Allergy testing

Allergies or insensitivities to foods and substances may cause impaired health, weight gain or symptoms which doctors find difficult to resolve. The starting point is to detect, what are the problem foods or substances for you? There are different methods which can be used, including blood tests. However, one method, kinesiology is less invasive and highly effective, and allows many different foods or substances to be tested.

What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology applies a light pressure to the muscle being tested, while a test vial is held against your body. When your muscle goes weak it indicates a sensitivity to the food, or the presence of a pathogen. Patients find it fascinating to feel the difference to their muscle strength as different allergens are held against their body. The results are tangible! Furthermore, results generally concur with other more conventional tests, e.g. blood tests.

Kinesiology was developed in 1964 by George Goodheart, a chiropractor, and has gained widespread use amongst chiropractors, naturopaths and a few medical doctors.

Allergy testing using Kinesiology

Allergy testing using kinesiology (muscle testing) can determine food and substance intolerances, nutritional deficiencies and the presence pathogens. This method gives very specific results, unique to you. This helps to reveal the source of your symptoms.

Allergy testing uses homeopathic quantities of foods, substances or pathogens in sealed glass tubes, these test vials are harmless.

What can be tested?

  • All common foods including wheat, yeast, dairy, fruits, meat and vegetables.

  • Deficiencies in any proteins, vitamins, amino acids or essential fatty acids.

  • The presence of pathogens: viruses, bacteria, parasites including candida.

  • The presence of chemicals, toxic metals and radiation (eg. from mobile phones).

Allergy testing for children

This treatment can be used to test food allergies in children


Initially, it will be suggested that the allergens (foods and substances detected) are removed from the diet. Although, through an understanding of the allergens, and potentially the pathogens, there may be a route to health, which might ultimately allow a normal diet and routine to be resumed.

Allergies can develop due to stress or due to "poor living". However, if a healthy lifestyle is adopted, and a method or habits adopted to reduce stress, symptoms will start to resolve. Kinesiology is a route to determine what is going on in the body, what is stressing it, and what might be the path to health.

Kinesthetic allergy testing is available in London.

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Spring is a beautiful time during the year and most of us can't wait for sunshine and flowers after the long, cold winter. However, if you have deal with allergies, the season might be downright miserable time for you.

There is a world of spring allergens, which are literally in the air! Allergy sufferers may be sensitive to pollen, mold, dust, and pet dander too. However, you can significantly decrease your symptoms and sometimes eliminate them altogether. Find out how!

While at home, it is advisable to keep your home's doors and windows closed. Although it is not possible to completely seal off your home from outside, don't be tempted to open the windows to let "fresh" air in if you are prone to allergies. Also, if you dust your home regularly, ensure that you wear a mask while dusting. You should limit your outdoor activity, especially early in the morning as the pollen counts are high between 5 am to almost 10 am. Don't forget to take Vitamin C supplements during the spring season and invest in a good quality air filter.

If you've been careful and followed all these precautions but still experience allergies and sinus problems, it is time to meet a doctor. There are a variety of medicines available, such as, antihistamines, nasal steroid spray, nasal antihistamine sprays, leukotrienes inhibitors, decongestants, which will help reduce or block allergy symptoms. For cases, which are harder to treat, allergy evaluation and immunotherapy is an effective option.

Allergy Evaluation: Allergies are caused due to a host of ear, nose and throat symptoms. Your doctor can help determine the specific allergens, which cause the symptoms and treat it accordingly. RAST blood work, which is a method using your blood sample and skin testing are common means to determine allergies.

Allergy Immunotherapy: If you choose immunotherapy to treat your allergies, it helps build blocking antibodies, reduce the allergic response and help in complete elimination of the allergies. Normally, shots or oral drops are used. It reduces the need for injections and frequent clinic visits too.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Some nutritionists estimate that up to 75% of all people have undiagnosed food allergies. They may not be allergies in the way that we commonly think of them - that is, we may not sneeze or get a rash, or go into anaphylactic shock. But they are allergies all the same, if these foods provoke a negative immune response in the body. A good example is lactose intolerance - sometimes called a 'milk allergy'. People with lactose intolerance cannot digest one of the sugars that milk contains, and milk is harmful to their bodies. They might get a stomach ache, or they might develop a problem with phlegm in the lungs, windpipe or throat. Many people have a similar allergy to wheat or other grains, or to certain vegetables.

But what does this have to do with weight loss? Studies show that food allergies are a leading cause of weight gain. When you eat foods that you are allergic to, they aren't metabolized properly, and your body will hold onto the calories in these foods for longer, according to one theory. Also, some nutritionists feel that there is a correlation between your food allergies and the foods that you crave or binge on. Often, they are the same foods. In fact, if you eat the foods that you are allergic to, you can develop an addiction to them. Apparently, this is often the case with wheat and other carbohydrates. Apparently, there are some people who are addicted to carbohydrates and sugar - if they eat just a little bit of these foods, they will lose control, and start to eat more and more. To make matters worse, these foods are not metabolized properly by those people, so the natural result is weight gain.

In most cases like this, the underlying cause may be an allergy to wheat and other grains. If you decide to eliminate these foods entirely, it will initially be difficult - just as it's difficult for a smoker to stop smoking, or for an alcoholic to stop drinking. Once you do it, though, you will be able to reap the benefits. You will lose your urge to binge on these and other foods, and the weight will come off much faster.

If you are trying to lose weight, therefore, it is well worth your while to find out what your food allergies are, if indeed you have any. A naturopath will be able to help you discover this information, often using a process called 'vega testing'. This may be a little costly, but as more people are doing it, the cost is coming down. At the end of the the visit, the naturopath will give you a printout of the foods you should avoid. You may be dismayed to find that some of your 'favorites' are on the list - but if you are committed to your health and weight loss, give it a try. You may be surprised by how little you actually miss the foods you are allergic to once they are gone from your diet altogether.

Some people are skeptical about this process and about the whole notion that so many people are allergic to common foods. Why would so many people have this disorder? It may seem strange - even counter-intuitive. Think about the great variety of foods we eat today, though. In the past, people generally stayed in the same part of the world in which they were born, and they ate the food that was indigenous to that region. Nowadays, that's all but impossible. For one thing, people move around a lot more. Also, food doesn't come from the region you live in - it comes from everywhere. Every food is available to everyone all the time, and that's very different from what it was like in the past. Therefore, there's a much greater potential for food allergies, because there are probably foods that you eat that your ancestors never would have seen. As a result, you may not have the necessary enzymes to digest them.

You could, of course, try to eat as your ancestors did. For many of us, though our ancestors came from a variety of places, and there's no telling which set of genetics were passed on to us. Allergy testing, on the other hand, is individual, and may well give you the answers you need.

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Nowadays, allergic reactions seem to have become another problem as pollution increases on an everyday basis. Sometimes,we don't even know all the allergy symptoms that we have as they are concealed until we have an effect. It is definitely a great idea to obtain an allergy skin test in order to identify the allergens that set off allergic reactions. You can find many techniques that offer these tests. Let us take a look at the things that you need to know about them. Usually, doctors will perform three main skin tests. The first test is the scratch or prick test. In this test, small allergens are located on the skin, and needles prick or compel them into the skin.

Another way of testing is the Intradermal test. In this test, it utilizes tiny quantities of allergens injected only to the skin. Lastly, the patch test, it is where a pad is drenched in an allergen, and you should wear it from 24-72 hours depending on the allergen that it was drenched in. These 3 allergy tests could be utilized at one time or another.

Today, lots of people are wondering if a skin test is safe and efficient. You'll feel little discomfort and these tests are affordable, but the data gleamed from an allergy skin test might be price less in helping the individual out. We can have as much as 30 allergy symptoms at a time, therefore, these tests will help recognize a few of the problems and let the doctors recommend therapy choices.

An allergy skin test can before anyone, patients younger than 3 and people over 60 years old may not get accurate result. You also need to factor in medications you're taking and diagnosed ailments that you already have. Before the test, you will undergo a physical examination, and a physician will ask you some questions. This will help your physician more to figure out which test is best for you and the allergy symptoms you are dealing with. Allergy skin test is one great way that physicians can help their patients control their allergies and keep them vigorous.

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If you find something on one of your walls that's black and smells wet, musty and even a bit like dirty socks or urine, you may have a case of black mold. It's very common and grows just about anywhere indoors where there is moisture. This means you're most likely to find it in bathrooms where you create a lot of moisture and humidity when showering or bathing.

S. Chartarum is the villain

Stachybotrys is a genus of molds. Its most notorious species, S. chartarum, is what's commonly known as "black mold" or even "toxic black mold." So, if you suspect you have it in your home, you probably have been infested with S. chartarum.

What causes toxic invader?

As noted above, the biggest cause of is high humidity. A relative humidity higher than 55% promotes the growth of this mold. A second common cause is leaking water pipes.

Black mold cannot grow without moisture and many mold problems start because of some kind of water intrusion-especially if you don't get rid of it quickly. This can also be caused by a leaky roof or if you use humidifiers that don't have a relative humidity control. Black mold also loves damp basements and crawl spaces.

Believe it or not, if you have lots of house plants that require regular watering, this increases the moisture levels in your home and could invite black mold to move in and take up residence. It can also develop in your home due to blocked gutters, warped wood, cracked or peeling paint or black growth in bathroom tiles.

How to find out if you have black mold

If you suspect you have black mold in your home, there are a number of different ways to test for it. In fact, NAMP (the National Association of Mold Professionals) has approved four test kits for home mold. They are the Lift Tape Mold Analysis Kit, Viable Mold Testing Kit, Instant Mold Testing Kit, and the Air Check Mold Testing Kit.

Of these four, two require a laboratory analysis, which costs $30. Lab analysis is optional with both the Instant Mold Testing Kit and the Viable Mold Testing Kit but it is recommended and, again, costs $30. The Air Check Mold Testing Kit requires lab analysis but it is free.

You will need only one of these kits per substance that you want to test with the exception of the Air Check Mold Testing Kit where you need one kit per 1000 ft.簡 or one per level of air.

The Lift Tape Mold Analysis Kit is free but requires you to pay $4.95 for shipping and handling. The Instant Mold Testing Kit costs $14.95 and the Viable Testing Kit is from $7.95 to $9.95 depending on the quantity ordered. The most expensive of these by far is the Air Check Testing Kit, which costs $149 for two tests. However, it is the same method of testing used by the pros to test the quality of the air you have been breathing. If mold is identified, the test will be able to accurately identify they type of mold.

Black mold is dangerous

Black mold can cause serious health problems. This can include respiratory and allergy related symptoms such as coughing and wheezing in people who are otherwise healthy. It can also cause asthma symptoms in people who have asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis in people who are susceptible to that condition.

If you believe that your house has become infected, you should first do the appropriate testing; then, if you find you do have black mold, get to work and get rid of it.

Vinagszjv 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you suspect that your child has food allergies or intolerances, there are several types of testing options available. Whether you have true allergies or other intolerances will determine the type of test you need.

What to expect at the doctor

To diagnose a food allergy, a doctor will usually do the following:

  1. Detailed Patient History - including what food you think you are allergic to, when and how you react, what other foods you eat, how you prepare the food, how often you eat it, etc... This means you must already have a good awareness about the foods you eat and your reactions to them.

  2. Physical Exam - to identify or rule out the possibility of other unknown medical problems

  3. Food Log - you will then go and record everything you eat for a few days, when you eat it and what reactions you have. This helps with consistency in symptoms and provide your doctor with a clearer idea of the pattern.

  4. Elimination Diet - you stop eating suspected or tested foods, if the symptoms go away, a diagnosis can be made. If you eat the food again and have a reaction, the diagnosis is confirmed. This confirmation cannot be used in the case of a severe IgE allergy, as it would be too dangerous to eat the food again. It would simply be eliminated completely.

  5. Initial Testing - Once a diagnosis is suspected or has been made, a doctor can use standard tests to measure an allergic response. This can be a skin prick test, RAST or ELISA test, as well as other options like ALCAT test.

Testing Options:
IgE Mediated Reactions (Acute Allergy)

  1. Skin Prick Test - A diluted substance or extract is put on skin, a small prick is made just enough to let the substance enter the epidermis (outermost skin layer), usually skin on the forearm. Redness or swelling would indicate a localized reaction. It's quick and easy, but sometimes false positives occur - the patient reacts to skin test but not to the actual food. The doctors go by patient history and skin test to give a better diagnosis.

  2. RAST Panel - (RadioAllergoSorbent Test) Blood sample is taken by the doctor and sent to a lab. Detects multiple allergies at once by measuring the amount of antibodies found in the blood.

IgG Mediated Reactions (Intolerance with Delayed Symptoms)

  1. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) Blood test that measures levels of IgG antibodies for commonly offending foods. It clearly identifies those foods that may be causing health problems.

  2. ALCAT (Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test) Blood test that measures food sensitivities or intolerances in over 350 foods, additives and environmental chemicals. It measures the inflammation produced due to the reactivity of leukocytes (white blood cells) in whole blood.

Other Test Options

  1. Stool Test (Fecal Matter) This test measures IgA reactions and is known as the most accurate test for Gluten intolerance.

  2. Energetic Testing - (NAET, kinesiology, SCIO, electrodermal screening) These various testing methods are the most alternative, involving principles of energy, muscle strength and various other controversial techniques.

  3. Saliva Test - One of the lesser expensive tests available, but also one of the least accurate and least recommended.

**There are more that could be discussed, but these are the most common options.

Discussing Allergy Testing with Your Doctor

If you choose to go to your medical doctor, you may be met with opposition. Because most allopathic (regular MDs) doctors usually think of actual IgE allergies only, they might not be familiar with the other options or try to convince you they are unnecessary.

The medical establishment likes neat cause-effect-remedy type problems to solve. Strep bacteria causes strep throat sickness, for which an antibiotic is prescribed. The doctor has done their job by using a prescription drug to get rid of the problem. There is no money to be made with pharmaceutical drugs by prescribing an elimination diet.

Beyond the 1 single course in nutrition during medical school, there is no education for medical doctors on this issue. The pharma companies ensure that doctors are offered continuing education on all the latest equipment and drugs manufactured because it will bring them profit if the doctors prescribe the drugs and use the fancy equipment. On the other hand, if the doctor does not personally understand the benefits of diet and food sensitivity elimination diets, you will most likely get dismissed when you bring it up.

It is rare to find a regular MD with this knowledge and who will to follow this plan. This is why you often need to find a Naturopath or a doctor trained in biomedical autism intervention to follow this course of treatment under the supervision of a medical professional.

There is a whole new area of medicine developing, called "Functional Medicine" with standard MD's who understand and acknowledge the "whole-body" principle and who recognize the value of nutrition in health and in exploring food allergies and intolerances or sensitivities. This developing information will help guide parents on the differences between allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.

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As we domesticate the dog more and more each day, canine health problems continue to more closely follow human disorders. As the natural dog is separated further and further from their wild environment their health problems increase dramatically. One of the major contributors to this canine health problem is the constant exposure to harmful toxins. The most damaging of these are the metals aluminum, lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. They contribute to everything form dog teeth cleaning problems and dog bad breath to worsening allergies and skin diseases to serious life threatening illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, kidney failure, congestive heart disease, liver diseases, diabetes, deteriorate defenses against infections bacterial, viral and fungal diseases.

In our modern day society the domesticated dog is exposed to these harmful toxic metals in alarming amounts. The natural dog was not exposed to these toxins and is not able to defend himself as humans can in their new domestic world. These harmful metals are all around us and sometimes more so around our pets. They can be found in municipal water supplies, our soil, natural water sources, our food supply, as well as in sewage sludge, fungicides, pesticides, everyday products, including cosmetics, fabric softeners, batteries, inks, latex, paints, plastics, solvents, and wood preservatives. I mention all of these items because your dog doesn't know this and thinks nothing of drinking contaminated water, chewing on batteries, plastic bottles or laying in the yard after the exterminator left completing his monthly spraying. Your dog is at further risk then yourself due to their relatively small size compared to humans making them more vulnerable to smaller amounts of these toxins.

Disturbing as it is, a major source of all these metals is commercial dog foods. Tests of many recognized and respected products both canned and kibbled have shown various levels of aluminum, mercury, cadmium and lead. The amounts of these metals were greater in kibble versus canned due to the refining and dehydration through the high temperature extrusion processes.

The Government and other agencies have long been assessing, regulating, protecting, and providing information to the public on toxic substances such as heavy metals. Organizations such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the Occupational and Safety Health Administration (OSHA) have been in existence for years. In comparison little has been done for our pets. So we must learn from human experiences and adapt these to the natural dog. On ATSDR's "Top 20 Hazardous Substances "the heavy metals arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium appear #1, #2, #3, and #7 respectively. Therefore we must assume that if this is the case for humans it is likely also true if not more so for our "Best Friend" the domesticated natural dog.

The staff at recommends both the addition of certain natural foods and herbs to the dog diet and the use of oral chelation cleansers to purge toxins from the body and return your friend back to their natural dog condition. Before we discuss these techniques it is useful to learn more about several of the more harmful heavy metal toxins that are adversely affecting your dog's health. Information is provided below on the most common and worst toxins that are exposed to domesticated dogs. Each is covered separately in a few short paragraphs. You will find similar facts across all the metals but we intentionally repeated the information under each metal to emphasize to the reader the threat and the importance of understanding each metal by itself especially if one wants to return to this dissertation to refresh themselves on one particular heavy metal toxin.

Aluminum is the most plentiful metallic component in the outer layers of the earth. It infiltrates our air, water, and soil thus finding its way into nearly all our food and water supplies. Numerous municipalities treat their water supplies with aluminum sulfate and fluoride. This combination is problematic because the body has trouble excreting through the kidneys and urine this particular compound of aluminum fluoride. But by far like most heavy metals, the leading source of aluminum comes from Acid Rain. The strong acids produced by this common environmental condition react with the aluminum molecules in the earth around us releasing them as free agents. These free agents them easily find their way into our crops and livestock food chains.

Commercial dog food is one of the foremost sources of the toxin. Independent testing has found it in many of the off-the-shelf name brand dog foods in toxic levels. Eating is the principal means of introducing aluminum into the body since it is easily absorbed by the body through the digestive tract. In addition it is absorbed via breathing (lungs) and physical contact (skin). Testing labs have reported it as the most prevailing metal toxin found in all animal hair samples. Once in the body, aluminum accumulates over time inclining to find its way to brain and nervous tissues. This means it can eventually affect every body organ though nerve connections. The array of health problems is therefore plentiful. It contributes to arthritis, kidney failure, congestive heart disease, liver diseases, colic, rickets, diabetes, multiple allergies and skin diseases, thyroid problems, pancreatic problems affecting ability to digest food properly, Cushing's Syndrome, anemia, and blood clotting ability. A serious consequence of high levels of aluminum accumulating in the body is that dogs cannot fight infections effectively leading to a higher death rate attributed to bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases.

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity in dogs include extreme nervousness, weak muscles, seizures, loss of balance, and loss of energy.

Like the other metals Lead is stored in the body and is cumulative over long periods of time. Unlike some of the other metals is has no known need or benefit for your dog and is extremely toxic. If the body does not excrete it through the digestive system it is absorbed through the blood into body tissue. The body treats it the same way as calcium storing it even at low levels in the bones. It then continues to build-up concentration in the bones over the entire life of your dog. At any time but usually during some stressful or drastic change in some body function the lead can leave the bones once again entering the bloodstream.

Whereas exposure to aluminum comes from natural sources such as the earth's crust, air, water, and food supplies high levels of lead are introduced into the body through man-made substances. It is one of the most widely used metals in the United States today. The problem with these everyday common substances and products is that dogs cannot read warning labels or know what should not be chewed on, eaten, smelled, or innocently rolled on. Lead poisoning can often be attributed to exposure to common household and outside pesticides which contain large amounts of lead. Lead-based paints that were applied years ago can produce harmful dust during home renovations. This dust in turn can contaminate dog food, dog beds, and even the dog's coat and skin. People often use old or discarded bowls for watering that can contain lead paint or glazing. Puppies are especially in danger of lead poisoning from their constant need to chew. Electronic gadgets such as remote controls, cell phones, batteries, golf balls, ammunition fishing lures and sinkers are all common things they can find laying around.

At toxic levels lead prevents various basic enzyme functions. For instance the body relies on minerals like selenium and sulfur to act as strong antioxidants to protect cells from free radical damage. Lead lessens this function exposing the cells to serious damage. In your dog this results in damage to the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. Lead poisoning then can eventually leads to blindness, paralysis of the extremities, liver failure, and even coma and death.

As mentioned, exposure to lead in dogs can take years before it reaches dangerous levels and therefore is commonly seen in older dogs. Symptoms of lead toxicity in dogs include lack of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation followed by diarrhea, crunching of jaws, blindness, seizures or muscle spasms, behavior changes, circling, and loss of balance and agility.

This heavy metal is also exceptionally toxic and lethal, actually more so than lead. This contagion is used in fungicides and pesticides but also in products we used daily in a variety of undertakings. It is often used in household products that are dogs are exposed such as batteries, light bulbs, fabric softeners, latex gloves, paint, plastics, ink, and solvents. If mercury vapors are ever present from such things as house renovations involving old paint, broken thermometers or thermostats it will concentrate at floor level were dogs are laying or walking. Even some cosmetics contain it...when is the last time your dog licked your face. Because of this plentiful list of everyday products that contain mercury this heavy metal toxin eventually ends up in either our sewage or landfills finding its way into our soil, water, and food supply. As for food, methyl mercury chlorine bleach is even used on certain grains and seeds. Mining operations and paper industries are significant producers of mercury especially into the atmosphere which can get dispersed across large regions or even globally. Acid rain then returns it the earth. Well known is the fact since our waters are contaminated with mercury it can be found in fish and sometimes in large amounts especially common ones eaten such as orange rough, swordfish, tuna and halibut.

As with most heavy metal toxins mercury is a cumulative poison. Your dog's body, as in humans, has no natural mechanism to stop mercury from reaching tissue and cells. It is accumulated in the brain and central nervous system. Once it reaches and is stored in the cells, it seriously affects their normal critical body functions. It affects the processes at both ends, first prohibiting minerals and nutrients from entering the cells and then likewise preventing waste to be purged. Mercury also adversely affects your dog's overall immune system by attaching to the immune cell structure altering their ability to function normally. Mercury can cause permanent kidney, cardiac, respiratory problems arthritis, and gum disease in your dog. Ultimately blindness and paralysis can occur.

Symptoms include loss of balance, fatigue, vomiting, hair loss, diarrhea, weakness, and excessive salivation. High levels can also interfere with enzyme activity, resulting in blindness and paralysis.


As with the aforementioned heavy metals, arsenic is also highly poisonous, remember it is listed #1 on ATSDR's "Top 20 List." It also is cumulative and remains in the body for years. Arsenic can be found in a multiplicity of commonly used products including fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, laundry products, secondhand cigarette smoke, paints, and wood preservatives. Global industries such as mining and smelting, chemical and glass manufacturing produce arsenic as a by-product. This in turn finds its way into our water supplies and food sources. Once again, as with other heavy metals, arsenic is found in fish such as haddock, tuna, and halibut.

For years the most common cause of arsenic poisoning in dogs (as well as children) was the consumption of rodent trap, pesticides (ant bait) which relied on arsenic to kill the pests. In the late 1980's the federal government started regulating the use of arsenic in consumer products such as pesticides and since then the incidences of accidental arsenic poisoning of dogs has steadily reduced. The common use of heartworm medications for both prevention and treatment has introduced yet another opportunity for arsenic poisoning of dogs or at least facilitating the buildup to toxic levels. These products contain organic forms of arsenic such as diethylcarbamazine citrate (Brand names Dimmitrol and Filaribits) or thiacetarsamide (Brand name Caparsolate). One warning concerning such medications states: "Low margin of safety. Need to have an accurate weight before starting treatment. May see damage to the lungs, kidneys, or liver. Signs may include staggering, lethargy, depression, tremors, drooling, panting, difficulty breathing, vomiting, collapse, coma, and death." They could have just stated "Arsenic Poisoning." Obviously, extreme care must be taken when administering these products.

Arsenic is stored in the hair follicles, skin, and nails and as mentioned will accumulate over long periods of time. Since the lethal dose only is 1 to 12 mg of arsenic per pound of your dog, this buildup of arsenic can cause serious health problems. Therefore it is important to know the symptoms of arsenic poisoning whether the result of an accidental consumption of a household product or the slow accumulation over time. Symptoms include drooling, vomiting, bloody diarrhea with mucous in, bloody urine, muscle cramps, weakness, hair loss, skin rash, gastrointestinal pain, convulsions, trembling, and staggering.

Arsenic toxicity affects the blood, lungs, skin, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system. Arsenic compounds can create reactions in the body that disrupt enzymes that are involved in respiration of cells, fat and carbohydrate breakdown and their proper absorption into the body. Certain types of cancer have been linked to arsenic as well. The accumulation of toxic levels of arsenic can result in paralysis, coma, cardiovascular collapse and death.

Cadmium although not as well-known as aluminum, lead, mercury and arsenic makes the list of heavy metals to be aware of that adversely affects dog health. Cadmium has no known required body function in the natural dog. It is extremely toxic with tolerable levels one tenth that of most of the other heavy metal toxins. It is has no definite taste or order and thus is hard to detect or know if you have been exposed. Moreover it is one of the largest industrial pollutants globally. Cadmium is widely used in industry as a plating material, in galvanizing coating on iron, steel, and copper, inks, and dyes. The vast array of the plastic and rubber products we use everyday use cadmium in the processing of the base materials. One of the main threats to dogs is its use in many fungicides and fertilizers. These agricultural products introduce cadmium into our food supply mainly rice and wheat crops both a common ingredient in commercial dog food. Like the other heavy metals it has contaminated our waterways and is commonly found in shellfish and others such as halibut, cod, haddock and tuna. One good aspect of cadmium is the body tends to not retain it passing it through the digestive system excreting it successfully and it is not easily absorbed through the skin. If inhaled as with your dog sniffing fertilizers and fungicides it is more likely to remain in their body being stored in lung tissue. But with this said a fundamental problem with cadmium absorption by the dog is linked to the beneficial metal zinc. Zinc is critical to proper dog health. It is a component of many vital enzymes promoting a healthy immune system, liver, and bones. It inhibits the absorption of cadmium by the body. When the proper level of zinc is not present the body replaces it with cadmium. So here is the problem. Our modern day commercial dog food refining processes removes most of the zinc. Therefore, when zinc is removed, much more cadmium is absorbed, stored in the liver, bones, and kidneys accumulating over time.

Its effects on the dog body are many, and it can be even worse than mercury and the other heavy metals. It causes a reduction in the production of the critical white blood cells (T-Lymphocytes) which defend the body by destroying harmful free radicals and cancer cells. The list of dog diseases that cadmium can promote is extensive including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, bone disorders, and digestive problems. Cadmium toxicity can even contribute to the loss of the natural dog critical sense of smell.

Symptoms include fatigue, hair loss, increased susceptibility to infection, slow healing of wounds, skin lesions, loss of smell, yellow coloration of teeth, inflammation of mucous membrane of the nose, and loss of appetite.

Testing the Dog for Toxic Levels of Heavy Metals
Testing for toxic levels of the heavy metals in your dog include blood, urine, hair, fingernail, and fecal analysis. Most Veterinarian offices are not equipped to perform these tests and samples must be sent to appropriate laboratories that perform such testing. For measuring effects due to exposures within days or as long as sometime several months, blood, urine, and fecal analysis is the best. For long term and cumulative effects hair and fingernail tests are best. Consistent Minimal Risk Levels (MRL), acceptable levels or toxic levels for dogs are hard to find in the literature. Remember we mentioned the Government is looking out for dog owners but are not yet serious in their efforts for dogs. In addition as research and testing is increasing (usually in major University Veterinarian Schools), once proclaimed safe levels of toxins is now considered either borderline or unsafe especially over the lifetime of your dog. The following data is from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Agency (ATSDR) and is for humans but as a rule can be used for dogs adjusting to body weight. Test results need to be interpreted by your veterinarian or a medical toxicologist.

Aluminum: MRL 1mg/kg/day; Blood or Urine 3ug/L; Hair.05 ppm
Arsenic: MRL.005mg/kg/day; 1-25 mg/kg is lethal
Cadmium: MRL.01mg/kg/day; Blood 5ug/dL; Urine 10ug/dL
Lead: Blood 1.5ug/dL; Urine.677 ug/dL
Mercury: MRL.05ug/kg/day; Blood 5ug/dL; Urine 10ug/dL

Oral Chelation Therapy as Treatment to Heavy Metal Toxicity
Oral chelation therapy has long successful track records. It has been recommended by doctors for years for humans and can also be effective with dogs. Chelation was developed initially by Alfred Werner who received the Nobel Prize in 1913. G. T. Morgan coined the term chelation in 1920 deriving it from the Greek word "chele", meaning a crab's claw which refers to the pincer-like manner in which the metal is bound. This process stabilizes the heavy metal particle by binding it to the chelating agent, usually amino acids or organic compounds changing it to a chemically inert form that can be excreted via the kidneys without further damage to the body.

There are many effective chelation agents. Each one affects absorbability of minerals needed by the body and also the ability to bind potentially to different toxic metals making them inert. We discuss below five effective agents: Fulvic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Ferulic Acid, Malic Acid, and Lipoic Acid.

Fulvic Acid
Grandma said "It never hurt to eat a little dirt." What she was really saying was "Fulvic acid is very beneficial to your good health." Modern day and ancient civilizations such as China, Mexico, India, and South America have known the health benefits of fulvic acid and use it as a natural medicine. Fulvic acid comes from humus material which is organic material that has decomposed over very long periods of time. It therefore naturally contains practically all if not all the substances we and our dogs need for a long healthy existence. Since humus over this long decomposition period assimilates a vast multiplicity of natural organic plant material, it and the resulting fulvic acid contain an immense collection of naturally occurring phytochemicals and biochemicasl along with 70 minerals and nutrients,18 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids. This in turn supplies natural antioxidants, enzymes, antivirals, hormones, and antifungals. For antiviral use it is one of the best there is for your dog. Fulvic acid also has antibiotic benefits without creating strains of disease that become resistant as with the common synthetic antibiotics of modern medicine.

Fulvic acid is one of the most aggressive antioxidants capable of neutralizing harmful free radicals, making it an effective chelation agent of heavy metal toxins with the ability to not only purge them from the body but repair damage to the cells as well. It can likewise eliminate food poisoning ill effects within minutes.

Fulvic acid is water soluble. This enables it to makes cell walls more permeable enabling substantially more amounts of nutrients and minerals to be absorbed. This characteristic prolongs the effectiveness of minerals and nutrients in the body metabolic processes.

Because of our modern agricultural methods that use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides fulvic acid finds its way less and less into our food supply. Farm lands today have only a fraction of the humus soil base that they did even 100 years ago. Commercially processed dog food is even worse than our food supply when it comes to supplying sufficient amounts of fulvic acid. Therefore it is best today to use dog supplements to supply the necessary fulvic acid to your dog's diet.

Fulvic acid is considered very safe with few side effects reported when used for either humans or dogs. Diarrhea and/or change in the smell of feces can occur but usually only last a few days.

Glutamic Acid
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and glutamic acid was the most common amino acid found in the natural dog's body. It accounts for approximately 20% of the total body protein. It produces the most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. The amino acid composition of the brain is more than 50% glutamic acid.

Glutamic Acic is an effective antioxidant and heavy metal chelation agent. But has many other health benefits for you dog. It fights heart disease, strengthens the immune system, helps to reduce inflammation, helps prevent and heals ulcers, and increasing overall energy levels. It is commonly also used as an additive to food to deter dogs from eating their own feces. It mixes with other acids in the digestive system making the stool bitter to the taste.

Glutamic acid is found naturally in high-protein foods like beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, corn tomatoes, soybeans and milk. Even through many of these can be found in commercial dog food the high temperature processing of these foods destroys the usefulness of the glutamic acid.

Ferulic Acid
Ferulic acid (FA) is a phytochemical commonly found in fruits (apple, pear, orange, pineapple), vegetables (tomato, spinach, asparagus, carrot, sweet corn), brans (wheat, rice, oat). Phytochemicals are natural chemical substances and nutrients formed a plant's normal metabolic processes. Phyto is the Greek word for plant. There have been thousands of different types of phytochemical identified and research is proving their benefits to good health in both humans and dogs.

Ferulic Acid has excellent antioxidant properties and is effective in fighting diabetes, cancer, heart, blood and circulatory disease, bone deterioration and neurological problems. It is often added to the diet of very active dogs such as work dogs since it helps rebuild the muscles quickly. As a chelation agent it effectively binds to free radicals neutralizing and enabling them to be safely purged from the body.

Malic Acid
Malic acid is a very effective chelation agent. Malic acid creates a reaction in the stomach to enhance absorption of minerals. The acid reacts with the mineral to break the bonds with its original inorganic chelation agent. This frees the mineral to bond with the malic acid to create a malate or allows the free mineral to chelate to other organic bonds available in the stomach, i.e. citric acid (citrate), proteins (amino acid chelate) and so on. These more effective chelation agents allow for better absorption.

Malic acid is a powerful detoxifier of aluminium, and may offer benefit in the chelation and removal of heavy metals. When used orally, malic acid can cause mild gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances.

In addition to increasing energy levels, malic acid is also an effective metal chelator. This means it is able to bind to potentially toxic metals that may have accumulated in the body, such as aluminum or lead, and inactivate them. As a result, the risk of toxicity is considerably reduced. Heavy metal overload has been linked to serious problems like liver disease and brain disorders like Alzheimer's disease.

Lipoic Acid
Lipoic acid (LA) is an organic compound that is found in every cell of the body therefore it is essential to numerous metabolic enzymatic process needed for proper dog health. This sulfur containing acid has the unique characteristic of being able to be dissolved and work both in water and fatty tissues. This is completely contrary to vitamins which are either water soluble (B-complex, C) or fat soluble, (A, D, E, K).

Lipoic acid converts glucose into energy thus reduce risk of diabetes. Even though it is an effective antioxidant it also the ability to reestablish the effectiveness of other antioxidants. One of the critical ones that it helps restore is glutathione. This also occurs in every cell of the body and is critical to your dog's immune system. Through these processes Lipoic Acid helps slow aging. If you dog is on any type of therapy or medication such as cancer treatments which compromise the immune system supplemental Lipoic Acid can be extremely beneficial.

Lipoic Acid is also one of the most effective antioxidants in neutralizes harmful free radicals. Research has shown it is effective against heavy metal toxicity due to lead, mercury, and cadmium.

Lipoic acid is found in very low concentrations is almost all foods but in higher levels in kidney, heart and liver meats as well as spinach, broccoli and potatoes. Because of this low concentration and it is not readily available from the food sources due to the nature it is chemically structured, all lipoic acid supplements are chemically produced.

Helpful to Counteract Metal Toxicity

Nutrients: Pectin, Calcium, Magnesium, Coenzyme A, Vitamin E, L-Glutathione, LecithinS-Adenosylmethionine, Vitamin B-Complex**
Herbs: Garlic*, kelp, Burdock Root, Ginseng,Ginkgo, Biloba, Echinacea
Nutrients: Superoxide Dismutase, Vitamin C, Selenium, L-Cysteine, C-Methionine, Pectin
Herbs: Garlic*
Nutrients: Calcium, Magnesium,Coenzyme A, Vitamin E, L-Cysteine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, Zinc,Lecithin, Rutin
Herbs: Garlic*, Alfalfa, Burdock Root, Red Clover, Milk Thistle

Nutrients: Alpha-lipoic Acid, Pectin, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamins A, C, E, B-Complex, L-Lysine, L-Cysteine, Selenium, L-Cystine, Methylsulfonfl-Methane, S-Adenosyfmethionine, Glutathione, L-Methionine, Lecithin
Herbs:Garlic*, Kelp, Alfalfa
Nutrients: Glutathione, L-Cysteine, L-Methionine, Selenium, Pectin, Vitamin A, C, E, B-Complex, Lecithin
Herbs: Garlic*, Kelp, Alfalfa, Brewer's Yeast

* Although garlic is a good detoxifier it should only be given to dogs in small amounts if at all.
** Extra B6 & B12 should be given

Chelation Agents Sources

Ferulic Acid
Brans (wheat, rice, oat)
Fruits* (apple, pear, orange, pineapple)
Vegetables (tomato, spinach, carrot asparagus, sweet corn)
Fulvic Acid
Humus Soil (need to use supplement)

Glutamic Acid
High Protein Foods (beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, soybean)
Tomatos, Corn, Milk

Lipoic Acid
Low content in nearly all foods
Higher content in kidney, heart, liver meats & spinach, broccoli, potatoes
(Due to very low concentrations and difficulty in extraction source from supplements is recommended)

Malic Acid
Fruits* (apples, cranberries, pineapple, apricot)

* Only use the "meat" of the fruit- never feed the seeds

We have found that heavy metal toxicity is a major factor that affects proper dog health, especially in the modern day domesticated natural dog. That it is almost impossible to keep our dogs free from exposures to heavy metals. This toxicity is an accumulative process in the dog's body therefore overtime even small exposures are harmful. Exposure to such heavy metals as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury come from are environment, everyday products we use, and even commercial dog food. Commercial dog food producers are particularly deficient in their control of these toxins. There are symptoms we can look for that indicate possible heavy metal toxicity in our dogs. Exposure can be minimized by having a good knowledge of were the heavy metals exist around us. There are foods, herbs, minerals, vitamins, and supplements that we can use to help protect, minimize effects, and even purge these damaging toxins from our dog's bodies constantly promoting good dog health. And finally that dog owners should consider chelation therapy that uses power antioxidants to cleanse the body of the accumulated heavy metal toxins.

NOTICE: The content in this article is provided for informational and educational purposes only. While we make every effort to present information that is accurate and reliable, the views expressed here are not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by a licensed veterinarian. Please consult your veterinarian for specific advice concerning the medical condition or treatment of your dog and before administering any medication or pursuing any course of treatment that was presented in this article.

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I always wanted to be a mom. Finally at age 26 our first born son arrived in our life. STOP THE BUS! It was NO fun at all. From birth he was the fussiest baby I had ever been around. We would run a vacuum for 45 mins. to help soothe him (so the old wives tale goes). Nothing worked. I stopped eating dairy while I was nursing. Then we put him on soy formula. The poor kid was miserable and mom and dad were right there with him. At this rate, we were NOT going to have more children. The pediatrician thought everything was "normal". He was "colic". Sorry, I am not doctor but I had been around enough kids to know this wasn't just a fussy baby. By age 2 he had had C. Diff and we couldn't get rid of it. C. Diff is not typical in children. We were starting to see outbursts of rage, not typical tantrums. His Ear, Nose and Throat doctor would not allergy test him until he was 5. That's when I decided I was his only advocate in this world. I couldn't rely on what the pediatrician and E.N.T. thought was best for him which was to stay on soy milk and come to terms with his behavior. So many kids are diagnosed as autistic and I thought we were headed down that road. (I used to think Jenny McCarthy was a quack with her gluten free hysterics but I would soon totally agree with her.)

In my job I deal with several medical offices. On this one particular day I was spilling my guts to one of the nurses and she felt one of their doctors would be willing to see our child. After our first meeting this doctor knew that I was a very concerned mom and agreed to move forward with allergy testing at age 2 1/2. On December 31, 2008 our son was tested for IGE (food allergies) and IGG (food sensitivities) through a very simple blood draw.

What did I expect the result to be? "Yes, we have found your son to be very allergic to dairy." What was the result? When we saw our doctor for the follow up our 2 1/2 year old had pretty extreme sensitivities (IGG) to DAIRY, WHEAT, SOY and EGGS. His sensitivity to dairy was actually the casin protein. His allergy to wheat was the gluten protein. Wow, was I floored, overwhelmed and incredibly angry at all the doctors who didn't want to believe this first time mom! Immediately we removed all of the above from his diet. This was so hard and extremely overwhelming. Over the weeks and months to come we figured it out. We found great resources in our local Whole Foods stores, Meijer grocery and even Kroger. Almost immediately we saw a dramatic change in our child.

Over the next 3 years of his life we remained off dairy, soy, wheat and eggs. His breakfast consisted of gluten free, dairy free waffles or pancakes, some corn based dry cereal and of course Rice Dream Vanilla Rice Milk. Bread was definitely the hardest product to substitute. Many brands try very hard but bread just cannot be reproduced with rice flour, tapioca flour, etc. without being dense and hard. We used lots of corn and rice pasta. We found Daiya shredded cheese to be our best alternative for him. We bought So So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt and we were all set to go. I found myself crying about how incredibly different this child was (normal) with the diet his body required. What if I hadn't been an advocate for him? What if I hadn't fought? What if we had listened to the first doctor and never pursued the testing until age 5?

This past summer at age 5 1/2, 3 years into his new diet, we suddenly saw some changes in his behavior and tantrums that were not age appropriate for a 5 1/2 year old. Again, we went back to our doctor and requested to be retested. It was done on the spot at our request. Again, SHOCKER for mom! Our son's allergies had really changed. There is a difference between sensitivities and true food allergies. He had always just been sensitive to foods. (Although not to down play sensitivities, they can be extremely hard to live with.) The new test results showed that we had crossed the line from sensitivities to true food allergies. He was now truly allergic to corn. Well, why not? His whole diet for 3 years straight was full of corn. All of our wheat substitutes were corn products. HOWEVER the best news was to learn from this 2nd round of testing that after 3 years of eliminating certain foods at age 5 1/2 he was no longer allergic to dairy or wheat.

So now at almost age 6, we are off all corn. Which to most seems very overwhelming but when I encourage parents I say that all the effort of finding the right foods, products, extra money that is spend on groceries, is SO worth having a HAPPY, HEALTHY child. Right? So we are off corn. We have slowly reintroduced wheat and he seems to be doing well. We have introduced milk products but not pure milk. He still drinks Rice milk and he is still off all eggs.

The point behind all of this is that you have to be an advocate for your children. You might not be educated in the medical field BUT you know your children better than anyone else. No one else is going to stand up for, defend or love your kid like you will. Keep searching for doctors until you find one who listens and respects you as a parent. Talk with other parents about their struggles and experiences. I hope someday my child understands how much I love him and how his life is different because of the fight I put up for him.

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Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen can be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one's body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same.

Skin allergies are caused when the skin comes in contact with certain items that the skin does not agree with. This causes the skin to break into hives, rashes, swelling, redness and lots of itchiness. These might be caused due to a variety of reasons and not just food.

A few reasons that cause skin reactions are mehendi, henna, tattoos, metals such as nickel, silver, gold, cosmetics, latex, makeup, sunlight, seasonal rashes and many more such simple reasons that actually make no sense except to those who suffer.

Other than these, inherent skin diseases such as dermatitis, hives etc. can be treated if the reaction is observed at an early stage in children. However, treatment for skin allergic diseases is also temporary and most of them cannot be cured completely. Avoiding all that that produces a good reaction is a good option in most of the skin allergy cases.

Mehendi and henna staining as well as tattooing show a good percentage of skin reactions to all the chemicals used in those processes. Natural henna and mehendi are an alternative for such individuals who are allergic to the same. As for tattooing, it's a popular notion that it's just a mark of independence and making a point other than any good coming out of the same. For those who wish to make a statement while avoiding all the reactions caused due to the tattoo machine can go in for the artificial temporary tattoos that look just as good and can even be changed periodically before the design bores the wearer.

Some individuals, as mentioned, are allergic to certain metals. Nickel is the most common metal that causes reactions in most. A few percentages of people are allergic to even gold, silver and platinum. Titanium is a good metal for such individuals, as it usually does not cause allergic reactions to the skin.

Some foods such as seafood, milk products and nuts also cause severe skin reactions. They must be avoided at all costs as some of them like peanuts, shellfish, and jellyfish etc., can prove to be deadly for some.

Getting an allergy test done can help in the long run. It helps to know what the body reacts to adversely and thus prevent the reactions by avoiding the allergen. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure.

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Simply defined, a balance disorder is a disturbance that will cause a person to feel unsteady, nauseous or to have the sensation of moving while standing still. The four most common types of the condition are Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuronitis and perilymph fistula. All of these problems have some sort of adverse effect on the inner ear and surrounding areas.

Like the former conditions, allergies and intolerance's can adversely effect the inner ear and surrounding areas as well as many other parts and functions of the body. Symptoms of allergies and intolerance's can sometimes be very similar to those of balance disorders.

Allergies and intolerance's can have an incredibly wide range of effects depending on the person and situation. Allergies and intolerances may show up as a skin or respiratory condition. They may cause headaches, hearing loss, fatigue, behavioral problems and anxiety. Allergies and intolerances are known to irritate or cause certain diseases or illnesses.

In fact, allergies and intolerances are known to be the base for many diseases and common conditions. For example, Meniere's disease has been linked to allergies and intolerances. Coeliac disease, Crohn's disease and some kidney diseases are also related to allergies and intolerances. Those who suffer from Meniere's disease or another non specified balance problem could very likely have allergies or intolerances that irritate their underlying conditions. The allergies or intolerances may even have been the start of their balance disorder problems. If a person has an allergy or an intolerance that may be causing the condition, the problem must be addressed and dealt with immediately or permanent damage may occur.

If a person has a balance disorder and they think that an allergy or intolerance is irritating or causing the problem, there are measures that person can take to find out what is causing the reaction in their body. If a person is unsure what they are allergic or intolerant to, that person can seek a medical professional for testing or they can try to figure it out on their own. Medical testing is usually the safest route to take as some agents you may react to adversely when exposed to one day and have no reaction to the second day. A medical professional may be the best option for anyone who is suffering from allergies, intolerances and a balance disorder all at once.

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