an advanced diagnostic technique that tests the strength of various muscle groups in order to determine the general functioning level of the body. Invented in 1964 by Dr. George J. Goodheart, applied kinesiology is intended to diagnose underlying weaknesses in the major systems of the body; it is used along with conventional diagnostic methods in order to produce a more complete picture of the body's overall health.

AK is based on a principle called the viscerosomatic relationship; this principle's main premise is that dysfunction of the major organ systems can be detected through corresponding weakness in specific muscle groups. It is thought that detection of organ failure or systemic illness can be accomplished through applied kinesiology far earlier than with some traditional methods of testing. Once an illness or other dysfunction has been indicated through applied kinesiology, further testing is done to determine the extent of the problem and to determine what course of treatment will be most helpful to the patient.

One of the most common tests used in AK is the Delta Test, which measures muscle resistance; this involves requesting the patient to attempt to resist a force applied by the chiropractic physician. Usually the Delta Test is performed on the patient's extended arm as the chiropractor applies pressure downward. The tension in the muscles is evaluated by the chiropractor, who determines if the muscle response was appropriate, or if it showed signs of excess stress or weakness. This test can sometimes highlight problems that traditional medical testing might miss.

Another diagnostic technique used in applied kinesiology is nutrient testing; this is intended to detect allergies or negative responses by testing muscle responses before and after contact with the suspected substances. This shows good results in determining if muscle weakness or discomfort is due to food or drug allergy.

Applied kinesiology is not a therapeutic treatment, but rather a diagnostic tool used by chiropractic professionals to ascertain the body's functioning level. When used as part of a comprehensive health regimen, it can assist your chiropractor in providing you with the best care possible and ensure your good health now and in the future.

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Dermatology is the area of medicine related to skin. Put simply, it is the form of medicine that deals with the skin and skin related diseases. As well as the skin, it includes things related to the scalp, hair and nails. Dermatologists are experts in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin diseases.

A wide range of medical conditions are related to the skin and dermatology covers all of these, whether it is a skin disorder or skin disease or something loosely related to the skin. Below are some of the areas of dermatology and what they cover:

Cosmetic Dermatology - Anything that is considered to improve a patient's appearance. Includes liposuction and cosmetic surgery.

Dermatopathology - This cover the pathology of the skin.

Immunodermatology - Looks at skin as an organ of immunity in health and disease.

Pediatric Dermatology - Diagnosing and treating skin problems in children, including those present at birth and those developed during childhood.

The above is just some of the areas covered within dermatology. Therapies that are provided by a dermatologist include hair removal and transplants, laser therapy, phototherapy, radiation therapy and allergy testing. Examples of skin diseases that come under the area of dermatology include skin cancer, acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin infections, nail disorders and anything related to the sweat glands.

There are a number of reasons why someone may wish to see a dermatologist. Any skin complaint is covered and if someone has a skin abnormality of any type consulting with a dermatologist may be a good idea. This includes any cyst or mole that is changing. A dermatologist can advise patients on whether their issue is anything serious and on treatments that should be undertaken. A dermatologist, though, can be consulted for things much less serious as well. If someone is concerned about eczema or acne, for example, a dermatologist will usually be able to help, whether simple advice is all that is required or if treatment can help.

There are many everyday activities that can have a negative impact on skin and therefore cross over to the area of dermatology. Some of these are below.

Too much time in the sun - Spending too much time in the sun without sufficient protection can impact the skin. This is particularly the case for those with light skin as they do not naturally deal well with strong sunlight.

A poor diet - A poor diet can impact health in all sorts of ways, including a person's skin. A lack of fruit and vegetables, for example, can result in a lack of colour in skin.

Smoking - Smokers expose their skin to chemicals that can increase the aging of skin.

Stress - High stress levels can have a surprisingly negative impact on skin.

Biting finger nails - biting ones finger nails can increase the likelihood of skin infections.

The area of dermatology covers a wide array of conditions and treatments. A dermatologist is a specialist in the area of skin health and there are dermatologists who cover all types of skin condition on all areas of the body.

Andrew Marshall 穢

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If your dog is scratching more than is usual, then it most likely has a skin disease, parasite, or allergy. Most dog skin problems can be cleared up easily after a trip to the vet.

A rash that your dog scratches at persistently is most likely allergic dermatitis. Corticosteroids can help alleviate symptoms, but the most effective treatment is identifying and removing the root allergen. Common dog allergies include grooming products, pollen, insect bites, and food.

If your dog is scratching primarily at the ears and/or toes, a yeast infection is the likely culprit. Symptoms include irritated, itchy, or discolored skin most common on the ears and paws. A topical cream can be prescribed. This is sufficient most of the time, but medicated baths or oral drugs are also options.

Superficial bacterial folliculitis presents as sores, scabs, and bumps. The infection is easier to identify in shorthaired dogs. Longhaired dogs will most likely present with excessive shedding and scaly skin. It is common for superficial bacterial folliculitis to occur simultaneously with other skin problems.

A common bacterial infection found in puppies is impetigo. Blisters filled with pus will commonly break and crust over. The blisters are easy to see since they are on the hairless portion of the abdomen. Treatment by topical solution is simple.

Seborrhea causes dogs to develop greasy skin and scales. This is occasionally a genetic disease that the dog will have for life, but most often it is a sign of an underlying issue such as allergies or hormonal abnormalities. The underlying cause must be treated for symptoms to abate.

Ringworm, contrary to its name, is a fungus and not a worm. It causes circular lesions on a dog's paws, forelegs, ears, or head. Very effective anti-fungal treatments are available.

Excessive shedding and hair loss is called alopecia and is a symptom of another underlying problem. Nutritional deficiency, stress, or an underlying disease can cause thinning of the coat.

Mange is a striking condition, causing intense itching, sores, hair loss, and red skin. The kind of mange determines the treatment.

The most common skin problem for dogs is fleas. Most infestations just cause itching, but some cause blood loss and anemia. Tapeworms and other parasites are carried by fleas as well. Some dogs are allergic to fleas and will develop alopecia and/or allergic dermatitis simultaneously.

Another common parasite is the tick. Appreciable blood loss is rare as it would take many ticks, but they do carry Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a potentially serious infection. Dogs can be vaccinated for Lyme disease.

Excessive, obsessive licking of one spot continuously will cause acral lick granuloma. The area is not able to heal due to the repeated licking. It becomes painful, exacerbating the problem. The only way to treat is to discourage the dog from licking through either a cone collar or a bad tasting topical solution.

Many dog skin problems cause hot spots. Hot spots are red, irritated, and inflamed spots on a dog's skin.

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You've been battling the symptoms for a long time; digestive upset, stomach cramps, irregular bowel habits, maybe migraines and joint pain. Finally... a breakthrough! You've just found out about wheat intolerance and celiac (also spelled coeliac) disease, and it makes a lot of sense that some sort of gluten allergy or sensitivity could be causing your problems. So, now what?

There are several different types of wheat sensitivity, and unless you are willing to cut out all gluten from your diet forever, you'll need to get an exact diagnosis. This is worth doing in most cases, because while celiac disease is a lifelong condition requiring a diet strictly without any foods containing gluten, other conditions like wheat intolerance may eventually allow you to consume small amounts of wheat. Similarly, with wheat allergy, you may be able to tolerate other gluten-containing grains such as barley or rye.

So, while you may be sorely tempted to cut all foods containing gluten out of your diet immediately, doing so is probably a mistake unless your reactions are extremely severe (anaphylactic shock, for instance). This is because the most common method of diagnosis-- a blood test which looks for antibodies to wheat proteins-- will not work if you are on a gluten-free diet. No gluten, no antibodies. No antibodies, no diagnosis.

Now, let's jump ahead a bit. You've been thoroughly tested, and all the tests came back negative. Does this mean that wheat is not the problem? Not necessarily. Wheat intolerance may not show up in testing. The best method for determining wheat intolerance is something called an elimination diet with challenge testing. Your doctor can help you with the details of implementing such a diet, but basically, an elimination diet is a diet which completely removes the suspected food (wheat, or more broadly, anything containing gluten) for a set period of time, to see if symptoms subside. If symptoms are not reduced or eliminated after a couple of months on an elimination diet, then it extremely unlikely that wheat or gluten is the cause of the problems (it may, of course, be some other food).

If, however, symptoms subside or disappear completely after the elimination diet, then wheat intolerance is likely. Challenge testing can confirm the diagnosis. Under medical supervision ( in case of severe reactions), wheat is reintroduced into the diet suddenly. If a reaction occurs and other conditions such as celiac disease have been discounted, wheat intolerance is confirmed.

At this point, it's time to embark on a gluten-free diet. In the case of wheat intolerance, many people may be able to reintroduce wheat in tiny amounts after a period of time on a strict diet. This varies widely-- some can tolerate a modest amount of wheat once in awhile, others more often, and yet others, not at all. The only way to find out is with careful experimentation after a few symptom-free months.

When first going gluten-free, cravings are not at all unusual, but they subside in time. The renewed feeling of health and vitality as symptoms disappear make the sacrifice well worth the effort... and there are thousands of delicious gluten-free foods and recipes which will ensure that eating remains a rich and joyful part of life.

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Jean Genet, a brain researcher and an autism survivor himself, truly believes that psychotropic drugs (i.e. Risperdal) can produce negative responses for the child over time. Although it is a stimulant drug which is known to fight ADHD, it is not immune from negative consequences. This is why kids with autism should be given better forms of treatment if possible.

What psychotropic drugs do is that they use the central nervous system's energy as a fuel to the responses that they produce. However, the time it takes to entirely use this energy is relative to the child. The more active the child is, the faster the consumption of this energy will be.

If you want to detect when the psychotropic drug is about to exhaust the energy of the child's central nervous system, you can do so by observing how aggressive the child's behavior is. If s/he cannot sleep easily, lacks appetite and is unusually depressed, then the energy has most likely been used up. And since kids with autism are usually very on-the-go, it is easy to detect this behavior.

They say that when the symptoms of energy loss begin to surface, you need to increase the dosages. But then again, the symptoms will only become worse.

Jean Genet feels it is highly essential to closely observe how the child responds to the drugs that s/he takes and this should be done with your doctor in order to monitor the doses too.

Genet also recommends a gluten essential in the neutralization of the consequences of psychotropic drugs. Also, corn and soy should be removed from the child's diet.

Yeast must be injected in the diet, as it can reduce hyperactivity and sudden tantrums. Melatonin is good as well. It can induce better sleep. Allergy testing is likewise recommended, as it is important to monitor the responses to whatever the child takes in. Kids with autism need to have their diet closely monitored.

Be sure you are one of his/ her watching eyes.

And if you have never heard of chelation therapy, you should consult your doctor about it. It is a non-evasive way of assisting the child's body to remove the toxins which are brought about by taking psychotropic drugs.

Lastly, for the child's emotional growth to come full circle, remember that the basics of discipline still follow. Calmly delineate what is right and wrong and never forget to be a role model to your kids.

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When a patient has symptoms suggestive of celiac disease or CD, the physician will request a celiac disease blood test, also called a celiac blood panel. Since other diseases may have similar symptoms, it is important to conduct the proper testing to diagnose or rule out celiac sprue disease.

Common Celiac Disease Symptoms

The most common symptoms prompting the blood test include: Anemia, diarrhea, malnutrition, abdominal pain, weight loss, joint pain, fatigue and weakness. A celiac blood panel may also be ordered for patients who have a family history of gluten intolerance or other autoimmune diseases.

Diagnosing Celiac Disease

Physicians often follow three steps to diagnose CD - a complete physical examination that includes bloods tests and, in some cases, a duodenal biopsy taking samples from different areas of the small intestine. A gluten-free diet is usually put into place. If the symptoms are alleviated and the small intestine returns to normal, the confirmation of CD is made.

It is common for patients with CD to experience lactose or gluten intolerance. A celiac disease blood test may be combined with other tests such as allergy evaluation for gluten allergy symptoms. AGA, Anti-tTG, and EMA tests may also be ordered to screen compliance with a gluten-free diet. This analysis helps to determine how effective the treatment is since the levels will fall once gluten is eliminated from the diet. There are several other tests ordered to help determine the extent of the disease and if any other organs are involved.

Celiac Sprue Disease Blood Tests

- CBC (Completed blood count) for anemia - CMP (Comprehensive metabolic panel) to verify protein, calcium, and electrolyte levels as well as to the condition of the liver and kidneys - ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - CRP (C-Reactive protein) to assess inflammation - Stool fat, to evaluate malabsorption (Difficulty digesting or absorbing nutrients from food) - Vitamin B12, D, and E levels to measure any vitamin deficiency.

This disease has no current cure, but it can be managed effectively with dietary restrictions of gluten. It is important that you see your physician if you are experiencing any of the symptoms noted above to begin a treatment regimen.

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Being a nurse I have had the common habit of having 'every' drug in the cupboard for health problems or emergencies! However, in the last few years I've become aware of alternate ways of dealing with symptoms and problems and I'm now more likely to 'think outside the square' and search for a 'natural' alternative such as chiropractic, Cranio-sacral therapy, herbal, Bach flowers, food intolerances, vitamins and minerals rather than an over the counter drug.

I love the nature of my work and the individual challenge that each baby presents to me. While common issues and problems appear consistently in general age/ developmental stages, I still look at each baby in as an individual and make sure that I am dealing with a routine or strategy issue and not a health problem. Sometimes parents want me to solve the sleeping issue when there is a genuine medical reason for the problem but more often the child presents with a history of 'survival' strategies that mum and dad put in place and we need to work on a new plan that "gives mum and dad their life back". Let's look at some common issues and how we can deal with them.

Pain, Reflux, Colic, Bedwetting.
I am often referring the generally unsettled, reflux, colicky babies, babies who protest at floor play, babies unable to hold their head up independently and older children who are bed-wetter's to a paediatric chiropractor for spinal checks. Remember that the spine channels the nerves around the body to the organs, so it makes sense that if the spine is out of alignment (from the birth process, a fall or physical trauma) that there may be a nerve being pinched that is causing pain or unwelcome sensations in the body (hence the reflux, colic, headache, sore neck, unstable bladder etc).

This group also respond well to homeopathic remedies such as Brauer's 'colic relief' and 'stomach calm'.

Unexplained night time alertness and food reactions.
Then there is the increasing number of children who are in a fantastic, organized daily routine, eating and playing well, consistent parenting and communication but they are waking up in the middle of the night, looking and acting like they have had 12 hours sleep! Or the children with eczema, skin rashes and other reactions after eating.

I refer all of these children to an immunologist for allergy testing. While this may seem extreme or unusual, with the changes to our food sources and the colouring, preservatives and additives in our foods a lot of our children are not coping. Unfortunately the usual treatment for eczema is a prescription cream and bucket loads of expensive lotions for during and after the bath. But doesn't it make sense to look for the source of the eczema or the possible diet related night waking rather than waiting for the child to 'grow out of it' or mum and dad to go insane and send the child off to boarding school! Many children are reportedly reacting to the preservatives in the bread they are eating or the salicylates, amines and yeast etc even in the fruits, vegetables and salads they are eating or not receiving the right amounts of vitamins or minerals in their diet. Yes they are healthy foods!

Mums, if you are feeling that your body isn't feeling 'normal' or you suspect that you may be going through early menopause due to your symptoms, have your hormone levels checked and do some research.

Anxious, stressed or emotional babies.
For the babies who are anxious and appear stressed or have unusual separation anxiety (remembering that children reflect the parent's emotions) I refer mothers and babies to a Cranio-sacral therapist or a homeopath. Cranio-sacral therapy is a gentle light-touch therapy to align the malleable bones of the cranium (skull) with the rest of the spine down to the sacrum and pelvis. This therapy encourages the body's natural healing mechanisms to improve the function of the central nervous system and deepen the sense of relaxation.

A homeopath offers Bach flower remedies to counteract your symptoms and help your health return to a state of balance. Looking at the cause of your ill health rather than just treating the symptoms.


Handy Natural 'alternatives' that I recommend

To stop a dry cough in babies and adults

For babies over three months Rub INFANT Vicks Vapour Rub generously on the soles of your babies feet and cover with socks. For children over two years and adults rub the normal Vicks Vapour Rub generously on the soles of your feet and cover with socks. Reapply when you feel it has worn off. Don't know how it works but it does. (Remember that some coughs are due to a runny nose running down the back of the throat and this is difficult to stop until the nose stops running).

Anxious, Unable to sleep, In pain, Injured??
Rescue Remedy is a 'Bach Flower' homeopathic preparation widely used as a spray or a dropper bottle and applied under the tongue or rubbed on the wrist. Use on any age. It works by instantly relaxing the nerves and calming the mind. No Maximum doses, use as needed. I keep a spray bottle in my medicine cabinet and in my handbag.

Want to keep mozquitoes away?
Listerine mouthwash! Purchase a spray bottle from the gardening section of your supermarket and pour in the Listerine straight, not diluted. Mozzies hate it apparently and it's safe to spray everywhere.

(C) 2008 Natalie Ebrill All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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One of the biggest problems with having pets in the home is the fact that so many people suffer an allergic reaction to them. Though when the allergy first appears it may not be obvious as to what is the cause and all possibilities need to be looked at before being certain that it is due to the pet. This can be a serious problem for the health of the person suffering from the allergy and possibly the thought of having to remove the pet from the family is one that is unbearable. The next steps would be to seek medical advice so that the real cause can be found.

If the allergy is displaying itself on the skin of the patient the then one of the many tests that are used in finding the cause is the skin test. This is usually done after a careful history of the patient has been made to find out if there is any pattern or family history of the allergy, or the likelihood of it occurring just after the pet appeared. It may sound horrifying to the sufferer of the allergy but it is very effective at finding out exactly what substance is making their body react in such a debilitating way. Of the skin allergy tests there are two types, the epidermal and the percutaneous.

Epidermal Skin Allergy Tests

The epidermis is the skin that we all see, the outer layer of our skin that gets exposed to the world and protects us from it. The first type of these is simply the Patch Test, in which suspect substances are placed against the skin and held next to it by a patch. The patch when removed about 20 minutes later will show if the epidermis has reacted to the substance and displaying any skin allergy.

Another is the Friction Test, which is useful with substances like animal hair, where it is rubbed over the forearm about 10 times to see if a reaction takes place.

Percutaneous Skin Allergy Tests

Percutaneous in this case means getting underneath the outer layer of skin and applying the substance there. This is not so bad as it sounds but requires the skin to be pricked or scratched to be able to do it effectively. The first of these tests is the Prick Test, where the substance is placed upon the skin and with something similar to a needle the skin is pricked to see if a reaction forms. There should be no bleeding; it is not a deep prick but just enough to get underneath the surface. The results of this should be seen after about 15 minutes when the substance is washed away.

Another form is the Scratch Test, where the skin is scratched, again not enough to cause any bleeding and only about 5mm long. The substance may be made into a solution to enable it to have contact with the skin, but then it is given time to see if a reaction takes place.

The final skin test here is the Intradermal Test, though this is one that can be difficult to interpret. This is where a very small sample of the substance is made into a solution and injected with a small syringe and needle. This is not the same as having an injection because it is only done just under the surface of the skin, just enough to produce a tiny bump, about 3mm on the surface. This test may take a lot longer to get the results from, in some cases over weeks but is used only in specific situations where any of the other tests above cannot work. If a reaction has taken place the area where the substance was injected will flare up.

These are the most common types of skin test used and many of the simpler epidermal ones are likely to show where the allergic is coming from. It may be the case in pet allergy that the exact cause of the allergy is found and some remedy or solution will be recommended rather than the undesired removal of the pet.

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How is eosinophilic or allergic esophagitis diagnosed?

It is first suspected by the classic history and the appearance of the esophagus on endoscopy of multiple rings or constrictions that result in the esophagus looking like that of a cat's esophagus. This is called felinization of the esophagus or ringed esophagus. Other visual signs may be whitish spots, long furrows or a lining that looks like crepe paper and is very easily torn.

The definitive diagnosis is made by the finding of an abnormal number of eosinophils in esophageal biopsy tissue. The number of eosinophils considered abnormal is debated between >15-25 eosinophils per high power field (400x) with most authorities agreeing >20 as being diagnostic. The esophagus normally contains no eosinophils. It has been long accepted that chronic acid reflux commonly can be associated with 5-10 eosinophils per high power field in the lower esophagus but this finding higher in the esophagus should raise likelihood that eosinophilic esophagitis is present.

Why is it important to diagnose eosinophilic esophagitis and distinguish it from acid reflux esophagitis?

Acid reflux esophagitis usually responds to acid blocker medications like histamine 2 blockers ranitidine (Zantac), cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid) and proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole (Prilosec) or esomeprazole (Nexium) whereas eosinophilic esophagitis often does not get better with these medications. Acid reflux injury to the esophagus can result in narrowing or constriction of the lower esophagus causing a food sticking sensation. This can be treated by a stretching of the constriction known as esophageal dilation that is usually safe and highly effective. Eosinophilic esophagitis also may result in constrictions of the esophagus but the stricture or rings are usually multiple, located higher in the esophagus and carry a high risk of tearing or puncturing the esophagus if dilation is attempted before treatment with steroids. There does not seem to be an association of cancer of the esophagus with eosinophilic esophagitis like there is with acid reflux. However, eosinophilic esophagitis can be chronic and difficult to treat.

How is eosinophilic esophagitis treated?

Identification and elimination of problem allergy foods is the mainstay of treatment. Foods that show positive allergy testing are eliminated. In some people a strict elimination diet is recommended. Rarely, a diet of only basic amino acid proteins in a liquid (elemental diet) is required. Temporary relief can be achieved with steroids. Systemic (oral prednisone) works but has the potential side effects of steroids on the rest of the body. Topical steroids applied directly to the surface that have little or no absorption into the blood stream are preferable. The nasal steroid, fluticasone propionate, has been used successfully. It is sprayed in the mouth and swallowed twice daily. The mouth should be rinsed out followed by spitting out rather swallowing the water. No eating or drinking for 30 minutes is recommended. A few studies have reported response to mast cell stabilizer disodium cromoglycate (Cromolyn), leukotriene inhibitor montelukast (Singulair), immunomodulators such as aziothioprine (Imuran), or monoclonal antibody against IL-5 mepolizumab.

Eosinophilic esophagitis: What role do foods play and what is the diet treatment?

Food allergy plays a major role in the cause and treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis, hence the alternative term used allergic esophagitis. Most patients will be found to have one or more food allergies when adequate testing is done. Skin prick allergy testing or blood tests (RAST, IgE food antibodies) can be negative but patch skin testing or intradermal testing may be positive. Sometimes, elimination diet with re-challenge is the only way to implicate a problem food. In most patients a personal and/or family history of allergic disorders (atopy) such as allergic rhinitis (hayfever), asthma, eczema, atopic dermatitis, or food allergies is noted.

What are the most problem common foods associated with eosinophilic esophagitis?

In descending order, the most common foods reported in the largest series were, milk, egg, soy, corn, wheat, beef, chicken, potato, oats, peanuts, turkey, barley, pork, rice, green beans, apples, and pineapple. Elimination of foods that test positive on allergy testing is the cornerstone of treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis. However, sometimes allergy testing is negative or inconclusive. It it then that an elimination diet is necessary and a pre-elimination diet food symptom diet diary is very helpful.

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This is an enquiry that every mum or dad of an Autistic child will ask at some point. The answer is no. There is no treatment for Autism. While you may notice ads for books, or items that promise a remedy for Autism, they're misleading you. Autism has no cure. There are a great deal of treatments that can make troubled with Autism easier.

Here are a few of the treatments that help with Autism.


There are several sorts of therapies that can assist with the treatment of Autism. Occupational, physical, behavioral, speech, music, sensory, drug, play, and lots of other types of therapy can make a big difference in the life of an Autistic child. The therapies will not cure your kids Autism. They will just help teach them various ways of addressing it.

Alternative Remedies

Natural and alternative treatments are on the rise. These may include the application of herbs in place of prescription drugs. The herbs do not have the side effects located in traditional conventional medicines. Vitamin and supplements are being discovered to help in treating Autism. Always notify the doctor of any natural products you are applying with your child. Some herbs can have interactions with prescription medications. Remember again these herbs and vitamins are not cures. They are just to help with some of the symptoms of Autism.

Nutritional Methods

Some people go to the diet plan when dealing with Autism. They eradicate particular foods that might result in sensitivities. Some of the foods the remove from the diet program are Gluten, dairy, and artificial dyes. The idea behind this method is that taking out the meals that create sensitivities will remove the behavior problems. You may have your youngster tested for food allergies. Ask your child's physician about allergy testing. This will allow you to know if your child maybe having behaviors as a result of a food allergy. It will likewise give you a concept of which foods to eradicate from their dietary plan.

There is no cure for Autism, but there are lots of treatments that can help with a few of the symptoms. When trying a new remedy only try one at a time. This will allow you to know if it is helping or not. Allow enough time for the treatment to work. Usually two or three months is enough time to tell if a new treatment is working. There will be no miracle remedies that give instant results. If you are employing a herbal or vitamin remedy inform the physician. They have to be aware of the things you are trying. Herbs and minerals can lead to reactions with other medicines. It is essential that the treatment team be kept informed and on the same page. This will make your kids outcome a good one.

Do not waste your cash on goods that claim to cure Autism. If there was a cure available it would be told to you by your physician, in place of some guy on a late night infomercial. Carry on help your child by treating the symptoms of Autism. This will help your youngster have a better life.

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